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02x04 - The crimson

Posted: 07/07/22 17:13
by bunniefuu


Take it, you vile villain.

why don't you go to grandma's?

But she sent me here.

Then stop playing, go to bed

I do not play.
I have responsibilities.

calla made me
unseen protector of Dunwyn.

Do you remember

Then go protect Dunwyn.

Great idea.

Yes, I'm protecting the castle.

I protect the castle.

I protect the castle.

I did not know,
that defending the castle is so boring.

Why be an invisible protector

if protection is not required?

A knight to fight.

Possibly a bandit.

It's just an old man.


If you'd be so kind
give me all your goodness,

I will be kind to you.

Get it.


And then the traveler said

that the avenger in crimson
flew out of nowhere

Can't be

Probably a nocturnal animal.

And I think that someone has long
it's time to clear this forest.

- Exactly.
- Yes, I agree.

Crimson Avenger, huh?

But Dobbin.

We'll be in Dunwyn soon.

Please give me good.

Must it be...?

I can do anything for you

You have goods there. I feel.

Give it all to me or they are waiting for you

Stop, villain.

Throw the crossbow
or feel the blow of my sword.

Go in peace.

This robber is more
won't bother you.

Thank you masked man.

Let this be a lesson to you.

The roots of evil taste bitter

yeah, they're not worth it.

Or vice versa?

Have two times.

I'll go to the castle.

I'll get the g*ng there
and I can rob


Thank you crimson avenger

Thank you crimson avenger

Thank you crimson avenger

Thank you crimson avenger

Baby how do you feel

Something you are pale.


This nonsense about the crimson avenger
keeps you awake at night.

What? How did you know?

You are so happy
when someone mentions it.

You must be pretending to be them all night.

Oh yeah.

This crimson clown knows the forest
too good.

He is a threat to Gummi's security.

But he protects those in trouble.
Yes, he is a hero.

Hero, me too.

The Gummi, not the people, protect the Gummi.

Remember this.

Stick with me and you will go far.


Heard crimson avenger
meters tall.

No more.

And handsome in this mask.

Heard he's strong as an ox.

They say he saved four yesterday.

Ephel says six.

How should she know

She only counts to five.

It's certainly better than life on the road.

Easy prey.

Grandma needs help in the kitchen.


The baby is still sleeping.


You are the crimson avenger

No. I can explain

You know how dangerous it is
what are you doing?

- Do not tell anybody.
- Wait a minute.

You are not two and a half meters tall.

No. Nobody makes it
consider me

the stories are exaggerated.

I mostly work at night.

You mustn't go out
without adults after lights out.

I know.
Therefore, you must come with me.


All heroes need companions.

This is the rule.
I name you Sir Fatty.

You are doing a good deed.

Think Tolstun,
And you will have a suit.

Hurry, my faithful companion,

to the tunnel.

How did I let myself be persuaded to do this?

Isn't it great?

People of Dunwyn, sleep tight

because the crimson avenger and his
faithful companion of Pronto

for your safety.

- Look.
- Look.

Fatty, could you keep
lamp in place.


Nice day.


Wouldn't Calla be happy
that I put on ruby ​​cufflinks,

which she gave me
for a birthday?

Your mother wears iron shoes.

Yes? This is your mother too.

- Yes?
- Yes.

Excuse me, your majesty.

let me
calm down these bullies.

Thank you.

My nose. I hit.

My ruby ​​cufflinks are gone.

Here is a thief, your majesty.

But-- But I--

Did you take the royal rubies, Kevin?

I? Of course not.

Check pockets.

I'm sorry man, but you're under arrest.

Hey boy are you sad

I'm in jail.

Don't worry like that.

They don't stretch you on the rack.

And they don't fry in oil.

No. You get off easy.

- They'll just hang you.
- Will they hang?

When I saw the guy, I thought:
"What a good boy" .

I didn't know he was a criminal.

He's not like that. He is not guilty.


I like it no more
than you

but Kevin was caught with a ruby.

That's right, your majesty.

When I saw how this rascal

came up and turned the cufflinks to the left,
to unhook,

had to raise the alarm.

Father, doesn't he know too much
for the innocent?

A lot, Calla.

This resident is just trying to help


I am honest
naya, law-abiding soul,

wishing the guy got what
what he deserved

life in prison.

Honest and law abiding.

Such a feeling
that you are a crimson avenger

No. He is a threat.

He cost me...

Afraid of the crimson avenger?

