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01x05 - Pria

Posted: 07/09/22 07:05
by bunniefuu
Where'd you get those?

The machine. You want one?

- No.
- Here.

- Take one.
- I don't want one.

- No. They're good. Take one.
- I don't want any.

- Just take one.
- No, stop.

Kramer, stop it!

I do not understand the
source of your amusement.

'Cause it's funny, man!

It is my understanding that
such a surgical procedure

was a delicate, high-risk
undertaking at the time.

Yeah, that's why it's funny!

But could not the entry of a confection

into the exposed internal
biology potentially put

the patient's life in danger?

You know, when you asked us
to explain comedy to you,

I didn't think you were gonna
try to ruin everything good.

But to derive mirth from
the pain of another being

is sadism, is it not?

I mean, it's case by case.

Like, if a guy on a bike
tries to do a trick,

and he smashes his balls, that's funny.

- I would agree.
- Okay, here's a better example, Isaac.

Have you ever heard of a practical joke?

I am unfamiliar with the term.

Okay. Well, I'm gonna show you.


we're receiving a priority
one distress signal

from the Gatria star system.

That's right in our neighborhood.

Set course and engage quantum drive.

Aye, sir.

Looks like a sun diver.

A what?

A comet that got caught

in the gravitational pull of a star.

It basically makes a kamikaze dive

until it's vaporized by the heat.


the signal's coming

from the surface of the comet.

- It's a crashed ship.
- What?

Isolate the frequency and patch me in.

You're on, sir.

Unidentified vessel, this is the U.S.S.

Do you read me?

This is Captain Pria Lavesque

of the mining ship Horizon.

I'm in trouble.

Captain Lavesque, stand by. We're
gonna get you out of there.

How's your life support?

It's functioning,

but it's getting pretty hot in here.

Isaac, what about a tractor beam?

The vessel is partially embedded
in the surface of the comet.

The tractor beam could
compromise its hull integrity.

What if someone pilots a
shuttle to the surface?

The rescue would need to be completed

before the comet gets
too close to the star,

or the shuttle will be unable

to escape its gravity.

Captain, respectfully submit
that the attractiveness

of the ship's occupant makes
the rescue imperative.

- I could do it.
- The star's gravity

will cause the comet to break apart

in seven minutes, 23 seconds.

- You could do it.
- All right, let's move fast.

- Gordon, Alara, you're with me.
- Ed.

Be careful.

Scans show the ship is near
the apex of the comet.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

- You got this, right?
- Yeah.

Why'd your voice just
get so high-pitched?

- Huh?
- Your voice,

just got really high-pitched just then.

- No, it didn't.
- Yeah, it did. You were like "Yeah."

No, it's all good.

Well, then what was the high-pitch...

It's fine. I got this.

Damn, that thing took a beating.

We got two minutes. Let's go.

Alara, you want to open
this jar of pickles?

Hey! Easy with the merchandise!

The merchandise is about
to be vaporized. Come on!

Mercer to Orville! How
much time do we have?

- 11 seconds.
- Ed, hurry!

Strap in, you guys.

We're sealed. Here we go.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no!

Come on! Come on!

- What is it?
- It's the gravity from the star!

It's pulling us in!

Mercer to Orville. Lock onto
us with the tractor beam.

- Lamarr, lock onto them!
- Locking on.

Got 'em! Bringin' 'em back.

Nice work, John.

What the hell were you doing
trying to land on a comet?

Oh. I was returning from
a mining expedition

in the Matar system,

and I encountered a
Krill battle cruiser.

I managed to outrun it,
but it drained my power.

My sensors detected a dysonium
deposit inside the comet.

So, it was either try and land there

and get the fuel that I needed,
or sit around and wait to die.

Well, lucky for you, we happened
to be in your neck of the woods.

Extremely lucky. Thank you, Captain.

Well, you're welcome, Captain.
Alara will assign you

temporary quarters until
we can drop you off

- at the nearest Union base.
- Perfect.

- Deck C quarters, unit three?
- Yeah. Wait.

Didn't the last guy in
there have a hamster?

Lieutenant Phillips, yeah.

Does it still smell like hamster?

- I'll give her unit six.
- Great.

- Well, insane day for you, huh?
- Yeah. You know,

I'm not ashamed to admit
I could use a drink.

Well, you know, I'm
hosting a cocktail thing

for the senior officers
tonight in my quarters.

- You're welcome to join.
- I'd love to.


