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06x19 - Guilty!

Posted: 07/10/22 14:57
by bunniefuu
And then the guy says:
"This is not the product

gross national,
that's my wife!"

How funny! There is not
nothing I like more

than a good joke
involving economy.

Drooling for a better grade?

Always, but I also discovered
that Professor Beltran is the

head of the nominating committee
for the Teacher of the Year award.

Very hard for you to win,
not being a teacher.

It is not for me!
It's for my Aunt Zelda.

She is the best teacher
college, and I'm not saying

that's because she always
she remembers me.

But Zelda is only at Adams
It's been two years, no chance that

the Betran consider it
for the prize.

That girl, on the other hand,
will take one in economics.

Maybe there's a way to plant
Zelda's name in his head.

Plant the idea in his head?
That's a great idea, Roxie.

Excuse me, I have some
seeds to sow.

I love gardening.

Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
S E - Guilty!

Translation, Review and Sync:
Michael Lemos

I'm looking at
she's been having a good time.

The faster I call her
to leave, but quickly she rejects me

and I start all
process again.

It is this air of confidence that
women find it so irresistible.

Hi, my name is Miles and I...

Excuse me.
I wanted to know if...

If I need security,
You are hired,

and if you want to get a girlfriend,
you will need professional help.

The psychiatrists washed the
hands with me.

They say that
I am a misfortune.

Forget the psychiatrists!
You are looking for the best

love counselor of the world.
I have a perfect record

when it's about
bring people together.

Are you saying you can join me
with my dream girl?

Yes sir. It's one of the advantages
to be nosy and intrusive.

I know everyone in Westbridge
and I know all about them.

Hey Miriam, you're pregnant
how many months?

We're having a baby!

She's a boy... And I have
sure it's yours.

You are really nosy.
Maybe you can help me.

so you are
busy tonight?

Wait a minute,
look who I'm asking.

Well, you're busy now.

you will never guess
where am i going!

On the nominating committee for the
Teacher of the Year Award?

I'm not...
How do you know?

Well I could have planted the
idea in the head of Prof. Beltran.

But I just made him think of you.
If you get the prize

it's because
you really deserve it.

Thank you darling. I can't think
in a most wonderful homage.

you said the same thing
when you won the

Rum Drinker Award
Year during the ban.

That might be true,
but of all jobs

that I've had in recent years,
really think to inspire

young people is
my true vocation.

Being recognized for that
would be the icing on the cake.

Will there be cake?

There will be if she wins. I'm so
excited for you. Good luck.

I'll call you as soon as I know
of something.

I know a way to know
without her having to call me.

It's just me, you mean and humble
teacher. I must say that

I was quite surprised when
I got your call.

So that's how if
feel when wearing a corset.

And I continue to be surprised.

Well, let's get started, shall we?
Prof. Spellman, you're fired.

- What?
- What?

you just said
that I'm fired?

When the committee reviewed their
teacher qualifications

of the Year, the file stated that it had
advanced training at Harvard.

That I really have.

well we call
Harvard to check.

They said that the
last Zelda Spellman

who was there
graduated in .

Was it really that long?

So although it's clear to me
that you are not years old,

I deduce that you are a
liar or delusional.

these are mine
only options?

Okay, it's all set.
Her name is Margie,

you will find her today at
Taca-Hana Steakhouse.

Matter that I don't eat red meat
and that I'm allergic to tempura?

Not. Trust me, you'll love it.
Everything is served on a boat.

Hilda, here she comes!

I'm so sorry!



Don't you love balloons?
Apparently no.

Hilda, not only did I not win
the prize, how I was fired.

Well that ends with
the rest of the party.

Cancel project!

The cake comes home with me.

Aunt Zelda, I don't
had idea that the

committee would snoop
your records.

Wait a minute,
why didn't you check

Harvard when
hired her?

Well I had just posted
an article in "The Scientific

American" and had a galaxy
with my name,

they were probably
so excited to have me

in college that nobody cares
bothered to check the dates.

Until me
put me

Honey, you don't have to
feel bad.

sometimes things
happen for the best.

Aunt Zelda, you were kicked out of
best job ever had!

