01x20 - A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x20 - A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!

Post by bunniefuu »


Running like a fugitive,

Being chased by something

Inside my heart is pounding

My throat dry like it's withering

For no single one,

To none does belong,

This time is ours, right now...

Unraveling the pain,

Unraveling our hearts,

Unraveling shadows

Stifling our breath,

Reaching for beyond,

Tearing through the dark

In fighting and in love

To the distant light above,

Yes, we are on the way

I wanna rock...

Rockin' my heart

Here we go!

I'm gonna take care of
my duties with gusto again today!

Whoa! Mach 5!

A New Chapter Begins.
The Chunin Exam


Good morning, Sakura!


Oh, not again!

These two...

They've been sort of strange since
we got back from the Land of Waves...

Oh, it's almost uncomfortable...

Hurry up and get here Kakashi Sensei!


Good morning, everyone...

Today I got lost.


Hey, hey...
Kakashi Sensei!

Our Group Seven always has
the easy missions lately!

Aren't there more exciting
missions where I can be more active,

where I can use my Way of the Ninja
and my soul... you know?

Oh yes yes...

I basically understand what
you're trying to say.


He's always making me
indebted to him

and making himself look good
during our missions!

I won't lose, no way!

You little...!

Today for sure!

You are so much trouble!

That's what I'd like to say!

Hey! What're you doing, Naruto?
We're going on our mission!


You've been so annoying for a while!

I'm not gonna lose to Sasuke!

Hey you!


Oh, Mrs!

I've gotten rid of all the weeds!


What's wrong?

Those... those aren't weeds.


Those are herbs
I grew in my garden!

Ouch, ouch, ouch!

Somebody... help...!

No way! Free fall!


You idiot.


Don't go over there!

Hey! Please stop!

That fool...

Oh no! That's because he
stubbornly chose that big dog.

Hey, hey! Wait a minute,
wait a minute!

That's the trap field over there...


Well! It's because you're so reckless!

Geez, you are so much trouble.


If you act up any more, I'll finish you!

Teamwork hasn't been good lately.

That's right, that's right!

Sasuke, you're to blame for
the poor teamwork!

You're always attracting attention!

That's you, you idiot.

If you don't want to owe me
big time...

you just need to become
stronger than me!

It seems like they're getting
along worse than before...

This is frustrating!

There're plenty of guys outside
who are stronger than I am...

Always making me go on
this kind of lame mission.

Well then...

Perhaps we should disperse.

I do need to submit a report
about this mission.

Okay, then I'm going home.

Oh! Hey!

Sasuke, wait for me!

Hey, how about...
Why don't you and...

Why don't we work on improving
our teamwork together?

You're just like Naruto.


If you have time to spend on me,
why don't you practice a Jutsu!

To tell you frankly,
your abilities are less than Naruto's!

Less than Naruto! Less than Naruto!
Less than Naruto! Less than Naruto!

That's right...

It's always that way for me
during every mission.

I'll never be able to really
do anything at all.

Sakura! Just let Sasuke be,
and let's practice together!


Sensei disappeared.

Was he being thoughtful?


Pretending to be...a rock?

There's no such thing as a perfectly
square rock with perfect holes!

It's totally obvious!

Just what you'd expect from
the man I respect!

You are my rival, aren't you!

Hey! That's too much gunpowder!

With an adult sexiness!

I'm Moegi of the senior class
at Kunoichi Preschool!

I love factoring!


The most brilliant Ninja in the village!

The three of us together are
the Konohamaru g*ng!

Here we are!

I knew it was Konohamaru
and friends.

Huh? Why are you all wearing goggles?

We're just copying what
you used to do, bro!


What's with the oh!

Your reactions have been
pretty cold these days!

So, did you want something?

See? Cold.

So, leader!
Do you have some free time now?


I have to train!

What?! You said you'd
play Ninja with us today!

Oh...? Is that right?


If I played with these guys
they would make me hang out all day.

Hmph! Why would a Ninja play Ninja?

W-What is it?

So, abilities less than this guy, huh?

You are making me blush
with those stares...

Naruto, who's she?

She's been staring at him with eyes
like she's gonna k*ll him!


You've been busier
than I thought, bro...


Is she your?


Shucks, you guys are
pretty sharp for kids!

No way!


What are you doing?!

No! Leader!

His pulse, his pulse...!

You ugly wench! Ugly wench!




Are you all right, Konohamaru?


Darn that broad foreheaded ugly wench!
Is she a girl for real?


That hurt...

- Huh?
- Huh?

So, I have formally received
the report from you.

Is Naruto getting along with the others?


Well, he's doing okay.

I've been busy lately.

I haven't had a chance to see him
even once since his return.

I'm a little concerned...

As you know, Iruka Sensei,
Sasuke is also in our squad,

and Naruto sees him as a rival,
which is a little straining.

But, the result is that his abilities
are developing significantly.

Almost to the point that
he might reach yours,

the one he respects!

I see...

I wonder what it is?


Right now?

These guys...


That hurt, little punk!

Stop that. You'll get yelled at later!

I'm sorry...
I was fooling around...

What are these two?

Hey stop!
Let go of that hand!

Huh! So these are Leaf Village's Genin...

Let's play with them before
the strict one comes around.

Let go!

You're pretty lively,
you little punk...

You jerk!

What was that?

Leaf Village's Genin are
weaker than I thought.

T-These guys are foreign...

Why are they here?




It... It hurts...

Hey! If you don't let go of him,
I won't forgive you! You fool!

You're the fool!

What are you gonna do
by getting him worked up!

You're ticking me off.

I-I don't like little runts anyway.

On top of that,

you're a smart aleck for
someone younger than me.

Makes me want to break him.

It's not on me.

What's with this guy?
He's crazy...

Well, after this little squirt,
it's the little runt that won't shut up!



What do you think you're doing
in someone else's Village, you...


He's pretty cute.


Another little punk to tick me off!

Get lost!

Wow! So cool!

Naruto, you're lame!

S-Stupid! I would've quickly
taken down that thug too!


Sasuke, you!

Why're you always,
always meddling like this!

Hey, come down here,
you little punk!

You're the kind of smart aleck
little punk that I despise the most.

Wait! You aren't thinking of
using Crow, are you?!

Kankuro, stop that.


You're an embarrassment
to our village.


When did he get next to me?

It's stealthy footsteps
on the level of Kakashi...

There is no other reason to
summon you here other than...

As I assume you already understand,

based on the faces
you can see around...

So it's already that time...

The other Lands have already
been notified, right?

I've seen them here and there
in the village.

And, when will it be?

In a week...

That's very sudden.

Now... I will make the
formal announcement.

Seven days from today...

On the first day of July,
the Chunin Exam will begin!

Yes, yes, yes!

It's the Chunin Exam,
it's the Chunin Exam!

If I were to win first place or something,
becoming a Hokage would be closer!

There's no way I can lose!

Konohamaru, you think so too, right?


Who the heck snatched up Moegi,
and what're you gonna do?

Stop, I won't let you get away!

Next time:
"Identify Yourself: Powerful New Rivals"

As for me, I'm gonna kick butt again!
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