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01x08 - Into the Fold

Posted: 07/09/22 07:08
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪


Mommy. Mommy.


Mommy! Mom! Mommy!

- All right, I'm up. I'm up.
- Can we go now?

Oh, slow down, Ty.

Give Mommy a second here.

Are we gonna get to ride the sky cranes?

If you're tall enough, yes.

Can I go on the gravity bubbles?

If you promise not to throw up.

That's the cool thing...
it just floats away.


[GROANS] Is your brother awake?

He won't get up. I think
he might be dead.

All right. [GRUNTS]

Come on, dead guy, get up.

We're leaving soon.



Have you even packed?

I told you, I don't want to
go to a stupid play planet.

You're gonna love it once
we get there, trust me.

Now, come on, up.

Bradley's parents are letting him do

medieval battle camp in the Simulator.

Bradley's parents are alcoholics.
Now, come on.

Get dressed. It's time

to experience reality for a change.

Family time.

Fresh air. Sunshine.

Mwah! Come on!



Mom. Mom.

[GROANS] Here you go, Ty. Take this one.


Uh-uh. The game stays here.

Oh, Mom, come on! You suck.

I'm a mom... it's my job.
Now turn it off.

I hope you guys packed your umbrellas.

It's the rainy season on Arboreus Prime.

Well, actually, our
hotel's above the clouds.

Now, remember, if you need

anything at all, Dr.
Parley's on duty full-time.

We'll be sitting in a dockyard.

The only thing we might
die from is boredom.

- TY: Mom said turn it off!

Shut up!

Any sign of my pilot?

Well, that's what I came to tell you.

It turns out that I need John to stay

and supervise an overhaul of
the navigational systems.

Oh, well, that's a bummer...
I was counting on him

to help me ride herd
on these two lunatics.

MARCUS: Hey, give it back!
I'm gonna k*ll you!

Guys! Stop!

Don't worry. I got you a replacement.

Dr. Finn,

I look forward to joining
you and your offspring

on this recreational outing.

It will give me an opportunity

to observe human familial
dynamics at close range.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Stop it! Stop it!

Hey, what's going on back there?

- He's messing with my seat!
- Marcus, knock it off.

- He keeps farting.
- Ty, stop farting.

- Ow!
- ISAAC: Doctor,

are your children always this combative?

- Only when they're awake.
- TY: Hey!

The older, less intelligent
one seems to derive pleasure

from inflicting damage upon
his younger, weaker sibling.

- He's a kid. They act up.
- TY: Ow!

Oh, my God, if I have to come
back there one more time,

I will lose my mind.

Knock it off!

On my planet,

when a program is not
functioning properly,

it is deleted.

That's always an option.

If you wish, I will vaporize them. No!

For God's sake, I'm kidding.

I have noticed that many other families

on the Orville include two parents.

Where is your counterpart?

I don't have a husband.

- Was he destroyed?
- No.

Did you grow to despise each other,
and terminate your coupling?

I chose to be a single mother.

I always wanted kids,
but never found a man

I wanted to have them with.

Ah. Artificial impregnation.

You're getting a tad
personal, don't you think?

TY: Mom said
you couldn't bring that!

- Shut up!
- Ow! Mom, Marcus pinched me!

Oh, my God, cut the crap!
I'm not telling you again!

I didn't even want to go on
this stupid trip anyways.

You're the one who made me.

Why don't you just get out of my way.
Stand back.

Your commands have little to
no effect on their behavior.

Perhaps you should reevaluate
your method of controlling them.

- MARCUS: Hey!
- CLAIRE: Just what I need.

Parenting tips from a talking hubcap.

You harbor prejudice against
artificial life-forms.

Only against life-forms that think

they're better than everyone else.

I am better than everyone else.

Oh, and so modest.

It was not intended as a boast,

merely a statement of fact.

My only directive is to
study human behavior

in the interest of relations
between Kaylon and the Union.

You want to improve relations?

Don't tell a mother how
to raise her kids.


- What was that?

- Mom?
- [MOCKING]: Mom? Mom?

Cut it out! -Well, that
is what you sound like.

We are experiencing a gravity-shear.

