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02x02 - Primal Urges

Posted: 07/09/22 15:48
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

It looks so... sad and lonely.

The penchant for biological life-forms

to anthropomorphize inanimate
objects is irrational.

I am quite certain the planet is
unaware of its solitary status.

How many planets were in
this system originally?

11 total.

Man, ten planets gobbled
up by a hungry star.

Remind me not to be on Earth
when that happens to us.

Earth's sun will not
become a red supergiant

for another five billion
years, Commander.

You will be long deceased and forgotten.

[LAUGHS] There's gonna be some
ladies still talking about me.

Seems kind of sadistic
that all we're here to do

is watch a helpless
planet get vaporized.

A stellar incineration is one of
the rarest sights in the galaxy.

We are fortunate to
observe one at close range.

Well, we got three days until
that little guy gets fried,

so you all have time
to say your goodbyes.


Captain, the planet's atmosphere

is beginning to evaporate.


Would you look at that.

KELLY: When the oceans
start going with it,

we're going to get even more of a show.

Captain, my shift ends in 15 minutes.

Request permission to leave early.

Yeah, it's fine, but you
don't want to see this?

It is very... interesting,
but I am not feeling well.

All good. We'll see you tomorrow.

You know, that's the third
time this week he's done that.

Maybe he's pregnant again.

Ugh. God, no.



Bortus, it is Klyden.

When will you be home?

I am sorry, Klyden,
I must work late again.

KLYDEN: You have worked
late every night this week.

It is too much. Come home.
I have made pudding.

My duties to the ship must be performed.

- We will have pudding later.


Begin Simulation Bortus 486.

Initiate scenario.


I've been awaiting you, Bortus.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Bortus. What time is it?

It is late. Go back to sleep.

It is very late.

Why must the captain
give you so much work?

It is not right.

If the captain wishes
me to work such hours,

I must comply.

You are third in command
aboard this vessel.

Surely, you can speak to him about this.

I do not wish to have
this argument right now.

[SIGHS] Neither do I.

I wish to make love.

I'm very tired from my work.
I wish to rest immediately.

Topa has gone to sleep.
He will not awaken.

I am not in the mood, Klyden.

You are never in the mood!

Your job is ruining the sexual event.

We will share the sexual
event another night.

Now, lower your voice
or you will wake Topa.



Papa, can I be all done now?

No, Topa. Finish your plokta.

Remember, if you do
not eat, you will die.

Bortus, we must talk.

Will it take long? I am due
on the bridge very soon.

What I have to say is very simple.

I would like you to
make more time for me.

I am your mate, and I
do not wish to compete

with your work duties.

I will look into it.

Let us discuss this later.

No! We will discuss it right now.

Please lower the volume of your voice.

Stop telling me to lower my voice!

I grow weary of your evasion.

Your absence in our
lives must be addressed.

I am told the union of Captain
Mercer and Commander Grayson

was dissolved over similar failings.

He worked far too many hours, as you do.

We must learn from their errors.

I will do my best.

Now, I must report for duty.

I wish to share the
evening meal tonight.

And to talk.

Very well. We will eat.

I will see you this evening.


♪ ♪

KELLY: An entire ocean,

boiled away like a pot
of water on a stove.

Captain, internal scans of the planet

show that there may be
deposits of dysonium ore

beneath the surface.

May be or are?

The scans are slow to process,

due to the planet's
proximity to the photosphere.

However, I would estimate
the probability is 87%.

- Free gas.
- KELLY: John, is there

any way we could collect it
after the planet breaks up?

We might be able to use a
wide-range tractor beam.

We could modify it to weed out

all the fragments containing dysonium.

Haul them in, fill up the shuttle bay.

That much dysonium could
power this ship for a year.

All right, start modifying
the tractor beam.

Isaac, go to engineering and assist him.

- Aye, sir.
- BORTUS: Captain.

Request permission to be relieved early.

Are you not feeling well again?

No, I am fine.

I promised Klyden we would
spend the evening together.

You know, Bortus, you've left
early four times this week.

I know. It will not happen again.

And I will put in an
extra shift this weekend.

All right. Tell Klyden I said hi.

I will deliver the message.

You think something's up with him?

