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01x05 - Disruption

Posted: 07/08/22 12:55
by bunniefuu

Southeast corner of courtyard,

next to Building 16.

We have reports
of a downed helicopter.

This is
Warrant Officer Liz Riley.

I'm f*cking pinned down.
I need QRF now.

Hammerhead, we are moving north
to downed Kiowa. ETA?

- Pretty f*cking soon, brother.
- Less than two mikes out.

Requesting fast mover
and support.

Negative, Commander.
Do not attempt a rescue.

The crash site
is overrun with hajis.

Yeah, no shit.

I got to f*cking shit so bad.

I told you to stay away from
the street-side kebabs, Donny.

- Come on.
- Return to base.

Rangers and QRF are inbound.
ETA 20 minutes.

- f*ck.
- Do you copy?

She don't have 20 minutes.

Commander, do you copy?

Signal interrupt.

- Oh, Commander.
- Proceeding to crash site.

Cox is gonna have
your balls, sir.

Oh, f*cking tell him to get
in line. Donny, clamp it up.

- Do not shit in this car.
- I am clenching. I am clenching.


Move in!



- Move, boss.
- I'm with you. I'm with you.

Friendlies! Friendlies!


Friendlies! Friendlies!

Move up! Move up!

- f*ckers!
- Frogman coming through!

Friendlies! Friendlies!

Contact on my right!

- I've got your six, boss.
- Hey. Talk to me.

Riley, how you doing?

Seen better.

That a hint of Southern Belle?

Fort Rucker, Alabama.

You leaking?

My back's busted.

Okay, look at me.
You a w*r Eagle, Riley?

f*ck you. Roll Tide.

Okay. Roll Tide.

What do you say
we get you home, huh?


Is she gonna be okay, Daddy?

We've been all around the block

on this one, but I think
we got to the right place.

Well, I've been wanting
to do business for a long time,

so I'm glad we could
figure something out.

- You, uh, on a plane tonight?
- Tonight.

Okay. Well, I won't
take up more of your time.

- Great to see you.
- Yeah, you, too.

You sure you don't need
a ride, Senator Pryor?

No. My driver's downstairs.

Next time, cigars on me.

You bet.
We'll be in touch.

Mike, thanks for waiting.


- It's good to see you.
- You, too.

Even without Pryor, it's...

That's not decisive. There's
still a vote on the full floor.

- Listen.
- Lorraine Hartley won't just roll over.

Listen, Mike.

That is the sound of the world
realizing that Nubellum is still

the hottest f*cking
military contract on the market.

I did that, okay? And any
minute, one of the those calls

is gonna be Elias Ryberg,

and he's gonna tell Kurt
that he's reconsidered.

I'll sell it to you.

I'll sell you RD-4895...
The patent, the research.

It's yours.

Then you flip it
to Plano a la carte.

We part ways, everybody wins.

You get what you want.
I keep my company.

Yeah. I don't think
the board goes for that.

Well, I'll give you a good deal.

We both know
that's what this is about.

Mike, we're selling the company.
The whole company.

Okay? That's the plan.

And the alternative, well,

I like Nubellum
with you at the helm, I do.

Plano doesn't require it.

Damn, Lizard, it's almost 8:00.

I hate morning people.

Even when
they cook you breakfast?

We heading back out
to the house today?

I don't think so.

I think Horn's estate's
a dead end.

It's a hardened site.
It's crawling with Talos.

No easy way to grab him.

I think we need to focus
our efforts on Capstone.

Might actually have a shot
to take Horn alive.

Reece, that's smack dab
in the middle

of the financial district.

You think that'll be easier?

One way to find out.

I think we got us
some party crashers.

Oh, yeah, I see 'em.

This way, please.

I read somewhere
that Gwyneth Paltrow drinks

a $250 smoothie every day.

You f*cking believe that?

Maca, ashwagandha
and f*cking moon dust.

Thanks, Eddie.

I tend to think that, uh,
to maximize one's potential,

you should feed the body,
not the ego, you know?

- Steve Horn. How are you?
- Pleasure.

Special Agent Tony Layun.

This is MacKenzie Wilson
with the U.S. Marshals Service.

We were hoping
we could talk to you about

one of your
Talos Security detail.

Adrian Gordon is.

Oh, yeah, when I heard
Gordo got shot,

I figured
someone would come around.

What was his assignment in L.A.?

No idea. He was off the clock.

Well, the guy works for you.

You didn't know
what he was doing?

