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06x15 - Time After Time

Posted: 07/10/22 14:36
by bunniefuu
Aunt Hilda, what's going on?
I came as soon as I got your message.

It's Zelda, she and Professor Carlin
finished... once and for all...

at least that's what it looked like
through the keyhole.

Poor Aunt Zelda,
she must be devastated.

What is this delicious smell?

That, my dear,
it's the sweet smell of heartbreak.

Whenever Zelda has a horrible
breakup, she cooks.

Well it seems like a sensible way
of dealing with an emotional crisis.

Hi Sabrina.
I made appetizers.

Go ahead,
take two, they are small.


she prepares the same menu

of termination during
the last few years.

And the sadder she
is, the more she cooks.

She seems very optimistic,

maybe she's not so
as upset as they think.

Dinner is served.

ok maybe
she is upset.

and i need to dress
my baggy pants.

Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
S E - Time After Time

Translation, Review and Sync:
Michael Lemos

Eat it all, and make sure you
leave room for dessert.

I made my specialty,
calf marrow with honey.

In the cup or in the cone?

Aunt Zelda, are you okay?

I heard about your breakup
with Professor Carlin.

Please. Getting rid of Carlin was
the best thing I could do.

And now that the last
decent man

on the planet don't want
have nothing with me

I'm free to return
to the carefree

and fabulous life
a single woman.

Try the haggis while
he's still hot!

I feel bad for Aunt Zelda.

We can't just sit here and eat,
while she's there crying.

Sure we can.
The muzzle is mine!

ok, but the
ears are mine.

No, Aunt Zelda,
do not Cry.

You are right.
I'll leave the porridge salty.

Alright, make up for the sweetness
of calf marrow.

I mean I didn't like the way
that Professor Carlin treated you.

This isn't about Arthur.

It's about the monumental confusion that
turned my love life.

Yes Aunt Hilda said
that you cooked

often to
over the years.

It's true, but it's not the
men who let me

bother me, it's the man from
who I walked away from. Gabriel.

The Archangel?

No, that one dated Hilda.

My Gabriel was a poet,
a free spirit wizard

who asked me to
run away with him, marry,

climb the Himalayas,
travel across the galaxy.

Like a fool I said no
and sent him away.

He looks so perfect...

Or sending him away is a sign
of something?

Well I was young and I thought
that my work and mine

research were more
important than love.

Saying no to Gabriel is the
my biggest regret.

Here, see.
This photo was taken a little

before he asks me
in married.

Our! He's, like, a cat!
Look at this guy.

i can't believe you
let this beautiful man get away.

right, well,
I think I can scratch

therapist on my list
of career options.

Lamb sandwich? should scratch
sandwich maker on your list.

Hey, did you take this picture?

Yes, they are so sweet.
She broke up with him at school,

but he kept on loving
she for almost years

until they get
found again.

All this time

IT IS. Isn't it amazing how a decision
can change your whole life?

I mean, if they had
stayed together at that time?

Well she would have passed
the last few years

such as
Mrs. Henry Hungerdunger.

yes and we would be
reading about all

great moments that
they had together.

Yeah, if you could change the past,
but you can't.

Maybe you can't.

I have to go.

there has to be some
thing in the Magic CDRom

to change the past
from Aunt Zelda.

I can't imagine life with a big
regret weighing on your head.

Hey! I regret not invading Iceland,
when I had the chance,

but you don't hear me
regretting me.

if i could go back
in time and could

convince her to say
yes instead of no

all your problems would be
resolved. There has to be a way.

And there is! Just access:

and your travel problems
in time they will be resolved.

He knows how to do marketing.

Welcome to,
your internet experts

on time travel
from the Other Kingdom.

Serving our community by
more than three and a half weeks.

Look at the options,
correct past mistakes,

witness the creation of the Universe,
find lost keys.

Now if it's a specific time
in the time I would like to go back,

we're going to need a
visual record of the event.

I know what to get.

Hey there, Zellie! there's more of that
homemade beer? It's fabulous.

I want to go back to the moment
where this photo was taken.
No problem, but first
place, I am obliged to inform you that

not responsible

for the result of the trip or
alteration of the space-time continuum.

Time travelers can suffer
nausea, vomiting and hair loss

premature, taxes and
licenses not included.