I don't know. [SIGHS]


Begin Simulation Bortus 497.


Your supper, prisoner.

Please, sir, may I have some water?

Very well.



I beg you to release
me from this dungeon.

I have done nothing wrong.

What is your name, prisoner?

Cheston. My name is Cheston.

How badly do you want to get
out of this prison, Cheston?

Very badly.

I am to be ex*cuted in the morning.

Perhaps we can make an arrangement.

No, I cannot. I am a virgin in that way.

Then you shall die in
the morning, Cheston!


If there is no other way,

then I suppose I must
do what you ask of me.

And more.

♪ ♪


I am sorry to be late.

There was an unidentified power surge

in the bridge tactical
console, and I had no choice...

I do not care about your excuses.

I have been waiting for you for hours.

This was supposed to
be my night with you.

It could not be helped.

We will talk about this tomorrow.

The captain requires my
presence on the bridge at 0800.

I must go to bed.

You have ruined our night together.

Let us at least share the sexual event

so that we may salvage what
little is left of the evening.

I am sorry, I am too tired.




20 milligrams of benoctaline.

Increase metabolic
support to level eight.

Come on, Bortus.


Sonic defibrillation at maximum.

- Doctor, he's...
- Do it.

- Clear.




Here he is.


Is he gonna be okay?

I think so. Lost him there
for a couple of seconds,

but he's stabilized.

I am alive.

Yeah, you are, thanks to Dr. Finn.

You saved my life.

That's my job.

You should not have done that.

Excuse me?

Bortus, I don't know if you're aware,

but Klyden just tried to m*rder you.

He's in the brig now, but if
Alara hadn't heard you scream...

Klyden is in the brig?

He should not be there.
He has done nothing wrong.

What do you call plunging
a dagger into your chest?

Klyden was divorcing me.

Divorcing you?

When a Moclan wishes to end a marriage,

he terminates the life of his mate.

- You're kidding.
- I did not realize

he was this unhappy.

CLAIRE: Wait a minute. You're saying

any time somebody on your
planet wants a divorce,

they just m*rder their spouse?

That is correct.

You should not have revived me.

Commander, I am not in the
habit of letting my patients

bleed to death on the operating table.

Doctor, it is our way.

It may be your way on Moclus,

but ritual m*rder isn't
gonna fly on a Union ship.

Captain, you must release Klyden.

Out of the question.


I don't envy you with this
predicament, Captain Mercer,

but the Admiralty will approve

your recommended handling
of the situation.

All right, thank you, Admiral.

Mercer out.

Why the hell is dealing
with Moclan culture

always this difficult?

They mutilate their female babies.

They k*ll each other
when they want a divorce.

What do they do when
it's someone's birthday?

Light the parents on fire?

I know we're supposed to be
tolerant of alien customs,

but man, there's got to be a limit.

- Day drink?
- Day drink.

Two Xelayan Blossom Whiskeys.


ISAAC [OVER COMM]: Bridge to captain.

Go ahead.

I have been monitoring
the decay of the planet,

and my scans have revealed
something rather significant.

What is it?

The dysonium we detected
beneath the surface

may, in fact, not be natural.
There are indications

that a subterranean civilization
may once have existed.

I would say that's
absolutely significant.

And one hell of an archaeological find.

Is there any way we can investigate?

If you are inquiring
about the possibility

of sending down a landing party,

that is a poorly conceived notion.

It would be exceedingly hazardous

due to the planet's
proximity to the star

and its imminent breakup.

Damn, what a huge loss.

Who knows what kinds of
artifacts could be down there?

All right, well, continue scanning,

and keep me apprised.

I'll try not to bother you

with any more poorly conceived notions.

Thank you, sir. I am very busy.

What a d*ck.

He's a glorified Speak & Spell.
Screw him.

- Come in.

KELLY: Bortus.

What are you doing out of sickbay?

He insisted on coming, Commander.

You can expect a formal
protest from Dr. Finn.

All right, both of you have a seat.

Thanks, Alara.

Sir, if you don't mind,
I'd like to stick around,

just in case there's another divorce.

Fair enough. All right.

Because of the cultural
element in play here,

and because Bortus apparently
does not want to press charges,

Klyden will not be prosecuted.