Well, lot of Talos operators
work for me, but, uh,

they're called independent
contractors for a reason.

I notice you got quite
the show of force out there.

Is that SOP, or you worried
someone's coming after you?

Well, Capstone generates
a tremendous amount of wealth

and a commensurate level
of animosity.

We have a significant stake
in the growing

African telecom industry,
so Boko Haram and Al-Shabab

have their feelings about that.

There's interest
in Latin America.

- Big man, big problems, right?
- Mm.

Well, you don't get
an office like this

without pissing
a few people off, right?

Did you piss off James Reece?

I'm not familiar with the name.

Well, your boy
certainly knew him.

Gordo was the first
to open fire.

We suspect James Reece
is also responsible

for the death
of your VP, Saul Agnon.

I was told Saul died
of a drug overdose.

Should I be worried
about this James Reece?

Stop pretending
you don't know the man.

According to your tattoos, you
and Reece were in the same unit.

Bone Frog. That's the way
SEALs honor their fallen.

So, either Mr. Horn here
was a frogman,

or... he could be full of shit.

Mac's former Army.
Three deployments.

She doesn't care too much
for insincerity. Do you, Mac?

- No, sir.
- Well, I grew up in the shadow

of Fort Bragg, Ms. Wilson.

Most of my friends,
my family all served.

SAT scores sent me down
a different path,

but I've always had a level
of respect for the culture.

My tattoos signify
remembrance, admiration.


You're used to getting
what you want, huh?

A lifetime of success,
that's the only thing you know.

James Reece is used to hunting
and k*lling his prey.

That's what he knows.

Well, I'm glad
I have you guys on the case.

I have meetings, and, uh,

a fugitive task force,
not great optics, so...

If you feel my level
of security is inadequate,

please post up on the street
and, uh, make yourselves cozy.

I'll see that my guys
don't give you any trouble.

That sounds great. Thanks.

Never let it get personal, Mac.

I think the guy's an assh*le.

It's not our job to like him.
It's our job to protect him.

I appreciate you
meeting me on such short notice.

Given the rumors, we thought

we'd nab a profile
ahead of the sale.

I imagine a cover
on The Atlantic will only

help your final deal price?

It's unlikely to hurt, yes.

You founded Nubellum making
dr*gs for the commercial market.

Namely, Alzheimer's pa...

Dr. Tedesco studied neuroscience
at the University of California.

Berkeley. Yes. I got the bio.

I was just wondering why.
Why Alzheimer's?

I-I didn't find
any family history.

Flowers for Algernon.

Read it in undergrad,
and, uh, the thought

of losing one's self
became a bit

of a waking nightmare back then.

I suppose I imagined
I could change things.

You say "back then."

Do you think you've lost
that sense of optimism?

Not at all.
Our Human Optimization program

is the culmination
of Mr. Tedesco's life's work.

It wasn't until Capstone came on
that you shifted

to military nootropics
optimizing soldiers.

Some might say that's
a fairly cynical application

of your life's work.

Our contracts with the DOD

have made us the industry leader
in appetite suppression,

sleep aids, VO2 max agents.

Like I said,
a cynical application.

Excuse me.

Ms. Buranek,

almost everything you're asking
is available online.

Perhaps you'd love to hear about
our new expansion initiatives.

We're expanding beyond...

No, I think I got
everything I need. Thanks.

Hey. Hey, what the hell?

Sorry, but I came here
to interview you,

not that pod person in there.

I read your interview
in PharmaTimes.

I felt like
you had some concerns

with the course of action
Steve Horn put you on.

I might not always
see eye to eye with Steve,

but he knows
how to drive profits.

Yeah. That's why he has you
working out of a conference room

while he decides your company's
future from the penthouse.

What's RD-4895?

How much oversight
do you maintain?

If, say, it was generating
tumors among end users?

There are no end users. RD-4895
hasn't reached human trials.

Well, what if it has?

What if it was used
on a platoon of Navy SEALs

that went to Syria two months
ago and never came back?

Would you comment on it?

I genuinely,

very genuinely,

have no idea
what you're talking about.

Memorize this. Lock it in, and
then flush it down the toilet.

When you're ready to talk,
reach out.

This is our target location.

- Horn's only point of exposure.
- I don't know.

You'd have to take out
six operators in open air

without hitting civilians,
get Horn out alive,

and lose the FBI tail?

Are you sure
we need him breathing?


He's got questions to answer.

What did he do to me
and who helped him?