It is emanating from an
uncharted spatial fold -Don't.

- directly ahead.
- That doesn't sound good.

It would be best to avoid it.

I will make a course correction.

Wait. No!

♪ ♪

You two sit down right now!
You're in big trouble!

ISAAC: That is
an accurate statement, Doctor.

We appear to be caught in the
anomaly's gravitational field.

Helm control is not responding.

Kids, strap in!

The field is too strong.

Our engines are unable to break free.

Everyone okay?

Mom, what's happening?

ISAAC: The gravity-shear
has fractured the hull.

Main power is off-line.

Where the hell are we?

Approximately 1,000 light-years
from our previous position.


The spatial fold has thrown
us into uncharted space.

So can't we just fly back
through or something?

The shuttle has been severely damaged.

It would not survive another passage.


The hull fracture is expanding.

We need to set down someplace, fast.

There is a planet five
million kilometers away

with multiple moons, some
of which have atmospheres.

Well, pick one and go.

The third, innermost moon has
an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere.

Not the vacation we had in mind,
but at least we can breathe.

Take us down.

There is a valley beyond the mountains

that should be a suitable landing site.

It could get a little rough, guys!
Hang on!

I'm scared.

We are venting plasma.

I can no longer maintain
a stable altitude.

Go to the engineering compartment

and switch to the emergency reserves.


Mom, can I come with you?

No. Stay in your seats.
I'll be right back.



- Dr. Finn?

Dr. Finn?

Aah! This thing is a bitch!

Pull the hydraulic release,
and it will turn more easily.



[GRUNTS] I got it!

Secure yourself and brace for impact.

Too low terrain.

Too low terrain. Too low terrain.

Too low terrain. Too low terrain.

No! No!

- Mom!
- Too low terrain.

Too low terrain. Too low terrain.



Isaac to Dr. Finn.

- Where's Mom?

Dr. Finn, please respond.

- Marcus!



- Are you damaged?
- My leg.



You have dislocated your knee.

Ow! It hurts!

- I must repair you.
- No! Wait!




Wow. That feels better.

I want Mom!

Indeed. We must find your mother.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


I have calculated the
most likely trajectory

of the shuttle's rear section.

It is less than four kilometers away.

So you can find Mom?

That is my objective.

Don't worry, Ty, Mom's alive.

- I know it.
- At the moment,

that is a baseless assumption.

Do you know how to use this?

What? No.

It is a basic energy w*apon.

Unlock the safety and press
the firing mechanism.

- Why would I need a g*n?
- There may be unknown dangers

on this world. I will be back.

Hey! You can't just leave us here!

You are small and feeble.

I will move at a faster pace alone.

The w*apon will increase your
chances of survival by 24%.


Dr. Finn?

Dr. Finn, are you in the vicinity?


I have to pee.

Then you'll have to go in the woods.

It's dark out there.

Then hold it!

Can you come with me?

All right, fine.

Come on.

Let's go.


I can hold it.

Isaac? Isaac?


Who's out there?

I have a g*n!


Who's out there?!


- [TY YELLS] -Ty!

- TY: Marcus, help! Marcus!
- Ty!




What was that thing?

Evidently, an indigenous life-form.

The danger has passed.

You may release me now.


♪ We had the right love
at the wrong time ♪

Hey, can I get a hyper-gauge?

♪ Guess I always knew inside... ♪

- Here you go.
- JOHN: Hey, uh, Steve?

You think we could change the music?

Something less depressing?

You got to get cultured, my friend.

Barry Manilow was an
underappreciated genius of his time.

Then how come I want to throw
myself out the airlock?

I got to say, watching
your corpse drift away

to this music would be so peaceful.

♪ I have no right to make you stay... ♪

Oh, God, Manilow was a genius.

Oh, Captain, we're just installing

the new spatial manifold.

- How's it coming?
- So far, so good.

KELLY [OVER COMM]: Bridge to Captain.
- Go ahead.

We just got a call from the
dock master at Arboreus Prime.

Dr. Finn's shuttle never arrived.

- Have you tried hailing them?
- More than once.

- No response.
- All right, stand by.

Did she say Claire's missing?

