01x46 - Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x46 - Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!

Post by bunniefuu »

Press down hard on the gas

That's right, there's no compromise

We'll slip through the night

At the final moment push hard

That's right, all the way to zero,

Until we wipe away the days

Gently open your heart

If you pull it close to you

It will reach you, without a doubt

It will come, closer


We're speeding through life,
squeezing it for all of its worth

Our feet are tied

But we still keep going farther

Even if I take it back, and grasp it

If you're not the one

There will be no meaning

And so we'll go far off into the distance.

I'm going to be Hokage!

I won't lose here!

Whatever! You can't keep up
with my speed at all!


Zu! Ma! Ki!

Naruto Barrage!

The winner is Naruto Uzumaki.

I'm...getting stronger!



Nice one! You did it!

T-That Naruto beat Kiba!

It's a major upset...



Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!

This medicine works really well!

Here! Do you want to
use it too, Sakura?

Only your wounds heal
with such speed...Naruto.

The power of Nine Tail never
ceases to amaze me.


T-This is...

ointment for your wound,

for you Kiba and Akamaru.

Rather than worrying about others,

it's about time you worried
about yourself!


There are only 6 people left...

you, Choji, Neji, Lee, one Sound guy,
and the Sand guy.

Listen, Hinata...

If you pull that guy from Sand,
withdraw quickly.

And there's one more...

Do the same if you get Neji, too.

Withdraw quickly...

That guy will be hard on you.

He will destroy you.

Well, let's announce the next match.

- Huh?
- Huh?

- What?
- Huh?

Hinata Hyuga vs. Neji Hyuga


This is going to be an interesting match...

I never thought that I would
have a fight with you...

Lady Hinata.

Brother Neji...



Those two are siblings?

They're descended from

one of the most honorable
old families in the Hidden Leaf...

The Hyuga Clan.

But, they're not siblings.

Then, how are they related?

Well, the relation of a head family
and branch family...

That may be an appropriate
way to say it.

Head family and branch family?


Hinata is from the head family.

In other words, a person from
the main household

and Neji is from a branch family
that is descended from that family.

In other words,
it's a fight between relatives.

It must be uneasy for both of them...



Huh? What is it?

I've heard that from long ago,

there've been various incidents between
the head family and branch family,

and now their relationship
isn't on very good terms.



I don't know the details either.


The so called distinguished Ninja clans
like Uchiha and Hyuga

have special techniques and
abilities that run in the family.

It seems that the Hyuga household
laid down rules

for communicating those techniques...

It seems that there are many rules
that favor the head family...

- Huh?
- Huh?

And there have been
various incidents

between the head family and
branch family due to those rules.

So this is a confrontation billed
as a clash of fate...

Oh, it's gonna begin.

Start the battle please!

Just one thing before we square off
against each other in the fight...

I should advise you, Lady Hinata.


You're not suited to being a Shinobi.

You're too nice.

You wish for harmony and
avoid conflict,

you're open to going with
the thinking of others.

And, you have no confidence
in yourself.

You're always feeling inferior...

You thought it's a good idea
to stay Genin.

However, you can't register for
the Chunin test without three members...

So you couldn't turn down when Kiba
and the other proposed it and,

the truth is, you entered
the exam reluctantly.

Is that wrong?!

T-That's wrong...

That's not true...


I only...

I wanted to change that about myself...

So I proposed it myself...


Stand up, Hanabi!

From now on, I'll keep Hinata
under my wing...

But is that really okay?

Hinata should be the heir to
the Hyuga clan...

But, there is always death involved
with the job of Genin.

Do what you want.

She's a failure who's inferior even to her
younger sister Hanabi, five years her junior.

We don't need her here
in Hyuga clan...

Is that all you have to say?

If so, leave!

You're in the way!


Hinata is trying to change
herself in her own way.

Lady Hinata...

You are a spoiled one of
the head family.

People can never change!

A failure will always be a failure...

That personality and strength
won't change.

That guy...

Since people don't change,
differences exist among them...

and expressions like "elite"
and "failure" are born.

Everyone judges and are judged

based on the value of their face and
brain, ability and body type,

good and bad points of
their personalities.

People have to suffer and live

within the means of the
elements they cannot change.

Just like the fact that I'm from a
branch family

and you're from the head family,

these things can't change.

I've seen everything with
this Byakugan.

That's why I understand!

You're just talking tough.

You're really thinking that you'd
like to run away from this place...

T-That's wrong...

I really...


It's said that if you trace
the Uchiha Clan's history,

the clan's ability has its source
in Hyuga clan.