How you doing, Reece?

Are you doing okay?

I'm good.

Hey, these pills
are doing their job,

if I could just
keep on schedule.

We're good.

We're gonna make it happen.

All right.

All right. Well,
I'm gonna go, uh, talk to Ron,

see if we can get
a few more days at the hangar.

I spoke with
Mike Tedesco. He's a weak link.

He doesn't even want the sale,
and I think he hates Horn.

And when I mentioned RD-4895,
he lit right up.

You think he's involved?

Well, he definitely
knows something.

What's your timeline?

It depends.

- Shit.
- What is it?


Listen, we got two
on University.

They got one on Cherokee.

I mean, how many people do you
know that use Cricket, right?

I mean, a few, but come on.

What is your point, Junior?

My point is,

no way they're selling that
many cell phones, all right?

It's a front, man,
I'm telling you.

You got way too much time
on your hands.

Yeah, I got plenty of time
on my hands.

How's it going on the reporter?

We're good, boss.
It's all quiet.

We need more bodies
out here, sir.

We got the bodies we got.

I get it, and I appreciate
everyone's patience.

We're in the right spot.
Relentless pursuit.

Our final due diligence report
indicates several

unsigned invention
assignment agreements.

Where do we stand on that?

We'll make them available
in the VDR by tonight.

Thank you.

I appreciate your effort
in expediting the process, Mike.

However, we must reopen
the question of valuation.

The fundamentals have changed.

Since we made the offer,
your contract with the Pentagon

came under significant threat.

Our contract held.

If you're concerned, maybe
we halt the deal altogether.

What's your number?

Give us the room.

You, too, Mike. Please.


You said the SEALs
shipped out two months ago?

- Yeah.
- I think I might have something useful for you.

No, no. Not over the chat.
Save it until we meet in person.

It needs to be tonight.

Okay. I'll send details.

Don't bring your smart phone.

You reach a price?

I'm sorry if I made waves today.

No harm, no foul.
We'll work it out.

These past few years,
we've pushed boundaries,

and I know that hasn't
always been painless.

But I appreciate
your faith, Mike.

There are people alive today
who wouldn't otherwise be

because of our work.

Well, you kept your promise
that we could do some good.

Thank you, Mike.

I'll see you tomorrow, Steve.

He logged into
the internal server.

Not sure what he copied,

but we think
he's talking to the press.

What's the call?

Convoy's splitting up.

Stay on Horn.


Since we've been on Horn,

have we ever seen
his convoy split up?

Not f*cking once. What's up?

I'll let you know.

Attention, all passengers.

Don't forget to use
your Clipper Card for traveling.

I want to be unambiguous
about one point.

If Nubellum was doing
anything illegal,

it was outside my purview.

If you can't reconcile that
with your reporting...

Mike, slow down. I trust you.

It's why I came to you. Come on.

RD-4895 is a nootropic
designed to mute the link

between the hippocampus
and the amygdala.

It lets the brain encode
memory data

without associated
combat trauma.

- Combat trauma? Like PTSD?
- Yeah. Yeah.

We started developing RD-4895
about two years ago.

Inoculation against PTSD
was Horn's baby.

It was his...
it was his white whale,

but he froze the project
after animal testing.

I didn't understand why
at the time.

But then about two months ago,

I noticed some irregularities
in our cap table.

- What's a cap table?
- Uh, capitalization table.

It's, uh, an accounting document

that itemizes shareholders
and their stakes in my company.

Uh, I don't follow. What does
this have to do with dead SEALs?


Attention, all passengers.

Only the Yellow Line...
Millbrae to Antioch...

Will run trains today...


How much are we talking here?

Each tranche is 12, 15 million.

But Ryberg's main interest
in Nubellum is RD-4895.

Now, if you think
my drug caused tumors

in those SEALs,
publish your story tonight.

- We can scuttle the whole deal.
- It doesn't work that way.

There's review, editors.

Not to mention time
for Treasury,

- Financial Crimes Enforcement...
- How long?

This is a crucial piece.
You did good.

If you could stall the deal...

Attention, passengers to SFO.

San Francisco
International Airport train

will be departing
in five minutes.

Did you bring your phone?

I left it in the car
like you said.

I meant leave it at the office.

Come on. We got to go. Go!

Got to move. Move.

Come on.

They knew.

They knew we were meeting.

Hey, breathe, breathe.
There you go.

Your heart is racing. Come here.
You got to calm down.

