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02x02 - Faster than a speeding Tummi & For a few sovereigns more

Posted: 07/07/22 16:40
by bunniefuu



What is happening there?
Have they all gone crazy?

Where is everyone? Grandmother? Witch?

That's disgusting

What is all this, Sorcerer?

The soap dispenser is broken.

Purple got there.
paint, and he went crazy.

Thunder and thunder Gummi.

Someone has to watch this
while we are making soap.

That's right, Grump.
Someone had to watch


It will be great.

You just have to be careful.

Hey, why are you all covered --?

Apparatus. I need to go and...

Trying all the cannibal giants
Drekmore show where we live?

I've never seen such a mess.

Sorry. I'll take it. Promise.

Of course, just like you
promised to take care of the device.

No, that's the best promise.

I swear by words, I squint my eyes.
I love an ogre, I'd die for it.

I won't do anything else
until I clean up this mess of mine.

Nothing else?

I will do it. Honestly.

Maybe you can do
is it faster, Tolstun?

Grandma, hurry up
make people laugh

And I can't help it
Tolstun, at least a little?

No, sunshine
I promised to do it myself.


Night in the yard.

You are not going to sleep

Not until I'm done.

Listen, can you hurry up a little?

I'm in a hurry.

Maybe you should put it on him
speed spell, Sorcerer?

Yes, great idea.

Oh no. On the Gummi Bears high-speed
the curse is too unpredictable.

We just have to
let him finish on his own.

No. Only when I'm done.

I will never finish.

I'm too slow.
Too slow.


Wizard, this pump is very slow.

Can you put it on
speed spell?

I dont know.

If you do not impose, I again
have to work all night

Oh, I saw him just recently.

This spell is perfect.

Put the pump here.

Now step back.

Spammy amap no mo.

Works great.
Thank you very much, Wizard.

Good luck.

Let's see if it works.

Maybe I need to run it

Not bad.

This time on the left side.

Let's go, pay attention....

How are you, Tolstoy?

Hurry up people
laugh, kid.

I have to tell the Grump
to fix this door

That is, how do you not know, Podliza?

How can someone lose
whole minefield?

It's around here somewhere, oh crafty.

This damn Podliza
I forgot to mark it on the map.

How can I punish Dunwyn

if you lose my protection?

Here is your water, Duke.

Don't call me Duke.

Yes, Duke.

Where did you get this water?

In that stream with bubbles.

There's soap, nerds.


I want to know who
trying to poison me

Track where they're coming from
those bubbles, and report back to me.

Yes, Duke.

Don't call me Duke.

Yes, Duke.

And you, flat-faced,
find me those traps.

Keep up the good work, Podliza.

It remains to find only traps.

Oh God, finally.



Wizard, help.

What? Tolstun?

Oh no. Speed ​​spell.

Hold on, Tolstoy.
I'll find the reversal spell.

hurry up


Voice, like Tolstun.

Yes, it was me.

reversal spell,
I found it. I found it.

I had it.

Stop it. And I'm on paper.

This should keep him

Or maybe not.

I think that's all.

He's moving too fast.

Close all doors.
Hold him here

Grab him, Wizard.

I am doing my best

Slamow, damoun, namoun.


Open the Fast Tunnel door
before he destroys everything here.

Behind him.


Here he is. No, here he is. Here he is.

If we can slow it down
I can sh**t at it.

sh**t him.

Run across the lake.



If we haven't found bubbles yet,
we take Gummi Bears instead.

Yes Yes Yes.

How glad I am that it's over

Oh no.

They are too far.

I would use speed now

Here you go.

- What is that sound?
- Another Gummy.

Take him. Take him.


You, I miss

Here, brake.

No gold bars, Slick.

You must find another trap.

What's this?

This needs to be checked

Missed again, giant.

Dealt with it

Not so fast, fat.

Good grip, Duke?

Of course,

and don't call me Duke.

Better be careful.
Your boss found a trap there.

I'll take it all before
How can I do something else.


Even though I'm not fast anymore.

No, no, no, we'll all help, Tolstun.

Now you can take your time.
Procrastination isn't bad at all.

Oh yeah?


Hey. Who goes?

Oh how sweet. The game.

Do it quickly.

Signature - Igthorn, Duke of Drekmora.

