03x04 - Run Idate Run! Nagi Island Awaits!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x04 - Run Idate Run! Nagi Island Awaits!

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away

This is not good,
looks like a storm is coming.



Run Idate Run!
Nagi Island Awaits!

Aoi... Rokusho!

I thought you had run away.

Wasn't running away
your specialty?

Shut up!

I'm different from you!

No, you are the same kind
of human as I am.

A betrayer who doesn't trust others.

Betraying your own brother,
walking away from the village

and capable of thinking only of yourself.
The worst kind of man.

Such a man...
doesn't deserve to live!


Sakura, is your wound okay?

Uh huh.

A wound like this is nothing.


Those Rain Ninja... huh?


Hah, they're nothing!

No, it's not that!
If they're headed towards Idate...

Oh! Idate is in danger!

That's what I've been saying!

Hey, Naruto!
This is no time to be playing around.


They're here now.


Lucky us!

We are invincible in water.

Geez, what a troublesome guy.

They've now fallen into our trap.

Water Clone Jutsu!


Shadow Clone Jutsu!

How stupid. What use can
Shadow Clones have in this situation?

There's no way they can defeat
our Water Clones in water.

Even if you try to trick us,

I'm hanging on to the real body
right here.

What are they trying to do?

N-No way!

What a whirlpool...
Chakra is intertwined in it!


This is the application
of the first step

in my training for
the Rasengan!


Sakura, hang in there!

Sakura! Just hang in there!

Come on! Sakura!


Pull yourself together! Sakura!

I-I guess...I've got...to...do it...


I'd like it if Sasuke is the one to do...

the CPR...


What the hell are you doing, idiot!


We don't have any time to spare.
We need to meet up with Idate.

Wait, Sasuke.

Hey... Don't leave me.

It's about time...

Fukusuke reaches Modoroki Shrine.

There's no chance for you
to win now.

You can't even run
or stand up now.

When that pain spreads
throughout your whole body,

you'll reach a different finish line.

The finish line of death.

What are you thinking of doing
with that dirty knife?

Don't touch it!

Looks like you still don't understand
your situation.

All you have to do is run away.

You have no right to even
the slightest bit of integrity.


I'm sorry...


I couldn't keep...

the promise I made with you.


You bastard!

Darn, what a downpour.

Are you the boss of the Rain Ninja?!

Looks like it was too hard
a task for them.

Even if they were
the same Genin as you,

seems like the Hidden Leaf ones
are better.

This is terrible...

But can Genin level Ninja
fight against me?

Shut up!


Humph... So that's your level, after all.

I'll use the same method
I used on Idate,

and send you to hell.

No need to waste my Chakra.


Th-These darned things...

Those are poisoned needles specially
made by the Hidden Rain Village.

They will send you to hell
in a few minutes,

no matter how strong you are.

Don't you look down on us! Bastard...!

Looks like Fukusuke has reached
Modoroki Shrine.

Die gasping

It's a death
that fits you Genin brats well.

Is Wagarashi winning this one too?

Isn't there a God or Buddha
in this world?

I miss the old times when
Jirocho was in charge.

Terrible, terrible, I'm drenched.

You are amazing, Fukusuke.

Keep on running to the goal,
and make our Boss Wagarashi happy.

Watch it, you scum.

Who do you think you are talking to?


My victory is already assured.
Let me relax for a while.

Bastard, think you're so hot?!

Cut it out...


What if something goes wrong
during the race?

Who knows what our boss
will do to us.

All right.

Just wait and see.

Darn, that bastard!

Naruto, Sasuke...

Take this.

Sakura... What's that?

Before leaving the Leaf Village

Lady Tsunade handed this to me.

Take this with you.
I am sure it will come in handy.

Old Lady Tsunade?

I think he'll recover
consciousness now.

Sasuke and Naruto,
you take this, too.


Also, we'll be too cold here,
so we need to move somewhere else.


Look! I've finally become
a Ninja, too!

I see...

I've got to become the best
in everything!

