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02x10 - Blood of Patriots

Posted: 07/09/22 15:58
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

By the authority vested in me
by the Planetary Union,

I hereby present you,
Lieutenant Yaphit,

with the Sapphire Star
for extraordinary heroism

beyond the call of duty
during the Kaylon conflict.

All in a day's work, Captain.



Okay, okay. Here we go.

Eldorian vodka sh*ts for everybody.

Oh, no. No, I cannot
do a shot of that stuff.

- Come on, man. Just do it.
- Come on. Just do it.

I can't... My body will not
tolerate Eldorian vodka.

Just down it. Go.

Okay... You know... I'll take
a small sip. How about that?

- Small sip.
- I mean, look, on the count of three,

we'll all do it.

One, two, three.


That is good stuff. You weren't lying.

You just dumped it on the floor.

COMM VOICE: Bridge to Captain Mercer.

Gotta take that. Mercer here. Go ahead.

Admiral Perry is calling

on a Priority One channel.

He needs to speak with you and
Commander Grayson immediately.

We're on our way.


I heard there was a ceremony.

Sorry to interrupt.

No, your timing was great
for me, actually.

Captain, I have historic news.

The Krill are ready
to negotiate a peace treaty.

Are you serious?

Is this because of the Kaylon threat?

That's the primary reason.

But we suspect there may also
be progressive elements

within the Krill power structure

who are flexing a bit of muscle.

Regardless of the cause,

we've been trying to open
a dialogue with them for years.

We were hoping the cease-fire

after the battle with the Kaylon

would lead to talks,
and it looks like it has.

Admiral, this is incredible news,

but I'm just curious, why call us?

Because you're going
to shepherd the signing

- of the Lak'vai Pact.
- The what?

In the Krill political process,
it's a sort of prelude

to a peace treaty.

It indicates that both parties
will approach the table

in good faith.

Sir, with all due respect,

you must have hundreds of diplomats

who are more qualified for this.

To be honest, there's no one
who's qualified.

The only direct,
long-term dealing we've had

with the Krill is
the undercover mission

conducted by you and Lieutenant Malloy.

And of course, your... relationship

with the Krill woman who
infiltrated your ship.


Admiral, what do you want us to do?

You're to rendezvous

with the Krill vessel Davoro'kos

in 12 hours at Tarazed Three.

- The Davoro'kos.
- Yes.

- It means "bringer of blood."
- Oh, that's cool.

The ship will be carrying

a Krill ambassadorial detachment.

You'll host them in the briefing room.

If you can secure the signing
of the Lak'vai,

it throws the door wide open

for the admirals to begin
official treaty negotiations.

Understood. We'll do our best.

Good luck, Captain. This is momentous.

Bet you wish you'd had that shot.

♪ ♪

BORTUS: Captain,
the Krill vessel is approaching.

Should we raise deflectors?

Leave them down.
Let's show a little trust.

Sir, there is another vessel in range.

It is a Krill shuttle.

The Krill vessel is firing on it.

They're firing on their own shuttle?

The Krill shuttle is hailing us.

Put them on.

Shuttle to Union vessel,

I am under attack!

Request emergency docking!

Bortus, open the bay doors,

- then raise deflectors.
- Aye, sir.

- Talla, get the door open!
- On it.

He's unconscious but stable.

Finn to sickbay.

I need a full medical team down here!

It's okay. You're safe.


It's okay.

It's... it's just a medscanner.


- Gordon, secure the main console.
- Aye, sir.

Oh, my God.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You will hand over the human
to us immediately, Captain.

You were firing on
one of your own shuttles

during a rendezvous for peace talks.

I'm not doing anything
until I know what's going on.

The criminal that you are
currently harboring

is responsible for destroying
four Krill vessels.

- What happened?
- Three of the ships

were destroyed in the past 30 days.

After the cease-fire!

How could one person do that
kind of damage with a shuttle?

A stolen shuttle.

And he is in possession
of a very powerful w*apon.

- What w*apon?
- We do not know.

