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06x11 - Cloud Ten

Posted: 07/10/22 14:20
by bunniefuu
What was? Staff meeting
or party?

Team, to discuss the situation
of sanitation workers.

looks like we're going
have a garbage collectors strike.

Maybe I will lead it.

Did you know that being an intern
also meant maid.

Fortunately, there's light at the end
mustard-spattered tunnel.

I wrote an article that might
give me my own column.

I loved! today cleaning
the dirt tomorrow...

The dirt and the column.
What is the story about?

credit card companies
attack college students.

First put sellers
on campus that seduce

with all kinds of gifts.

Like calling cards,
t-shirts, candy!

-Yea. How do you know?

So hurry them to sign
a contract before reading everything.

The damn fine print.

looks like a great idea
for a story.

Thank you but it wasn't
totally my idea.

In fact, Roxie suggested it.
I'm taking her out to dinner...

when i can look
for food again.

funny how they ended up
being best friends.

Didn't she hate you at first?

Roxie hates
everyone at the beginning.

It's her way of coming
in people.

This is a donut

Mike, already had the chance
to read my article?

Yes, I put the question aside
of sanitation and well-being

from all over town to read
what my intern wrote.

Next time, less content
and more finishing.

I prefer content to finish.

Who cares?
If he read my article,

he would stop thinking about me
like the donut girl

and would look at me with respect.

And even more respect when I
get rid of this stain.

What the hell?

Sabrina, The Teenage Witch
S E - Cloud Ten

Translation, Review and Sync:
Michael Lemos

-Getting tough news?
-I wish.

had to clean crumbs,

so I had to shave
my ego off the ground.

Mike punished me for
press you on my article.

Maybe that will take the problems away
from your head.

Welcome to Chat of Girls!

Today, a very special girl
will talk to me.

My roommate,
Morgan Cavanaugh.

Has she gone crazy? why Roxie
took Morgan to the show?

I'm feeling a phenomenon
bizarre and inexplicable.

Morgan is
my complete opposite...

moral, spiritual
and intellectually.

As we disagree on everything,
thought she would be

-interesting for the program.
-I disagree.

First topic. as the student
should you prepare your resume?

The ideal, with a designer
curriculum, but they don't exist.

Giorgio Armani? Hi!
untapped market.

I believe that students should
do subjects they like.

not just those
close to training.

Only if you want to be the student
of older sociology.

I look for classes that take me
to seven-figure incomes

and homes on three continents.

You are the most superficial person
that I've ever met.

Had to take her to the show
to find out?

You are a pseudo intellectual
whose hair is begging

for a treatment
to hot oil!

And your hair is begging for
a brain to put down.

this is a disaster
about to happen.

And the best part,
then everything will come here.

That's why I'm going to eat soon.
Want to come?

And miss the chance to see
women fighting in my house?

I'll get out.

while drooling,
cover the counter.

Zellie, has been looking
our finances lately?

we lost a lot
in the stock market.

Everyone loses. we are lucky
to have invested in the market

from the Other Kingdom, I'm sure
that we gained a lot there.

We will see.

We're losing out...
Salem, what are you doing here?

I love the bubbles.
Oops, the soap.

Zellie, we hit it off.

We need an investment
safe, smart and liquid...

I already know!

I always wanted
a vacation home.

Maybe a beach house
in Cape Cod?

Forget it, it's going to be a cabin.
I don't like sand or crabs.

I had a horrible day
and I got sick in the kitchen.

I don't want to hear
no fights from you.

Who's fighting? We are
doing each other's feet.

How do I wear lilac nail polish?

Very elegant,
but I still prefer red.

I don't understand, they weren't
fighting on the radio?

That's before we get
the biggest radio audience.

Excellent! they won't believe
what happened to me today.

Said the manager
from the station said

that Girl Talk
was your main program?

Said he was going to put it on the internet,
so anyone could hear.

A fight can bring
even more audience.

I asked Mike to read my article
and he nearly swallows me.

Watch out, Roxie. is painting
my cuticle.

Sorry. know
something that can soften calluses?

Yes, me! As soon as I finish
my foot, I teach you.

I think my feet
need three

by a professional

Speaking of which, maybe I'll change
of profession later

that Mike almost swallows me
because of my article.

which article?

The one you gave me the idea.
What about credit cards?

And even. Big companies
deceiving students.

I have a great idea
for our next program.

-Great! Which is?
-Let's talk about God.

God, it's fabulous!

without him we wouldn't have
seasons and Joey Fatone!

We looked at home and none were good
enough for the madam here.

They were all too expensive.

Please! the last seller
discounted %,

this after Hilda
make her cry.

It's called trading!

It's called abuse
of a widow of years.

a widow of years
very smart.

I do not want to fight.
Choose a house and I'll sign.

It's the first rational thing
what you say today. Tea?


Finally, a little
of peace and quiet.

my life is
a complete disaster!

I spoke too soon.

I dedicated myself to article
that my boss won't read,

and Roxie, who I thought was mine
best friend, is now Morgan's.

