01x05 - You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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01x05 - You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision

Post by bunniefuu »


Running like a fugitive,

Being chased by something

Inside my heart is pounding

My throat dry like it's withering

For no single one,

To none does belong,

This time is ours, right now...

Unraveling the pain,

Unraveling our hearts,

Unraveling shadows

Stifling our breath,

Reaching for beyond,

Tearing through the dark

In fighting and in love

To the distant light above,

Yes, we are on the way

I wanna rock...

Rockin' my heart

You have to think when using Jutsu.

They can be used against you.

Also, don't get caught
in an obvious trap, you fool.

A Ninja must see
through deception... got it?

I know that!

You know, you say that because
you don't get it. Listen up.

Your movements are wasteful.


He finally dropped his guard!

You're so...

No way!

You jerk Sasuke! You overdid it.

Damn! Another substitution?

He must have found out my location
with those Shuriken!

He purposely lowered his guard!
Serves me right...

I fell for the trap.

So he's over there, eh...

Sasuke... Where are you?!

Don't tell me,
Kakashi Sensei already...


That couldn't happen to Sasuke, right?!

Safe! He didn't notice me.

Sakura, behind you.


What's up with that "A Ninja must see
through deception" stuff?!

Damn it! I'll never fall for his trap again!

I fell for it again!

You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision

What was that?! Huh?!

Hold on! Where's Sensei?!

Huh?! What's going on?!

Huh?! What's what?!



Sa... Saku... ra...

P-Please... help... me...

Maybe I went a bit overboard...

But it's really something
she should notice...

Was that voice... Sakura's?

Shinobi Battle Skill #2, Genjutsu.

Sakura was easily lured.

Genjutsu, huh...?

An illusory mind controlling technique.
I'm not surprised she got lured.


I'm different from them.

Why don't you say that after
you get a bell... Sasuke?

It's no use just using
straightforward att*cks.

A trap?!


This guy's...?!

What a guy.

There's no time
to read "Make Out Paradise."


That's right! I saw Sasuke on
the verge of dying and I...

Don't die and leave me here!!

Where are you?!

So that's what it looks like
behind the logs.

Oh! There are box lunches on the stone!

A Ninja must see through deception... eh?

Well! I'll acknowledge that
you're different from those two.



Fire Style! Fireball Jutsu!

What?! That's not a Jutsu
that a Genin can do...

He shouldn't have
enough Chakra yet!

He's gone!
Is he behind me?! No, above me?!

Where is he?!

I'm under you!!


Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu.

Shinobi Battle Skill #3, Ninjutsu.

How's that? You can't move, heh?

Although, you're... already starting
to make your mark.

But, oh well.

They do say that the nail that sticks up
gets hammered down, so...

Damn it!

I don't have to naively take those bells.
I'll just eat in secret right now!

Let's eat!!


I was just joking...

Too late!

Damn it! Is there this much of
a difference in strength?


This time it's a freshly severed head?!

What's up with her?


You're okay!

Hey, cut it out!
Don't cling to me!

There's not much time left until noon.
I'm going.

Sasuke, you're still going
after the bells?!

I was able to touch them last time.
Next time I'll be able to take them.

I I see.

Sure enough,
you're awesome, Sasuke.

There's no way I can take
the bells from Sensei.

At this rate, I'll face
separation from Sasuke...

Uh... say. There's really no time left...

So let's just take it easy and
try again next time.

I'm the only one
who can k*ll that man.

Huh? What?
You mean Sensei?

At that time... I was crying.



What? What is it?

I'm an avenger. I must become stronger
than that man...

I don't have time for setbacks here...

... to k*ll a certain man!

Damn it... I wasted my time talking.


Oh oh, your stomachs are growling...

By the way, about this exercise...

Well! There's no need for you guys
to go back to the Academy.

What? I... All I did was lay unconscious.

Is that okay?

Love is victorious!! Cha!!


Then, then!
That means the three of us...

Yes. The three of you...

must quit being Ninja!!

N No way!

Kakashi hasn't passed
a single person this whole time...


Even I don't know if it's good for
those kids to become Shinobi right away...

Kakashi's judgments were correct...

Quit being Ninja?! What do you mean?!

Uh, well it's true, we weren't able to
take the bells.

But why do we have to be told to "quit"?!

That's because you're all squirts who
don't have the qualifications to become Ninja.



