01x56 - Live or Die: Risk it All to Win it All!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x56 - Live or Die: Risk it All to Win it All!

Post by bunniefuu »

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost, let's start walking

One more time

Are you really happy

when you're always meeting
to someone's expectations?

Even if you change to
who you really wanna be

Will you always have a great smile?

Dreaming of only "the beginning,"
I wake up

and someday, I'll live on my own.

Yes, precious things are never in shape

You never know what it is
when you get it or lose it

Yeah, turn your sadness into kindness,
your uniqueness into strength

Even if you get lost,
let's start walking

One more time

Summoning Jutsu!

This time for sure, the frog will...

What's a frog anyway?!

From which stage do you
call it a frog?!

Live or Die.
Risk it All to Win it All!

Hey! Hold up a hope
on me a bit, would you?!

Whew... he collapsed again...

That's no surprise...

For three weeks, he's continued
his training on guts alone...

Lord Hokage

Anko, is it...?

I'm sorry, I'm...

Regretting returning alive
from the Forest of Death?

That's a needless thing because you and
Orochimaru have no connection at all.

There is no Shinobi who can compete
against that guy in Hidden Leaf Village.

Even if I was the one to face him...

If the Fourth Hokage were still alive...

Don't say that.

He already saved this village and died...

That's a story from 13 years ago
He's no longer here.

We have to do something
with our power.


I'm going to get some fresh air...

Don't blame yourself.

C'mon, open your eyes already.

W-What's that...?

To be clear, you have no sense.

Oh! Pervy Sage!

After you've been training for 3 weeks,
you are still this level.

If you continue like this it's pointless.

That's not how it is!
I'm doing this with all my might!

I understand that, if you really want
to succeed at Summoning Jutsu,

you have to do it like you're going
to die or it's no good at all.

That's what I'm doing!

I drill my Chakra every day
like I'm going to die.

If you have time to complain about it,
teach me a trick or something!

A trick, huh... A trick.

What?! You're going to teach me?

You need to risk your life on it.


It's not a joke.
Even so, will you do it?

O-Of course!
I always risk my life!

I see...


Well then, follow me.

What are we doing at a place like this?

You're not gonna peek again,
are you?

Well, that would be nice,
but today it's a bath.

First, we purify our bodies...


There's something strange going on...

This is such a nice bath.

Like heaven... Truly heavenly...

Hey, Pervy Sage.

I'm Toad Sage.

Whatever, but how are taking
a bath and Summoning related?

Hey, hey, hey, hey...!

What is it?!

Hey, Naruto.


Is there something you want to eat?

I'm going to eat!

It's good! If the training is like this,
I'll do it every day!

Eat up! Because this is the last...


No, nothing. Anyway, eat!
Eat a lot!

Like there's no looking back!

I don't know what's going on,
but I should eat, right? Okay!

Seconds! The next one is miso flavor too!


One more!

Coming right up!

This time miso char siu!


I ate, I ate.

Thank you, Pervy Sage...


Thanks for your patronage!

I won't even get blood from it...

Yo, are you full?

Don't mess with me, Pervy Sage!

Weren't you treating me
with the meal!

Fool! Who said that
I was treating you?!

Aren't you a grown up?! Bastard!

By the by, Naruto,
isn't there a girl that you like?


I asked if you have a lovely girl?

Well... you could say she's there,
you could say I like her...

You could say it's Sakura.

So there is?

It's Sakura!

Okay! Then go and
hug that girl tight!


Is that a part of the training?

Well, close enough.

Okay! Right away...

But if I do that, Sakura will...

No! This is training too!
I have to do it or I won't be strong...

But if I do that, Sakura will...

For a while she won't talk to me...

No! If I'm going to master
Summoning Jutsu,

this can't be helped!

But... Sakura will...

No! But...

Hurry up and go

What do you want?

No, uh... well...

If it's money you want,
I won't lend it to you.

I may not look it,
but I'm stingy with money.

No, that's not it...


Uh, if I tell her it's for my training,
she's sure to beat me.

If there's nothing you want,
then I'll go home.

W-Wait a minute!


This is it!
This is my chance!

Sakura! I'm sorry!


What are you doing?!


Ow... Ouch...

This is a part of being young...

Hey, if I do this I'll really get a frog

Yes, that's a definite.


Is there anything you've left undone?



What are you talking about...?

To pull out enormous Chakra
and use it.