- However, people can't just go around

stabbing each other on a Union ship.

So, Klyden, due to your
reckless actions in the as*ault

of a Union officer, you
are ordered to disembark

from the Orville at
the next Union outpost.

Captain, please, I beg
you not to do this.

I must add my voice
to his plea, Captain.

Bortus, he tried to k*ll you.

As I have said, he was
following Moclan custom.

- He is still my mate.
- We will make our relationship work.

We will not fail as you did.

- Klyden!
- KLYDEN: I-I apologize.

Please, Captain, give
me a second chance.

I swear on the soul of my child,

I will never commit a violent
act on this ship again.

Bortus, you're really okay with this?

Yes, Captain. Klyden and I stand united.

This is... this is insane.

This... I-I can't have a normal
ship, with normal people?

It's like, it's got to
be all stabby and-and...

All right, you know what?
Fine. You can stay.

Thank you, Captain.

But there are two conditions.

One: Bortus, you are relieved
of duty until I'm satisfied

this has all been worked out.

And you will both attend
daily couples counseling

with Dr. Finn.

What is couples counseling?

CLAIRE: Do either of you
understand why you're here?

Because the captain has ordered it.

Technically, yes.

But do you know why the
captain has ordered you

to attend couples counseling?

So I do not s*ab Bortus again.

That is one of our goals, yes.

Klyden has already told the captain

he will not commit another violent act.

What more is there to do?

Why don't I explain what

couples counseling is first,

and that might answer your question.

Couples counseling helps married people,

such as yourselves,

discuss and resolve conflicts
with the goal of improving

your long-term relationship.

I'm here to guide that process.

Will we select our own weapons?

No. That's not how it works.

Let me see. How can I reframe this?

It's like a peace conference.

You and Klyden are the warring factions

during a cease-fire,
and I'm the diplomat.

I believe I understand.

- As do I.
- Good.

So let's start the
peace process, shall we?

Klyden, tell me why you
tried to k*ll Bortus.

Because I wished to divorce him.

Dig deeper than that.

How do you feel about Bortus?

I feel Bortus does not
wish to be with me.

That he does not find
me attractive anymore.

Bortus, how would you like to respond

to what Klyden is saying?

I still find Klyden attractive,

but I have been working
long hours lately,

and I am tired when I
return to our quarters.

Okay, that's reasonable.

Klyden, do you understand and
accept Bortus's explanation?

I suppose I do.

- Yes.
- Good.

Now we're gonna try a little exercise

I call "I statements."

Bortus, face Klyden and
look him in the eyes,

and tell him that you are
still attracted to him.

And use "I" and your
names as much as possible.


I, Bortus, am still
attracted to you, Klyden.

Good. Now, Klyden, I want you
to look Bortus in the eyes

and accept what he has told you.

Bortus. I, Klyden, accept that you,

Bortus, are still
attracted to me, Klyden.

Great. Now, when we're done today,

I have two homework assignments for you.

First, make a fun list.

Write down ten fun things
you both like doing,

and try to check off
one thing every week.

This fun list excites me.

We will make one.

Second, Bortus,

I need you to set aside one hour a day

that's just for Klyden.

Does that sound reasonable?

Yes. One hour per day.

Okay. I think we're
making some progress.

The couples counseling
was quite productive.

Shall we make our fun
list over dinner tonight?


I must brief the captain on
a number of maintenance items

that require attention
while I am off duty.

I will meet you in our
quarters at 1800 hours.

I shall see you there.

Begin Simulation Bortus 931.

Hello, Bortus.

I am Dr. Gulnar.

How can I help you today?

I have a pain in my ear, and I
do not know what is causing it.

Hmm. I see.

Why don't you take off your
gown and we will have a look.

Could you please turn around
and lean on the table?

I will begin the examination.

I think I may have found the problem.

Is the pain subsiding?

[SIGHS] End simulation.



Lieutenant. May I speak with you?


I am told your people
are known for creating

some of the most sought-after

pornographic simulations in the galaxy.



Lower your voice.


Could you obtain a simulation for me?


I require something out of the ordinary.




No. Something simpler.

I just do not want to be bored.


Moclans. Many of them.

All at once, ready to be adventurous.


