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02x04 - Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes

Posted: 07/09/22 15:52
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

Hey, guys, sorry I'm late.

Is something wrong with
your uniform, Lieutenant?

Well, I went for a jog in the
simulator, lost track of time,

figured I should get to my shift,

but I'll go get changed if you want.

Yeah, why don't you go get changed?

- All right.
- He's got the night shift.

He's fine. Tharl, you're fine.


Mellow alert. [CHUCKLING]

You've been very relaxed lately.

Why, am I not usually relaxed?

No, it's just... you seem
a little different.

Like, your mood is different.

I'm just doing my job, nothing new.


- I mean, I can be more uptight if that...
- No, no, it's

it's great to see. In fact,

maybe now's a good time to let you know

that we've been asked to make
a supply run

- to Epsilon Five.
- Again?

God, it seems like all we do
lately is deliver supplies.

Their synthesizers are down,
and we're the closest ship.

Yeah, but we're supposed to be
out here exploring.

Instead, we're the pizza guy.


I finished the dark matter
survey you requested.

It covers a radius of 25 parsecs.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

- Will there be anything else, sir?
- That'll be all. Thanks.

You know, I think I might
knock off early tonight.

It's kind of quiet up here.

All good. I'll see you in the morning.

All right.

- Here we go.

Scotch and popcorn.

- Perfect pairing.
- Yes.

What did I miss?

He's still singing with his shirt off.


Oh, this is great right here.
Watch this.

♪ Is a danger to be ♪
♪ trusting one another ♪

♪ One will seldom want to do ♪
♪ what other wishes ♪

♪ But unless someday ♪

♪ Somebody trusts somebody ♪

♪ There'll be nothing left on Earth ♪

- ♪ Excepting fishes ♪

How many times have you seen this?

[CHUCKLING]: Uh, a lot.

I... My parents felt it was important

to expose me to the classics. So, yeah.

You know, you got to pick
a movie some night.

I feel like I'm always
the one doing it.

Well, you're doing good so far.

What was that one you showed me
about the taxi driver?

- Taxi Driver.
- Yeah, what was that called?

Yeah, it was...
it was called Taxi Driver.

Oh, right, yeah. I liked that one.

Oh, it's chilly in here.

It's the environmental controls.

I keep telling John
he's got to fix 'em.

Here you go.


♪ Oh, sometimes I think ♪
♪ that people going mad ♪

♪ Oh... ♪

You know,

it's getting harder and harder
to keep this quiet.

Lieutenant Morris told me today
I have a glow.

Yeah, Kelly said something similar.

I wonder if it's time
to be open about it.

You know what'd be great?


We should take a trip.

When was the last time
you actually had time off?

Not since I took command
of the Orville.

Well, then you're way overdue.

And remember,
you're dating a cartographer.

I know all the best vacation spots.

Does sound nice.

So, what do you say?

Shall we go public?

Let me sleep on it?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


- Like, Lieutenant Janel?
- Yeah.

Like, smoking-hot dark matter
cartographer Janel?

Yeah, I just want to make sure
you're okay with it.

Yeah. Yeah, no, no. It's-it's all good.

'Cause I know you had a thing
for her at one time,

- and if it bothers you at all, it's...
- Oh, no, dude,

it was just a crush.

I'm totally good. Okay? To be honest,

I've been wanting to see you
get back on your feet

ever since the divorce, so...

if she makes you happy, I love it.

Yeah, she does.

She's cool, she's smart, she's funny.

Sh-She checks every box.

I've never met a woman
who checked every box.

You said Kelly checked every box.

Yeah, well, I got more boxes
now. She checks those, too.

- Can I add a box?
- Sure.

Your best friend approves.

Thanks, man.

Have you guys done it yet?

Have... have we done it?

You allowed to use that phrase

- after the age of 12?
- Well, have you?

Look, there's something more important

I wanna talk to you about.

I think I'm gonna tell Kelly.


Yeah, you think that's a good idea?