Yeah. How soon can you
guys be done here?

Sir, we're still at least two days away

- from finishing the upgrade.
- Well, it's gonna have to wait.

John, report to the bridge, set a course

for Dr. Finn's last known coordinates.

JOHN: Uh, well,
how am I supposed to do that?

You see that pile of crap on the floor?

That's our navigational array.

Well, you're just gonna have to
do it the old-fashioned way.

Star charts.

Oh, great.

Do not get us lost, man.

♪ It doesn't matter if you're gone... ♪


- It's your fault we crashed.
- MARCUS: It is not.

You're the one who threw
my game at the helm.

Well, you shouldn't
have brought it anyway.

Mom said you couldn't!

This conflict is highly distracting.

When we find Mom,

you're gonna be in so much trouble.

You're the one that's in trouble!

Cease immediately.

You're gonna be grounded
for, like, ten years.

You're gonna be an old man

by the time you come out your room.

I am not! You're a liar!

Children, cut the crap right now.

If I have to come back there
one more time, I swear to God

I am going to lose my mind.


Our dysonium power supply is depleted.

I will not be able to use
the shuttle's scanners

to conduct a broader search for Dr.

nor can I send a distress
signal to the Orville.



You know,

in astrogeology class I learned that

there's lots of dysonium in the galaxy.

Like, on lots of different planets.

Maybe there's some here.

Without the shuttle's scanners,

I am unable to search beyond
the immediate vicinity.

Well... maybe just try?

- I am detecting trace amounts

of dysonium on the outer-hull.

This would indicate the
presence of a deposit

in the mountains where
the shuttle impacted.

- So there is dysonium?
- Indeed.

You are not as intellectually stunted

- as I previously believed.
- Well, then

let's go! -The mountains
are some distance away,

and your biological systems

require a rest period. We
will depart in the morning.

What if... there's more monsters?

That is a risk we must take if
we hope to find your mother.




Is anyone there?!

Where the hell am I?!


You must be hungry.

Who are you?

Where are my children?

- Eat.
- Where are we?


It's a safe place.

I have to find my kids.

We were in a crash, and I don't
know what happened to them,

so I have to get the hell
out of here right now.


I told you...

you're in a safe place.

My translator must be broken,

because "safe" means something
else in my language.







- It's my turn to play!
- You don't get a turn.

- That's not fair!
- You're the one

that said I shouldn't bring
it, so you don't get to play.

- You don't get to make the rules.
- Yeah, I do.


The game is never to be spoken of again.

Well, now what am I supposed to do?

I'm already bored.

Perhaps you can assist me in my
study of biological life-forms

by explaining the nature of your
interactions with your mother.

Well, what do you want to know?

You seem to hold your
mother in contempt.

I must conclude that you dislike her.

That's not true! -You
continuously disrespect her,

- and ignore her commands.
- Yeah.

- You're totally mean to Mom.
- No, I'm not!

I didn't even want to go

on this stupid trip anyways.
You're the one who made me.

How'd you do that?

I can synthesize any vocal pattern.

What's wrong?

Someone is approaching.

- Come no closer.
- Give us the children.

They are under my protection.

You may not have them.




Are they... dead?

No, they are merely stunned.

They appear to be suffering
from disease and malnutrition.

Why did they want us?

I would surmise

that their intent was to consume you.

My hand must remain unencumbered
in the event I require its use.


Just hold his hand.




You haven't eaten.

I'm not hungry.

Food is scarce.

Don't waste it.



My name is Drogen.

You are very lucky I found you.

I was with three others...

my two sons and an artificial being.

You were the only one I
found in the wreckage.

Then I'm sure you'll understand

why I need to find them.

They're young, they could be hurt.

No one survives out there for long.

I was carrying a communication device.

Did you find it?


- Let me call my kids!
- It won't matter.

- Why?
- There was a w*r.

The enemy put Paloxus
in the water supply.

- Paloxus?
- A biological w*apon.

Millions were k*lled.

A few survived, but they are sick,

desperate, violent.

Many have resorted to cannibalism

because the food is almost gone.

You don't look sick.

I was one of the few who
saw the danger coming.

