01x27 - The Chunin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x27 - The Chunin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death

Post by bunniefuu »

Press down hard on the gas

That's right, there's no compromise

We'll slip through the night

At the final moment push hard

That's right, all the way to zero,

Until we wipe away the days

Gently open your heart

If you pull it close to you

It will reach you, without a doubt

It will come, closer


We're speeding through life,
squeezing it for all of its worth

Our feet are tied

But we still keep going farther

Even if I take it back, and grasp it

If you're not the one

There will be no meaning

And so we'll go far off into the distance.

I like your determination!


For those who are still here...

The first test...

you have passed it!

You've passed through the gates!

The first test for the Chunin Exams
has been completed...

I wish you well.

All right! Wish us well!

What a funny guy...


I didn't think that there would be
a guy who would pass the first test

with a blank test sheet.

Naruto Uzumaki.
He really is a funny guy.

The Chunin Exam Stage 2.
The Forest of Death!

There's something kind
of creepy about this place.

This place is called the Forest of Death,
you'll soon realize why.

"The Forest of Death,
you'll soon realize why."

That kind of threat won't work
on me one bit!

I'm not scared!


You've got a lot of energy.

A kid like you dies at very beginning,

dappled with the red blood I like.

I'm returning your... Kunai Knife...

Thank you for taking the trouble...

But... don't stand behind me,
thirsty for blood.

If you don't want a quick death...

Well, it's my nature to act up
at the sight of red blood.

And my precious hair was cut,
so I got excited...


I'm sorry...

W-What with that Proctor?

Frankly, she's psycho!

This one, too...

That girl, why was her tongue so long?

Evidently, we've got
a lot of hot blooded kids this time.

This will be fun.

You're the most hot blooded! Believe it!

Well, before we start the second exam,
I have to pass this out to you!

It's a consent form,

before you can take part
in the test you have to sign this.


From here on out,
corpses are going to come out,

I have to get your consent to that!

Or it'll be my responsibility.

Well, I'm going to start
the explanation for the second exam.

In a word, the limits of
your survival will be challenged.

Survival, huh?
This test is a total pain.

First, I'll give you step-by-step instruction
on the terrain of this Training Field.

Training Field Number 44 is surrounded
by 44 locked entrance gates,

there are rivers and a forest
and a tower in the middle.

It's about 10 kilometers
from the towers to the gate...

In this confined area, you will
go through a certain survival program.

The contents of which are...

anything goes scroll battle!



I want you to fight for two scrolls,
the Heaven Scroll and the Earth Scroll.

All together 26 teams got
through the first test.

Half of them...

13 teams get the Heaven scroll,
the other half get the Earth Scroll.

I'll hand over one scroll to each team.

To put it simply,
that's what you're vying for.

And the conditions to pass?

Three of you bring both the Heaven and
Earth Scrolls to the tower in the center.

That means that of the 13 teams,
half of them will fail for sure...

Except it has to be in time.

For this second exam,
the time limit is 120 hours.

Do it in exactly five days!

Five days.

What do we do about food?

Be self sufficient! It's a treasure trove
in the wilderness.

There's more than enough for food...


It's teeming with
fierce people eating animals,

poison bugs, poisonous weeds and
much more.

No way...

Fool, that's why it's called survival!

Besides, it's improbable that 39 people,
13 teams will pass.

The interval for activity gets longer
with passing each day,

while the time for recovery
gets shorter...

Seems pretty grueling!

On top of that, you're surrounded
by nothing but enemies,

even falling asleep
will be a problem...

And, besides those injured
during attempts to capture scrolls...

there will definitely be people

are unable to endure
the rigors of the course.

Umm... so you can quit in the middle of it?

According to the rules,
you cannot give up in the middle of it!

I want you to spend
five days in the forest.

Just like I thought...

This is going to be a pain!

Moving on, conditions of disqualification.

Number 1, if all three members
of the team can't make it to the tower

with the Heaven and Earth Scrolls
within the time limit.

Number 2, if a team loses a member
or if a member became incapacitated.

There's that, and this is a supplement...

Absolutely do not look at
the contents of the scrolls

until you have reached the tower!

W-What happens if we look
at it halfway through?

When you look at it you'll find... out!


There are times when a Chunin
must deal with super secret text.

This is to test your reliability.

That's all the explanation!

I'll exchange your three consent forms for
the scrolls in that hut over there.

After that, pick your entrance,
and all the gates will open simultaneously!

Finally, just a word of advice...

Don't die!

I see, so you won't know which
scroll was given to each team...

and you won't know which of
the three people is carrying the scroll.

If what lbiki said was right,

there will be life or death
struggles for information in this test.

Everyone is an enemy!

The resolve of everyone here is strong.

That means that it might come
to k*lling each other.

It looks like they understand the meaning
of the consent form a little bit...

Heeey, look who's here!

It's Billboard Brow, isn't it?