Your biggest concern
will be Zelda's reaction if

find out that you are
playing with her life.

Well, she's not exactly happy.
with the way she is now.

she doesn't need to know that.

Something more?

Just keep your hands and arms
inside the wormhole

all the time.
Have a nice trip.

Smart and true.

Not squeaky.

Brain and beauty.

What a view.

Gabriel, that was
so inspired.

Guess who inspired me.

Hey man, I'm doing a class
for a magazine about the new

poets, a picture of you and
her please.

The website guy was right.
It makes me sick to travel back in time.

Zelda, there's something I have
what to ask you.

I'm a natural blonde.

No, something much deeper.

I want us to roam
across the galaxy,

exploring the stars,
the sea and the sand.

Live one day at time.
Zelda Spellman, I love you.

Will you marry me?

Gabriel, I love you too.

But what would happen to
my work, with my...

Aunt Zelda, wait! Before
you say anything...

Pardon. You just
call me Aunt Zelda?

I haven't been born yet. What did I mean,
like, hi, uncle, hi, aunt, and then,

what will you want?

Could you excuse us?

We're in the middle of something
kinda important here.

And what's more important
than food?

In addition to getting married
with your soulmate.

So if you're lucky
to find that person...

I suggest you accept the request.

Try the shrimp salad,
enough for three. Trust me.

You are absolutely right.
Gabriel, I will marry you.

And I want separate sauce.

Zelda, you made me the
happiest man in the world.

Well, that was fine.

Weird. time travel you
makes you sick... and hungry.

All I'm saying is
that hair is a bit retro.

Get over this Cher business.

And I'm just saying that I don't accept
fashion tips from a woman who

dress like a rabbit
pink to go to chemistry class.

hey how old
do you have this cheese?

Excuse me, who are you?

And why are you with yours?
hands dirty on my cheese?

Sorry. Since when did it get so
possessive of dairy products?

Since I saw a complete
weird rummaging through my fridge!

I'm not a stranger, I'm yours
roommate Sabrina.

ok and i am
Ladybird Johnson.

Hey, who's the girl?

And why is she allowed
to touch her cheese?

Wait a minute. none of
do you know who i am?

Well then I think I
probably should, you know, go...

...see something in
my computer.

Hold her!

ok, you have to have
a simple explanation.

I'll go to the site and...

Hey! Where are
my computer?

Where's my stuff?

Let's break down this door
in three, two, one.

Did she disappear?

God, I felt so good! Ever
I dreamed of breaking down a door.

And will keep dreaming,
because I was the one who knocked it down.

Okay, don't panic.

I'll go in, get my book
magic and understand what the problem is.

What would be much easier if the
my key would fit in the lock!

I thought I heard someone at the door.
Sabrina, what are you doing?

You know, I just came to say hi and pick up
some stuff from my old room.

Hey, where's the piano?

- Sabrina, are you okay?
- Yes I'm fine.

Seriously? Because never
we had a piano and

you don't have one
room here, old or new.

Okay, it's the second house
that I never lived.

Sabrina, always a pleasure
see you at our house.

Well, something worked fine...
You are married, right?

We've been married for years.

No need to thank me.

Why would we be grateful?

there is definitely something
wrong with her.

she also thinks that
she used to live here.

It's what happens when you eat
a whole feijoada for breakfast.

So refresh my memory,
that is not as good as

used to be where would i go
find Aunt Hilda?

Sabrina, now you are
scaring me, honey.

You live with Hilda and Salem.

God, I hate that woman...
And I don't really like the cat either.


Everything is fine. Pardon me,
is that I'm giving a soiree.

Today, we are discussing what
came first, the poet or the rhyme?

Well, I'll wait for the movie to come out.

Well I'll leave you two
go back to your

marital bliss and I will...
go back to my house.

you wouldn't know me
say the address, right?

The key fits, unfortunately,
this must be at home.

Finally! You know, you forgot
to fold your cot this morning.

Why are you
dressed like this?

I'm trying to give
more class to the number.

Salem's Idea,
he is a genius.

Are you a ventriloquist?

Of course I am.

And my doll and I go
straight to the top.

That is, if she stops moving her
lips and let me speak.

If I don't move my lips
people will think

that I don't
I am doing nothing.

That's it, Einstein!

What's happening?

