01x24 - The Third Kazekage

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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01x24 - The Third Kazekage

Post by bunniefuu »

Here I go!

Over there, huh?




The Third Kazekage That noise just now What happened?

It sounds like it came from the direction of Sakura and Granny Chiyo But I've no way of verifying that And the radio is out of range now I've seriously got to hurry Damn it!

We can't make any progress just by chasing after him!

Kakashi Sensei!

You're too slow!

We'll lose sight of him if we don't get a move on.

It'll be okay!

His next target is you, Naruto!

He won't run off so far that he shakes us off completely.

Then hurry up and tell me how to stop him!

Don't worry.

I've got several strategies in mind.

I'll need a little bit of time to prepare for that!

I can't wait around for that.

I want to save Gaara right away!

I don't know what their strategy is, but I'm sure lucky the Jinchuriki is so simple-minded.

I'll stir things up so they can't prepare.

I wonder if they can keep up with my speed.

Damn it!

Hold it!

Wait, Naruto!

Sure enough, I guess I can't get through to him now I have no choice.

I'll quickly finish things off with that Guys, did you all hear that noise?


Loud and clear.

It sounds like it's coming from the enemy hideout That noise!

What in the world is going on?


Can you see what's happening, Neji?

I'm in the middle of fighting right now So it'll be tough to convey anything precisely.

The enemy hideout is collapsing at an incredible rate!

Did you say collapse?


What does that mean?


Did Sakura and Granny Chiyo win?

Or did they get beaten?

No, I can't say which for sure.

Because They're both fighting an evenly matched battle.

Did you say evenly matched?

I'd expect no less from Sakura!

I also must not lose!

She's got impressive strength for a little girl.

In just this short time, she's starting to read Sasori's attack patterns.

So much so, that she can do just fine even without my help.

I never thought she would be this good She's an impressive girl.

She's got impressive strength for a little girl.

In just this short time, she's starting to read Sasori's attack patterns.

So much so, that she can do just fine even without my help.

I never thought she would be this good She's an impressive girl.

That Tsunade sure has herself a good pupil.

Listen up, Sakura.

For Medical Ninja, attack ability is of secondary importance.

Do you know why?


Medical Ninja play a supporting role in the unit.

Comrade support in battle is more important and I think medical ability comes first!


What's most important is the ability to dodge an enemy attack.

The ability to dodge?

A Medical Ninja absolutely must never get hit by an enemy attack.

Why is that?

Who's supposed to heal the members of the unit if the Medical Ninja dies?

Now I'm going to attack you for real.

This is training for you to dodge all of my att*cks I won't hold back!

Now I'm going to attack you for real.

This is training for you to dodge all of my att*cks.

I won't hold back!

Are you ready?



Don't shut your eyes!

What's the idea shutting your eyes in front of an enemy?


Watch the enemy's movements closely!

Before their attack, during their attack, after their attack!

Don't overlook any little movement!

If you're any kind of sorry excuse for a Shinobi, you've probably heard of this.

People each have dominant hands, dominant legs and habits.

For many different reasons, a fixed pattern is revealed when they move.

Once a Shinobi becomes a Chunin or a Jonin, they train to reduce those habits so as not to telegraph that pattern to an enemy But it's not something that can be completely eliminated.

With that, you should be able to see an enemy's weakness!

An enemy's weakness You have to find that weakness as fast as you can!

Then you should be able to improve your ability to dodge attack!

His fingers always move before he att*cks That's obvious since he's controlling the puppet with the Chakra strings on his fingers But that's the weakness of a Puppet Master.

And I've started to read the direction of Sasori's att*cks with the patterns of his finger and arm movements.

She's watching very carefully At this rate, this will be too time-consuming I have no choice but to use some Chakra.

I guess I'll finish her off with that Iron Sand: Unleash!

Its range is huge!

This is not good!


Sakura, are you okay?


Listen carefully, Sakura First, get close to him and smash the puppet with your incredible strength.

However, you must dodge all of his hidden device att*cks.

All of them, perfectly!

You must not even get a scratch.

Poison, right?

That's right Even a scratch can turn into a fatal wound.

She's been poisoned!

Didn't I tell you "That's not all there is"?

As I suspected, he soaked his Iron Sand with poison, huh?

The poison is starting to take effect Soon your body will go numb and you won't be able to move.

You'll last three days if I leave you be But I've no intention of doing that!

You're finishedlittle girl.


Say, what can you do in three minutes?

Oh, I can make instant noodles.

You're too soft.

I can cut green onions on top of that!

Then, I can munch on snacks on top of that!

Then, I can brush my teeth on top of that!

You're being soft.

If I sleep with my clothes on, then in three minutes, I can get out of bed and head straight to the mission with a noodle in my hand!


Don't tell me you plan to do that without washing your face first?


- I always do it that way.

- Say what?



Brushing your teeth and washing your face is a daily etiquette!

What, really?


I didn't know that!
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