Well, she's got a guy
of her own, anyway,

and if you guys are serious,

she's gonna find out sooner or later.

Yeah, you should tell her.

Oh, hey, Captain.

Cassius. Is, uh, Kelly here?


Hey. What's up?

Can I talk to you for a second?
Won't take long.

Yeah, sure.

- Do you mind?
- Hmm, all good.

I have to grade papers anyway.

- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Bye.

Everything all right?

ED: Yeah, it is.


I just wanted to be the one
to tell you...

I'm seeing Janel Tyler.

I know.

- What?
- Come on, really?

I see the way you smile
when she walks onto the bridge.

I know your smiles. You have 15.

Three are for happiness.
11 are passive-aggressive.

And one is for being in love.

I've seen it before, you know.

What are you, Jane Goodall?

Yeah, and you're the primate.

Why didn't you say anything?

I figured you would tell me
when you were ready.

Plus, it's really none of my business.

Well, we were thinking
of taking a trip.

I have some shore leave piled up.

Wow. You really do like this woman.

Sensoria Two is just a few
light-years away.

We could hop on a shuttle
first thing in the morning.

It's no problem.

I'll handle the supply run.

Thank you.

Please, it's just a quick delivery.

No, I mean,

thank you for being so cool about this.

Number four.


♪ All the waiters in your grand café ♪

♪ Leave their tables when you blink ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Every dog must have ♪
♪ his every day... ♪

You okay back there?

Forgot my toiletries.
Can you believe that?

Toothbrush, shaving cream,
shampoo, all of it.

Synthesize new ones.

I-I can't. I have this
special floss that I use

from Navidian micro-silk.

I have very tight spaces
between my teeth.

- I don't know if you noticed.
- [CHUCKLING]: No, I hadn't.

Come on up here and look at the nebula.

Oh, wow, look at that.

- Isn't that pretty?
- That is really something.

What are we listening to, again?

This? This is, uh, Billy Joel.

- Earth guy?
- Old Earth.

Yeah, like 400 years ago.

You're not really into
that kind of stuff, are you?

I'm into anything we do together.

Well, you know what,
I'm glad we did this.

Me too. And I'm relieved

Commander Grayson
doesn't hate me. [CHUCKLES]

No, she does not hate you.

In fact, she told me that she...


What is it?

ED: It's a convoy.

About 20,000 kilometers
off the starboard bow.

JANEL: Oh, my God.

Ed, they're Krill.

Yeah. Three marauder-class
fighters, closing fast.

I'm taking evasive maneuvers.
Stand by to cloak.

Engage cloak.

They're still closing.

10,000 kilometers.


- 2,000.
- Here they come.

[EXHALES] A little excitement
to start the trip, huh?

Yeah, I think I'm gonna need
a massage when we get there.


There shouldn't be any
Krill activity in this sector.

Should we warn Union Central?

Let's wait till they're
out of range first.

Ed, they're turning around.

All right. It's okay.
They still can't see us.

Then why the hell are they coming back?

They're venting drive plasma.

Oh, no.

- I'm raising deflectors.
- They're targeting our engines.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I think so. You?

Power's almost gone.


Oh, my God, we're in trouble.

Thought you'd be glad to know

they've finally assigned us
a new security chief.

- She'll be here next week.
- There are many on board

who will be pleased to know this.

Tharl driving you crazy, too?

He does not stop talking,

and he makes loud noises
when he consumes food.

He comes to the mess hall
wearing... sandals.


Come in.

Oh, if you guys are busy,
I can come back later.

Not at all. What's up?

[CLEARS THROAT] Commander, I would like

to formally submit a request
to be considered

for the Shipmaster
Qualification Program.

You want to take the command test?

I-I've been thinking about it
for a while now,

and I'm ready to move up in the ranks.

Maybe even have my own ship one day.

What brought this on?

Look, I-I love flying,

but it's all I've ever done.

I have 56,000 light-years
under my belt.