- What?
- _

Are you sure there's
no mistake about this?

I have reanalyzed the
scanner logs multiple times.

The subterranean
civilization is still active.

How the hell can anything
be alive down there?

Alara, is there any
way we can hail them?

There's a lot of interference
from the star, but I can try.

I have a link. It's audio
only, old-style shortwave,

but the channel's open.


To anyone below the surface who
can hear the sound of my voice,

this is Captain Ed Mercer
of the starship Orville.

Please respond.

Did you say a starship?

Yes. We're in orbit around your planet.

Who am I speaking to?

This is Hallan Theece,

First Minister of the Nyxian people.

But where have you come from?

Many different places, actually.

I'm from a planet called Earth.

THEECE: Another planet.

How is that even possible?

Our scientists always speculated
about such things, but...

Minister Theeze, are you aware
of what's happening to...

- I think she said Theece.
- Huh?

I think she said Theece,
with a short "S" sound.

- What did I say?
- Theeze.

- What's the difference?
- Theece, like peace.

Like "Theece's Pieces."

Hey, you know what, guys, this
woman's planet is about to die.

Maybe we focus on that, huh?

Minister, are you aware of
what's happening to your world?

THEECE: Yes. A century ago,

we discovered that our sun
was going to engulf Nyxia

within 100 years.

We have no method of space travel,

so we sought refuge underground.

This is Commander Kelly Grayson.

Minister, how many of you are there?

THEECE: 75 is all that is
left of our civilization.

We are... awaiting the inevitable.

We want to help you if we can.

Our scans indicate that your planet

won't begin to disintegrate
for another 24 hours.

THEECE: So soon.

That's... that's not much time.

We're working on it. We'll contact you

when we have more information.
Mercer out.

What are our options?

Well, we need a Union evac vessel.

Something that can go down
there and pick them up.

There's no time. We're too far out.

How about a shuttle?

A shuttle is too small to withstand

the gravitational stress of
the star at such close range.

What if we fortified the
crap out of the deflectors?

Divert all power but life support?

We could move the Orville
into a closer orbit,

minimize the shuttle's flight time.

It is possible.

75 people, we'd have to make

two or three trips to get them all out.

All right, let's make it happen.



- Hi, Commander.
- Hi!

Your people work fast. Thank you.






How soon before the shuttle's ready?

- About nine hours.
- Okay, well,

make sure you do the job
right, because you know

who the captain's going
to ask to pilot the thing.

Two slices of pepperoni pizza.

Oh, God! What is that?

Sure as hell isn't pizza.

Ugh... Lamar to engineering.

Send a technician to the mess hall.

And something to scoop up with.

I hope you are pleased, Bortus.

It is our wish to bring you pleasure.

I am very pleased.

I do not want this to end.

Then do not end it.

- Bortus!
- Klyden!

Klyden, wait! Wait!

Bortus, do you understand
what a porn addiction is?

I believe so.

You disgust me, Bortus.

If I had not promised
the captain otherwise,

I would s*ab you again right now.

Klyden, I understand that you're upset,

and you have every right to be.

But porn addiction is a
disease, just like any other.

So we need to treat his condition

with compassion and understanding.

Is there an injection I can
receive to cure this disease?

- You have had enough injections.
- CLAIRE: Klyden, please.

That's not going to help resolve this.

Bortus, do you remember
when your compulsion

to visit the simulator began?

Klyden, do you recall when Bortus began

losing interest in sex?

It was not long after Topa
underwent the procedure

to become a male.

He is correct.

It was around that time I
first began using the simulator

for the sexual event.

I see.

How much have you two discussed
what happened on Moclus?

We discussed it many
times since the tribunal.

We agreed to move on.

To focus on the future.

CLAIRE: Bortus,

do you feel that you
have truly moved on?

Perhaps I have not.

I often look at Topa, and I wonder

if I should have fought
harder to keep him female.

But there was nothing
more I could have done.

No one could have stopped
what happened to her

except Klyden, and he did not.

I resent you, Klyden.

I resent what you put our child through.

And I do not know if I can ever move on.

Mercer to engineering.

[OVER COMM]: What's the
status of the shuttle upgrade?

It's moving along, Captain.

Should be done in about
ten hours, give or take.