And I stored enough
food and clean water,

enough to last for a long, long time,

and... I have weapons.

Look, I'm a doctor.

Let me go, and maybe I can find a cure.

There is no cure.

I'm your only hope for survival.


What now?

We must cross.

Come on.


- Ty!
- Help me!

- You all right?

I think so. [COUGHS]

If you are undamaged,
then we must keep moving.

Come on.

The shuttle's ion trail
ends directly ahead.

Bortus, any sign of the shuttle itself?

Negative, Commander, but I am detecting

a spatial anomaly of some kind.

Let's see it.

What is that? -It appears to
be a class-two spatial fold.

Back at Union Point, we
called that a glory hole.

You called it a glory hole.

Nobody else called it a glory hole.

Captain, their ion trail

leads directly through it.

Well, if we're gonna find them,

we got to follow them.

We have no idea where that thing leads.

We could end up inside
of a planet, or a star.

Most of space is empty,
so our odds are good.

We're gonna have to chance it.

Gordon, take us in.

Aye, sir.

♪ ♪

Now entering glory hole.

- No, Bortus, it's not... it's...
- Sir?

It's fine, forget it.


Outer hull pressure increasing.


Maintain course.

Damage report.

Multiple hull fractures,

nine overloaded power conduits,

and Ensign Davis spilled
soy sauce on his pants.

- He put that in a damage report?
- Yes.

My God, we got to get better people.

Lieutenant, where are we?

I don't recognize anything.

There's a good chance we're
off the charts here.

Hail the shuttle.

No response.

I'm not picking up a
distress signal, either.

BORTUS: Sir, we have to assume
the shuttle suffered

worse damage than we did.

Maybe they decided to
set down somewhere.

What's the nearest star system?

One Gas Giant with 72 moons.

36 of them are large enough
to support atmospheres.

How the hell are we supposed
to search all that?

One world at a time.


Marcus. You have not
consumed your ration bar.

Are you unwell?

When we were leaving...

I told my mom she sucked.

That was one of the last
things I said to her.

It is quite possible
your mother is alive.

- What makes you say that?
- There was no sign of blood

or severed limbs in the shuttle.

I will replenish the fire.

Must be nice not feeling pain.

We have a long journey tomorrow.

You require sleep.

Mom used to tell us bedtime
stories before we went to sleep.

Can you tell us a story?

I will do my best.

Please adjust your bodies
to a horizontal bearing.

Lie down.

There was once a doctor
and her two children.

They embarked on a recreational
journey to a leisure planet.

Their shuttle was diverted
by a spatial anomaly

and crashed into a mountain.

The children survived with the help

of a more advanced artificial life-form.

Their mother was missing or dead.
The end.

Man, I hate that story.

Do you know Peter Rabbit?

I will search my Earth files.

"Once upon a time, there
were four little..."

Can you do it like Mom?

I want Mom's voice.

You said you could do that.

Ty, that's seriously creepy.


"Once upon a time,"

"there were four little rabbits,"

"and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy,"

"Cotton-tail, and Peter."

"They lived with their
mother in a sandbank,"

"underneath the root of
a very big fir tree."

"'Now, my dears, ' said old Mrs.

"'You may go into the fields,"

"'or down the lane,"

"'but don't go into Mr.
McGregor's garden."

"'Your father had an accident there;"

"'he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor."

"Now run along, and don't
get into mischief.'"


Good. You are awake.

We may resume our journey.

Hey, Ty, wake up.

It's time to go.

Ty, come on, man.

I don't feel good.


♪ ♪


Help! Help me!


What happened?

I slipped and fell.

I cut myself on the bed frame.

That was foolish.

I'll get a bandage.

I need to disinfect it first

- with antibiotics.
- I have none.

- A bandage will do.
- There are medical supplies

in my shuttle.


I know this is a safe place,

and I'm grateful to be here,

but I don't want to die here.

An infection would k*ll me.

And then you'd be alone again.

I won't be gone long.

Thank you.









Isaac, it's Claire.

Can you hear me? Isaac, do you read?

- Mom.
- Marcus, is that you?

This is Isaac. Where are you, Doctor?

Isaac, are my boys all right?