Well, you're one
of the best pilots in the fleet.

Yeah, but that's the problem...
you do one thing well,

and they expect you to do it forever.

You realize that there's a

tremendous amount of training involved.

Course work, simulator runs,

psychological testing.

Yeah, bring it on, I'm ready.


Well, first, you'll need
a medical and psych evaluation.

I'll tell Dr. Finn to expect you.

Thank you, Commander.

I won't let you down.

Future captain right here. [CHUCKLES]

He will fail.


Welcome aboard, Captain.

Where's Janel?

You will not ask questions.

You will answer them.

What questions?

Your command codes.

I want them.

I want to see Janel.


I am capable of causing you
great pain, Captain.

Look, my command codes
wouldn't be any good to you.

We're not on a Union ship.

Your shuttle's computer
can be used to access

the Union deployment strategies.

I want the codes!

I'm not a fleet admiral.

Okay, even if I gave them
to you, I don't have clearance

for that level
of classified information.




What are you doing?

The command codes.


No, stop, stop. We can talk.

We are talking.

The codes, Captain!


- Look, I can't just...
- A Krill can survive up to level 8.

Humans are less resilient.

Go to level 6.



CAPTAIN: I can see that this is

- t*rture for you as well.

- Level 9!
- Stop! Just let her go, okay?

I'll give you the codes.
All right? I'll give 'em to you.

Alpha Charlie

27 Gamma

42 Delta 6.

If you're lying,

she dies.


I didn't think I'd be
this nervous. [CHUCKLES]

It's like...
like the first day of school.

Well, just relax. There are
no right or wrong answers.

Now, I'm going to show you
a series of different shapes,

and I want you to tell me what you see.

Just say the first thing
that comes to mind.

Got it.

Yeah, I, uh...

I'd rather not say.

Why not?

It's... kind of embarrassing.

Can we move on to the next one?

All right.

What do you see?

Oh, man, that is disgusting.

This is all confidential. No judgment.

That's even worse than the last one.

- What do you see?
- Let's move on!

Moving on.

My God, who makes these things?!

Try this.

Okay, this is
a hostile work environment.

I suggest you move on
to the simulator test.

We can get back to this.

Can I have a drink of water?


I've been looking forward
to this moment

for a very long time.


You seem surprised.

Did you really think
we would not meet again?

Where's Janel?

I gave you the codes.
I want to see her.

Lieutenant Tyler?

That would be difficult.

She no longer exists.

What do you mean?

She never existed.

"We should take a trip.

When was the last time
you actually had time off?"


I know how this must feel, Captain.

The humiliation,

the confusion.

It is just as I felt
when you infiltrated my ship.

You offered kindness,

all the while preparing
to m*rder my entire crew.


You were human.

Transcellular micrografting.

An extremely painful process,
but the only way to fool

your bio-scanners.

I am an idiot.

For once, we agree.

So, none of it was real.

Your background, your service record.

An invention.

Lieutenant Tyler was designed
to be the ideal Union officer.

And the perfect lure.

Well done.

It was not difficult.

You are simplistic
and easily manipulated.

I don't... I don't understand.
You were a teacher.

After I was interrogated
by your Union, I escaped.

- How?
- That is unimportant.

I chose not to return to my post.

To become a soldier
in the divine fight.

When I was assigned to this vessel,

I learned of the plan
to capture a Union captain.

I volunteered for the mission.

Choosing you was my idea.

So, what, what,
do you just... want revenge?

The Anhkana teaches that
vengeance is the will of Avis.

His will shall be done.

What's going on?

We are under attack.

♪ ♪

What's the fastest way
to your shuttle bay?

This way.

MALE [OVER COMM]: Ha'jakuvo! Me'skah!

We've been boarded.

♪ ♪

We must find an escape pod.

Emergency power is down.



You realize we're sitting ducks
if they decide to come after us.

The pod is programmed to seek
out the closest habitable world.


There's a planet not far from here.

