01x35 - The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x35 - The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed

Post by bunniefuu »

Press down hard on the gas

That's right, there's no compromise

We'll slip through the night

At the final moment push hard

That's right, all the way to zero,

Until we wipe away the days

Gently open your heart

If you pull it close to you

It will reach you, without a doubt

It will come, closer


We're speeding through life,
squeezing it for all of its worth

Our feet are tied

But we still keep going farther

Even if I take it back, and grasp it

If you're not the one

There will be no meaning

And so we'll go far off into the distance.

Special technique!

Shadow Clone Jutsu, fishing version!

Thrash about more!

I want to catch some for curing!

Three isn't enough!

Three more, you loser!

This is very taxing, you know?!

I mean, let's switch!


The fire's ready to light!
Fireballs please.

I guess three is okay for the time being...


Hey, wait a minute!

The Scroll's Secret.
No Peeking Allowed

It's already been four days
since the second exam started.


That's right.

The start of the second exam
was around three in the afternoon.

We only have twenty-five or
twenty-six. Hours left.

There may already be
some teams that have passed.

That means...

I wonder if it'll be broiled soon.

We're soon going to be in a hot spot...

That's the biggest one.

Believe it!


Even if we were to try pursuit,

there's probably hardly anybody left
to become targets.

What do we do?

Almost everyone's surely already passed.

Yeah. It's already been
four days, after all.


It's early afternoon now...

Let's have a meal.

You two rest a bit and
I'll go find us something to eat.



As I recall, on the other one...

"Heaven" was written here...

and unlike this,
both edges of the scroll were whitish, right?

Umm, when I was shown
the scroll before the exam,

I wasn't really looking.

So, what of it all of a sudden?

Y-You've got to be kidding...?

For all we know...

there may not be any Heaven scrolls.

What do you mean, Sakura?

Well, in this second exam...

four of the five day
time limit have passed already.

So that means we've already
used eighty percent of the total exam time.

Seventy eight participants
and twenty six teams.

There are only thirteen each
of the Heaven and Earth scrolls.

At most there are only
thirteen passing teams.

Moreover, you remember,
don't you, Sasuke?

That the Orochimaru guy burned
the " Heaven scroll that we had.

Which means...

The teams that will pass had already,
at that point, decreased by one.


Also, all of the other scrolls are
not necessarily safe, so...

After parting ways with
the leaf Village bunch,

we allotted two days for healing...

So from here on, we have to increase
the distance of our actions.

At any rate,
the next enemy is our last chance.

I'm going to get some drinking water.

Say! Say!

I have a good way for us not to fight
with an enemy. Believe it!


Get serious!

I am serious.

I have lots of scrolls stocked, so.

Ninjutsu manual, deadly poison manual,
for notes...

If we tweak this a little and change it
into exactly like the Heaven scroll...

H-Hold it!


Even if you did such a thing
you don't know what's written on the inside!

If the Proctor looked inside
you will be discovered right away!


Generally with things like this,

there's a password or
something written

and you can't get it
unless you have both scrolls.

In other words...

to pass at the tower goal,
we'll surely need a password.

Or something like that.
Believe it!

What difference does it make?

If you don't know the content,
there's no use making a fake!

Man, here I was wondering what
you were going to say, looking all big...

You're an idiot who just can't
think through things.


What if we could predict the content...?

This Earth scroll...

You wouldn't...

I'm going to... open this scroll!


You! Have you forgotten
even the rules, you idiot?

We were told not to look inside the scrolls
until arriving at the tower, right?

But, at this rate,
we'll be in a hot spot, right?

There might be a trap or something.

Carefully... Be careful.


I know...

Hey, what's wrong?


What's wrong?

What happened?!


Answer me!

You'd best not do it.

An enemy?

Man, you're beyond saving...

That was close.

W-We're sorry.

Those who ignored the rules are forced
into the situation of having to retire.

In the previous exam, hypnotism
Jutsu Formula was set up to

get into the eyes of those who looked
at the scroll along the way.

A measure to get them to lie
in the forest until the end of the exam.

By the way...

If I'm not mistaken, you're Kabuto, right?

What're you doing hanging
around here alone?

It's not that I'm after your scroll.

I didn't think so.

If that was your intention...
you could've taken it from Naruto just now.

So you're also after the Heaven scroll?


I already have them both.



Things led to things...

I was hurrying over to
the vicinity of the tower

to wait for my estranged companions.

Now, if you'll excuse me...


Fight me.


Fight you, you say?


This idiot suke.

What are you saying suddenly?

Are you serious?

Sorry, but we don't have anymore time.

