01x15 - Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Shatters

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x15 - Zero Visibility: The Sharingan Shatters

Post by bunniefuu »


Running like a fugitive,

Being chased by something

Inside my heart is pounding

My throat dry like it's withering

For no single one,

To none does belong,

This time is ours, right now...

Unraveling the pain,

Unraveling our hearts,

Unraveling shadows

Stifling our breath,

Reaching for beyond,

Tearing through the dark

In fighting and in love

To the distant light above,

Yes, we are on the way

I wanna rock...

Rockin' my heart

Darn it!

Where'd he attack from?!
Is it the clones?

Where's the real body?!

It's useless for you to even attempt
following with your eyes.

I absolutely will not be caught.

Humph. Shadow Clone Jutsu!


This is a teleportation Jutsu that

uses mirrors that can
reflect only my image.

Watching you from the speed I move,

it almost seems as if
you aren't moving at all...

I knew it!

Is that Jutsu...
the Kekkei Genkai?!

Kekkei... Genkai?

It's the same type as
my Sharingan...


That's right...

It's impossible even for me
to copy that Jutsu...

And there's no way to destroy
that Jutsu, either!

Darn it...

So... What?!

I can't die here yet.

'Cause I have a dream
that I must turn into reality...

The dream to have my strength
recognized by everyone in the village...

and become the Hokage!


I, for the sake of my dream.
And you, for the sake of your dream.

Please don't hold it against me.

I want to protect someone
special to me...

I work for the sake of that person,
I fight for that person,

and I want to make that
person's dream a reality...

That's my dream.

For the sake of that dream
I will completely become a Shinobi,

and k*ll you guys!

Zero Visibility.
The Sharingan Shatters

Sasuke! Naruto!
Don't lose to a guy like that!

Stop it, Sakura. Don't goad him!


Even if there was a chance that
we could break that technique,

they won't be able to defeat that boy.

W-What do you mean?

They don't have the mentality
to k*ll their feelings...

and k*ll another person!

That boy really knows
the agony of being a Shinobi.

He's different from Naruto and Sasuke.


No real Shinobi will come out of
a peace-addicted village like yours.

Because they are not able
to learn

the most important "experience of k*lling"!



What are we going to do, Sensei?!

If I go over to
Naruto and Sasuke,

Tazuna will be in danger.

Even if I try the Shadow Clones.

He'll come to stop me with
his Water Clones.

I'll just be wasting Chakra.


I'm sorry but...

I'm going to have to finish
this in an instant.


The Sharingan again?

Such an unimaginative guy!


You might call me "an unimaginative guy,"

but you are afraid of the Sharingan,
after all... Zabuza!

The secret technique of a Shinobi...

isn't something that you show
your opponent so many times.

Be appreciative.

You're the only who has had
the chance to see it twice...

And there will be no third time...

Even if you were able to defeat me,
you can't defeat Haku...


Kakashi Sensei can't win?

That boy in the mask is that strong?

Since he was a kid, I have been
painstakingly teaching him

the battle techniques of the Ninja!

All of my techniques.

On top of that...

he has been polishing up
his own skills as well!

As a result...

He has...

no matter how unbelievably difficult
his predicament,

been extremely successful.

He has no "heart" and has
abandoned the notion of "life."

He is a fighting machine
known as a Shinobi.

Not only that,
his Jutsu surpasses mine!

The terrifying ability of
the Kekkei Genkai.

In other words,
I have acquired a sophisticated tool.

Unlike the scrap you're
carrying around.

I'm not one to be afraid just
because I failed once!

I'll do it as many times as it takes!

The Shadow Clone Jutsu!


W-What the hell is it...?!

I-It was just slight but...

I could see the trails of his movements...

One more try!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Don't you understand that it's useless?

Just because I see the trail,

doesn't mean that I can keep up
with his speed.

The water...
is being repelled.

But, what if that wasn't water...?

All right...

The next one is going
to be my one shot!

Just because a bunch of scrap
got together

doesn't mean that
they can defeat Haku.