Oxygen atmosphere.

♪ ♪




- [w*apon COCKS]
- Get up.


I was not able to transmit
a distress signal.

The magnetic ore in this valley
is causing interference.

We must seek higher ground.

You will carry that.

Who the hell were those guys?

The Chak'tal.

They reside on the border
of Krill space.

Why did they attack you?

We destroyed one of their colonies

during our expansion into that sector.

It is ours by divine right,
but they do not see this.

They are savage and do not retreat.

And they never leave survivors.


They will be here soon. Move.

Sir, the Krill are hailing us.

Put 'em on.

You will release
the prisoners immediately.

They were part of a raiding party

that nearly destroyed
one of our outposts.

Now, I can release them to you,

but only if your people agree

to establish diplomatic channels
so that we all can...

There will be no negotiations!

Comply with my demands

or we will open fire.

Okay, see, let me...

let me tell you
why that is a terrible idea.

We've recently installed

a crazy new deflector

that'll bounce back
anything you throw at us,

so... you're basically
sh**ting yourself in the face.

Our scans show no such device.

Well... maybe not.

But you know what we do have?

We have... heart.

Yeah, we got a...
lot of heart, lot of passion,

you know, so watch out.

You will release the prisoners
or you will die!

Sir, they're charging weapons.

We also eat a lot of protein.

You know, fr...
fresh fruits and vegetables,

that kind of thing,
very, very healthy diet.

Makes us tough.

You know, you don't want to mess
with that, trust me.

Very little dairy.

I mean, occasional sweet...



End simulation.

- You just blew up.
- [SIGHS] Sorry.

I kind of choked there at the end.

Well, the deflector thing was novel.

I really thought I had him this time.

You're thinking on your feet,
so that's a start.

I'm just not sure that good digestion

is a persuasive deterrent.

Well, what am I doing wrong?

I mean, how can I beat this thing?

I can't tell you that.

There is a diplomatic solution,
but you have to find it.

All right. Well, let's go again.

Why don't we call it a day,
come back fresh in the morning?

Oh, come on. I feel like I'm so close.

Look, I appreciate your enthusiasm,

but you don't pass
the command test overnight.

It can take months.

Part of being a leader is knowing

when you've reached your limits.


Get some rest. That's an order.



It's a lucky thing we hit
the night side of this place.

TELEYA: Our escape pods are programmed

to seek out the night side
as a default.

Must have been hard for you,
being on our ship.

All those bright lights.

I survived.

So why don't you just k*ll me?

You will carry the beacon
to high ground,

then you will die.

- Can I ask you something?
- What?

Did you actually like
any of the movies I showed you

or was that a lie, too?

There was one.

One? One out of 20?

Wow, tough audience. Which one?

The one about the Ark.

Raiders of the Lost Ark.
You liked that one. Okay.

That was the only one?

I found the hero sympathetic.

What was his name?



That... those...

those are the Nazis...
they were the bad guys.

I have a question for you.

What is it?

Your command codes...
were they authentic?

Decoys. You punch 'em
into your computer,

it feeds you mountains of fake data.

Would have taken you weeks
to figure it out.

I gambled we'd be rescued by then.

I see.

Did you feel...

anything at all?


It was just your mission?

To get close to me?

That is correct.

Man, I liked you a lot better

when you were using contractions.



We canoodled. You canoodled with me.

That was all fake?

Janel was created to appeal

to your desperation for companionship.

The interactions were superficial.

No. You're wrong.

She was kind, she was funny,

she was thoughtful. I...

She made me a grilled cheese sandwich.

Why would you do that?
You didn't have to do that.

You are a fool.

I-I just can't believe
that there wasn't

a single genuine moment between us.

I just can't believe that.

If I was not going to k*ll you,
I would give you some advice.

Please. Love to hear it.

You are painfully attentive.

The failure of your marriage

has caused you
to overcompensate in the moment.

And yet, paradoxically,

despite this, your work
remains your first priority.