A proper interrogation
will yield answers.

We searched the shuttle.

We didn't find any weapons.

Just some survival items
and medical supplies.

Look, why don't you and the delegation

come over to the Orville,
and we can speak in person?

Very well.
Expect our arrival presently.

Bortus, have the damaged shuttle moved

- to cargo bay one.
- Aye, sir.

Talla, I need a little time

to get some information on our guest.

Is there any way
you could stall the Krill?

I think I can cite
a few boarding regulations

that might take some time.


Orrin and I were best friends.

From grade school all the way
through Union Point.

We were both in our early twenties,

and we were stationed on Outpost 73.

Orrin was living there with his wife

and their newborn daughter, Leyna,

when the Krill made a surprise
attack on the outpost.

Orrin's wife was k*lled, and he
and his daughter disappeared.

Oh, my God.

No one ever heard from them again.

It was assumed they were
captured or k*lled.

- And now, here they are.
- Yeah.


Easy. Don't try to sit up yet.

Your head's gonna be okay.
But don't push it.

Where's my daughter?

She's resting in guest quarters.

I tried to get her into sickbay,
but she went into a panic.

Well, after what they did
to her, I'm not surprised.

I asked her what was wrong,
but she won't speak.

She hasn't said a word in 12 years.

Why not?

You try spending your entire
life in a Krill prison camp,

you see how chatty you're feeling.

What happened?

Let's just say the Krill doctors
weren't exactly gentle

with their examinations.

I understand.

But I've got to be able
to examine her myself

to make sure she's okay.

She's healthy.

At least physically.

Just give her a few days
to trust her surroundings.


My God... Gordon Malloy.


It's been 20 years.
I don't even know what to say.

Last time I saw you,
you had a Mohawk. [CHUCKLES]

Yeah, no, believe me, I remember,

not my proudest moment.

Orrin... what happened to you?

ED: I'm sorry to cut this short,

but there's a more immediate matter

that needs to be resolved.

Lieutenant Channing,
I'm Captain Ed Mercer.

I feel like a jerk saying this to you

after what you've been through,
but you should know

the Krill ship that was
chasing you is demanding

that I return you to their custody.

They're saying you violated
the cease-fire with the Union

on three occasions in the past month.

You got to be kidding me.

Captain, Leyna and I were in
that Krill prison for 20 years.

And we escaped six weeks ago
by stealing a Krill shuttle.

We ran out of plasma
for the quantum drive

before we could reach Union space.

It-it took us a month
just to get this far.

Why didn't you use the comm system?

Call the Union for help?

Couldn't risk divulging
our location to the Krill.

If they'd intercepted the message

before it got to the Union,
they would've snatched us up

and thrown us right back
in that prison cell.

No way in hell
we were going back there.

So you know nothing
about those Krill ships.

Not a thing, sir.

I didn't even know
there was a cease-fire.

May I have the fleet registry number

for your vessel, please?

I've already told you twice!

Oh, yes, of course. It's right here.

Mother's maiden name?

These boarding regulations
are outrageous!

I'm just doing my job, sir.
Mother's maiden name?


And are you carrying
any fruits or vegetables,

or livestock of any kind? Snails?

- Of course not.
- All right.

Then I'll just need a urine sample,

- and you're good to go.
- What?

A urine sample. From each of you.

Just go ahead and fill these up,
or as much as you got in you.

And where are we supposed to do that?

You can go behind
the crates over there.

I won't look.

- Yeah?

Keyali here.

Captain, I can't stall
the Krill any longer.

I've come up with every
boarding check I can think of,

and even made up a few more.

Just buy me five more minutes, okay?

Then take them straight
to the briefing room.

Captain, I don't know
what else I can do...

Talla, just five minutes.

[SIGHS] Understood.

- Come in.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Am I interrupting?

I'm just trying to find anything

in the Union intelligence briefings

that confirms the destruction
of those Krill ships,

just in case they're lying.

You're not thinking you might
turn Orrin over to them?

No, we have no extradition
treaty with the Krill.

