01x12 - Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x12 - Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!

Post by bunniefuu »


Running like a fugitive,

Being chased by something

Inside my heart is pounding

My throat dry like it's withering

For no single one,

To none does belong,

This time is ours, right now...

Unraveling the pain,

Unraveling our hearts,

Unraveling shadows

Stifling our breath,

Reaching for beyond,

Tearing through the dark

In fighting and in love

To the distant light above,

Yes, we are on the way

I wanna rock...

Rockin' my heart

What's with you?!

Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!

Good morning!


Thank you.

Naruto didn't come back
last night, either?

He's such a fool,

he's been out every night,
climbing trees.

He might be dead already
from using up too much Chakra.

I wonder if Naruto's okay.

To think a child's out in
the middle of the night.

Well, you don't need to worry.

Although he may not seem to be,
he's a full fledged Ninja.

I wonder...

That idiot's probably
all pooped out right about now.


I'm going for a walk.

But we're about to eat...

That was fast!

You'll catch a cold if
you keep sleeping here.

Who're you?

Uh... Did you wake me up, sis?
I mean, what're you doing here?

I'm gathering medicinal herbs.


Yes. For healing injuries,
sickness and the like.

You got a lot to do early
in the morning, sis...

You, too.

What've you been doing
in a place like this so early?


Could it be that...
you're a Ninja or something?

What with that headband and...

Is that what I look like? Is it?

Yup! I'm a Ninja!

No kidding.
You're great, aren't you.

But... why are you training?

As for me,
I want to get stronger!

But, you already look
strong enough.

No, no! I want to get
even stronger!

What for?

To become the best Ninja
in my village!

I'm going to get everyone
to recognize my strength!

And I have to prove something
to a certain person!

Is that for the sake of somebody?
Or is it for your own sake?


What's so funny?!

Do you have somebody
precious in your life?


What is it you want to say, sis?

What is it?

When a person has something
precious they want to protect...

that's when they can truly
become strong.

Your dad loves the town
you're from, so...

I absolutely won't allow
my comrades to get k*lled!

Get your hands off Iruka Sensei!

I'll k*ll you!!

Yeah! I know that well, too!

You'll get strong.


I hope we meet again somewhere.

Oh... and...

I'm a man!

That can't be!
He's cuter than Sakura.

Why? That's strange.

This world is full of mystery...

Hey! What're you doing?!

Did you forget about mealtime,
you idiot?


What in the world is Naruto doing?

And Sasuke hasn't come back
from his walk either...

No way...
Naruto can climb that high now?


How'bout that, how'bout that?!

As for me,
I can climb this high now!


Oh, you idiot!

This is bad!


You fell for it, you fell for it!

Don't scare us like that!

I'll k*ll him later! Cha!

He's grown a little, eh.

Oh! You idiot, Naruto!

It's cuz you went overboard!

You fool.


Nice, Sasuke.
You're awesome!

These kids are really growing.


Uzumaki, eh.

You've recovered considerably.

All right...

Just a little more, Haku.


Shall we go back?


They're late.

And not just Naruto,
but even Sasuke too.

What happened to you guys?

You're really muddy
and really wiped out.

We both... climbed up to the top.


Naruto, Sasuke, you'll also start guarding
Tazuna next time!

Got it! Whoa!

You idiot!

In just a teeny little bit,
the bridge will be complete.

It's thanks to you guys.

Even so, don't let your guard down...

I've really wanted to ask
you for a long time now...

But why are you still here
even though I lied about the mission?

To see what is right without doing it
bespeaks an absence of courage.

Like master, like man.

It's a teaching of the late Hokage.

The things I truly
hold dear to myself...

I'll protect until the very end
with both these arms.

Don't cry... Inari.


What is it?

Why do you desperately work so hard
until you get like that?!

There's no way you'd be
a match for Gato's men even if you train!

No matter what cool things you say
or how much effort you make...

the weak always lose out...

against the truly strong!

Shut up. I'm not like you.

Shut up!
Looking at you makes me sick!

Sticking your nose in even though
you know nothing of this land!

I'm not like you who's always
acting frivolous

not knowing one thing about pain!

So you're just gonna cry
all day like the lead in a tragedy?

An idiot like you can just cry forever!
You crybaby!

Naruto! That's a bit harsh!


Got a minute?

Naruto didn't mean any harm
with what he said...

He's just uncouth, so...

We heard the story
about your father from Tazuna.

Like you, Naruto never had
a father as a young child...

Actually he doesn't know either
of his parents.

Not only that.
He didn't have a single friend.



I've never seen him sulk,
be timid, or cry.

He's always eager,
wanting to be acknowledged by someone.

If it's for the sake of that "dream,"
he always risks his life.

He's probably tired of crying.

So, he knows the true meaning
of the word strong.

Like your father.

Naruto might understand your feelings
the most.

What Naruto said earlier...

There's no mistaking that
he's told himself that over and over again.

Okay, then!
I leave Naruto in your hands.

Because he's used his body
to the limit...

I don't think he'll be able
to move today.

Mr. Kakashi, are you feeling all right?

Yes, somehow.

We'll be going!

What're you doing?

I didn't hire you guys for charity work...

Hey, are you listening, Zabuza?!

Shall we go... Haku?


I overslept!

Hey hey!! Where is everyone?

Naruto. Your Sensei wanted you
to rest and relax... today

I knew it.

They left me behind.

I'll be back.

Darn it!
They could've woken me up!

W-What the heck is this?!

What is going on?
What's happened?

It couldn't be...

Inari! Give me a hand.


I'll be right there.

This mist...

Sasuke! Sakura!
They're coming!

I knew he was still alive.

Making an appearance so soon, eh...

Say, Kakashi Sensei.

This is his... Hidden Mist Jutsu, right?!

Sorry to have kept you waiting, Kakashi.

I see you've got those brats
with you as always.

He's still trembling. Poor thing.

I'm trembling with... excitement.

Do it, Sasuke.

I can see it!

Well well. So he could
see the Water Clones, eh.

That brat's grown quite a bit.

This means a rival has emerged, Haku.

So it seems.

Phew, that was a close shave.

Sorry I was late.
But Inari, you were great.

I was able to save your mom
thanks to your courage.

Hey, wait a minute.

Doesn't the fact that
we were att*cked mean

that Kakashi Sensei and
the others are in danger too?!
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