You have no balance.

My God, you sound like my ex-wife.

You feel entitled to educate others,

but your own worldview
is self-defeatingly narrow.

Yeah, well, at least
I know who Billy Joel is.




What is it?


It'll be dawn soon.

Then we must reach
high ground before then.

There isn't time.

We got to be another thousand meters up

before we can send
that distress signal.

Then climb faster.

Teleya, the sun will k*ll you.

If I die, you die.

Look, even if we could sprint
up this mountain,

we'd never make it in time.

We just have to find some shelter

and wait out the day.

We can get some rest
and head out when the sun sets.

There may be caves in the rock
formations below that ridge.

Did I tell you
I'm taking the command test?

- No way.
- Yep.

That's amazing.

Is it as tough as everyone says?

Tougher. But I'm feeling pumped.

And k*lling it so far.

- I'm impressed.
- Yeah, me, too.

I mean, I'm happy
things are going so well.

Well, make sure to invite me
to your promotion ceremony.

Well, hey, why wait?

I mean, feel like having a drink later,

with a future captain?

Yeah, why not?


Hey, Lieutenant.
Can I talk to you for a minute?

Yes, sir.

I'll catch you later.


Gordon, why are you
taking the command test?

I told you. I want to branch out,

move up in the ranks.

Yeah, but why?

To be more successful.

And what does success mean to you?

You know, respect.

So it's a status thing?

Well, no. I mean,
that's not the whole...

Are you doing this to pick up chicks?

- What?
- Honesty is a command requirement.

Well, look...

did it cross my mind?


I mean, wh-when you're the captain

or the commander,
it changes how people see you.

Gordon... this isn't some club
you join in high school

to hang out with the cool kids.

When you're in command, you're making

life-and-death decisions,
not dinner dates.

Okay. I can see I'm an open book,

whether I want to be or not.

I guess lately I've been feeling...

bored with myself.

Like, is this all I am...

a guy who drives ships
from one place to another?

And if I'm not enough for myself,

what if that means...

I'm not enough for other people?

I hope you know that's not true.

Look, just be sure you're doing
this for the right reasons.

When you're in command,

the last person
you think about is yourself.

Make sense?

And by the way,

if your goal is to prove how
charming and awesome you are,

as far as I'm concerned,

you've already passed that test
with flying colors.

Thanks, Commander.

You don't have to point
that thing at me.

I'm not going anywhere.

That is correct.

You know, at some point,
the Krill and the Union

are gonna have to find
some common ground.

If we don't, eventually one
of us is gonna be destroyed.

There is no common ground.

Don't you remember The King and I?

"Unless someday somebody
trusts somebody,"

"there'll be nothing left
on Earth excepting fishes"?

You lead a godless existence.

You have no soul.

You reject the guiding hand of Avis.

And without belief,

there can be no moral code.

I don't know about that.

We seem to be doing
a lot less k*lling than you.

My brother would disagree.

You know I'm sorry for that.

But he would have destroyed
a colony of 100,000 people.

Your own scientists claim

your species is just
another kind of animal.

Animals have no souls.

So, if I believed in Avis,

then I would have a soul?


Avis created the Krill
independently of all other life.

And he created the universe
for our dominion alone.

Look, from what we've seen,

when planets
first achieve space travel,

and they venture out into the galaxy,

and discover that
they're just one single species

among a vast diversity of life-forms,

they usually react in one of two ways.

They embrace and adapt to the fact

that they're no longer
the center of the universe,

or they ratchet up their xenophobia.

Now, from what I've learned
of your history,

the Krill were a lot less fanatical

before you left your home world.

You know nothing of our history.

I know fear when I see it.

You're afraid to accept the fact

that your superiority

may just be a comforting myth.

Who are you to lecture me about myths?

You fell in love
with a woman who did not exist.


You know what?

She did exist.

For me, anyway.

And I think that there is
a lot more of her in you

than you're willing to admit.

