01x25 - The Tenth Question: All or Nothing!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x25 - The Tenth Question: All or Nothing!

Post by bunniefuu »


Running like a fugitive,

Being chased by something

Inside my heart is pounding

My throat dry like it's withering

For no single one,

To none does belong,

This time is ours, right now...

Unraveling the pain,

Unraveling our hearts,

Unraveling shadows

Stifling our breath,

Reaching for beyond,

Tearing through the dark

In fighting and in love

To the distant light above,

Yes, we are on the way

I wanna rock...

Rockin' my heart

I think we almost finished
shaking off the losers.

Then I guess I'll move
onto the main issue.

It has been 45 minutes, so I'll start.

All right!

Here is the tenth question!

Here it comes!

I have to put everything on
the line for this question!

The Tenth Question. All or Nothing!

Hmph! Making such a big deal.

This is the final obstacle.

Kankuro, come back already!

If he starts the tenth question,
your cheat sheet has no meaning!

But before that,

I'm going to add
some rules for the last question.

Aren't you lucky?

It looks like playing with
the dolls wasn't a waste, after all?

This guy.

He's figured Crow out!

Anyway, sit down.

Let me explain!

These are

the hopeless rules!

Well, anyhow.

There's nothing to do when
the subordinates are gone, huh?

Well, it'll get busy soon enough.


This year's first proctor...

I hear it's that Ibiki Morino.

Well then, passing the first exam
already seems iffy.

Of all the people, that sadist...


Kurenai, you're a new Jonin,
so you wouldn't know.

Who is this person?

He is a pro, a professional.

Professional? Of what?

t*rture and interrogation.


Well, there maybe no physical t*rture
in the exam itself,

but he's sure to use his
his skills as an interrogator

to torment them psychologically.

That is...

Leaf Village Anbu's
t*rture and Interrogation Unit Marshall,

Ibiki Morino!

Hopeless rules...?!

First, you guys will have to choose

whether or not you will take
this 10th question!


Choose whether or not
to take the exam?

What, choose?!

What happens if you choose not
to take the 10th exam?

If you chose not to take the exam,
then your score will be zero.

In other words, you fail!

And of course, the same goes for
the two others in the same group!

W-What does that mean!

Of course, everybody is going to
choose to take the exam!

This is ridiculous!
As if we have a choice!

And... one more rule...

Another one?!

Finish with it already!

If you chose to take it and
are unable to answer it correctly,

then you will have to...

relinquish your right
of taking the Chunin Exam forever.

What kind of ridiculous rule is that?!

Besides, there are plenty
of people here

who have taken the
Chunin Exam many times!

You're just unlucky.

I make the rule this year.

But I did give you
the option to go back!

For those of you who aren't confident,
you can choose not to take it

and take the exam
next year or the year after that.

Oh! How terrible!

If one out of the three
chooses not to take the exam,

then all three will be failed.

If you do choose to take it,
but get the wrong answer...

then that person will be a
Genin for the rest of their life!

No matter what,
the odds are against us!

It's an impossible choice
for anyone with normal nerves!

Then, let's begin...

The 10th question...

Those who will not be taking it,
raise your hands!

Once I confirm your number,
I'll ask you to leave!

What kind of a question
is it going to be...?


If I get it wrong,
I'll be a Genin for the rest of my life.

I don't want that!

But if I choose not take it...!

Then I'll fail Sasuke and Sakura, too!
I don't want that either!

I won't raise my hand!

I'm confident that
I can answer it correctly.


But Naruto! You're different!

You should retreat this time
even if it means to ignore us

and think of your next chance
to take the Exam!

I... I...

I'm quitting!
I'm not going to take it!

#50 failed!

#130, #111 will be
failed as well...

I-I'm sorry...
Gennai! Inaho!


M-Me too!

Me too!


Why don't you raise your hand?

That guy...

I am the super elite ninja

who will be carrying
the name of the Hokage!

My name is Naruto Uzumaki,
remember that!

Shut up!

I'm prepared to do anything
to become a Hokage!

I will surpass the Hokage!

And I will make all of
the people in the village

acknowledge my presence!

He's always got such a one track mind.

Saying Hokage, Hokage
all the time like a fool.

I'm sorry, Naruto.

It seems like...

I don't want to...

crush your unachievable dreams.

That guy...

Ibiki completely understands how
the human psyche works.

And the most horrifying part is...

that by cornering people psychologically
he controls their psyche and

reveals the fundamental
weakness of a human.

Don't underestimate me!
I won't run!

I'll take it!

But even if I'm stuck being
a Genin forever,

I will become a Hokage
no matter what it takes!

I'm not scared!

That guy, he wasn't even
thinking of us at all.

Such audacity!

That's right...

That's exactly the kind of fool you are!

I'll ask again.

It's a choice that will alter your life.

If you want to quit, now is your chance!