Why do we live in this dump?

Hey! What are you complaining about?
You have a roof over your head.


I don't understand any of this. Would you like
say, I should be in college.

Yes right. Between your notes and
with what a ventriloquist earns,

I think not.

Aunt Hilda, is there something that
I have to tell you.

I went back in time and convinced
Aunt Zelda getting married

with Gabriel and I blew it.


This is not our real life.

In fact, Aunt Zelda didn't
marries Gabriel,

we all lived together and
you were very happy,

had a successful business and
dated the dean of a college.

and no one considered the cat
the brain of the operation.

She's lying!

You inflicted this life on me!

yes but i'm sure
that I can undo it.

Well I'm pretty sure.
I just have to go back to the site.

now where is
your computer?

I had some accessories installed.
along with my Rolls Royce.

Hildie, come on.
It's show time.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

Salem and I are
performing at a motel

on the road .
We're going to open the show.

where will i find
a computer?


There you are! I was getting
worried about you.

Thank God! I know it won't
make no sense to you,

but i don't know what i would have done
if you didn't know who I am.

Hug me!

Josh, what's up

I do not know. I said "Hi" and the girl
of the delivery of chickens went crazy.

Delivery Girl!

Yes, and where is our
twelve-piece combo?

we were waiting
for over an hour.

My God, I'm a
chicken delivery girl!

And it's not very good. I'm going to buy
something across the street.

I swear I don't know her!

suddenly she started
to hug me.

Okay, the lesson I learned was that
in the future, don't mess with the past.

Please enter your
password from the Other Realm.

It's Sabrina is hot.

What do you mean
website not found?

You can not
do this to me!

Calm down, blonde, we had to close
due to unforeseen complications.

Let me guess. change the past
destroyed the lives of your customers?

Yeah, around.

What should I do now?

Well you can me
visit on my new website.


We have a cookware promotion
handmade. We have...

Excellent! There has to be a way
to get my life back,

or at least find out
who I am in this life.

hey what
you're looking?

I'm kinda rude.

- Sabrina, there you are.
- Harvey!

your behavior
is totally unacceptable.

When I agreed to
hire her at Ponto do Frango,

you and the parole officer me
promised you'd fix it.

I'm in

And you are the manager of
Chicken Point!

assistant manager,
but I'm still your boss.

- Now put on your hat.
- I don't have a hat...

Should have guessed that.

We don't happen to
we dated, didn't we?

Come on, Sabrina, you know the
Chicken Point doesn't like that.

well if you know me
and Josh knows me,

so maybe i can just
recreate my old life

and it will be as if nothing
had happened.

I don't mind
with what you do...

as long as you do it
in the chickenmobile!

Hi, it's me again.

You must be wanting to die.
What are you doing here again?

Well it looks like we've started
with the left foot and

i thought we could start
again with a bucket of drumsticks.

I will prefer an explanation.
What you want?

Anything. I just thought, you know,
maybe we could be friends.

Maybe I could enroll
at Adams, move here and,

who knows, my presence
could bring us all closer.

It might be...
if you reveal your recipe

secret of your eleven
herbs and spices?

Well believe me,
I would say if I could,

but I just want to say that I
I really like you a lot and,

if they don't accept me, I'm
forced to live
on the tracks

near the river with my aunt
ventriloquist and the cat respond.

ok i think we have
a problem here.

Stay away from the chicken and
no one will get hurt.

would it have been better
if I had brought the sauce?

So I said to the guy, it's not
a stray cat, is my mother.

you are moving
your lips again.

I thought we already had
solved it.

You are a horror.

Right. well i think
let's take a little break.

someone wants me
buy a drink?

Is that your number?

should have been here for
the first presentation,

there was a face on the floor.

he was having
a heart attack.

So he got lucky
in getting

bring our old
lives back?

well you work
with a cat and

i'm walking by
city ​​in a paper hat.

What do you think?

Hey! it was you who
changed history!

Sorry. i know this
it's all my fault,

I just can't
find a way to solve it.

I can only think of one person
that could fix things,

but we are not
talking to us.

- Who is it?
- Your Aunt Zelda.

We haven't gotten along well since the day
she and the poet, right, got married.

Every time you say something
thing, I feel worse.

Welcome to my world.

I think we have no choice.

we will have to say
to Zelda what you did.