What good can come of this?

Who knows? maybe this is mine
chance to explore new directions.

You know, live new
adventures, new challenges.

For someone who just had
your dreams ripped away,

you are accepting
this very well.

When a dream dies,
another is born.

beware world,
here comes Zelda Spellman.

Man, she really relieved for
you... I wouldn't do that.

She won't relieve me.

She's just pretending to feel
well, so that I don't feel bad.

Well I won't rest until
for her to admit that she feels bad

so I can start
feel good! Or something like this.

talking about the
my perfect woman!

Speaking of the chance to
snow here now!

What are you doing?

You must be Miles,
I'm Margie.

I already asked you. don't love this one
place? Everything is served on boats.

Have we met before?

Not. guess what i got
circus tickets.

You love the circus, right?

In truth,
clowns terrify me.

Don't be ridiculous you will
have fun. Trust me.

Trust in you? I'm already having
a reaction just to smell

of tempura, but the circus!
That takes the cake.

Will there be cake?

Hi, is Aunt Zelda here?

I brought a chocolate
of kilos to cheer her up.

And just to prove that
I'm really sorry,

I'm wearing clothes
horsehair underwear.

This might work for Zelda, but
how will you apologize to me?



For God's sake, stop!

Hi Aunt Zelda,
you look very good.

I bought a saxophone.
I always wanted to play jazz.

When will you start?

So instead of teaching, go
become a jazz player?

Well I'm free to
do what i want.

Maybe I'll be the next Kenny G,
or maybe a neurosurgeon,

or maybe i'll get one
job filling up cars.

I'm a woman with options.

Options is a good thing,
as well as chocolate.

Maybe later, honey.

Now I have to drain
the saliva of my spokesperson.

I feel so terrible about the
that I did with Aunt Zelda.

I have to help you
discover her options.

Here the only option I see.

Put it in a basket
and send it to the Nile.

- You are so strange.
- Helps get through the day.

All ready for my dinner.
Now, all I need is dinner!

Speaking of fast service.

Pearl Nester,
I will finish you.

Hi Sabrina. The table is beautiful
wasn't it dinner just for the two of us?

Yeah but then I thought why
not entertain a few more options?

Aunt Zelda, say hello to Lenny B.
Kenny G is on tour.

And this is Dr. Schwartz,
world-renowned neurosurgeon.

With a handicap of seven.

And this is Ernesto,
the owner of the gas station.

I prefer engineer
petroleum products.

Sabrina, what's up?

they are here to help
you to decide what you want

do the rest of your life.
Cool huh?

I will never understand like this
"Play it right" business

applies to current rap.
I mean, after all,

if you want to play something
either that or golf, right?

Hey, if you want to fuel
cars, have to move fast,

because it's a business
of young people.

Do not be ridiculous.
Look at these hands,

they were made
to open people.

don't think i have
pretty hands?

Gentlemen, please!
I don't want to be a neurosurgeon,

or a song, or a gas station attendant!

Sabrina, I just had
said that for the sake of speaking.

I have no idea what
I want to do with my life.

hello, that was the goal
of that night.

Baby, I know you have
good intentions but...

Look, there are many other options.
where did these come from.

Funnel, tailor, welded,
spy, but I would have to

find another place
for us to have dinner.

Honey, enough options. Everything that
I need is to think a little,

so I booked a week
at the Other Kingdom spa.

Well I could go with you,
you can exchange ideas with me.

i really want to help you
to feel better!

Honey, I'm fine. I do not think so
that you want to help me

feel good, but help yourself.
You are on a guilt trip.

I'm not in one
guilt trip.

So how do you explain the
bus in your living room?

I'm here to catch
Sabrina Spellman.

- For what?
- Your guilt trip, honey.

need help with
your luggage?

- I don't have luggage.
- That's what everyone says.

Have a nice trip, dear.

I think there was a mistake. I
really shouldn't be here.

So are you saying that
I don't know do
is it my job?

Okay so maybe I
I just won't do it anymore.

Sorry! Sorry!
I really needed to be here.

That's how it's said.

Hi, I'm Kerry. I am the worst
person from all over the world.