Oh, it's almost 1800 hours.
I'm gonna go get ready.

Okay, I'll see you there.

Oh, wait. Captain?

You mind stickin' around
for a few minutes?

Why? What for?

I think everyone's gonna
want to see this.

See what?

Is there some reason I
am the central focus

of everyone's attention?

Well, you look happier than usual.

Happiness is not possible for
an artificial life form.

You have a face.

I do not understand.

Isaac, are you aware

that you have Mr. Potato
Head pieces all over you?

I got you, man! I totally got you!

See, that's a practical joke!

- Wait. You put that stuff on him?
- Yeah.

While he was recharging.

How the hell can you even see
with all of that stuff on?

I detect environmental stimuli
with internal sensors.

My eyes are purely aesthetic.

Evidently, my sensors did not classify

these "Mr. Potato Head
pieces" as a threat.

Okay, okay, so, now
it's your turn, okay?

You got to get me.

And you got to be creative.

You got to do it when I least expect it.

- And this is... humor?
- Yes!

I must admit, it is quite challenging.

However, I will do my best.

Oh, well, the mining company
keeps things from getting dull,

I can tell you that.

The Vega Consortium operates out
by the frontier, doesn't it?

Yes. Oh, you meet some pretty
wild cultures out there.

Last year, I was trying to
secure mining rights on a planet

where it's customary at the start

of any business negotiation

for all parties to show their genitals.

What's the point of that?

It's a show of good faith,

a promise that all negotiators
will be forthright

and free from deception.

Well, if you're a miner, I guess

that's what you call "finding a vein."

So, Captain Lavesque, where
are you from originally?

Uh, I was born on Earth.

Massachusetts, actually.

No kidding? I'm from Massachusetts.

Really? What part?

- Little town called Boxford.
- I'm from Andover.

Oh, my God, we were neighbors.

Did you ever go to the Salem
Witch Museum as a kid?

My mother took me there when I was ten.

It scared the crap out of me.

That holographic recreation

of the Giles Corey interrogation?

Yes, where they kept putting the
rocks on top of him to get him

to confess, and he was going,

- "More weight!"
- "More weight!"

I had nightmares for a month. I
don't think you ever told me that.

It's, like, this weird, specific thing.

You kind of just had to be there, but,

God, it's so crazy that
you would bring that up.

It's crazy.

Man, I haven't thought
about that in years.

Come in!

Hi. Me again.

Captain Lavesque.

- Hi.
- Oh, please,

you can call me Pria.

Pria. Um, I hope you had fun tonight.

I did. I had a lot of fun.

Good, good, good. Um...

we still have some, uh, orange...

fl-flooflers. I don't know
what they are, but...

- I'm vegetarian.
- They're terrible.

Forget it.

Listen, I realized I never
said a proper thank-you.

You know, I would've
been cooked alive today

if it hadn't been for you and your crew.

Well, that's our job.

Uh, how are your quarters?

- Doesn't smell like hamster.
- That's great. That's gr...

That's-that's a big win around here. Um,

well, please don't steal our towels.
We've had some problems.

Okay. I won't.


I'm gonna turn in.


Thank you.

Search personnel database for
the Vega Mining Consortium.

Pria Lavesque.

Search complete.

No results.

And this is our engine room.

We have a dysonium-powered
quantum drive system

capable of speeds exceeding
ten light-years per hour.

- That's impressive.
- Yeah.


This is Captain Lavesque.

And then some.

Uh-oh. Callin' HR.

I'm just kidding. Steve Newton.

Glad to know you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hey, Chief,

the recalibration's gonna...


- And this is Yaphit.
- Hi, Yaphit.

Hi right back at ya.

You know, this may sound
blunt, but you are

the only white woman I've
ever found attractive.

Well, you're the handsomest pile
of cat puke I've ever seen.


I love this gal!

Ed? Could I talk to you for a second?

Yeah, sure. Uh, why don't you guys

show Pria the engine core?

What's up?

This is a current personnel manifest

of the Vega Mining Consortium.

There's no record at all
of a Pria Lavesque.

Well, mining consortiums have
employees coming and going

all the time... their
records are usually sloppy.

It's probably just an oversight.

She said she's been
there at least a year.

- Why are you so worried about her?
- I'm your first officer.

It's my job to worry.

And as your first officer,
I would advise you

not to give her this kind
of access to our systems

- until we can confirm her identity.
- My God, what are we,

the Inquisition here?
She's done nothing wrong.

