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01x10 - Sweet and sour Gruffi & Duel of the wizards

Posted: 07/07/22 16:30
by bunniefuu



Thank God that the storm
finally passed.

Yes. It was something with something.

Faster Faster.
Place the bucket under the roof window.

Here comes Sunny Gummy

in a raincoat on the last
medieval fashion.


Awesome? No matter how.

Grab a bucket, Sunny, and get to work.

Why don't you ever speak
anything good about my clothes?

If she was beautiful, I would say.

One of your hills has collapsed.
Can be seen directly from the street


- You see?
- It's worse than I thought.

King Gregor inspects
hurricane damage,

and at noon they will be here
pass his troops.

- On midday
- What should we do, Know-It-All?

It's simple. Let's do it my way
and everything will be all right.

Let's hurry up.

Maybe I can be of some help

Grammy, more boards.

I work as soon as I can.

It's not fast enough.

Tolstun, give this hammer here.

- And pull it up.
- Okay.

I meant help me
hammer nails, fool.

I did what you ordered.

Cubby, more boards.
Faster, baby. Faster.

I have a thorn.

Come on, I'll take it.

- But...
- Out of the way, Sunny.

A simple "I'm sorry" would suffice.

Then, then.
We are pressed for time.

How is your work going?

- Terrible.
- We had to leave Graffy.

Zammy is always like this
if something happens.

Everything will be back soon
to normal.

But graffi is even normal
not satisfied.

That's if you turn it
into something good.

Wow, what a great idea.

Magic to sweeten
old buffalo.

No no. change character
can be dangerous.

Hey! This is what you need.

It says "please"
and "thank you" are magic words.

What is this -
bunch of slackers?

Here you see Come on, conjure.

What does "conjure" mean?

Get away, shorty dictator.

Well, it's enough. Let's get to work.

Please be careful with Kelukoŭ
VnuƧoŭ-- with Velukoŭ KnuƧoŭ.

She is very, very valuable.

Zammi tore
The Great Book of Gamma.



God. What have I done?

Are you okay, Zammy?

Say something Please.

Gathered around me
all my best friends.

What a wonderful moment.
Let's have a picnic.

It worked.


Now renovate the room
will become much easier.

Well, to business.

Go first.

I insist.

After you, my sweet Grammy.

Ah, thank you.

How sweet, Zammy.

Please help me get up

God. Grammy darling
Are you alright?

Yes, it is quite.

I must have tripped

I want to say that both of you
work for glory.

What if we take a break
and go fishing

That's good, Zammi, but isn't it better
finish this first?

Oh yes, of course. Let me help.

Of course. Thank you.

Please, Zammi, don't be so hard.

Sorry guys.

you professionals,
you do it better than me.

I'll give it to you.

How's your finger, baby?

Good. Thank you.

And you were right
about witchcraft, Grammy.

He is amazingly helpful.

It was long overdue.

Zammi is kind of weird, Zammi.

I think we should follow him.

Well, if you think so, Kevin,
then come on.


This is madness! Zammy stop it

Zammy, please stop!

See what a mess it is.

You should have been more careful.

But I don't mind taking it all away

What happened

It's not his fault.

This is your sorcery with "thank you"
and please" . See.

Zammy? Thank you.


See. Spot.

- See?
- Wow.

I'll have to fix it
Take Graffy back

and I'll look for the torn page.

Good. Let's go Zammy
help me carry this.

Also, Kevin, ask everyone
don't say you know what.

Ah, Zammi.

Whatever you do
don't say "thank you" to Graffy,

and then he gets pissed off.

I knew it was too much
good to be true.

Zammi, we'll help you.

See how it works
hammer. Isn't this a class?

- Isn't that strength?
- Zammy, spa--


It'll be harder
than I thought.

Where is Zammi with his

And here is the disguise for the canvas.

How well did you do
on the collection of twigs.

You deserve an award.
Stand here

The new Zammi is so good
which is unbelievable.

- Here you are right.
- What are you talking about?

Well, of course. We didn't tell her.

What didn't you tell me?

Whatever you do, Sunny
don't say words to Graffy--

Here, my beautiful maiden.

And I want to tell you

what do you have the most
beautiful raincoat


Ah, Zammi.

Sunny, don't.

Thank you thank you thank you.

Please, Zammi, please.

Please please,

Well, please, Zammi.

And sugar


Let's try.

Zammy, thanks.

Zammi, please.

See what a mess.

You worked hard
baboons you are.


- Oh no. King Gregor is coming.
- I'll try to take them away.

- And you mask the hole.
- What should we do, Zammi?

We have a lot of time.
That is, little time.

- I know.
- What?

We will bring down the mountain.

- Wait!
- What is it, Kevin?

Flooding ahead.
You shouldn't go there

But that's why
we're going there, Kevin -

to inspect the damage
from the flood.

Everyone drink gummi juice!

Now join hands
and start jumping

Have you ever traveled
this way, Your Majesty?

- The views are better.
Enough, Kevin.

Now step back.

Danger Fire!
Locust! Plague!

Look, Your Majesty.