Your children are alive.

- [SIGHS] Thank God.
- However,

your younger son has fallen ill.

My scans indicate he has
ingested a water-borne toxin.

Send me your coordinates. I'll
get there as fast as I can.

ISAAC: We are returning
to the shuttle

with the dysonium we
require to restore power.

I suggest we rendezvous
at the crash site.

Okay. Let me talk to Ty.

- Mommy?
- Hey, baby.

I heard you weren't feeling so great.

Where are you?

Are you coming back soon?

Mama got held up, but I'm coming.

You just hang on, okay?

Hey, Mom?

What is it, baby?

Mom... I'm...

I'm sorry

that I didn't want to go on the trip.

And I'm sorry I said you suck.

I didn't mean it.


Listen to me.

People say things

they don't mean when they're angry.

You know how sometimes I
yell at you and your brother

if you do something wrong?

Well, you know I still love
you with all my heart, right?


And I know you love me right back.

So it's all okay.

- You understand?
- Yeah.

I know you love your brother, too.

So, right now, I want you

to help Isaac take care of him.

Do you understand?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Good.

I love you.

I love you, too.

And I'm gonna see you soon.

I have your medicine.








♪ ♪





♪ ♪





Oh, God, oh, baby.

Oh, baby, I'm so glad you're okay.


Dr. Finn,

Ty requires your attention.


Hey, big guy. How's he doing?

His body temperature is
5.6 degrees above normal,

pulse rate 42 beats per minute,

blood pressure 90/45.



We have power.

I am activating the distress beacon.



What happened?

The dysonium was not as
concentrated as I had believed.

There was only enough power
to send a brief signal.

- Was it enough?
- I do not know.

How long till the Orville gets here?

Assuming they travel
through normal space,

their arrival could take weeks.

If they detected our signal at all.

I sequenced a blood sample
f-from one of the victims,

and I'm... pretty sure I
can formulate a cure.

But I need... my Med-lab on the Orville

in order to do it.


Ty doesn't have weeks, damn it.

I can't just sit here and watch him die.

I can't just sit here and watch him die.

♪ ♪

I will stand watch.

[BEEPING] -Captain, I just
picked up an EM pulse from one

of the innermost moons.

It's only a blip, though.

Could just be background noise.

Gordon, set a course.


Detecting debris on the surface.



Three humans and one
artificial life-form.

Thank God. Gordon, prep a shuttle.

- Aye, sir.
- BORTUS: Captain, there are

two dozen unidentified
life-forms approaching them.


He's not breathing right.

His airway is closing up.

Come on, Ty.

Breathe! Breathe!






Doctor, we are under heavy siege.

I cannot repel them alone.


I'll go.

Wide stance.

Make sure you keep it on stun.

They may not value life, but we do.




You must focus.

Try again.

Well done.


There's too many of 'em!


♪ ♪

♪ ♪


It'll take a couple of days

for the toxin to leave his system.

And he'll probably have
nightmares for a while.

- But he's okay?
- Yeah.

Well, notify us when you have
a full stock of the cure.

I want to get clearance
from the admiralty

to send a medical team
back to that moon.

Maybe we can help those poor people.

- If they'll let us.
- You know,

Isaac briefed me on everything
that happened down there.

But what I'm still missing
is your end of the report.

Can it wait, Captain?

There's something I need to do first.



Good morning, Doctor.

I thought you'd like to know,
Ty's gonna make a full recovery.

I am pleased to hear it.

He's been asking about you.

You think you could
drop by sickbay later?

For what reason?

He misses you.


Very well. I will visit
him this evening.


I wanted to thank you

for taking such good care of my kids.

They're everything to me.

I thank you for the
opportunity to observe them.

It was quite informative.

The boys adore you.

I don't know why or how you
managed to keep them in line,

but... I'm sure as hell glad you did.

I simply adjusted my
programming to accommodate

their sibling dynamics
and emotional responses.

Your failed attempts at discipline

were also instructive.

Well, anyway,

I'll leave you alone.

May I make a final observation?

Your children are unruly, disrespectful,

volatile, and highly unpredictable.

I am quite fond of them.

Welcome to the family.