Will have to tonight
tell the sun about it.

We shouldn't do this, Baby.

Go to Dunwyn Castle
too dangerous.

But I have already cleared the forest.

It's time to do something big.

Don't be boring. Nothing will happen.

I do not even know.

I still think
that Gummi has nothing to do in the castle.

- This is silly.
- But I'm more than just Gummy.

I am the crimson avenger

I am the protector of all that is good.

Kind and stupid.

Why are they digging so hard?

We won't spend all night on this.
- Come back


I will help you.

Just let me get to you.



This man needs help

Crimson Avenger will save you.

Wait a minute.


My back.

He took my money.

He took my money.

Hey what's going on?

Easy, boss.


Yes, good people

for that you should be thankful
crimson avenger.

What happened

Let's get out of here, Tolstun.


Fatty, are you hurt?

I'm sorry, Tolstoy.

I should have listened to you.

Where have you both been?

Too late.

We played with the Kid.

In Simon Says. And I got carried away.

"Listen, listen.

Due to recent events,

his royal majesty
King Gregor

announces crimson avenger
disturber of public order.

Sovereigns reward for his capture."

That's it.

Thanks for covering me, Tolstun.

It shouldn't have turned out like this.

Should have been fun.

And it's not fun anymore.

I will make amends, Tolstun,
I swear

Never going out again
like crimson avenger

Never. Just get better, okay?

Done even though it took all night

Not bad for beginners.

This should scare Erviln,
and he confesses.

Today we are going to a big deal.

you will climb
to the castle treasury

pull the rope...

- Boss?
- What's the matter?

Isn't it visible
I'm planning the perfect crime.

Just looking out the window
masked man.


So, thief, where is the king's second ruby?

- Oh no. Crimson Avenger
- Wait.

Stay here Sunshine.
I'll catch him on the street.


Wait a minute.

Not for me they promise a reward,
but for you.

Help. Security.

It's the crimson avenger

What do we have here?
Crimson Avenger

Don't forget my reward.

This is a princess.

But, father, I did nothing.

I put on a suit to --

Enough. You brought disgrace
to the royal family.

Will you be
in his room under guard.

But I didn't do anything.

Common criminal.
What have I done wrong?

I spoiled her, didn't I?

It's probably because of the pony that
I gave it to her for her sixth birthday.

Maybe that will make things a little easier
my guilt before Tolstun.

Baby, where is everyone else?

And what happened

Kevin was put in jail
and Calla was locked in her bedroom.

Calla was such a good girl.

But she didn't do anything wrong.

It's all that red thief.

Ginger? It seems,
I hit him first.

Looks like it's a job for the real
crimson avenger.

But I swore not to

I am no one else
I don't want to hurt

What should I do

You have to wear a suit, Kid.

Calla and Kevin need you.

Don't let them down.

You must go out and win
for the sake of Tolstoy.

By morning, the king will have no money left.

Sunshine was right.

But what can I do

Can't let Erviln
go unpunished.

May be,
The guards will help me.

Like this.

- What...?
- Crimson Avenger escaped.

- Where did he go?
- No idea. He just disappeared.

- There he is.
- Grab him.


- Upstairs.
- He can fly

Behind him.

Come on. Faster.



- Thank you, crimson avenger
- My pleasure.

Wait a minute.

- Take him.
- Take him.

What's that noise?

These are the real criminals.

Crimson Avenger

What is it here?

Believe it or not, we withdraw money from the account.

What else have they done?


Do you need a safe? Hold on.

I thought,
Calla is locked in her bedroom.

So it is, your majesty.

Then this
real crimson avenger

Help me Mr Crimson Avenger

My second ruby ​​cufflink.

- You have to help me.
- Okay, but you're the first.


OK. I took the ruby.

Didn't hear.

I admit, I took the ruby.

I framed the boy.

Now get me out of here!

Hold on, you're a little
oh ride.

Calla and Kevin are not to blame. I'm so happy.

Thank you crimson avenger
Thank you.

Thank you crimson avenger

This is a merchant's chest.

as long as there is evil in the world,

crimson avenger will fight
for truth, for justice

and for Dunwyn.

Who is this masked man?

I don't know exactly, your majesty,

but he dresses well.

So you've dealt with the villain?

Yes. Too bad you didn't see.

He was very angry.

I'm glad it's over

Now you can be again
good old baby.

And you can no longer be
crimson avenger.


But it is not known
when the danger comes again