Chief, that planet will
be gone in ten hours.

- Make it five.
- Sir, that's impossible.

Make it possible. Mercer out.

You know what I just
found out last week?

The captain and I have
the same birthday.

Alara, patch me through
to Minister Theece.

Audio channel open.

Minister, this is Captain Mercer.

- Can you hear me?
- THEECE: Yes, Captain, I'm here.

ED: I just thought I'd check in

and see how things are underground.

- Any changes?
- Yes.

There's been a rise in
the number of quakes,

and small fissions have caused
power disruptions. And I...


Minister? Can you hear me?

- Alara, what's happening?
- Checking, sir.

There's no additional
interference from the planet.

- It's something on our end.
- Cause?

Some kind of weird glitch.

It won't reinitialize.

Sounds like the food synthesizer.

Thing was glitching all
over the place today.

Made us a poop pizza.

Isaac, run a computer diagnostic,

see if there's any connection.

Scans have confirmed the presence

of a computer virus, Captain.

From where?

It appears its origin is

Environmental Simulator 3.

An unauthorized foreign
program has been uploaded.

By who?

Authorization 5-2-8-9-1.

Commander Bortus, sir.

I'm going to see if I
can access the program.

Welcome to the Cove of Pleasure.

Our only wish is to bring you ecstasy.


Okay, now, I know this
is awkward for all of us,

but at the moment, we need
to focus on this virus.

I am ashamed beyond measure, Captain.

Bortus, that is a whole other
conversation that comes later,

and it's not going to be
pleasant for either of us.

It's okay, dude. Everybody
does it sometimes.

I went to town on myself this morning.

It's why I look so relaxed right now.

God, this whole ship is gross.

Look, I need solutions, all right?

I want to know how we stop this virus.

Lieutenant Unk has provided the
origin data for the simulation.

I have written a program that
should eradicate the virus

before it affects any more
of the ship's systems.

Good. Get it installed
as quickly as possible.

Chief, is the shuttle ready?

The power's been rerouted, and
we've maximized the deflectors.

- What's wrong?
- CLAIRE: There's a problem.

The upgraded deflectors will
block out most of the radiation,

but not all of it.

And anyone in the landing
party will be fully exposed

when they move from the shuttle
to the subterranean access port.

How bad?

Like, "Ouch, I got a sunburn bad,"

or "I just opened the
Ark of the Covenant" bad?

The Ark. Like, melty-faced awfulness.

So, what do we do? How
do we save those people?

There are only two officers
on board who may be able

to withstand the radiation:

Isaac... and Bortus.

Well, Commander, looks
like you're back on duty.

♪ ♪

Commander, I am curious about something.

- What?
- Your addiction

to pornographic stimuli.

My understanding of
the sexual proclivities

of biological organisms
is quite fractional.

I do not wish to discuss it.

Is the topic of pornography
an unpleasant one

due to the severe humiliation
your character has suffered

and the seemingly irreversible
and very public damage

it has done to your relationship
with your life-mate Klyden?

I have been shamed enough.

I will not answer your questions.

You need not blame yourself.

You are a primitive organism.

I simply wish to expand

my understanding of
the behavioral impulse.

You think you are smarter than us?

- Figure it out on your own.
- I am aware

that billions of years of evolution

have programmed your chemical mechanisms

with a desire to breed fruitfully.

I am curious to know how it feels.

It is... a call...

from deep within.

Like a baby seeking its mother's teat.

It feels as if nothing else
in the world matters but...

satisfying the urge
and achieving the goal

my body has demanded of me.

Then, as quickly as it
began, it is complete,

leaving a worn-out shell in its wake.

And the only feeling I am left with,

the only thing I know, is that...

a death has occurred.

I see.

It is prudent that you are in therapy.

Prepare for landing.

BORTUS: There is the access port.

Disengaging engines.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Welcome to Nyxia.

I'm Minister Theece.

JOHN [OVER COMM]: Lamarr to bridge.

Go ahead, Chief.

Commander, we got a problem.

The virus has knocked out

computer interfaces to main engineering.

KELLY: I thought Isaac took care of it.

His program isn't working.
The virus is still spreading.

I'm gonna try and isolate

the source matrix down in Simulator 3.

