01x33 - Battle Formation: Ino-Shika-Cho!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x33 - Battle Formation: Ino-Shika-Cho!

Post by bunniefuu »

Press down hard on the gas

That's right, there's no compromise

We'll slip through the night

At the final moment push hard

That's right, all the way to zero,

Until we wipe away the days

Gently open your heart

If you pull it close to you

It will reach you, without a doubt

It will come, closer


We're speeding through life,
squeezing it for all of its worth

Our feet are tied

But we still keep going farther

Even if I take it back, and grasp it

If you're not the one

There will be no meaning

And so we'll go far off into the distance.

Where is...this place...?

Who is it?

from long ago?

Father and mother didn't need to die!

Everyone was k*lled.

I had no power so...

the clan vanished.

Battle Formation. Ino Shika Cho!

Ino... Why?

I can't let you upstage me
in front of Sasuke!

Squirming again...

The Leaf Village worms wandered in.

What are the two of you thinking?!

They're bad news!

It's a pain, but it can't be helped!

Ino steps out and
we men should run?

Sorry to get you involved.

But anyway we're
a Three-Man Squad, after all.

We're all in this together, aren't we?

Well, we'll see.

No! I don't want to die yet!

Let go of my scarf!

You're annoying! Quit wiggling!

It's okay for you to drop out, fatso.

What did that guy just say?

I... didn't quite catch it.


That word is taboo to Choji.

Try saying it again...

I said if you have a problem,
pull out, fatso.

Fatso...fatso...fatso...fatso... fatso

I'm not fat, I'm just big boned!
Blast it!

Hurraaaay for Big-Boned!


All right! You understand this, right?!

This is a battle between Leaf and Sound!

Lucky! He's lost it!

No way, this looks like it's going
to be a pain in the butt.

That's my line.

I was told to get Sasuke
by the end of the test...



The two behind...
take care of them.


Well then, Team Ino,
let's go full throttle!


Formation Ino!

- Shika!
- Cho!

I'm counting on you, Choji


Expansion Jutsu!

Next, Leaf Style Taijutsu!

Human Boulder!

What is this Jutsu?

Isn't it just a fat guy rolling?

Slicing Sound Wave!


He jumped?!

The air pressure of
Slicing Sound Wave

is less than effective
against that rotation.

Even if I do the Super Sound Wave,
if I'm touched by something like that

the bones in my arms will be crushed!

Think I'll let you?!

You're the most annoying so...

Ninja Art!

Shadow Possession Jutsu!

My body!



What are you doing at a time like this?!

Shadow Paralysis Jutsu?

Ino, next it's just the ladies.

Okay, Shikamaru, look after my body.



Ninja Art, Mind Transfer Jutsu!



What happened?

This... is the end of it.

You guys!

If you make one move,
this girl named Kin is dead meat!

If you don't want this
to end right here,

leave your scroll and walk away!

Once you've gone far enough that
I can't feel your Chakras,

I'll release this girl!

These guys...
What are they grinning about?

- Choji!
- Yeah!

This isn't good! They won't...!


Uggghh. I'm dizzy.

W-What kind of person...
hurts their own comrades?


Our goal is not the scrolls or
to pass this test playing by the rules.


It's Sasuke.


My Jutsu...

So your much precious
Shadow Paralysis Jutsu

is limited to 5 minutes?

It's not Shadow Paralysis.
It's Shadow Possession Jutsu.

In addition, it seems that
this girl's Jutsu...

seems to be a Jutsu to
take over the other's body.

From the looks of the blood
she's spitting up,

if I k*ll Kin, that girl will die too...

Are you going to do in...
your teammate?

If I need to...

This is no good.


That's too bad...
you're just a step away.

You're too easy going.

Hmph, I don't like this at all.

You minor Sound Ninjas...

Bullying the second rate guys and
putting on airs like a winner.


They're Lee's teammates...


You goofed.

Hah! Coming out of nowhere
like cockroaches...

That kid with the bob lying over there
is on our team, but...

But you messed with him, didn't you?!

What's with his eyes?

It's like they see through everything...

If you're gonna continue,
I'll fight with full strength!


What's wrong? Neji...

This Chakra...

If you don't like me,
don't play cool, come down here.

No. Evidently, there's no need for that.

After all...

without power...

I can't do anything!

Because I had no power...
Everyone was k*lled!

You let them be k*lled.

You only...watched.

If only I had power...

If only I had power...

Sasuke! You're awake...






Who did this to you?

Who is it?

The Curse Marks run
around his entire body?!

That body?

Don't worry.

On the contrary,
strength is rapidly flowing in...

Right now I feel good.

That guy gave this to me.


At last I understand...

I'm an Avenger...

On my road, I must put power
into my hands...

even if it means abandoning
myself to the devil.

So...I see...

So the mark on the neck
that this girl called Sakura spoke of

is this Curse Mark.


I didn't think he could stand up...

Sakura, tell me...

Who harmed you?




If you stay like that
you're gonna get involved!

Come back to this body!

Choji, you too,
come over here and hide.


Uh oh.


Okay, she's back!


What's going to happen now?

How should I know?


W-What's this?

No matter...

how you look at it...

his Chakras are...

too big!

Dosu, this half dead bastard
is nothing to be scared of!

Stop, Zaku! Don't you understand?!

I'll take care of all of them...

in one fell swoop!

Super Sonic Slicing Wave!

Heh! He must have been blown to pieces.

- Who did?
- Huh?!


He's fast!

Moreover, he took in those two,
and in the blink of an eye.

Fire Style!

Phoenix Flower Jutsu!

Don't push your luck!

I'll blow them off!


Shuriken's in the fire?!

Zaku, below you!

The quality of the Chakra
is completely different...

Is that really Sasuke?

What happened?
What in the world...?

It seems like you're
proud of your arms...


S-Stop it!

Sasuke will definitely come for me.

You're the only one left.


make it a little more fun for me.

This isn't...

This isn't...

This is not like...



Stop it.



The Curse Mark is withdrawing...

We're saved for now.


You're strong.

Sasuke... We can't defeat you
the way you are now.

This is our fee for settling this...

Please let us withdraw from here.


It seems selfish, but we now have
something we need to confirm, too.

That being said,
let's make a promise.

If there's another opportunity to
battle with you in this test,

we won't run or hide.


Who in the world is Orochimaru?

What did he do to Sasuke?!

Why Sasuke?!

I don't know...

We were just given orders to
make the hit on Sasuke.

Though you ordered us to
assassinate Sasuke,

you got to him first.

Moreover, you didn't k*ll him,
and left that Curse Mark instead.

I don't know what you're thinking...

Hey! Are you okay?!

It's a pain, but Ino,
I'll leave Lee to you.

Got it.

That Chakra...
It's abnormal.

The Uchiha clan...
this good, huh?

Sakura's in danger!

It's okay...
I'll protect Sakura.

Well, what should we do
with this guy?

Kick him awake?

Can I do it?

What am I?


Hey, can you hear it?

The clear, blue sky goes on and on

The ocean spans limitlessly

Please keep that smile on your face forever

Or else I'll cry

You won't have to search around you

It's all ok now.

Everyone is inside
this hand

when you want to cry, and you want to run away

When you forget what happiness is

Just sing.

Light is born, and darkness was born

The two are one

Harmonia, feel the telepathy

Hey, can you hear it?

Hey, what's up Akamaru?

Wait a minute, Naruto,
he's acting strange.

What, are you hungry?

Doesn't seem like it.
How about a walk?

I know. You're looking for
an electric pole, aren't you?

He bit me!
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