Besides, if I did that,
they'd k*ll him.

Well, for what it's worth,
I know Orrin.

He couldn't have done what
they're saying; he's a good guy.

Look, I know he's your friend,
and I understand

that he's just been through a
nightmare, but honestly, Gordon,

he could not have shown up
at a worse time.

I mean, I got to tell you, this
puts me in a hell of a bind.

I know.

You know, maybe we could...

I don't know... offer the Krill
something else instead.

Like what?

Free back rubs or something?

Yeah, listen,

- I've got to get back to this.
- Yeah, no, no.

- Do your thing. Do your thing.
- 'Cause I have to...

- I was just pitching ideas.
- It's a good pitch.

I'll take it under consideration.

- Okay. I'll talk to you later.
- Okay.


♪ ♪

Captain Mercer,
when may we expect the return

of the criminal you are holding?

Well, I was actually hoping
we could table that for now.

We have told you what he has done.

He has a young daughter with
him; she needs time to heal.

Whatever your damn prison
did to her was...

We do not want the girl,
only the butcher.

Those four Krill vessels held

a combined crew complement of 1,200.

All dead by his hand.

Ambassador, I'm very sorry
for your loss,

but you still haven't told us
how one man in a stolen shuttle

could've destroyed four Krill ships.

We do not know how he did it.

That is what an interrogation is for.

Look, Ambassador,
let's not kid ourselves.

We all know an interrogation
means death.

The death of one against
the death of 1,200.

You are godless heretics by nature,

but even you cannot ignore
such k*lling.

I seem to recall being on board
a Krill vessel

that was prepared to wipe out
an entire Union colony,

but let's not go there right now.

Look, our two peoples
have been in conflict

for longer than you
and I have been alive.

Hundreds of thousands of people
have died as a result.

We have a chance to stop
the hate and the v*olence

right here, right now,
by agreeing to peace.

So let's focus on making that happen.

Unless you return the criminal
to our custody,

there will be no peace.

Our ship will return in 12 hours.

You have that long to decide

if this will be a Lak'vai
or a battleground.



♪ ♪

She's really got a knack
for Bolodon discs.

She's fascinated.

This whole ship's
a brand-new world to her.

Every experience is either
enthralling or terrifying.

GORDON: The last time I saw her,
she was just a baby.

How bad was it in there, really?

It was bad.

It was harder on Leyna.

She didn't have the advantage
of Union training.

She's tough, though.

She's tougher than she looks.

Listen, Orrin,
I never got to say thank you.

You saved my life that day.

Just doing my job.

Mm, maybe, but...

we both know if you
hadn't stopped to pull me

and the others out of that wreckage,

we would've been captured or k*lled.

It could've been me in that
Krill prison instead of you.

I owe you.

You owe me nothing.

We were a team.

I'm sorry about Sophie.

I wish I could've been there for you.

I was in a Krill prison camp.

You were in a Union hospital
trying to decide

whether to keep your Mohawk,

but I appreciate the thought.

Losing her was the worst thing
that ever happened to me.

You know what scared me the most?

It was the knowledge that some day,

years down the line,
there would come a time

when her absence
would feel like the norm,

when I would resign myself to her loss,

and my life... the life
that I accepted as real...

would be the one without her in it.

And now that is my reality.

But I'm... I'm okay,

and all I want from this point on

is for Leyna to have
the life she deserves.

If there's anything I can do,
you name it.

You can tell your captain
that this peace with the Krill

is a big mistake.

Do you really believe that?

You make a deal with tyranny,
it only gets worse.

A lot of people have died
during this conflict.

If we can secure a treaty,

then they didn't die for nothing.

It'll bring meaning to Sophie's death.

Don't you ever say that again... ever.

Peace with the Krill

is a slap in the face
of Sophie's memory.

It's the Union saying,

"We forgive you for all the atrocities.

We didn't care
about those people anyway."

Orrin, I'm sorry, I-I didn't
mean to imply that...

[STAMMERS] I'm... I'm tired.

