01x47 - A Failure Stands Tall!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x47 - A Failure Stands Tall!

Post by bunniefuu »

Press down hard on the gas

That's right, there's no compromise

We'll slip through the night

At the final moment push hard

That's right, all the way to zero,

Until we wipe away the days

Gently open your heart

If you pull it close to you

It will reach you, without a doubt

It will come, closer


We're speeding through life,
squeezing it for all of its worth

Our feet are tied

But we still keep going farther

Even if I take it back, and grasp it

If you're not the one

There will be no meaning

And so we'll go far off into the distance.

Hinata Hyuga vs. Neji Hyuga

Withdraw! You're not suited
to being a Shinobi.

You don't have the privilege of
deciding what a person is like, stupid!

Hinata, give it to him!


Don't just take it! Argue back!

I'm getting irritated watching this!


Thank you!

The expression of her eyes
has changed...

So you're not going to withdraw?

I'm not taking responsibility
for what happens...

I don't want to run away!


Brother Neji! I challenge you!


A Failure Stands Tall!

As I thought, this is the extent of it...

the head family's power!

What the?!

But Hinata laid a perfect strike!

N-Not yet...

What's with this guy...!

I-It can't be...

Well, now...

I guess this is why he's called
the most gifted of the Hyuga clan yet.

Y-You mean... All this time...?

That's right! I can see
the Chakra Points.

W-What is he talking about?!

On the Chakra Network...

there are 361 energy centers
or Chakra opening,

each about the size
of the head of a pin.

They're called Chakra Points.

Theoretically, hitting one directly
can halt or increase Chakra flow,

enabling one to gain complete control over
an opponent's flow of Chakra.

Just so you know,

not even my Sharingan
can see Chakra Points!

Having the penetrating eye
is one thing,

but to hit it so accurately like
that during a match,

well, that's just...

Lady Hinata...

What we have here is an unchangeable
difference in abilities.

It's what distinguishes
the elite from the failure.

It is brute, unalterable fact.

You were destined to regret having said

that you don't want to run anymore,
the instant you said it.

And now, you must have
abandoned yourself to despair!

This is your ultimatum...



I-I meant it...

and am... sticking by...

every word...


I said!

I'm not gonna run away!

Because that's... my Way of Ninja!

I had no idea... Hinata was this tough...

She's a lot like you.

Come to think of it...
She's always watching you.



Bring it on!

She has reached her limit.

One more blow and...

Neji's hits to Hinata's Chakra Points

have completely halted
her flow of Chakra.

That means she can no longer
send Chakra

into her opponent's body
to fight in the Gentle Fist.

This match is as good as over.

But I never imagined there would
be someone this powerful...

I'm afraid even our Sasuke
is no match for him.

It looks as if Neji may very well
take this Exam.

It's going to take more than what
this girl has to bring him down.

L-Look at those eyes...

Is he going to try to k*ll her?
No, no, that's absurd.

Doesn't it seem that...

Neji's strength is somehow
against the rules?

He's just too powerful...

I mean it!

Go, Hinata!


Strength has come back
into her eyes...

I've been watching you...

I've been watching you closely
for many years now!

Why I wonder...?

Next up is Naruto Uzumaki!

What a pain!

It's all your fault!

Like I care!


Naruto... d-do your best.


I don't know why, but...

I am Naruto Uzumaki!

I'm not about to lose to
the likes of any of you!

Is that perfectly clear?!

I'm not about to lose to
the likes of any of you? Yeah, right!

That idiot.

He made a roomful of enemies
in the space of an instant.

When I watch Naruto...

Naruto, stand up!

If you compete with me
for the name of Hokage...

You... will be the loser!

I can feel courage welling up.

I feel that I can hang on,
that I can do it...

that I too am worth something!


- No!
- Hinata!


At some point, Hinata, who was
in the habit of just giving up,

made up her mind to change.

Hey, Hinata. It's time to go home.

She put every ounce of
her being into her training.

I saw it with my own eyes.

But even so, she continued
to fail all her missions.

She lost her nerve when
faced with real competition

and became easily discouraged.

But today's Hinata is different.

I have never...

seen...that look in her eyes before.


I have always done
the watching up to now,

but, now, finally...

finally, I am...


You just don't get it, do you?

Your strikes were ineffective
from the very first.

It's the end.

Hinata... That's enough.

You lost the match,

but you've become a new person
in the process.

You did well.

I want to change that about myself...

So I proposed it myself...

Neji's final blow went
straight for the heart.

I feel sorry for her,

but she won't be standing
again now.

As further fighting is not feasible
under these conditions...

Don't stop it!

Don't stop the match!
Believe it!

Naruto, stop!

What on earth are you saying, stupid!

She's had it. You can see
she's unconscious...


Why do you stand up?

If you continue like this,
you'll really die!

He is now finally for
the first time truly seeing me.

I will not be caught looking bad...


In front of...

the person I admire most.

I-I am far from finished!

Give up the bravado...

I can tell you're just
barely standing.

You've shouldered the lot
of having been born

to the head family line of the Hyugan.

And cursed and blamed
yourself for being weak...

But, people cannot change.

That's just the way it is.

There is no need for you
to suffer any more!

Surrender to it!

You're wrong... Brother Neji.

Because I can tell...

that you are suffering
much more than I.


You are the one who is torn up

over the fate of head
and branch family.

Neji, the match has been called!

Oh boy!

Neji, get a hold of yourself!

You promised me

you wouldn't let the head family
thing get you riled up!

Why are all the other Jonin
butting in?!

The head family gets
special treatment, eh?





Hinata! Are you okay?!





Do you think...

I...changed maybe a little bit?

Hey you, failure!

I have two pieces
of advice for you.

First, if you intend to
call yourself a Shinobi,

stop that revolting cheering of yours.

And the second...

a failure will always be a failure.

There's no changing that!

Do you want to see about that?


Naruto, I get where you're
coming from, believe me.

But all fighting must be
done officially in a match!

The failure beats the gifted genius
through sheer effort...

Wouldn't that make for
an exciting main battle?

Though, I am probably going
to be the one fighting Neji...

but it would be okay with me
if you ended up fighting him, Naruto.

All right already.

So this is okay then,
right, Guy Sensei?

Lee! You...

Nice going!

Oh, no! She's gone into ventricular fibrillation.

Was he trying to k*ll her then?!

The precious little time you have
would be better spent

seeing to her than glaring at me.


Hurry! What's taking so long


Get her on the stretcher.
One, two, three.

It's serious. She's got about
10 minutes at the most!

Get her to the emergency room.

Out of the way!


Because that's my Way of Ninja.

I promise you.

I will win no matter what!

Hey, can you hear it?

The clear, blue sky goes on and on

The ocean spans limitlessly

Please keep that smile on your face forever

Or else I'll cry

You won't have to search around you

It's all ok now.

Everyone is inside
this hand

when you want to cry,
and you want to run away

When you forget what happiness is

Just sing.

Light is born, and darkness was born

The two are one

Harmonia, feel the telepathy

Hey, can you hear it?

The Absolute Defense of the Sand?

They say no one has
ever injured Gaara.

He's strong as heck and
has no weak points.

Bushy-Brows is no match for him...

But wait, he's not losing

He seems a lot faster than before.

Is this due to his training?

I am getting excited about it!

I'm just a little envious of that training.
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