I left my fiance
at the altar.

You must feel so...
Of course, guilty.

My name is Chad and actually,
I'm the worst person in the world.

I gave my clients a
bad financial advice

and most of them had
to declare bankruptcy.

Compared to you two,
I'm Shirley Temple.


Well I accidentally made my aunt
be fired from your job

dreams and destroyed her life.

My God!
I'm the worst person in the world!

now you started
to understand.

So what should we do?
Just fly here,

wallowing in our
misery forever?

Well, that's up to you.

Once you've dealt with your

I let you off the bus.

You want
my last cookie?

No, I could not.
I would feel too guilty.

It's going to be a long trip.

This trip is unbearable!

how much time do we have
to stay on this tour?

I will stay on this trip

I will never stop
feel guilty.

So why did you leave
your fiance at the altar?

I realized that I didn't love Roger.
I knew that if I were

forward with the wedding,
I would be unhappy forever.

You know, Kerry, to me, it seems
You did him a big favor.

I mean if you didn't love him,
you stopped him from committing

the biggest mistake of his life.

I had never thought so.

It was the right thing to do.
It's the best I've felt since...

right, that was
quite random.

She dealt with the feeling of
guilt, so I sent her home.

Well I helped you can me
drop out too?

Well I could but then
I would feel guilty.

Maybe she'll let you go if you let me
help get over my guilt.

Well, it's worth a try. It's completely you
gave bad advice to

- your customers.
- The worst!

But did you know they were
bad when you gave them?

No! I even invested my own
money in the same stocks.

Come on, Chad,
this is not your fault.

Stocks are risky by nature.
and you are not psychic.

You did the best you could and that
is all anyone could ask for.

You are right! I don't have
nothing to feel guilty about...

it would k*ll you to leave
someone say goodbye?

Okay, here you go. I tried to get
for my aunt the prize

of Teacher of the Year, but at the
instead, I got her fired.

Okay, now that I'm over it,
ready, sh**t.

it will have to be
better than this.

Okay, it's easy. my aunt said that
doesn't bother her and that I don't need

blame me, so I won't.
Now I can go home.

hey could you squeeze
on that Eject button,

I really would like
to take a shower?

you made your
aunt to be fired?

what kind of person would
such a thing?

A very guilty person?

- Well?
- Well, what?

Margie, your perfect woman?
How much do you love me now?

feel free to me
boast all you want.

It was the only horrible experience
encounter of my life.

What are you talking about, I thought
you two were the perfect match?

But I couldn't
say two words!

She kept ordering me
and cutting me. I just think...

Pick up that phone and call
to her! Now! Go!

Hilda, trust me,
we don't match!

how do you know if
match or not?

Honestly, having all this
work to help people.

All good! All good!
I'll call!

You can bet it will. nobody goes
screw up my perfect record!

Hello, Margie.

The young love.

i swear i could eat
here every day.

You didn't touch the food.

As I said, I am
highly allergic...

With the!

Great news, there's a park
of amusements coming to town.

Will stay here for a week,
so we can at least go...

seven times.

how can anyone call
is this a perfect match?

Just like I thought,
it's a perfect match.

We have an empty chair.

Look, my aunts don't
are angry with me,

so I don't have any
reason to feel guilty.

Now let me out of this
damn bus.

Hey Sandra Bullock!
Get behind the yellow line!

Where is your aunt now?

In the spa of the Other Kingdom,
discovering your options,

the ones she has now,
thanks to me.

If everything is the way it is
you say, i'll let you go.

Hold on!

Don't love this heat?
It really opens the mind.

i'm losing
the hairs here.

Don't worry,
no one can see us.

Yes, but unfortunately
we can see it.

You know I really have
a wonderful life.
No worries,
no responsibilities,

just an infinite sea
of possibilities.

Do you really believe in
all this bullshit?

It's not bullshit. I am really happy
to have all these new options.

Please can I go now?

Not so fast.
I smell a mouse.

It's just the deodorant
from Salem.

Zelda, I know you better
than yourself,

and that scares me. You're
unhappy without this job.

You're right,
I am devastated.