You're gonna have to calm down.

The FBI agent, I don't think
he's a part of this.

- He could help us.
- The FBI is not the play here.

- Drink this.
- I'm not thirsty.

You're gonna go into shock
if you don't calm down.

You're a w*r correspondent.
Come on.

You've seen combat before.

I've never been
the one with the g*n.

Okay. Well, now you have.

Talk to me.
Why did Horn come after you?

RD-4895 was an experimental drug

developed by
Nubellum Pharmaceuticals.

Its goal was to stop
the encoding of trauma

on the brain,
effectively preventing PTSD.

It worked in rats,
it worked in dogs,

and then Horn rushed it
into humans.

And it gave us brain tumors.

If RD-4895 works,

Nubellum Pharmaceuticals
is one of

the most valuable companies
in the world.

If it fails, all of Horn's
investment is worth nothing.

He takes a bath to the tune
of 15, 20 billion.

That's why he's rushing
to sell right now.

Who else knew?

Two months ago,
Horn takes 100 million

out of his shares in Nubellum

and parses them out
to a bunch of shell companies.

And what else happened
two months ago?

Those shares were payoffs,
for Syria, for k*lling my men.

Reece, you got to let me
finish my story.

I got The Atlantic
backing this now.

That means every major news
outlet's gonna be all over this.


I need names. The people
who could profit. Who?

Well, I-I don't have names.
I have companies.

Good. Then give me
the company names.

Reece, I need time.

I can reach out to FinCEN,
uncover the shareholders.

- No, you won't.
- This whole thing's gonna fall apart.

Horn, everybody,
they're gonna be crucified.

This isn't about
your f*cking story.



Reece! Come on.

There's a bus station
down this alley.

you're not listening to me.

The men who k*lled
my friends and family

are not going to prison.

Get yourself cleaned up.

If you k*ll more people,
this story dies.

Horn, everybody else, no one's
gonna give a shit about them.

It's gonna be your face
on the news.

You want people to think
you're a f*cking t*rror1st?

Get out of San Francisco,
or Horn is gonna k*ll you.

You end up on the b*ttlefield
again, it's not on me.

I swear you time your calls
just to wake me up.

Yeah, sorry, brother.

you got access to FinCEN?

I can get it.

I'm gonna send you a list.
It's a cap table, Ben.

Everyone in Horn's network
who profited from RD-4895.

Shell companies.
Can you get me the names?

We are going way past
side hustle here.

I make that call,
people are gonna ask questions.

Can you get me the names?

Send it.


No one uses
the word "defeat" on this one.

We'll circle the wagons
without Senator Pryor

and get a new budget
back to the House.

You know Lorraine.

She's not one to take a hit
and just stay down.

If anything, she...
You know what, excuse me.

I remembered there's something
I have to take care of.

Looking for this, Richard?

Kryptex phones
in the Pentagon are normal

but only if they run
on our network.

You're welcome to a lawyer,

but they'll tell you
the same thing.

You should cooperate.

This is Agent Azad, DCIS.

He's isolated payments
from Steve Horn to an account

in your mother's name for...
How long was it?

Nearly two years, ma'am.

Which is really strange

because I went
to Maggie's funeral in 2014.

What did you expect?

You were reshaping
a $700 billion budget.

That's my job, Richard.

Lorraine, you know Jessica
gutted me in the divorce.

I just wish you were
as inept for Horn

as you were for me,
you feckless f*ck.

But we're gonna use you
to send a message.

You want me to play both sides.

Okay. I will.

But I will need to talk
to my lawyer.

I don't mean literally.

What we are going to do to you
will send a message.

Horn likes to play soldier.

He's got himself a w*r.

So, names you suspected
were on there:

Marcus Boykin, Saul Agnon
both had a piece of the company.

But you might want
to take a seat

before these next ones, man.

Listen, I had my guy
double-confirm it.

Because these names... changes everything.

Just f*cking tell me, Ben.

It was the admiral.

What do you mean?

Pillar's name was
on the cap table.

So was Howard's
and Commander Cox.

That's WARCOM.


- They pulled all the strings.
- That's ridiculous.

The admiral, your command,
k*lled Lauren and Lucy?


Same reason they all did.

They thought
they could get away with it.

I'm making you
a shopping list, Liz.

Chemistry equipment.

Some of it, you're gonna I.D.
on Craigslist.

I want you tell them that
you have a kid in high school

who's crazy about science.

Everything else, spread out.