I need to sleep.

Look, Orrin,

I know you're a patriot at heart.

And when you boil it down,
that's what this is about.

Patriotism is only for people
with large families.

♪ ♪

KELLY: Do you know what this is, Leyna?

It's a musical instrument from
Talla's home planet Xelayah.

It's called a pelpifa.

It combines musical tones with
holographic patterns. Watch.


Pretty cool, right?

You try it.

♪ ♪

My parents forced me to learn it
when I was in school.

It's pretty much the whole
reason I never got laid.

♪ ♪

Just FYI, it'd probably
get you laid now.

That was really pretty.


♪ ♪

- Captain.
- No, no. Don't get up.

This is completely off the record.

What is your impression
of Orrin Channing?

I have absolutely nothing
to base this on,

but I don't trust him.

And why not?

Like I said, no reason.

He's a Union officer.

He's obviously a close friend
of Lieutenant Malloy's.

He's been through a hellish experience,

and he deserves our sympathy,

but something about him
rubs me the wrong way.

Do you think there's
any possibility at all

that he could've somehow
destroyed those Krill ships?

I did a standard security sweep
of him and his shuttle,

and I did not find a single w*apon.

- What about torpedoes?
- Empty.

So the lack of evidence would
suggest the Krill are lying.

It looks that way.

I need to know for sure, and soon.

Even if he had destroyed those
ships, could you blame him?

If I'd been through what he has,

I'd probably want
every last one of them dead.

And this is why peace treaties
don't happen every day.

Do me a favor, keep an eye on him.

Yes, sir, will do.


I just feel like we should have,
like, a casual day, you know?

Like, once a week.


Like, no uniforms.
Just come to work in a T-shirt.





Sweetness, I'm gonna do that.


Oh, hey, Lieutenant. How's it going?

Yeah, not too bad. I've been wanting

to check out engineering
since I came on board.

God, things have advanced a lot
in 20 years.

Yeah, quantum drive technology

is a hell of a lot better
than it used to be.

You're welcome to take
a look around if you want.

Aw, thanks, I'd love to.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

TALLA: Looking for something?

Lieutenant. You startled me.


This engineering deck is incredible.

I have never seen anything like it.

I think I got a little lost.

Well, it's mostly just parts
and storage back here.

- Not much to see.
- Oh.

I hope I'm not in breach
of any protocol.

Of course not. You're a Union officer.

You have clearance all over the ship.

Even so, I don't want to get
in anybody's hair.

If you need anything,

don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

I found him in the rear section
of engineering.

He seemed to be looking for something.

Did he say anything?

Not really, but he acted like

I'd caught him doing something
he wasn't supposed to.

Have Chief Lamarr check and see
if anything's missing.

Yes, sir.


- So now what?

We're running out of time.

Mercer to bridge.

Get me Admiral Perry.

♪ ♪

Captain, it's imperative
that the Lak'vai be signed.

You're representing
the Union in this matter

and you can't blow it.

Sir, the Krill have made it
clear they won't even begin

a dialogue with us
unless we give them Orrin.

w*r's a nasty business

for a lot of people who weren't
in on starting it.

And without this alliance,
we're no match for the Kaylon.

So the admiralty is considering

a provisional extradition agreement.


Only if he's guilty,

and it's just a discussion for now.

Admiral, if we hand him over
to the Krill,

they will t*rture him and k*ll him.

And if we don't,
there will be no treaty,

and billions more could die.

What about his service record?

I mean, the guy just spent
20 years in a Krill prison.

How the hell can we even think
about sending him back?

No one is disputing his heroism,

but we need more information.

Captain, it's imperative
that you find out

if this man is guilty of what
they're charging him with.

We'll do our best.

Is this who we are now?

We need a lead and fast.

You maniacs!

You blew it up!

Oh, damn you!

Okay, watch this. Watch this.

Damn you all to hell!

Get ready.

Here it comes.



He was on Earth the whole time.

[CHUCKLING]: Isn't that..?
Isn't that nuts?

Did you see that coming?