I'll train hard,
and complete lots of missions.

And I'll become a Chunin super fast.

Then after that, a Jonin.

I'm going to be like you, Brother!

I'm Idate, the Swift Runner
making headway in life.


Listen Idate...

In the world of Shinobi,

there is something more important
than success or power.

Something more important?

Until you understand that,
it's too early for you to talk that way.


He's conscious now.

Are you okay?

What happened to Aoi?!

He disappeared...

So that Rain Ninja is called Aoi?

Idate, do you know him?


was a teacher when
I was in the Leaf Village.

You... are from the Leaf Village?

Aoi... betrayed the Leaf Village

and became a Jonin of the Hidden Rain.

What the hell do you mean?

Not yet.

You have to rest a little more.

How is your hand there?

That hand...

You kept it clenched all this time.

Darn! I'd come all this way,
and yet I!

It's too early to give up!

And you tell us that you were once
a Shinobi of the Leaf?!

I forgot all about the Leaf...

the moment
I walked away from the village.

You walked away from the village?

I was depressed after failing
the first test of the Chunin Exam.

That was close, Idate...

Don't take it so hard.

There are ways to become
a Chunin other than the Chunin Exam.


Yes, really.

Just do as I tell you.


Aoi Sensei...


Aoi Sensei,
I'd brought them as you told me to.

All right.

These are indeed the Scroll of Sealing
and the legendary blade,

the Blade of the Thunder God, believed to
have been used by the Second Hokage.

Well done, Idate.

Now I can become a Chunin, right?

Sure you can...

in the Village Hidden in the Rain.

You are leaving
the Leaf together with me,

taking these as gifts to them.


Of course.

There's no way you can get away with
stealing the village's treasures.

You tricked me!

To survive in this world,
you must not believe in others...

Remember that.

Well, what are you going to do, Idate?

Either way, you are already
a Rogue Ninja.

You'll be chained in jail for life,
if you are lucky.

You'll be chained in jail for life,
if you are lucky.

Ever since then,
I haven't returned to the village.

I am an irresponsible man
who can't do a single thing right.

But Boss Jirocho believed in me.

Even though I'd never
been of any use to him.

Boss Jirocho had faith in me!

And yet, I...!


He's...like the old me...

No one will ever accept you!
Die Naruto!

Duck down, Naruto!

I'm... a worthless guy...


Because we are the same.

He's like me of the old days.

I go around and around,
and get nowhere...

I can't do anything right.

Aoi is right.

I have... no right to live

You idiot!

There's a person
who still trusts you, right?

I know, Naruto.

You felt alone...
and you were suffering!

One is enough!

The race isn't over yet!

You never know how things will turn out
unless you try until the very end.


Stand up now!

Naruto, it's not possible!
Idate's body is still...

If he can't run,
then I'll carry him on my back and run!

The opponent must already be
in Modoroki Shrine...

Don't give up!

Hey... Naruto...


Let's leave it to Naruto here.

Jirocho is waiting for you, right?

Pull yourself together!

Boss, don't you think
he actually ran away?

He'll come.

I believe in Idate!

If you run away now,
you'll be a loser for your entire life!

For the people who believe
in you and wait for you...

It's the fastest boat around here.

I'm grateful.

No problem.

Edged tools aren't
for hurting people...

Show them what you've got!

Naruto! Please take me there!

All right. Leave it to me!

Once in a long while, once in a while

The remnants of a person
broken by dreams

Look like a mountain

Clinging to the Divine,
clinging to Buddha

The remnants of a person crying

Look like a mountain

Rendezvous with a happy dance circle

This is my victory pose, round and around
(round around)

Shake shake shake
Let's look

With a bye bye rhythm that never ends

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Hey you!

What're you jabbering about,
lecturing like you're something else?!

You are so annoying!

Come on, Idate.

Boss Jirochi is waiting for you
at the finish line, right?

I don't care if this guy
is a Jonin or whatever.

I'm gonna beat him and make for
the finish line with all my might!
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