Multiple shops, multiple towns.

Pay with cash, obviously.

There should be plenty
left over from Marco.

We're really gonna build a b*mb?

We're gonna build a f*cking EFP.

Hey, let's just slow down
for a second, okay?

Take some time to process
what's going on exactly...

- Liz, I don't have time.
- Okay, but let's get Ben up here, then.

- Let's get Ben up here so we can think this through.
- Listen to me, listen to me.

When I came for you in Najaf,

okay, we didn't think.

- Don't... don't you f*cking do that.
- Ben...

Boozer, Donny,
we knew what was right.

Now two of those men
are dead because of Horn.

Donny? Donny?

You're talking about
Donny Mitchell?

Donny wasn't even
in Najaf, Reece.

That kid was in
grade school in '07.

That was Raife Hastings.

You're right, all right?

Clearly, my memory's
a little f*cked up.

That doesn't change anything.

We have the names.

We don't need to take 'em alive.

Will you listen to me
for a second?

Will you look at me?
Will you f*cking look at me?

I know you're going through it.

I know you're in
the thick of it,

and I'm f*cking with you, okay?

I'm with you...
I want Horn dead, too...

But I have no appetite
for cutting down civilians

because they picked the wrong
time for a Sunday stroll.

That is not who we're fighting.

I need to hear you say it.
Do you copy me?

I copy you.

EFPs are incredibly precise.

No civilian casualties.

We need to get it done.

Keep eyes on the eagle.

The convoy is still parked
in the nest.

So is half of San Francisco.

You've got way too many bogeys.

They'll be clear of the blast.

What if they're not?


Then I keep driving.

No go. This is on.

Anonymous tip came into every
major news network in the city.

Mike Tedesco
and two Talos operators

were gunned down
at a BART station.

Call SFPD, get units over here.

I want photos
on everyone up there,

and run tags
on all their vehicles.

- Something's up.
- Yes, sir.

- Plano dropped 18% in an hour.
- Deal's cooked, right?

- Excuse me.
- Oh. Excuse me, sir.

Mr. Horn, is it true
Mike Tedesco was m*rder*d?

How does it affect
Plano's acquisition plans?

You've lost two associates
in a matter of weeks.

Any comment?

Look, like you all, I learned
about Mike this morning,

and, uh, I'm still quite shaken.

Mike was not only a true friend
but a visionary.

He's the very reason
I invested in Nubellum.

And as for Saul,

I'm uncertain what
I'm at liberty to say,

but I was recently notified that
former Navy SEAL James Reece

is suspected in the death
of my colleague.

However many you can send.

And tell SWAT to be on standby.

I wish I was f*cking joking.

PD's en route. Six minutes out.

Come on!

With me.


Now, apparently
Commander Reece had some sort of

psychotic break
related to wartime trauma.

I didn't think much
of the warning,

but now given Mike,
I, uh, certainly wish

I had given it more credence.

Put your signal on!

Hurry up!

Has law enforcement given you

any indication
on James Reece's motive?

What was his
association with Mike Tedesco?

All I can say
is that James Reece is

mentally and emotionally unwell.

It's a sad, though not
unsurprising, condition

for a w*r veteran.

- Freeze!
- Whoa, whoa!

- Don't move!
- I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.

Now, please, anything else,
you'll have to ask the FBI.

James Reece
didn't k*ll Mike Tedesco.

- You and your men did.
- Whoa.


Talos offers security.

They're not hit men,
Ms. Buranek.

You think I wasn't aware of you?

Come on, move.

I know you tested RD-4895
on Navy SEALs,

and I know
those tests caused tumors,

so you had them m*rder*d.

It's all in my story.

If you try to take me out,
everyone will know the truth.

Your f*cking deal's
about to fall apart.

Move, g*dd*mn it.

I closed the deal yesterday,
Ms. Buranek.

Given what happened with Mike,
it seemed...

indecent to make
the announcement today.

Drive! Drive!

Move! Move!

Get out, get out!

Perimeter up
around the principal!

Come on!

- Go, go, go! Go!
- Go.

Put this on. Put it on!

- Be f*cking careful.
- Hey, listen,

you f*cking fanboy,
time to nut up.

Light him up!

Time to go! Get up!


Please stop. Please.

Got him, Liz.
Meet at rendezvous point Zulu.

Reece, where are you?
What the hell happened?

Zulu, 20 minutes. Go.

Get out of the car.


- Move. Move.
- Okay. Okay.