Hey, you know, you don't have to worry.

The real Earth isn't like that.

I know you've never seen it,
but it's really cool.

Maybe some day
your dad'll take you there.


Come in.


- Ed, hey.
- What's going on?

Oh, I was just giving Leyna
a crash course in the classics.


Listen, can I talk to you for a second?

- Sure. What's up?
- Privately?

What is it?

Look, if there's anything
I should know about Orrin,

now is the time to tell me.

- Like what?
- Has he said anything?

Anything at all to indicate

that he might have violated
the cease-fire?

Are you serious right now?

Ed, the-the guy is one
of the most dedicated officers

I've ever known.
Wha... What's going on?

The admirals are considering

a provisional extradition agreement

if he's guilty.

Wait. You wouldn't
follow through with it?

I just need as much information
as I can get right now.

Ed, all he's done is survive.

He raised that girl by himself.

She doesn't have anyone else
in this world but him.

Gordon, I'm on your side, all right?

But the sooner I know what's going on,

the sooner I can figure out
a way to help this guy

without selling out the Union.

Now, just tell me if he said anything.

He just said he thinks
the peace is a mistake.

- He said that?
- Yeah. What-what... what of it?

You know what?

I think it's a mistake, too.

- Oh, come on. You don't mean that.
- Yeah, I do.

They're butchering,
fundamentalist fanatics.

We shouldn't even be talking to them!

Gordon, you're smarter than that.

Don't let him get in your head.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

You're jealous.

I'm not jealous. What am I jealous of?

Our friendship. Orrin and I
have known each other longer

than you and I have. We're
close, and you don't like that.

That's insane.
What are we, in sixth grade here?

- I guess so.
- Look, Gordon,

I'm just trying to do the right thing.

The right thing is to protect him.

He's a Union officer! Do your job!

I'll let you know
when I figure out what that is.


Hey, there. How was the movie?

Oh, I... I think
she saw the twist ending coming.


She's a smart one.


You... you didn't violate
the cease-fire, did you?


Ed told me.

The admirals are talking extradition.


Political snakes.

- We need to act now.
- Huh?

There's a way we can stop
this peace from happening.

All I need is a shuttle.
Can you get me one?


A shuttle? Orrin,
what are you talking about?

You don't believe in this
peace any more than I do.

Get me a shuttle. I can stop it.


I'll tell you
once we're off the Orville.

Orrin, I... I can't do that.

- Why not?
- Because I just... can't.

Well, then, you're gonna have
to report me to your captain.

I saved your life,

and I paid for it
with 20 years of my own.

Now I'm asking a favor of you.

Don't make me regret
the sacrifice I made.

♪ ♪

Hey, Yaphit, can you grab me
a conduit buffer cap?

Think he went to the bathroom.


It's all right. I'll get it.

Two of these have gone missing
from the supply area.

What is it?

It's a quantum storage cell.

It uses a small anti-grav field

to transport quantum plasma
from one place to another.

Orrin was back there. That's
where I saw him snooping around.

Quantum plasma can be weaponized.

Is any of it missing?

Uh, it's not exactly an easy thing

to just walk into engineering and take,

but I checked anyway. It's all there.

Any traces of it elsewhere on the ship?

I did a scan, just in case. Nope.

BORTUS: Lieutenant,
you did do a full sweep

when this man came on board?

For the last time, yes.
I scanned him completely.

I've even scanned the entire
ship for any anomalous weapons...

plasma, chemical,
biological, everything.

- What about his daughter?
- Checked her, too.

No weapons of any kind.

Look, if it'll make everyone
feel better,

I'll perform a second shipwide sweep,

but I can already tell you
I'm not gonna find anything.

So basically, all this guy has done is

steal a bunch of pens from the office.

What are we missing?

- Come in.

Lieutenant Malloy.
What can I do for you?

I was wondering if you wanted
to get a drink or something.

You want to get a drink with me?

Yeah. Sure. Why not? [CHUCKLES]

Thought we might get to know
each other a little better.