I just... I want Alara to
assign someone to her.

- Just to be safe.
- Oh, my God,

Kelly, no, no.

Listen, I will ask her

about the personnel manifest.

Okay? But that's all I'm gonna do.

Excuse me.

Commander, what can I do for you?

This isn't really a "commander" request.

This is more of a "Kelly" request.

Okay. What is it?

I need you to check.

Captain Lavesque's quarters.

Check them for what?

I don't know yet.


That's a little awkward
for me, regulation-wise.

I mean, I can't just go snooping around

someone's quarters without a reason.

Unless you order me to.

No, it's not an order.

Here, look at this.

It's the personnel manifest
for the Vega Consortium.

There's no Pria Lavesque.

Well, mining consortiums
do keep crappy records.

Yeah, that's what Ed said.
I don't buy it.

And I'm guessing he doesn't know
about your "Kelly" request?

Look, can't you just come up
with some bogus security reason

for a search? I'm telling you,

I have a bad feeling about her.

I can put it in my security log

as a radiation check.

It's a little shaky if
anyone takes a close look,

but I'll do it... If you
promise me one thing.

- What's that?
- That your concern

is purely in the line of duty

and it has nothing to do
with the goo-goo eyes

that the captain was making
at Pria during drinks.

Okay, first of all, I didn't
notice any goo-goo eyes.

And second of all, even if there were,

I wouldn't give a damn.

This is 100% in the line of duty.

I'm a professional.


You know, it would help
me if I had some idea

of what we were looking for.

Anything out of the ordinary.


I might have something.

This is really strange.

The scan can't penetrate it.

Can't tell what's inside.


- Hey.
- Captain Lavesque.

Hi. Uh, sorry... for the intrusion.

We were just investigating
a possible radiation leak.

Oh. Everything okay?

- It's fine.
- Great.

We just wanted to make sure
that you didn't go to bed

and wake up with a third
eye or an extra kidney

or... something.

Oh, I've been exposed to so
much radiation in the mines.

If I was gonna turn mutant, it
would have happened by now.

Right. Of course.

Well, I think we're all finished here.

Yes. All set.

Again, sorry for the intrusion.

You gotta be kidding me.

Ed, just hear me out on this.

You went into her quarters
and did a search?

This was my doing. I ordered
Alara to assist me.

I appreciate that, Commander.
But it's not true, Captain.

I falsified the entry permit.

You are the chief of security
on a Union starship.

You don't go searching guest quarters

- without reasonable cause.
- Yes, sir, but we both felt that...

And you are my first officer, all right?

You're supposed to be
setting an example,

and here you are ransacking a room?

- What, did you read her diary, too?
- No, we couldn't find it.

But, Ed, we discovered an object.

Metallic, rectangular in shape...

Oh, my God, you found a rectangle.

Good Lord, well, should I
sound the red alert now?

Our scans couldn't penetrate it.

We had no idea what it was.

So it could be a belt
buckle, for all you know.

I suppose it could be.

I'm putting a formal
reprimand on your record.


Ed, can I be perfectly honest with you?

I don't think you're being
objective regarding Pria.

Wait, I'm sorry.

I'm not being objective?

I'm not being...

I-I'm sorry, which one of us

just went tossin' cells?

How am I not being objective?

I think you're letting

her charisma cloud the fact

that she may not be what she seems.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

You were making goo-goo eyes
at her all through drinks.

I was not making goo-goo eye...

By the way, even if I was,

even if I was,

what business is that of yours?

We're not together anymore.

You can date whoever you want.

- So can I.
- And that's fine.

I'm not saying otherwise.

But if it affects your
judgment as an officer,

it is my job to point it out to you.

Hey, I'm not the one
playing Nancy Drew here.

Okay? Look, let's... let's
do a sanity check, shall we?

We rescued this woman.

Wha... What do you think,
she crashed her own ship

just so she could come
here and do free laundry?

And by the way, by the way, yes,

you know what, I find her attractive.

- So what?
- My concern

is completely unemotional, trust me.

You can bang that chick on your
kitchen sink for all I care.

I don't ever do it near
the food, you know that.

But as your XO, I am telling you,

there is something wrong here.

Captain, please report to the bridge.


We don't know where the
impacts are coming from.

There's nothing out there.

Well, there's got to be
something out there.

We're getting pounded.

Captain, I believe we
may have encountered

a concentrated dark matter storm.

Is that a thing?