A better one. My sister,
that should be

my best friend spent the day
upsetting me

while we were looking
a house.

thought we had
solved it.

Obviously I don't.

Problem number one:
You're bad with money.

I? your middle name
is sucker.

I can't help it.
It was in honor of grandma.

I'm going to jump off a bus.
Thank you for listening.

-It was our pleasure.
-Bye, honey.

Do you remember the full name?
grandma's was Dumb-Loody.

-Perfect moment.
-Let me guess.

The cappuccino machine exploded
and they need me to clean?

Yes, but there is something else.

There was a break in negotiations
of the strike and Mike is here.

maybe this is the time
to talk about the article.

No way.
He doesn't want to talk to me right now.

Spellman, may I speak with you?

I want to make an article
about Adams College.

That's great! I am so happy
who read mine...

ever heard of this
Girl Talk?

I think I've heard it once.

it's so phenomenal
how does everyone say?

I suppose so, if it is
that we can call phenomenal.

Bruce, I need words
about these girls.

I know them.
Want me to take some pictures?

That's what I pay you for.

It gets better and better.

the people finder
from the Other Kingdom?

To contact my past
and forget my present.

I understand.
No, I don't understand.

What's wrong
with your gift?

Well, let's see. My career
of writer is over

before I start, my best
friend has a new best friend,

and they have a program
of success that was failure

when I was in it.

I'm a total failure.

And even.

And my cat still agrees.
It's rock bottom.

Who is Cathy Winters?

She was always on my side.
She was my best friend,

until I turned years old.
In fact, we found

that we were
witches at the same time.

Then she moved
to the Other Kingdom.

Cathy, it's me, Sabrina.

-My God! Ballerina Sabrina.
-Cathy Porcelain.

How strange. I remembered you
at Beth Connelly's party!

Remember you put on my bra
in the freezer?

It was frozen like ice cream.
Leave it there.

So what's new,

I just missed you
and wanted to see how it is.

Great. I work as an agent
of travel in the Other Kingdom.

Why don't you come visit me?

Unless you have things
most important things to do.

I am going.

-Sabrina, it's so good to see you.
-You too.

Beautiful. Must be
doing great, right?

I'm very lucky,
I have a very loyal clientele.

After a trip with me,
always come back for more.

What is your specialty?
Time travel?

Other galaxies?
Jupiter tours?

my specialty is
relaxing getaway

for stressed people
with everyday life.

Dude, I've come to the right place.

Hi Cathy.
I had a horrible day.

My new boss is a gargoyle...

Any chance I can make it
a refuge now?


Seth, greet
my old friend Sabrina.

Nice to meet you.
You know, this bad day must be

contagious, I had one too.

So you should come with me
to the cloud. It's a trip.

A cloud ?
I thought it was just going to .

New type. % cuter than
and so light it drives you crazy.

I'm not sure.

Come on, what have you got to lose?
Except your problems.

Everything is fine.
I'm on vacation.

Here we are.

Everyone looks so… smooth.

The longer you stay here,
softer you get.

Hi Cathy.
Thanks for another great trip.

Bob likes
or so
who wants to extend their stay.

I will work it out.
Andy, this is Sabrina.

It's her first time.

what kind of worries
brought you here?

Thankless work, friends who don't
care, life falling apart.

Close your eyes,
take a deep breath and

I guarantee your problems
will disappear.

It's like my problems
had never existed.

I was condemned in the world
mortal instead of coming here.

you could have come
to the cloud.

It's amazing. I feel like
if you were floating in the air...

and not just because I'm
on a cloud.

that's so great
in this place.

Free your mind to think
on really important things.

For example, I have four freckles
in my hand... Why?

Deep. and why is it called
peanut butter

- if you don't have butter?
-I don't know.

-And why is it called peanut?
-I don't know.

-We should think about it.

what are we in
really thinking?

So Sabrina,
having fun?

Of course, as I am
and who I am.

You know what would be good now?
A big yam.

I love this place.

I think she got addicted
in the cloud.

It's hard not to get addicted.

Look at these idiots down there
still worrying

with work, relationships
and complicated lives.

Like that guy. worried
to take one on the test.

Take the test and then
worry about taking it out in the end.

It's just not the end
because it doesn't end there.

Then worry about training,
get a job,

marry, grow old.
Reality is shit.

even think about her

So why are we?
Let's Dance!

Zellie! The search is over.
I found the perfect home!

I hope seniors don't have
been affected in the process.

She will recover!

The house is beautiful and spacious. Salem
will have a view of the Kennedys.

If you can call Ted
of sight swimwear.

What did you do?
Did you try my lipstick?

Yes, and I ate a tube of mascara.
Sue me.

The house is beautiful
english style.

It has bedrooms, bathrooms
and wooden floor.

-It looks perfect.
-And it's still close to the airport.

-Near the airport? It's on the track!
- Sale!

-I'll continue searching.

Good news! There have been advances
in the strike negotiations.

both sides agreed
where the next meeting will be.

Speaking of trash, Sabrina
wrote this article...

I mean, a great article.

Stop there, I've read it.