Are you asking me out?

No! No, no, I'm not.

I just... felt like a drink.

I suppose I could use a break.

Mess hall?

Or we could just have a drink
right here.

There's the bartender.

One Scotch, neat. You?

- Xelayan rum.
- And a Xelayan rum.




Talla, I have to tell you something.



asked me to steal a shuttle.


Earlier today.

He said all he needed was a shuttle,

and he could stop the peace.

How does he plan to do that?

He said he wouldn't tell me
until we're off the Orville.

Have you told the captain?

No. Look,

Talla, I know I have to tell him.

But if I do, I've betrayed a man
who saved my life,

a friend who goes back 30 years.

And if I don't,

I've betrayed this ship

and Ed.

By telling me,

you know you've made your choice.

I guess I just wanted
to hear myself say it out loud.

Don't talk to the captain.

I'll tell him.



Let's go.

♪ ♪

I thought you said you were
gonna talk to the captain.

- Talla, please.
- I don't know what the hell

you think you're doing,
but you're gonna turn around

and walk back out that door.

Please. Don't get
in the middle of this.

We both know I can put
your lights out with one hand.

Don't make me do it.

I'm sorry.

Skip the prep.
We got to get out of here fast.


Sort of like being back
in flight school, eh?

Captain, Shuttle 1 has just launched.

Tracking device is functioning.

Good. Keep monitoring.

This is a big friggin' gamble.

I know.

Mercer to Keyali.

- How are you doing?

He could've lightened up on the stun,

but he played the part well.

I'm gonna go check on Leyna.

- ISAAC: Captain,
the Krill vessel is hailing us.

Put 'em on.

Captain Mercer,

we will arrive at the
rendezvous point in 30 minutes.

I do hope you have made
the correct decision

regarding the criminal.

My time's not up yet.

We still have 30 minutes
before your deadline.

I expect you to honor it. Mercer out.

Okay, we're cloaked.

The Orville won't be able to follow us.

Now, what's the plan?

Set a course to rendezvous
with the Krill ship.


Just do it. Trust me.

Look, if-if you just tell me
what the plan is...

Gordon. Trust me.

Captain, the shuttle has changed course

to intercept the Krill vessel.

My God, what is he doing?

I have no idea.

Maybe we should contact him.

Then Orrin will know it's a setup.

Gordon's got to contact us.

Hey. Can I come in?

Thought I'd stop by and check on you.

I'm sure it's been a stressful day.

I know you're probably wondering

what's going on with your father.

All I can tell you is...

What happened to your arm?

Who did that to you?

Look, I know you're scared
of the doctor,

but we have to get that checked out.

Keyali to Finn.

I need you in Lieutenant
Channing's quarters right away.

Tell her to belay that order.

Well, look at that. She talks.

Damn right she talks.

Now tell her to belay that order. Now.

You ever met a Xelayan before?


You have now.

What the hell?

CLAIRE: Oh, my...

Talla, step away from her.

- Doctor, what's...
- Step away from her right now.

You're too late.

Lock it.

- Doctor, you mind telling me what...
- Finn to bridge.

You need to set up a force field

around Lieutenant Channing's
quarters immediately.

Divert all available power.

Strong as you can make it.

- Doctor, what's going on?
- CLAIRE: Please. Just do it.

And initiate a nitrogen purge
in those quarters.

- Isaac.
- Yes, Captain.

Level 12 force field

activated around guest quarters.

- Come on.
- Hey, wait.

I want answers. What do you know
about Channing's daughter?

Whoever that woman in there is,
it's not his daughter.

That's why she wouldn't submit
to a medical exam.

She's an Envall.

Oh, my God.

What's an Envall?

It's a race of humanoids

from a distant star system
called Lakkar B.

Their blood cells contain
an iodide compound which,

when exposed
to a nitrogen-rich atmosphere,

renders the plasma highly unstable.

Wait, so you're saying...

When their blood hits the air,

it becomes an expl*sive substance.

You're lucky you didn't
blow the ship half apart

when you decked her.