I loved teaching at Adams.
It was everything to me.

when i lost that job
my soul died a tragic death.

Excuse me, I'm going to drown
my sorrows in the pool!

k*lled the soul.
This one is new.

you have to free me
of this guilt!

I have to help you!
I did nothing but sit

and try to figure out how
make me feel better,

when in fact,
what should i have done...

- Hey, you're really confused.
- It is a gift.

you have to love one
girl who doesn't

feel guilty for
sleep all day.

Believe me,
I was not sleeping.

So where were you,
and what is that smell of smoke

by bus and deodorant?

I was experiencing
this new colony.

It's called...
Guilty by association.

Well while you were gone
testing diesel scent,

I was busy trying to get
Zelda's work back.

I already have twenty signatures from
students who want it back.

This is what
I should've done.

That's it, I'm going with
you to help.

we're gonna get a lot more
signatures if you take a shower.

Good idea.

...So it shouldn't just be
about your resume or credentials,

must be about the passion that
she brings to the subject!

I mean,
come on, she's a

physics teacher
first-rate quantum!

I have here more than

MS. Spellman! we agree
with everything you said.

We would like to give
job back to your aunt.

Excellent. I can't wait to
give her the good news.

Wait a second. The only way
that we can restore the

Professor Spellman is
if she completes all

work that is needed
for a doctorate.

No problem.
How long will this take?

years old. Unfortunately, we will hire
a replacement in three weeks.

You will have everything you need
on your desk in two weeks.

This is impossible.

You don't know my aunt.

This is impossible!

Do you want to spend the rest of your
life in a sauna with your cat?

I will need a pencil
well pointed!

That's it!
You got it!

Alright I'll just take this
to college and...

Cool hat.

Not. Margie made me use the poodle
yesterday. Today is ferret day.

Man you must really like it
of this girl if you are

willing to walk around

better than
you usually look like.

I hate being like this. i hate that
I let her boss me around.

i hate every moment
that I'm with Margie!

so why not
break up with her?

Why don't the Belgians ask the
Germans to come to your side?

She is the most aggressive woman
that I've ever known,

- and I hate confrontations.
- Well, maybe I can help.

And if I introduce you to someone
who can have confrontation for you?

No thanks, already booked
too many encounters for me.

You decide.
I am sure that

you will be lovely
tomorrow with another hat.

Even though you kept me waiting,
I made you a gift.

take off your silly hat
of this man!

- Who are you?
- Miles' girlfriend.

I mean, she is!

IT IS? So why was he
seeing in the last two weeks?

'Cause I needed space,
but I don't need it anymore. Did you understand?

You're not his type.

Margie, don't you?
are you listening to me.

Miles can be paranoid,
lover of conspiracies and freak,

but he's my paranoid lover
of conspiracies and aberration!

So get your bladders, your
Asian meats and get the hell out!

you are more bossy
than me.

you got one
big girl.

I'll miss you though,
most of the guys that

I dated didn't use
the hats.

Roxie, I...

You're welcome. And next time
you try to find your match

perfect, trust your own
instincts, not those of others.

Thanks, I will do that.

Zelda, I don't know how you
got it, but this is the best

forced academic tour
that I have already seen.

I'm happy to be back.

fingers are hurting
from writing so much.

Well I'm glad your niece
it was so persistent.

Yes, she is an amazing girl.

I couldn't make it without her.

And since the Teacher Award
of the Year is out of the question,

say you have a good chance
to win the
of Student of the Year.

Where are you going?

To the circus with Margie.
Miles may not know what's good,

but I think it's fabulous.

Hey. I met a guy
perfect for you.

You're going out with him on Saturday.

- I love this girl!
-And I love her clothes.

And I love her outfit.

It's enough for you to swear
who gave up on women...

Okay, I swore by
too much time.

my true love is
waiting well...!

- Hello?
- Hello, I'll call you back, love.

- Who is it?
- Perfection in a mini suit.

Whoever you are, I don't
I have time for that, right?

I'm on the road
talking on my cell phone,

this could be one of those states,
where you can be arrested for it.

Okay, let's go through
a different path.

Your fridge is