They are extremely rare.

- How do we get out of it?
- Captain, I can...

- I can help.
- What do you mean?

We encountered a dark matter storm

on a mining expedition to Pollux 5.

Adjust your weapons
array to flood the area

with neutralized axion particles.

A fascinating theory.

I do not believe anyone has
ever attempted such a solution.

Do it.

Trust me.

Gordon, get us out of here.

Oh, my God.

Sir! The impacts have severely
weakened our deflectors.

Structural damage is imminent.

Gordon, what are our options?

Captain, I've never even
seen a dark matter storm,

let alone flown through one.

I can do it.


I've done it before.

Just give me helm control.



Might as well, Captain.

This is above my pay grade.

Deflectors are gone, sir.

One more hit could destroy the Orville.

Do it.

Pound it.

What's the damage?

Communications arrays
have been destroyed, but,

otherwise, we are intact.

Are communications completely down?

Affirmative. Total blackout.

We'll have to make a stop
at outpost 49 for repairs.

That's five days off course.

Well you know, there's a Consortium base

only a day away from here.

I have some friends there, and
I'm sure they'll be happy

to refit your communications array.
Plus, you can

drop me off, I'll be out of your hair.

It's the least I can do

after everything you've done for me.

Well, you just saved our ship.

I think we're even, but...

That would save us a lot of time.

Great. I'll give your
navigator the coordinates.

You're letting her dictate
our course now, too?

If we needed any more proof

that she can be trusted, we just got it.

I want to show you something.

It's breathtaking.

What's the name of the planet again?

Unuk Four.

Our environmental simulator
doesn't really do it justice,

but you get the idea.

Have you ever been there?

No, it's off-limits because
the people are nightmarish.

They capture outsiders and then
sacrifice them to a raccoon god

by methodically dismembering them.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

It's a stunning place, though.

Gorgeous place, yeah. Yeah.

So, where'd you learn all
those piloting tricks?

I'm out there every day,

flying by the seat of my pants.

People like me have to be creative.

Well, I like creative.

I, um...

I actually got out of a rough marriage

not too long ago, so I...

I think maybe we should take this slow.

Or... or that. That works, too.

Hey, I'm sorry if I
pushed you into something

you weren't ready for.

No, no, it's... that's good.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I just figure it's always easier

to talk in bed.

You know, if we're being honest here,

I... should tell you

you're actually the first
person I've been with

since my divorce.

Oh, wow.

That's no pressure for me there.

No, no, no, you were fine.

Uh, better than fine. Really.

You were blue chip.

- "Blue chip"?
- Yeah.

Your pillow talk's a little rusty, huh?

It is, isn't it? Yeah.

Okay, it's been a while, sorry.

What happened with your marriage?

If you don't want to talk about it,

- it's okay.
- No, it's...

It's fine. Um...

She cheated on me

with a Retepsian.

You know what they are?
They got the blue skin,

- they got the scales...
- Oh...

...the stuff that comes
out of the forehead.

It's, like, a whole weird mess.

I'm sorry.

You must have been devastated.

I was.

But... I don't know, at the same time

I knew it was coming.

I was working too much,

and I didn't give us the
time that we deserved.

Still, she could have just
asked you for a divorce.

To be cheated on,

man, that's...

There's nothing worse than that.

I haven't really trusted
anyone since then.

Until now.


All right.

All right, I'm up, I'm up.


How far are we from the Consortium base?

About two hours.

Keep forward scanners at maximum.

- Kelly, what are you looking for?
- I don't know.



What the hell?

What happened to your leg?

He amputated it

while I was sleeping!

- Ha ha. Got you.
- What?!

I have retaliated.

That is my practical joke.

This isn't a joke, you psychopath!

You dismembered me!

I am confused.

You said to be creative,
and you said to do it

when you least expected it.

I have adhered to both directives.

Isaac, did you anesthetize
him in his sleep?

Of course, Commander.

It would not do to have him awaken

during the procedure.

Well, where the hell is it?

If you are referring to
your leg, I have hidden it.

Given its importance to you,

it seemed the most
humorous course of action.

Son of a bitch! I'll k*ll you!

- Oh, hey, hey, Gordon...
- I swear to God, I'm gonna unplug you!

It'll be easier just to have Dr.
Finn regenerate it.

- Alara, take him to sick bay.
- Come on.

- You're sick, dude.
- I mean it.

There is something really
friggin' wrong with you!

It seems I have much
to learn about humor.