It's great, needs some
changes and goes to the newspaper.

This is fantastic!
Can I call and tell her?

No, it's a secret. Will soon.
I need the changes soon.

To strengthen biceps,
I do dumbbells.

For triceps, nothing better
what series sitting.

What does this have to do with
with the unemployment rate?

I'm gonna explain. Morgan the listener
I wanted to talk about the lack

of work and not lack

I know! I just thought they would be
more interested in my body.

Let's go to the next call.

It's in Girl Talk.

Roxie, it's Josh. do you know where you are
to Sabrina? He doesn't answer his cell phone.

Is calling a radio
to find out where she is?

What's the problem? My boyfriend
calls every half hour.

this is so dominating
and controller.

-And that's bad?
-It is yes.

Still looking for Sabrina.

Dude, you're wild.

this place really
let me loose.

I'm glad you liked it,
but it's time to go back.

I don't want it to end.
Can't I stay a little longer?

You can stay as long as you like.

But this time I'm going
have to charge

I understand.
After all, it's your business.

Does anyone know how to do a tush-push?

I know.
Let's go guys.

Move your right hip

and then the left

Right, twice.
Left, twice.

There it switches.

Watch out!

So you can fall.

And have the security of living
in a gated community.

Closed? I mean the guard
drunk and the wire fence?

But he never leaves
his post.

You like animals, don't you?

A mouse! thought it would be
much better in the Other Realm.

But it's looking at a house
which is pretty solid.

I mentioned that the cloud
is right above?

riffraff fall from the sky.

My God! this riffraff is
My Niece! Sabrina?

She has my pager number.
Let me know if you're going to make an offer.

Honey, are you okay?

Yup. Fortunately, the house
cushioned the fall.

what were you doing
in the cloud?

would believe that I was

Sabrina, it doesn't even look like you.
What's happening?

I got depressed because of everything
in my life was

going wrong and it seemed
that no one cared.

all involved
with your things.

I felt invisible.

Like a fish out of water?

Exactly. Not you
idea how horrible it is.

Actually, honey, I do.

Is looking
for the original fish out of water.

I mean, for fish.
But I dated the fish.

Aunt Hilda, what do you mean?

The thing is, never
I fit anywhere.

Your Aunt Zelda was smart
and graceful as a gazelle.

I was the one with the funny voice
and two left feet.

Great for going around in circles,
but not to buy shoes.

-It must have been terrible.

I did everything I could
to feel better.

I even went to the cloud, which was
the hip cloud back then.

Mozart fans,
lamb barbecues.

Long live Amadeus!

And as she walked away from the music,
food, meat...

and dealt with reality?

I realized that I was
looking for affirmation

and that she did not come from outside.
She needed to search inside of me.

I mean I have to think
in my problems,

analyze them and find
the answers?

Not. I really mean it should
search within yourself.

I will do it for you.

Talk to her. she is the only one
that she can work it out.

I have to go check
a condo in purgatory.

Got a vision of heaven and they say
that the neighborhood is the maximum.

See ya, darling.

So here we are.
What do you think about all this?

I think what you think. I'm you,
the person who is here.

What was there?

I want you to value me
for who I am.

-Why should I do this?
-Well, I'm cool.

It doesn't look like it's sure.
Are you or not?

-I am.
-In what way?

Well, I'm trustworthy, loyal...

So now,
you are a dog. Continues.

I'm considerate,
intelligent, generous,

funny, loving,
creative. Do not you think?

It doesn't matter what I think.

If you want this seal,
so it's better not to have any doubts.

-It's self-validation. Remember?
-Look, I'm going to talk now.

I'm Sabrina Spellman,
a good person.

I may not be a columnist
or a radio hit,

but I'm worthy and I don't need
let no one tell me that.

Now give me that seal.

What was I thinking?
Why did I go to the cloud?

Nothing has changed
and I have a great life here.

Well... maybe not here.

They should put up guardrails
on that cloud.

So shall we go up?

I'm tired of the cloud.

Sabrina, where have you been?

Just doing my thing,
floating around.

I'm glad you came back.
I missed you.

I thought you didn't care

now that you are Morgan
are so friendly.

Wait a second.
Who is spreading this rumor?

Nobody was laughing
so much and getting closer.

I do anything for the program
get more interesting.

I thought you had replaced me
as your best friend.

Did she fall and hit her head?

Since you mentioned it.

Sabrina, I can get a better one
friend once every year.

I didn't throw it away
my Barbie Malibu

and I won't play you either.

Do you still have your Malibu Barbie?

It's our secret...

but we don't have time
to talk about it.

do you have messages
on the desk.

Sabrina, it's Josh. Good news,
Mike will publish your article!

My God!
He must be kidding!

I'm not kidding!
Call me.

The others are practically
the same thing.

-Thanks! I'm going to Josh's.

Wait! Before leaving,
better wash your forehead.

Here it is!

Our new property.

This is a deposit
of toxic waste!

Now, but in years,
let's put a casino.

Let's get rich!

Hilda, our shoes
are melting! Run!

I mentioned that it was
a bargain?