The Byakugan is one of the
Hyuga clan's Kekkei Genkai,

a Visual Jutsu similar
to Sharingan...

However, with the ability of insight alone...

it gets the better of Sharingan.


Hinata Hyuga vs. Neji Hyuga

My eyes can't be deceived.

Just now from my pressure,

your line of sight was pushed
to the upper left.

This is the sign that you're recalling
your past experience...

your bitter past.

And soon after that, your line of sight
moved to the bottom right...

This is the sign that you're imagining
physical and mental suffering.

That means...

you're picturing your old self,

and from all of your experiences
up until now,

you're imagining the result
of this battle...

The image of you losing!

Even the act of propping your arms
in front of your body...

It's a gesture that means

you want to build a wall
between us and keep distant.

And that reflects your mind...

that you don't want any more
of your deepest feelings to be raided...

Because everything I've said
is right on the mark, right?


Laying a finger on your lips,

that too, is a self-familiarizing act
which represents a sense of panic.

It represents a defense instinct

you want to alleviate the tension
and unease.

In other words...

deep in your heart,
you know it's true, don't you?

Changing yourself,
is something you absolutely can't do!

Sure, she can!

You don't have the privilege of
deciding what a person is like, stupid!

Give it to him, Hinata!



Don't just take it!
Argue back!

I'm getting irritated watching this!


What an annoying guy!


Thank you!

The expression of her eyes
has changed...

So you're not going to withdraw?

I'm not taking responsibility
for what happens!


I won't run away!

I don't...

I don't change my words...

That's my Way of Ninja!

...want to run anymore!


Brother Neji!

I challenge you!

T-That is...


Of course, the same Hyuga style...

Her pose is very similar
to Neji's.

Hyuga style?

The strongest Taijutsu style
in the Village Hidden in the Leaf...


I said it before...

The man who is most likely

the strongest Genin of Hidden
Leaf Village is on my team...


That guy, Neji Hyuga.


Did it go in?!

No... it was shallow!

No. Even a graze works.

That's the reason that the Hyuga clan

is called the Hidden Leaf's
distinguished family.

Huh? What do you mean?

The Hyuga has a particular
Taijutsu passed down through generations.

It's not like the kind of Taijutsu that
Lee and I are good at...

Our way of fighting, Furious Fist,

is mainly to inflict external damage
on our enemy,

like broken bones and surface wounds.

In contrast, the Hyuga's Taijutsu
inflict damage

on the Chakra Network through
which Chakra flow through the body,

and damaging the insides,
namely, it destroys internal organs.

They possess the Gentle Fist.

It's not spectacular to watch...

but later it slowly takes effect.

Well, you can't train the internal organs...

Even if you were really robust,

one hit from it would be
a deadly blow...

Even I can...

Hinata's on the offensive...


Way to go, Hinata!

To attack the Chakra Network...

What are they, those people...?



Chakra Network, what's that?!

Here we go again...

a question from a stupid guy.

I'll explain.

They're like blood canals.

In the same way that blood flows
through vessels throughout the body,

They're bundles of canals that take
Chakra's into every corner of your body...


Like a path for Chakras, huh?


Furthermore, the Chakra Network
is closely connected

with the internal organs which
enfold Chakra within the body.

That's why if
the Chakra Network is att*cked

the internal organs also suffer damage.

Huh, you know a lot, don't ya?

Hey you!
That's no way to talk to your senior!

It's no wonder...

Lee's greatest long standing enemy.




But, how can they do that?

After all, the Chakra Network
isn't visible to the eyes.

How do they attack the Chakra
line inside the body?


The eyes of those two...

They can see it with
their Byakugan.

And a Gentle Fist attack is a little
different from a regular attack.

They release their own Chakra

from a Chakra opening in their hand
and screw it into their opponent's body.

It directly inflicts damage on
your enemy's Chakra Network.

All right!

Has she done it?

Hey, can you hear it?

The clear, blue sky goes on and on

The ocean spans limitlessly

Please keep that smile on your face forever

Or else I'll cry

You won't have to search around you

It's all ok now.

Everyone is inside
this hand

when you want to cry,
and you want to run away

When you forget what happiness is

Just sing.

Light is born, and darkness was born

The two are one

Harmonia, feel the telepathy

Hey, can you hear it?


That Hinata!

She's always melancholy
and wishy washy and...

I thought she is kinda weird, yet...

Even when she gets blow after blow,
she gets back up and goes.

There's something about
her way of fighting.

Just a feeling,
but she resembles you, I think.

Resembles me?
Hinata resembles me?

Now that I think about it, that girl,
she was always watching you.

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