What did I do wrong?

Well, Isaac, you can't just cut off...

Captain, I think you
and Commander Grayson

had better come to engineering.

Chief, what's the matter?

We found something strange

in the navigational relays.

We're on our way.

What is it, Chief?

Yaphit was in the navigational conduits

doing a maintenance check
when he found this.

That's the object Alara and I found

in Pria's quarters.

Can you, um... Can you remove it?

We tried. It's in tight.

We'd have to blast it out,

which could damage the main relay.

Mercer to Alara. Meet
us at Pria's quarters.

Hey. What's going on?

We found something in engineering.

We were hoping you could
tell us what it is.

Well, I see the cat's out of the bag.

I think it's time for you to tell us

who the hell you really are.

I'm from the 29th century,

about 400 years in your future.

When your ship encountered
that dark matter storm,

you were all supposed to die.

You honestly expect us to
believe you're a time traveler?

It's the truth.

Oh, I almost forgot.

What the hell?

Lamarr to Captain.

What is it?

Sir, I've lost helm control.

Something else is driving the ship.

Ooh, it's a handy little device.

It's actually what piloted your ship

- through that dark matter storm.
- You're telling us

you came back in time to save our lives?


I'm afraid it wasn't your
lives I wanted to save.

It was your ship.

Wait, if you really are from
the future, what possible use

could the Orville be to you?

I'm a dealer in artifacts.

Mint condition.

Mostly I sell to private collectors.

I, and others who do
what I do, travel back

to a specific time and
place in which, say,

a ship like yours was destroyed.

I prevent the destruction,

then I take the ship into the future

and I sell it to the highest bidder.

What about the crews of those ships?

Well, they're free to
live out their lives

as they see fit in the 29th century.

Wait, we rescued you. All
of us were in danger.

Never... never mind about that.

- What about the comet?
- A set-up.

A quick and easy way to
get you to trust me.

Look, none of us were
ever in any real danger.

We can do things in my time that...

Well, you're gonna
find out for yourself.

Then why didn't you take control
of the ship right away?

You obviously had the power.

I'm a businesswoman, not a soldier.

I like comfort and company,

and you've provided both.

I'm not just talking about the food.

How do you do it...

Travel through time?

We found a stable wormhole
in the 29th century.

Those of us who are in the business

learned to manipulate it.

This wormhole...

That's where we're headed.

I'm sorry I had to knock out

your communications array.

I couldn't have you chatting anyone up

if you're supposed to be dead.

How many times have you done this?

When we get to my century,

I'll introduce you to Amelia Earhart.

Would the two of you
give me a moment alone

with Captain Lavesque?

Should we take the leg?

Yes, take the leg. Get the...

And post a guard on these quarters.

Aye, sir.

A guard won't matter.

Was it all just a lie?

Not all of it.

I did feel something for you.

You'll forgive me

if I have a hard time believing that.

Ed, you were all going to die anyway.

Now you'll have a second chance to live

in a future full of wonders

you can't even imagine.

I'd still like to see
where you and I could go.

I know where you can go.


To hell.

You-you can go to hell.

Is that an expression?

It is. In my century.

I've never heard it.

Well, it's... it's not good.

I do care about you.

Whether you believe me or not.


Kelly, wait.

Hey, listen, I don't want to
play the blame game here...

That's because you're the one to blame.

Look, we all made mistakes.

Nobody made mistakes but you.

Let's not do the "I told you so" thing.

- I told you so, numerous times.
- Okay, look.

Fine, you were right. Okay?

I'm sorry. She was a bad seed. And-And

she caught me where I was
vulnerable, and I'm just,

I'm really, genuinely sorry.

Well, we're supposed to be dead anyway,

so I guess it doesn't matter.

Hell, by temporal law,

we should probably commit su1c1de

to keep the timeline intact.

Well, the timeline's
already been changed,

so slitting our wrists
wouldn't be any more correct

than the way things are now.

I'm glad we didn't die
while I was mad at you.

Me, too.

I might have an idea.

Ah! Damn it.

All right, so that's not gonna work.

Could I make a suggestion?

What is it?

Old-style, antique diamond-tipped drill.

Was a graduation gift from my uncle.

No fancy energy beams,

- just good ole brute force.
- Might work.

Could be too arcane for
the device to register.

Do it.


All right, Isaac, it's all up to you.

I believe I have access to
the internal circuitry.

It is quite sophisticated.

I have never encountered
anything like...