He is...
He is the best tool!

There's nothing boring than
a stranger bragging...

It's about time...
I make my move.

Now wait.
As long as we're talking...

Let me brag about another thing...


In the battle before,

I didn't just let you defeat me
like a fool.

It's over...

Haku, who was hiding in the corner,

was observing part of the battle.

Haku is quite smart.

With his ability to analyze,

he is able to plan a counterattack
after observing a technique just once.

I've been anxious to copy your line.

"I'll tell you now, but the same Jutsu
won't work on me twice."

Was that it...?

Ninja Art, Hidden Mist Jutsu!

Ninja Art, Hidden Mist Jutsu!

This is?!

What is this...?
This really thick fog?

The visibility is close to z ero...


Sakura! Stay with Tazuna!

That's right.

I have to trust Sasuke,
Naruto and Kakashi Sensei right now...

And I should do what I can do!


Oh! Sakura!

Mr. Tazuna, no matter what,
don't move away from me!

Yeah... I soo know it!

I know...

I'll finish them off soon enough...

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

You just don't learn, do you?!

What? The Fire Style Jutsu!

It takes...too long!

This is good!

Bit by bit, I'm figuring out
the timing...

I know it's called Hidden Mist,
but the fog is way too thick...

Even Zabuza himself shouldn't
be able to see anything...

Good job on dodging it...

Just what I expect of Kakashi
of the Sharingan...


closing his eyes!

But... the next time you see me,

that'll be the end of it all...

You overrate the Sharingan too much.


You spoke as if you saw through
everything, but...


Could it be possible that
you can see the future...?!

You are going to die.

Your foresight was wrong, after all.


You can't read my mind or
my future...

The Sharingan is merely a diversion
that makes you believe that!

Those who have the Sharingan...

possess both
perceptive eyes and hypnotic eyes...

Using these two powers and
bringing out Jutsus one after the other...

you were just acting as if
you can read the future!

First with the perceptive eyes,
you copied my movement right away.

And this is the Image
Replication Method.

You first got me in
a ruffle with it...

Once you make sure that
I'm flustered,

you nail the "heart's voice."

- This is the Mind Imitation Method.
- It's only an imitation, after all.

- You can't defeat me! You monkey!
- You can't defeat me! You monkey!

That imitating monkey mouth...

I'll make sure that you won't be
able to open it any more!


You judged the right timing when
my frustration was reaching its height

W-What is that?

You set a clever trap.


You used the Genjutsu with
your hypnotic eye and

made me weave the signs first...

This is the Jutsu Imitation Method...

The Giant Vortex Jutsu!


Then that makes it easier.

First vanish into the thick fog,

and make your
perceptive eyes useless...


Darn! The guard is falling behind!

I will close my eyes as well!

I will shut off your ability to use
your hypnotic eye

in a close distance battle.


That also means that
you will lose your ability to see.

Did you forget?

That I am a genius in Silent k*lling,

a technique to find
the target just by sound.

He read my movement...
No way could he do that.

Darn! We were so close!

Naruto, can you still move?

Of course! I'm totally fine!

He's pretty much spent...
and it's no wonder.

Shadow Clone Jutsu uses
a lot of Chakra.

But thanks to him,
I found our way out.

I found the way to break through!

Hah! Impossible!

That was just a coincidence.

Naruto! Run!


Run out of here and
attack from the outside!

A-All right!

You won't be able to.!

I-I'm not going to lose!


Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!


T-That was good just now!


We're doing it one more time!

All right!

It's likely that there's a limit
to that guy's Chakra, too!

To prove that,
he's little by little...

This won't go as you've planned.

First, I'll get you!


Darn! It's been a while since
I've fought in such bad conditions.

And I'm worried about
Sasuke and Naruto, too...

Be calm... Think...
What will he come after?

Oh no!


Too late!

Why? Why is it?

Why did this happen?

I never asked for your help!
I hated you!

But you...

Darn! I won't forgive you!
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