KELLY: Their homeworld's atmosphere

includes an element
that neutralizes the effect,

but they're too biologically dangerous

for us to interact with.

So 50 years ago, they made
an agreement with the Union

to stay away from any worlds
with nitrogen atmospheres.

And that's why most of us
have never seen one.

Where did Lieutenant Channing find her?

Who knows?

Could Orrin have been
extracting her blood

to use as a w*apon?

The needle marks on her arm.

Oh, why would he use a needle?

The blood is too unstable to use
an electron hypodermic.

That's why he stole
the quantum storage cells.

To transport it.

And that's how he destroyed
those Krill ships,

by firing compressed units
of Envall blood

from the Krill shuttle's
torpedo launchers.

Union shuttles do not have
torpedo launchers.

How is he planning
to deploy the w*apon?

He isn't.

It's a su1c1de mission.

With Gordon on board.

John, take the helm.

Set a course to intercept the shuttle.

Six minutes to intercept
the Krill vessel. Okay, Orrin,

you got to tell me what we're doing,

or I'm stopping right here.

What is that?


Looks more like eggnog.

It's Envall blood.

Just a few ounces of this

is enough to destroy
a starship's quantum drive.

Where did you get Envall blood?

Leyna was k*lled by the Krill
20 years ago along with my wife.

The girl you met is an Envall
I encountered at an outpost

after I escaped the POW camp.

She hates the Krill
for her own reasons,

so we joined forces.

You did destroy those Krill ships.

With great pleasure.

Malloy to Orville.

I'm returning to the shuttle bay.

What are you doing?

You son of a bitch. You lied to me!

Gordon, listen to me.
We have to do this.

Look, I understand
what you went through

was a nightmare, but you...

You don't understand a damn thing!

You've had a life! For 20 years,

all I've had is loneliness
and brutality

and all the time in the world
to relive the memory

of watching my family die!

I'm sorry, Orrin!

w*r is hell on all sides,

but this agreement
can stop the k*lling.


Orrin, it's over.

What are you doing?

We can intercept the Krill ship
and do what we came here to do,

or we can die here.

Orrin, please. Don't do this.

It's too late. It can't be stopped.

If you won't set the course, I will.

Do you realize what you've done?!


Put this on.

Go to hell, Malloy.

How long till we intercept the shuttle?

Three minutes.

- Run every red light.
- Aye, sir.

Orrin, we have to abandon ship.

Now put the suit on.

Ungrateful bastard. I saved your life.

And I'll always be in your debt,

but asking me to commit
kamikaze su1c1de with you

is kind of a backpedal,
don't you think?



I don't want to lose you again.

- ♪


♪ ♪

By the provisional authority
granted to me

by the admiralty
of the Planetary Union,

I hereby bear witness
to this momentous forward step

in the pursuit of peace.

I hope that this marks
the beginning of a new era

of nonviolence between our two peoples.

We will see.

A peace is only as strong
as those who uphold it.

And, of course, trust is earned.

We agree on that, Commander.


Come in.


Listen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

It's not easy to have to put
duty before friendship,

especially when someone dies.

Orrin died a long time ago,
back in that Krill prison.

The man who died in that shuttle

was somebody else.

Well, I also wanted to say that...

I think you may have been right.

I may have felt a little threatened

by your friendship with Orrin.

Dude, that's insane. Why?

Because every moment

that I sit in that chair on the bridge,

I'm always wondering,
"Do I deserve this?

I mean, should this be someone else?"

And that's something
I can never vocalize

to any other member of the crew

because they would lose confidence.

I mean, I can talk to Kelly, but...

that's been
a little complicated lately.

I count on you, man.

Dude, you can always count on me.

That's never gonna change.

You're my best friend.

Nobody's ever gonna come along
and mess it up, I swear.

I mean, maybe, like, a really hot girl,

but other than that, it's rock-solid.

[CHUCKLES] Thanks.

Well, look, it's after shift,

so why don't we go get a beer, and...

you can tell me about your friend.