- Isaac!
- Isaac!

There's no internal activity at all.

He's dead.

Is there anything you
can do for him, Doc?

Gordon, I'm a doctor.

My expertise is in biology.

This is more like fixing an engine.

It's a lot more complicated

than that, I'm afraid.

Let's recheck the database.

We don't know much about him,

but maybe there's something we missed.

Hey, buddy.

I don't know if you're in there,
or if you can hear me, but...

I know the last time I saw you
I called you a son of a bitch.

I was just angry 'cause you took my leg.

But, when I really stopped
to think about it,

that was honest to God the
best damn practical joke

I've ever seen in my life.

I just...

I just wanted you to know that.

Mercer to Malloy

Malloy here.

I need you on the bridge.


Captain, we're approaching
the coordinates.

Reporting as ordered, sir.

- Gordon, take the helm.
- Captain,

his limb regeneration is incomplete.

- If I could just...
- I need him here.

Particularly with Isaac down.

If we have any chance
of getting out this,

- I need everyone at their station.
- Captain?

I think we've arrived.

What the hell?

Sorry to barge in like this,

it's just... we're approaching
the rendezvous point.

Captain, I can put her to sleep

real quick, just say the word.

Hold up on that.

Well, it's good to know
teleportation is in our future.

You can take a breath in New
York and exhale it in Paris.

Pria, listen,

give me back my ship.

We'll give you a
shuttle, you can take it

through the wormhole to your own time.

But there are 300 people
on board the Orville

who have lives in this century.

They have families here.

You still don't get it.

You all died.

If I were to let you go,

I'd be the one altering the timeline.


we're heading through.

What is that?

Lavesque to Binzian ship.

I have the merchandise, as promised.

Poz shivik, Zars Lavesque.
Shto kavak lo?

Couple of scratches.

Nothing that would affect the
value in any significant way.

Regardless, I'll be happy
to negotiate the price.

Shtak fehvor zemik,
dosh mook fillory vem.

Of course.

Nobody's trying to stiff you here.

Pohzhy revost deck ferenos.

Ofor feclis eez meseem.

Always like to keep the customer happy.

No! What the hell are you...?

Helm control is back online.

Gordon, get us out of here.

Transfer all power to
the sublight drive.

Sir, the alien ship is powering up

some kind of a tractor beam.

John, modulate the deflector
frequency as fast as you can.

Aye, sir.

Nice sucker punch.

I'd expect that from a woman
who cheats on her husband.

You told her?

No. No, I didn't tell her.

She... she knows

'cause she's from the future.

But it's in the past.

I told her. Alara, take her to the brig.

Come on.

Isaac, you there?

Yes, sir.

My algorithms were
successfully transferred

to the ship's computer

before the energy burst.

I trust my physical
body is still intact.

It's a little toasty, but
it's all in one piece.

Nice touch with the Junior Mints.

I felt it prudent to
alert you of my success

in a fashion that would
not appear obvious

if Pria were to see it.

Captain, can I go finish my leg now?

Yeah, go ahead.

Thank you.

Come on.

Well, I'll tell you one thing,

never again will I make the mistake

of not trusting my first officer.

I'm sorry.

Come in.

Thanks, Alara. You can go.

I'll be outside if there's any trouble.

We'll be fine.

Isaac tells me this is
what you used to teleport.


you have technology from the future.

I suppose you're gonna crack
it open and study it.


Unlike you, we don't
mess with the timeline.


what happens now?

You know what the most
depressing part about this is?

I allowed myself to care about you,

and you used me.

And despite all of your claims
that you still care about me,

not once have you even
said, "I'm sorry."

It's a good rule in life
never to apologize.

The right kind of people
never want apologies,

and the wrong kind take
advantage of them.

Fair enough.

It doesn't have to end.

Just come with me.

If the Orville continues to exist,

who knows how it will
affect the timeline?

The Orville was supposed to be destroyed

in that dark matter storm.

You changed those events, not us.

And as far as how that
affects your future time,

I don't give a damn.

According to Isaac,

as long as the wormhole exists,

the quantum potentiality is open.

Many sets of future events are possible.

But, if we destroy it, we choose a path.

There's no chance of us
returning to your future,

and the Orville goes
on to live its life.

Which means

that Pria Lavesque will have no reason

to come back into our past.

And you and I will never have met.

You'd still be that messed up guy

who can't get over his ex-wife.

Is that what you really want?

Mercer to bridge.