It is certain that it is difficult
to have the control to do it...

It is also certain that this body
is a vessel too small

to absorb the Nine Tailed Fox Chakra...

It's likely that Naruto's body normally
tends to reject

the strength of the Nine Tailed Fox
in order to avoid too much strain.

If the excitement of danger and
emotion are the key

to drawing out the
Nine Tailed Fox's Chakra...

he has to learn physically until
he can automatically use that key.

Nothing personal...
Fourth Hokage!

Huh? Where... is this?

Stand up!

W-What's going on?!

Your training ends here.

Huh? I haven't done anything yet...!


Go die and come back.


From within the dreadfulness of death,
squeeze out enormous Chakra!

Experience it with your own body,
and grasp the technique of it!

If you don't want to die,
do something about it yourself... Got it?

Now...we'll see if the strength given
to you is really yours.

If I don't grab onto this... I'll die!


It's impossible...

This rock surface is slippery
from the seepage of the waterfall.

Besides, falling in that speed
with the control of Chakra that you have,

you can't cling to the rock.

Naruto, after this...

you can only depend on
the Chakra of the Nine Tailed Fox.

Open up the key...
This time from your side!

If I go on like this!
If I go on like this! I'll seriously die!



Today, we'll have
a history lesson outside.

As you know, this rock face has
the faces of the Hokage line.

In order from the left,
they're lined up fom the First,

the Second...
the Third... and the Fourth.

So different from the present old man.

Especially the receding hairline...

Iruka Sensei! Who's the Fifth?


Well, that hasn't been decided yet...

Perhaps it's your teacher here!

Hmm... Weaving an occasional joke
to make for a relaxing lesson, Iruka?

L-Lord Hokage!

Oh, it's the Third.

Hey! Old man!
What did you come to do?

I wanted to see the rock faces too.

You've come at a good time.
Over this way, my lord.

This is the real man of
the third rock face!

The Third Hokage!

The third was called the strongest,
a genius,

called "professor" among
past Hokage!

- What?!
- Huh?!

Hey! Iruka, don't say it
in the past tense.


Are you really strong?

Yeah, you don't look it!

Yep! That's right!


To take over the name of Hokage
means you're the strongest in this village!

Okay! I'm going to become
the Fifth Hokage!

After all I'm really strong,
and handsome too!

It won't work with
the scores you have now!

You've got a lot of confidence!

You all are quite young,
unlike me!

There might be someone who will
take the name of Hokage in this group.

You only have one life!

Don't choose an impossible road.

It doesn't matter if you live as
you like and die as you like.


no matter what route you take,

remember to protect the
people important to you!

Important people?

That you acknowledge...
trust and love from your heart.

Do you have people like that?

Y-Yeah... Dad and Mom...

and I hate him a little,
but my big brother too.

my dog Gonta...

For me, it's friends!

Me too!

Lord Hokage, you have
people like that too?

Yes, of course I do!

Really! Who, who?

I have my grandchild...
Konohamaru over there and...

All of the people in this village!

Like you did too, once...


This feeling... It's that Chakra...

This is...


I-It's huge... What is it?

Hey kid, come closer!

I want to eat and k*ll you,
but this gate won't open...

Bloody spell that seals...


the Nine-Tailed Fox!

I see... the red Chakra
was this guy's Chakra.

For you to approach me...

What business brought you here?

Hey! You stupid fox!

Since you're staying in my body,
as your rent, lend me your Chakra!

After all, if you die I die.

That's some impressive courage
for threatening me!

That's fine...

As a reward for making it this far...
I'll give it to you!

This is the feeling!

Summoning Jutsu!

Well done.

Where am I?!

One! First, Tyson jumps and slamdunks

Two! He kisses and hugs everyone
randomly and says "I LOVE YOU"

Three! Masala masters Yoga
but hates curry

Four! Sanchez is a lousy bullfighter. Ole!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

One! Bodimahattaya san devotes
his time for digging black ships

Two! Peking Duck, Action Scene,
Chen Lee speeds around on his bike

Three! Popo loves to polish his Coteka

Four! Japanese people,
now lend me you hand!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

All over the world, the sky's smiling,
so look up and smile too

Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Yay! This time for sure,
I've finally brought out the real toad.

Listen, you giant toad,
I am your master from today!

Huh? No, nothing.

I will be your henchman, boss.

I'm so happy...

He's seriously scary.
I've never seen a toad like this one.
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