I'm not going to take back
my words!

That is my Way of Ninja!

Huh... What a funny kid.

He completely brushed away
those kids' anxieties.

78, huh? Much more left
than I expected.

It's going to be the same.
No matter how much more I push it.

I like your determination!


For those who are still here...

The first exam...

You have passed it!


H-Hey, what does that mean?

All of a sudden you're telling us
that we've passed!

What about the 10th question?

There wasn't such
a thing to begin with!

Well, you can look at the choice you
just had to make as the 10th question!



Then, what were all
those nine questions for!

It was just a waste of time!

Not a waste...

The objective of the nine questions
were already accomplished.

To test your individual ability
to gather information!

Ability to gather information?


The focus of this test was

on the system of determining
the pass or failure

based on the three person groups
that was proposed in the first rule.

By grading the exam on
a group basis,

I added the unimaginable pressure
of dragging down your teammates.

I see, I see.

I kind of felt that was
the point of this test!

No, you didn't!


The questions on these tests weren't
things that

you Genin Ninja would
have been able to solve...

So in that case...

I imagined that most of you here
would have come to this conclusion:

"In order to score points,
I'll have to cheat."

In other words,

this exam was created under the premise
that you all would cheat!

That being said,

I had two Chunin in the group
who knew all of the answers

from whom you could cheat.

What?! That's what it was?

I had a hard time figuring
out the guy.

Yeah. Really...

It was so obvious!

There's something wrong with you
if you didn't notice!

Right, Hinata?!

He...didn't realize it...


those who just foolishly cheated,
naturally were disqualified.

That's because...

Information, depending on
the time and situation,

it will be more valuable than life.

And in a mission or on a b*ttlefield,

you will always have to risk your life
to fight for it!

Horrible burn marks, nail punctures
and scratches...

Those are signs of physical t*rture!

When information is gathered

and the enemy or a third party
finds out about it,

that information is no longer
guaranteed to be correct.

Just remember this.

To be given the wrong information

can bring a catastrophic blow
to your friends and town.

So that is why, out of necessity,
we forced you guys to cheat

in order to test your ability
to collect information.

And we filtered out those who
were clearly lacking in those abilities.


The last question doesn't
make any sense.


this 10th question was
the main issue of this first exam.


What do you mean?

I'll explain.

The tenth question was to
take on the question, or not.

Needless to say, it is
a painful decision to make.

Those who chose not to
take on the question,

would be immediately failed
along with their whole squad!

Those who chose to answer
the question and got it wrong...

would be robbed of their chance
to take the Exam forever.

It really is an unfair question.

Then, how about these two choices?

Let's say that you guys did
become a Chunin.

The mission is to steal
a secret document!

You have no idea how many
Ninjas the enemy has,

their ability, and other armament
they may have.

On top of that, there maybe
the pitfall of an enemy trap.

Now this mission...
Will you take it? Or not take it?

Because you want your life spared...

Because your partners will
be put in danger...

Can you get away from
dangerous missions?

The answer is...


There are going to be missions
you cannot avoid

no matter how risky or
dangerous it may be!

Showing your courage to
your teammates in a tight spot,

and the ability to get through
the hardships...

This is the quality that is needed
in a Chunin troop leader!

In a pinch, there are
those who cannot risk their own fate,

and those who waver and give up
their chances

because they think they
will have another chance.

I believe that such fools who don't have
strong determination

have no right to become a Chunin!

For those of you who chose
to take on the question,

you can say that you have successfully
answered the difficult 10th question!

You shall be able to take on
the adversity that may lie in your way.

You've passed through the gates!

The fist exam for the Chunin Exam
has been completed.

I wish you well!

All right! Wish us well!

I did it! I did it!

What a funny guy...

W-What's going on?!

Gosh, this one...

You guys!

This isn't the time to be

I'm the proctor for the second exam!
Anko Mitarashi!

Let's move onto
the next stage! Next!

Follow me!

Read the atmosphere.

This proctor...
Is kind of like Naruto.

78?! Ibiki!
You let 26 teams slide by?

I guess, the first exam this time around
was too easy.

It seems like this time,
there are a lot of excellent candidates.

Huh! Well, all right...

I'll drop more than half of them
in the second exam!

M-More than half?

I'm getting excited.

I'll give you the details tomorrow.

We'll be changing locations,

so get information from your Jonin
about the location and the time!

That's it. You're dismissed.

I didn't think that there would be a guy
that would pass with a blank sheet.

Naruto Uzumaki...
He really is a funny guy.

W-What is this place?!


This is the location for
the "second exam",

the 44th Training Field.

Also known as... the Forest of Death.

The Forest of... Death?!

I passed the first exam!

I'm just going to hop, jump
and take a big step and...

Huh? Konohamaru and the g*ng?

Hey, you guys!

If you want to play a Ninja game...

No? What?
You came here for a mission?!
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