Captain, we have another problem.

Oh, neat. What is it?

Scans are showing
accelerated instability

in the planet's core.

Sir, it's breaking up.

BORTUS: We must get your
people off the planet.

I assume you have radiation suits.

We do, yes. Enough for all of us.

Good. Our shuttle will hold 30 of you,

so we will need to begin loading
the first group immediately.

Commander, I have just
spoken to the captain.

The planet's breakup is accelerating

faster than expected.

We will only have time for one trip.

But there's 75 of us.

I am sorry, Minister.

You will have to select
30 of your people.

We will not be able to save the others.

Are you gonna save us from the shakes?

See if you can goose the memory circuits

and analyze the algorithms of the virus.

Okay, give me a minute.

I wish to bring you erotic pleasure.

Oh, my God. You got to be kidding me.

Let us experience the sexual event.

I swear to God, I'm never
looking at porn again.

Hi. I'm Dann.

Surely, there is a more civilized means

of selecting those
who will be evacuated.

I do not know, but it is their way.

A random drawing of names
is quite inefficient.

It would be wiser to select
the members of the society

who possess the highest
degree of intelligence.

I may be a primitive organism,

but I am happy I am not like you.

The lottery is finished.

These 30 will go with you to your ship.

Very well. We must leave now.

You could have included yourself.

You're the First Minister.

You know that would be wrong.

Please understand, my love.

Make a life out there with Nathius.

A beautiful life among the stars.

All the days we'll never have.

Your heart is full of the days we did.

That's what you take with you.

[CRYING]: Now go.

It is imperative that we depart.

♪ ♪

We are clear.

Setting course for docking.

Shuttle bay reports docking complete.

All right.

Gordon, move us out to a wide orbit.

Aye, sir.

Captain, helm is not responding.

- What?
- I've lost attitude control.

The star's gravity
well is pulling us in.

KELLY: Bridge to Isaac.

Your antiviral program didn't do jack.

- We've lost helm control.
- I am on my way

to assist Chief Lamarr in the simulator.

- Gordon, how much time?
- I'd say six minutes

and we're a baked potato.

Hull temperature is
2,500 degrees and rising.

The viral matrix keeps resetting.

I can't stay ahead of it. I need Isaac.

Let me quench your thirst for passion.

I'm not thirsty.

Chief, may I assist you?

Yes, thank you. Just in time.
Get in there.

GORDON: Deflectors are gone.

Starboard hull integrity compromised.

My God, we're burning up.

All sections reporting
structural damage.

Isaac, talk to me.

ISAAC: I have initiated a counter-virus.

It will take a moment to
determine its effectiveness.

15 seconds, Captain.


The virus has been eradicated.

- Helm control restored!
- Get us out of here now.



Your head is very smooth
and very sensuous.

I never cease to be impressed

by the resilience of the Moclan body.

Your radiation absorption is minimal.

Two or three treatments,
and you're clean.

Captain. Commander.

Bortus. You look good for
a guy who's been cooked.

Thank you, sir. I feel quite well.

I'm glad you're well, because
I have something to say to you.

I have never witnessed an officer behave

with such carelessness, selfishness

and downright stupidity as you have.

As a direct result of
your thoughtless actions,

you almost destroyed this entire ship

and all 300 members of her crew.

I agree, sir.

I wish to tender my resignation,
effective immediately.



Your performance today

exhibited tremendous courage and valor

in the finest Union tradition.

You saved 30 lives by risking your own.

Porn virus aside, I am very grateful

to have you on board.

Thank you, sir.

Get some rest.

You're back on full-time
duty in the morning.


Dr. Finn tells me

you've experienced no effects
from the planet's surface.

That is not entirely true.

I do not understand. Are you not well?

I am fine.


I am not... fine.

I have been a bad mate.

I have been disrespectful.

Instead of speaking my mind aloud,

I have retreated into a fantasy world.

Dr. Finn says, if you talk
about it, you get rid of it.


I do not know that I will
ever be fully at peace

with what happened to Topa.

But today, I witnessed events that...

I am very fortunate to have
you and Topa in my life.

And I do not wish to lose you again.

I do not wish to lose you, either.

I would like our family
to be together tonight.

As would I.