I thought you went home long ago,
I never imagined you were still here.

Ooooh? Look who's here,
the ugly Inopig

Starting now, it's five days of
the survival test with Sasuke.

There's no reason to go home.

- Ugly!
- Billboard!

- Ugly! Ugly!
- Billboard! Billboard!

- Ugly, ugly, ugly!
- Billboard, billboard, billboard!

- Billboard, billboard, billboard!
- Ugly ugly ugly!

- Ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly!
- Billboard, billboard, billboard, billboard!

Sakura, this is impossible for you.

For your own sake,
just hurry up and go home!

I could say the exact same thing to you!

Hey, why are those two
on such bad terms?

D-Do you think I care about
something stupid like that?

Man... all there is to do
is write my name,

why does it take this much time!

Hey! Hinata! What are you
doing over there?


Umm... uhhhh... well...

Just like I thought,
this kid is strange.

A scratch...

Uh um... this... is

See ya!


It's about time for
the scroll exchange.

Well, I wonder how
many teams will survive...

Teams who have
taken the scroll,

stay with the representative
and move to the gate!

We'll all start simultaneously
in 30 minutes!!

Yeah! Survival is our forte!

Hinata, don't show your weakness.

Uh, okay...

Life or death...

It's a pain but we just have to do this.

Since it's come to this,
Naruto will be our target.

For snacks, there's potato chips...

- What about shortcake.?
- I can't believe you two!

Okaaaay! I won't lose!

I'll bring down whoever comes near me.

- Yes!
- Cha!

Heh heh... finally the opportunity is here...

We have the chance to fulfill
our mission in earnest...

Sure, the enemy teams are scary but,

I'm really scared of spending
five days with this guy.

Target the rookies first.

They said that from now on
it's okay to k*ll,

which makes it easier.

Master Guy, I'll do my best!
I'll definitely succeed!

We now start the second
test of the Chunin Exam!

Look for the brats!

Those three, right?

All right! Let's go!

Okay! First, we search for that thing.

Can you do it, Hinata?



Slow down, Lee!
We just started.

I know. But...

I can't stay still!

Who knows what kind of
powerful foe is waiting for us.

Hot-blooded fool...

As you already understand,
we have only one target!

W-What are you doing, Choji?

Just a little break...
I'm already tired, and hungry...

What are you suddenly saying?!

It hasn't been five minutes
since we started!

But I can't help it. I'm hungry...

You! If you were able to bring snacks,

you should have been able
to bring one Kunai knife!

Ino! Hide!

Uh oh!

This kind of thing continuing
for five days...?

Anyway, the tower is the
goal for everyone, right?

So it would be clever for us to make
a trap in the vicinity of the tower.

Okay... wasting no time, huh?

Where are they?

Heh... kids.

It's like begging to be found,
standing in that conspicuous place.

They sensed our presence,

but, evidently they haven't
grasped where we are.

What happened?
You're pale.

W-What is that?!

The Flying Leeches of Leaf Village
sense body temperature and perspiration,

then in mass, swoop down
on their prey.

If they continue to suck
your blood for five minutes,

you go to the other world...

Using this behavior,

we'd set a trap on the path
enemies would use to escape.

D-Damn it...

That's one team gone!

It sounds like they've already started.

Wasn't that someone screaming
just now?

I-I'm kinda getting nervous.

I-It was nothing. Sakura.
Believe it!

I-I have to pee...

Y-You... fool!

What are you doing
in front of a lady!

Go to the grass!

Aaah, that was a lot!
I'm refreshed.

Like I said, not in front of a lady!

S-Sasuke... no matter what,
you don't have to go that far.

W-What was that for...?

What are you doing... all of a sudden?!

What you ask? That's my line, isn't it?


It can't be helped!

Sasuke, please stop!

Look closely at him!

Talk! Where's the real Naruto!

I have no idea what
you're talking about!

What happened to the scratch
on you face?

I'm asking what happened to the scratch
you got before from the Proctor!

And your Shuriken holster
is on your left leg.

That guy's right handed!

You're worse at transformation
than Naruto, you phony!

Unlucky! You got me.
In that case...

Which one of you got the scroll?

If you listen to me obediently,
I'll spare your lives.

I see! Then I'll resort to force!

Hey, can you hear it?

The clear, blue sky goes on and on

The ocean spans limitlessly

Please keep that smile on your face forever

Or else I'll cry

You won't have to search around you

It's all ok now.

Everyone is inside
this hand

when you want to cry, and you want to run away

When you forget what happiness is

Just sing.

Light is born, and darkness was born

The two are one

Harmonia, feel the telepathy

Hey, can you hear it?

Aww, stupid gas mask man!

Suddenly sneaking up on someone
when they're peeing!

I messed up just a little bit.

Now I have to hurry and
meet up with Sakura.

Wait a minute!
What is this giant snake?

Hey! Are you serious?!
Wait a minute, hey!

I've been gulped down!
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