It's a landslide

The damage to the kingdom turned out to be
more than we thought.

Left, right, stop.

I want to say a few words.

Here you go. Now old
the warthog will scold you.

We are from him never again
we will not hear a good word.

I want to say,
that all of you have worked hard.

And you all did a great job.

Many thanks to everyone and everyone.

Now let's go outside, you bastards.

We need to dig out that room.
And as soon as possible.


Shouldn't have given roots
so grow.

Wow. And what was I thinking?

Can these roots be removed?
with a simple spell.

Wait a minute. Whenever you
carry your gibberish

gets even worse.

Not true.

Brain and Muscle Gummi -
that's what I believe.

Yah you.
Step aside and look.

Another problem solved
like magic.

Your Ducal Highness,

your faithful Tody thinks
that the Gummi finder does not work well.

What do I care about
what do you think

Oh no no

Your Ducal Highness,
Never mind stupid Tody.

That's it. Go further.

What else is this...?

This is the famous wizard.
Gordo's house from Ghent.

Is it really the same
Dom Gordo from Ghent?

The same one. What is he doing here?

So this is Dunwin?
How primitive.

I need these herbs
and they only grow here

Let's see.
A kilo of Queen Mab's legs.

Tody, I have an idea.

Give me that key.

But then the magician will turn
sweet Tody into an ugly frog.

Almost no one will notice the difference.

Don't waste time!


My key. My precious key!

Gordo's house from Ghent.

Greetings, tadpole.

Your Ducal Highness,
Was that also intended?

And now, the likeness of a tree
frogs, tell me, where is this key?

I hid it.

Turn me into who I was
and you won't come home.

And what do you want for it

Nearby is
Dunwyn Castle.

I want you to
razed him to the ground.

Usually I'm with punks
I don't do deals.

But so be it, agreed


Wait while I collect mine
cannibals to raid the castle.

I'll be right back

But I didn't say
don't look for your key.

What is happening there?

Here are those on. Here is a magician
messing around in the forest.

I'm sorry sir
but it is our property

Don't bother me, I'm looking for something.

Maybe help you
What are you looking for?

Do you want to take him

Sorry. What to pick up

Don't beat around the bush.
Speak like it is

Do you even know
Who are you talking to, you bore?

No. And with whom, fat man?

I am the great Dom Gordo of Ghent.

Yes? And I am the great Zammi
from the gummy valley,

and i want you to stop
destroy our home.

It wasn't very nice.

You should learn
good manners.

Excellent. Now you've pissed him off.

So you have some
the concept of magic.

But don't try to compete with me.

Well, everything.
No more magic.

I'll handle it myself.

Zammi, don't. With magic
can only be fought with magic.

Or wild beets.

You start to bore me


- Stay there. I'll bring the rope.
- No need. I will use magic.

We are ready .

What's going on here?

Do not bother me.

And you - you -
Now you get out of here.

Gummy bear.

Wait, Gordo.

Enough. Get out of our forest.

Grab those Gummi Bears!

Here are those on.

I need this one
Gummy bear alive!

Stop fighting immediately!

Shut up, you bastard.

I, you ...

I still have your key!


Guards, take this wizard!

Looks like your magic is here
Does not help.

That's the only way to deal with him.
Applying force.

And that's how he does it
with this power.

And now let's see
what kind of magician are you?

He is the wizard of the Gummi Bears.

Okay, smart bear,
let's see if you can overtake it.

How lovely

I ask
l Dunwyn, and in addition
got a gummy bear.

Oh, you self-confident slug!

The deal is cancelled.

Now you will see
real magic.

Hey Dom Gordo,
Is this by any chance yours?

My wand. I need her.

Now this power belongs to me.

Take him!

I caught.

OK then. No longer
Good Wizard!

He will destroy us.

Zammy, here's a dandelion

use the same magic
as on its roots.

Oh yes yes.

Like this.

No wand, no Dunwin.

But maybe at least I
I'll catch the Gummi Bear.

Think next time
before angering Gummi Bear.

Zammy, beware

Wait! I can't get down.

Wait. What about my key?

You didn't keep your word
and I didn't hold back.

What was the key

About my magic key.
This is the only way I can get back home.

This former tadpole
stole it from me.


- Where did you get it from?
- Irrelevant.

If you from the start
accepted our help

all this is possible
would be avoided

You are right, you are right. I'm sorry.

May I have the key?

Only if you promise
don't bother anyone anymore

Even this Duke?

Well, maybe you can do
one exception.

But as for the rest -
I give you my word.

Wizard's oath.

I'm sorry I had to
destroy your wand.

Nothing. I have a spare

I told you:
one magic is not enough.

Two Gummi hands -
that's what we needed.

What are you talking about? What are you talking about?

More like two Gummi heads.

Zammy you never admit
that was wrong.

Dumb wizard.

If he doesn't get home
that's what he needs.

I posted it
a real monkey.

Well, what are you looking at?


Tody didn't look at anything.

If I were that magician

I would never be able to
look at yourself in the mirror.

Well, what are you looking at?