And if she is in there somewhere,

tell her...

...tell her I miss her.

I'm gonna get some sleep.

Lie on your side.


When you sleep on your back, you snore.

It is irritating.




TELEYA: What are you doing?

ED: Change of plans.

We can't wait for nightfall.

Why not?

I've been tracking
the position of the sun.

It's barely moved half a degree
in the last hour.

That means a day on this planet
is 23 Earth days long.

I'm gonna have to do this alone.


We wait until dark again.

We don't have enough rations
for three days, let alone 23.

And it's only a matter of time

before your friends hunt us down.

I said we wait.

The sooner I can send
that distress call,

the sooner we get rescued.

I will not allow you to leave me here.

I'll come back. You have my word.


Why should I believe you?

You have every reason to let me die.

Well, then...

you can either sh**t me or trust me.

I'll see you soon.



♪ ♪

♪ ♪



BORTUS: Commander, I am picking up

a distress signal from Captain Mercer.

On a Krill frequency.

- Krill?
- Track the coordinates.

It is a planetary system
2.6 light-years away.

Gordon, set a course. Maximum speed.

Aye, sir.

♪ ♪

- They're coming. We got to go.
- Did you send the signal?

Yeah. There are four of them
headed this way.

I cannot go outside.

The sunlight.

♪ ♪

Come on.

The distress signal is emanating

from the fourth planet in the system.


A Krill ship.

KELLY: What's left of it.

Gordon, Bortus, take a shuttle
and find the captain.

Aye, Commander.

I have located the distress beacon.

Bio-signs show one human,

one Krill.

There is no place to land.

Don't worry, I'll make it work.


Hey, man, I'm a pilot.

They found us.

A Union shuttle.


What are you doing?

I will not allow myself
to be taken prisoner.

Teleya, don't do this.

Give me the g*n.

Teleya, give me the damn g*n.

♪ ♪

I want to go on record here:
this is not right.

Well, we'll find out.

Ed, she impersonated a Union officer,

she abducted you,

- and she could've k*lled you.
- I'm alive now.

That does not change the fact
that she's an enemy combatant.

This is for the admiralty to decide.

- You do not have the authority.
- Objection noted.

- You could be court-martialed.
- Noted.

Teleya, I want you
to contact your people.

Tell 'em to send a ship
to come pick you up.

I do not understand.

I'm letting you go.

Would you look at that.

JOHN: Not every day you see

one of those without its g*ns blazing.

I don't understand why Ed's doing this.

The admirals are gonna
cut him to pieces.

Maybe. Maybe not.

It all depends if they find
value in his decision.

Yeah, but why take the risk?

Especially for someone
who wanted you dead.

Lieutenant, that's command.

Still interested?

♪ ♪

If you believe releasing me

will somehow improve relations
between our people,

you are indulging another fantasy.

Defect of my species.

We never give up hope.

Just do me a favor, okay?

Take a message back to your people:

we can keep fighting each other

or we can talk.

Very well.


This is for you.

What is it?

Best of Billy Joel.


if you ever get the itch
to do movie night again,

you know where to find me.


♪ She can k*ll with a smile ♪

♪ She can wound with her eyes ♪

♪ And she can ruin your faith ♪

♪ With her casual lies ♪

♪ And she only reveals ♪

♪ What she wants you to see ♪

♪ She hides like a child ♪

♪ But she's always a woman ♪
♪ to me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ She takes care of herself ♪

♪ She can wait if she wants ♪

♪ She's ahead of her time ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ And she never gives out ♪

♪ And she never gives in ♪

♪ She just changes her mind ♪

♪ She's frequently kind ♪
♪ and she's suddenly cool ♪

♪ But she can do ♪
♪ as she pleases ♪

♪ She's nobody's fool ♪

♪ And she can't be convicted ♪

♪ She's earned her degree ♪

♪ And the most she will do ♪
♪ is throw shadows at you ♪

♪ But she's always a woman ♪
♪ to me. ♪