Flint Shrubwood.

Skilled assassin
merciless oh
otnik behind the heads.

A berry of the same field with me.

What's the matter?

I need a man
with your special efforts,

strong, resourceful,

who can grab the Gummy Bear.

I don't deal with fairy tales.

No, wait.

After all, they exist.

I saw them I swear

I will double your rate.

Twenty gold sovereigns.

Of course of course.

Look at this map.

Those treacherous little pests
live somewhere nearby

Maybe he's the best

but very strange.

Come with me baby. We need
hide a lot of juice in case of emergency.

It's all right, beautiful Grandmother.

I, Sir Baby, swear to protect you

from all robbers and scoundrels.

Yes, baby, dear.

Be noble and trustworthy

truthful and kind

fair and strong.

Oh Crown Hill

Oh, this place is perfect.

Give up, you vile villain.

Nearly fell.

It is for you.

Baby. Time to go.

Drop it.

The duke hired me
catch just one.


My own
toy Gummy Bear.

I am not afraid of you

I won't speak.

Talk to me, I promise you.

My gold?

Gold? I'm nothing
I don't remember gold.

If I don't leave here
with my money buddy

then I'll go with you.

kidnap a person
from his own castle?

I have cannibal giants everywhere.

Try and I'll see.

No one opposes Duke Igthorn.

Let me out of here
bear thief.

I am Duke. You can not
treat me like that

Now you won't get anything
their sovereigns.

No. With this note
demanding a ransom

I will get a lot more.

Trapped? I?

You are rich. Why would you
not pay him as you promised?

Lesson one boy

if you want to survive in our jungle,

never keep your word.

Especially with such a villain.

You were a knight. Are the knights
not obligated to keep their promises?

You have listened to fairy tales.

Knighthood is not such a good thing.

I have never kept my word.

And it didn't hurt my business.

It's interesting what it says.

Slick can read

The sucker doesn't want
play more guys.

Podliza. Podliza. Read the note.

"If you want the Duke back,

bring gold sovereigns
to an unnamed clearing.

The Duke needs me.

Get me down. Get me down.


She hates me, I hate her.

She hates me, I hate her.

Wait a minute.

Why not let the Duke go
and not save his money?

Plans have changed guys.


For His Ignorance.

I'm sorry, Duke.

Shameless Podliza ruined everything.

But at least I hid the gold
in an empty oak in a clearing.

It's all right, Podliza.
Your idea was correct.

This villain doesn't deserve a bug.

But I told you many times

creep up from behind
you snotty bastard.

But what about fair play?

Lesson two boy

never give up maneuver
as a surprise. Why take the risk

Slick, tell everyone
these fur balls,

i want them to do
distraction maneuver.

A little bit more

Finally freedom.

Hey, what if I don't want to go?

My gold. My precious gold.

Shrubwood will never get it.

I died. Gotta get out of here.

We must have lost him. Nobody
can't follow that path.

We will never run away

Crown Hill

And if I knew where
juice from gummi berries?

Where? Where? Where is he? Where?

I'll show you, but the third lesson,

you should treat me better.

- Upstairs.
- Upstairs?

Excellent. Now where?



I won't get through this.

I am trapped.

It's all your fault.


Okay, Mishka, promise
that you can help me escape

and I'll throw you up to that hole.

Promise me.

I-- I promise.

Farewell, Swinthorn.

This sneaky bear.

He's coming.

That worthless parasite
picked up and left me.

Scoundrel. Deceiver.

I taught that boy well.

Oh, glory to the Great Bears,
you're right, baby, dear.

Where have you been? How are you --?

Come back, you Teddy Bear.

Is that Igthorn?

Yes, the bounty hunter got him.
Now let's get out of here.

You promised. And you know it

Is this the end of Igthorn?

I am saved.

Leave the gold.


My gold.


Take my payment.


I just want to say

you are very late.

It was worth it to follow him
come back, Baby, dear?

If I didn't come back, Grandma,
I would be as bad as him.

Oh, you're probably right.

But I learned one important lesson from him.

Igthorn can't be trusted

Duke. Duke. You are his

He would never win

this lousy, cheap
Head hunter.

I showed him, and only him
and saw this coward.

Don't let him grab me.

Save me. Save me.