But if we tell her she will
find out that her perfect life

it's just the result
of a magical device.

We can't ask you to give up
her happiness for us.

Why not?

Look. there has to be a
Aunt Zelda's way

keep your life perfect and
we get ours back.

If I could put mine
hands on a magic book.

Zelda has a lot of them.

let's go as soon as we're done
our next issue.

- Go now.
- Let's go now.

They treat strangers like royalty,
but the family earns nothing,

except angry looks
and restraining orders.

Since when is it irrational

want to pass
one night alone?

Zelda please
our guests.

It doesn't mean leeches!

I'm tired of
wait for you and

your legion of poets
pathetic parasites!

leave the alliteration
for professionals.

Professional implies that you
really get paid for what you do.

It always comes down to
money, isn't it?

It ends when one of
we have to work

in three jobs
to support us.

you who wanted to get married
with an artist!

Yes, a crook.

you promised me
show the galaxy.

The closest I came was
the interior of your Ford Galaxy and,

even so, you brought
your stupid friends!

What are you saying?
Do you regret marrying me?

Every days of my life.

Well you got married and now
you are stuck with me.

so could you
rush dinner?

the boys are getting
with a little hunger.

Well, look who's here.
Don't stay out there in the cold.

Well, well, well, look
who is coming.

Hi, you know, I really liked it
from his latest book of poetry,

although I would have
liked even more if

he had been printed
on toilet paper.

Aunt Zelda, this is perfect.

I know just how to take it off
of your horrible marriage...

that it's my fault,
to begin.

I don't know what
you are talking.

Gabriel and I never
we were happier.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have guests.

Happy? what does she think
are we, complete idiots?

Not even a word!

clearly she is
in denial.

Do you know where she keeps
the magic books?

In the front room.

And you can entertain one
room full of poets?

- Easy.
- With your clothes?

So I said to the guy, it's not
a stray cat, is my mother.

Time. Time.
Time in the bottle.

Time... Subscribe to Time magazine.
Time travel! Perfect.

Going somewhere?

No! To mean,
I was not.

I was, you know, I missed
my keys. I thought...

I think travel
in time is something that

You will not want
play, Sabrina.

believe me, you don't need
convince me.

Hey, have any of you ever heard my
imitation of Gabriel's "poetry"?

this is not part
of the number.

It's called
"Ode to a big, fat ego."

I don't think I ever will.
Someone with less talent than me.

Others can be mediocre...?

She won't call a rhyme.

Excuse me while I go... strangle you.
You and I are not done.

We're done.

"I need to fix the
present and return to the past.

If I don't get mine
old life back,

I will spend my days
working at Ponto do Frango".

What bad poetry.

Zelda Spellman, I
Will you marry me?

Gabriel, I love you too.

But what would happen to
my work, with my...

Do not wait! Do not do it. Look,
I know you don't know me...

well maybe
it's hard to keep control,

but I'm begging you,
see who he really is.

He is a profiteer,
he will never live up to

any of his promises,
his life and everyone's life,

will be unhappy and, moreover, he
is really a horrible poet.

He was going to say no anyway,
but thanks for your support...

Whoever it is.

You're welcome.
Go ahead then.

Sabrina, hi!
What's happening?

Honey, are you okay?

I'm not sure yet.
Are you or have you ever been married?

- No.
- I'm so happy for you.

I bet it was a spell
that went wrong.

Look, I know you're upset
by Professor Carl,

but I just want you to know that you took
the right decision about Gabriel.

Yes, I'm sure.

Has? but what to say
of all the regrets that

you had yesterday about
not marry him?

Well, whenever a relationship
ends I think of Gabriel and,

then I myself
I remember bad poetry,

the intonation and the fact that he
I always forgot my wallet.

Thank God I didn't finish
with that profiteer.


And you couldn't have
told me that yesterday?

You did not ask.

Hi, I'm home.

what are you
doing here?

For the love of...

Look, you'll just have to
believe me, right!

My name is Sabrina, I'm yours
roommate, we are friends,

study here, work
together at the Cafe,

I don't deliver chicken, not even now,
not ever. It is clear?

Perfectly...but I still don't
know what you're doing here.

you should meet
Josh at the Café minutes ago.

He forgets.
I have to go.

and people think
that I'm crazy.