I'm saying you're squirts.

Don't step on Sasuke!!

Are you kids thinking that
being a Ninja is easy? Huh?

Why do you think you're doing
this exercise in teams?

Huh?! What do you mean?

Put simply...

it's as if you guys have no
understanding of the answer to this test.


Yes. The answer that determines
passing or failing of this test.

That's... what I've wanted to ask
about for a while now.

Man, are you guys brainless or what?

Don't you get the meaning of
the three-man squad?!

Jeez!! What of three people to a squad?!

That's... teamwork!

You mean, working together?

Exactly. But it's too late even
if you realize that now.

You might've been able to...

take the bells if the three of you
had come at me...

Well, it's too bad.

Now wait a minute.

Why use teamwork if
there were only two bells?

If the three of us were to desperately go
take the bells with one having to hold back,

that wouldn't be teamwork.
That'd create internal discord.

Of course!

This is a test set up to purposely
place you against each other.

It's under just such conditions
where one's own interests aren't the issue.

The intention was to select those
who could prioritize teamwork...

Despite this, you fools...


You were only concerned with Sasuke and
you didn't even know where he was.

And you didn't care for Naruto who was
right in front of your eyes...


All you do is run solo...

You labeled the other two as hindrances
and acted on your own...

Missions are carried out in squads!

There's no mistaking that Ninjas need
unsurpassed individual skills...

But "teamwork" is considered
more important than that.

Individual actions that disrupt teamwork
throw the team into crisis and lead to death...

For example...

"Sakura! k*ll Naruto, or else Sasuke dies..."

What?! What?! Whaaat?!

Is what will... happen.

Oh, I was so surpised.

On top of having a hostage taken,

you're faced with two impossible choices
and end up being k*lled.

Every mission is
a life risking assignment.

Look at this...

The many names engraved
on this stone...

These are all Ninjas who are called
heroes in the village.

That that that that! I like thaaat!

I've decided now to get
my name engraved there, too!

A hero! A hero!
I'm not going to die like a dog!

But... they're not just ordinary heroes.

No kidding. Then, what kind
of heroes are they?

Hey! Hey!

They are heroes
who were k*lled in action.

k*lled in action?

It means they died
performing a mission.

This is a memorial.

The names of my friends
are also engraved here...

I'll give you guys one more chance!

However, after noon it'll be
a harsher battle to take the bell.

Those who want to take on
the challenge can eat lunch.

However, don't let Naruto have any.

It's punishment for breaking the rules and
attempting to eat lunch on your own.

If someone lets him eat...

that person will be disqualified
on the spot.

I make the rules, here. Got it?!

I must be going.

Listen to me, Iruka.


No matter what the result,
don't hold it against Kakashi...


I'm okay with not eating lunch!
No sweat at all!

No sweat...


H Hey, Sasuke.
Sensei just said!

It's okay.
There's no sign of him now.

The three of us are going to go
take the bells together.

It'll be trouble for me
if he becomes a hindrance, so...




Don't thank me.
Just hurry up and eat.


I'm on... a diet...
I mean I just eat less than Sasuke.

So you don't need to worry.




Hurry it up.
We don't know when he'll be back...

It's just this one time.

Okay? You got it?!

I got it.

You three!


You defied the rules so that
means you know what's coming...

Do you have... something to say?

But you see...


But! But! But!
You said, Sensei!

These guys...

We're a three man squad, right?

That's right!
The three of us are one, so!

That's right! That's right!
That's right!

That's right!

The three of you are one, eh...

You pass!



You pass!

We passed?! Why?!

You guys are the first.

Up until now, it was always just dunces
who would meekly listen to what I said.

A Ninja must see through deception...

In the world of Ninja,

those who break rules and codes
are branded as garbage...


Those who don't cherish their friends are
garbage worse than that.

He's... He's... kinda... cool...

That's it for the exercise...

Everyone passes!

Group Seven starts their mission

Yes, Sir!

I did it!! I'm a Ninja!
Ninja! Ninja!

Let's go home.



knew this is how it'd turn out!

Untie the rope!

Oh, please! It'd been nothing but
blah missions until now.

And just when I thought I'd finally
gotten an awesome mission,

to think it'd be bodyguarding
this old man.

He mocks the heck out of me,
calling me a brat.

I'll tell him a thing or two.

Someday I'll be...
Hey, are you listening?!
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