Hey, Sasuke!
Kabuto saved us!

Sasuke, I don't know about that, myself.

Shut up!

Sasu... ke.

It can't be helped.
I said it before, too.

This is all that can be done
to survive through this forest now.

Hmm... That's a lie.

A lie?

Your heart isn't totally in this
as much as you're saying.

If you could really become
serious about this exam...

Why is it necessary to fight me?

You should jump on me
at my unguarded moment,

without going to
the trouble of announcing it.

That's... a Ninja.

Hmm, that's profound.

I don't dislike that side of you.

So I shall tell you the way you should go.

However... let's talk as we move.

The smell of broiled fish in the fire smoke
had reached a great distance.

At this rate, we'll be marked
by fierce animals... and enemies.


Are there really still enemies around?

Yes, no mistake.

If you think about it a little,
you'll understand.

Do you know the cleverest way
of fighting in battles

in jungles and
expansive forests such as this?


The tower located in the center
of this forest,

the common goal for us test-takers.

That means when the last day
of the test is here...

the area near that tower is
the easiest place to gather scrolls.

Oh, I see.
Ambush, right?

In other words, we go after the scrolls
of the teams

that have both the Heaven and Earth scrolls
and are setting out for the tower.

That's one third of the answer.


I mean that you guys are
not the only ones thinking that!

Near the tower, the same badgers
have probably already set traps, so...

I see!

That means there are lots of enemies
lying in wait to engage us.

Heh, having a handicap
gets me pumped, I say!

I'm looking forward to it!

If we just beat them all and
get the Heaven scroll,

we'll all survive the second exam!

No! This is still two-thirds of the answer!

What's the remaining
one third of the answer?

The collectors who are certain
to appear during an exam of this nature.


In this exam, with the tower
just a stone's throw away,

you definitely can't rest easy...

Those particular conditions
are what create them.

In other words,
those who gather extra scrolls...

as compensation for sparing them
when coming across an unexpected enemy.

Also, those who get information to
proceed favorably through later exams

by providing the lacking scrolls to
comrades sharing the same village.

And those who are thinking of,
under conditions favorable to them,

annihilating the powerful ones who
will probably get through to the third exam.

It goes without saying,
but these guys are quite the big g*ns

and the worst enemies who
are definitely not conceited.

I see.

I understand the reason
why you appeared before us.

You're scared, too, right?

That's right.

Now then, the tower has finally
come into view.

From here on is the hard part.

All right, let's go!

An enemy already?


Oh, it's just a centipede.

Yikes! It's huge.

All those legs are gross.



I'd like to avoid inadvertent sounds and
careless actions from here on.


Rushing ahead through a dense forest
making noise like an elephant

is the same as serving notice
in a loud voice that we're coming.

We'd definitely receive
an enthusiastic welcome.

O-Oh, I see.

As long as time allows, we should
go slowly while remaining hidden.

- Yeah.
- Okay.


Heh, not bad, everyone.


Okay, it's this way.

Is it a trap?

Yeah. It'll get intense ahead from here on.



That was close, Naruto.

Substitution Jutsu!

I told you, it would get intense ahead
from here on.

I've... had it...

Oh! Sakura!

For crying out loud,
how far have we walked?

The tower hasn't gotten a bit closer.

Here we can see it right
in front of our eyes.


No mistake about it.

It seems that we're already
within the enthusiastic welcome.

Take a look at that.

Oh, that can't be!

What on earth is going on?

No way!

Is it Genjutsu...?

So it seems.

We were lured in perfectly.

It appears we were
meticulously careful,

and were made to walk around
the same place in a circle.

We're being watched...


They intend to wear down
our physical strength and

catch us unprepared
when we're bone tired.

If so, then this follows the enemy strategy.

Then... they'll be coming soon.

They've appeared.


This is the perfect handicap.

Hey, can you hear it?

The clear, blue sky goes on and on

The ocean spans limitlessly

Please keep that smile on your face forever

Or else I'll cry

You won't have to search around you

It's all ok now.

Everyone is inside
this hand

when you want to cry, and you want to run away

When you forget what happiness is

Just sing.

Light is born, and darkness was born

The two are one

Harmonia, feel the telepathy

Hey, can you hear it?

What's with these guys?

Crawling out all of a sudden?

Fighting in numbers isn't necessarily
a good thing, you know?

Since it's come to this,

it'll be a comparison of
the number of Clone Jutsu.

I can get twice of twice of
twice of twice of your...

Anyway, I'll multiply
to an incredible number!

It doesn't matter if it's
your Genjutsu or whatever.

I'll kick all their butts!
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