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01x07 - Loopy, go home & A-hunting we will go

Posted: 07/07/22 16:21
by bunniefuu




Is it more--?

Come here, I won't touch you.

Well, what do I taste like? Not bad, right?

Repair completed.

Observation tower on Mount Big Po

will now be clean and dry for years.

- Hey, look what I found.
- Wow. Great puppy.

This is not a puppy. It's a wolf cub!

Yes, I knew it.

Well, isn't he awesome?

Yes Yes. Cool.
Now let him go.

But I was going to take it home.

- Why not.
- This is not discussed.

A wild animal must live in the forest.

If you make him a pet,
he won't learn to take care of himself.

But he won't need to.
I will take care of him.

Cubby, the answer is no.

It's not fair, Tammy.

Let's go find a comfortable place for him.
and let go.

Where there is more food.

No not here

Here he can be caught
some traveler.

Tammy, did you see?
Probably his mother

Yes. Now she is gone.

Wow! Where did he go?

Sir Tuxford, what a man
who are we chasing?

Poacher, guy Thief!

He steals animals
from royal lands

and sells them to traveling circuses.

There, let's try there.

Poor baby. We can not
just leave him, Tammy.

Yeah, but Graffy said....

Something like that.

He is too small to live alone.

- Please, Tammy.
- Well....

I am very tired and go to bed

Wolf, are you there?


Here's your dinner.

sit up straight
and chew your food thoroughly.

We will have so much fun together.

Be careful
stay out of Graffy's eyes.

He's not that bad.

This will be your bed.

Go lie on it.

No, not there.

You can't come here.

Seriously. It is forbidden.

Well, maybe just today.

You are such a badass.

It's a cool name.


Good night, slutty.

Zammy? You do not mind,
to have a pet?

This is a good idea.

Small vole or goldfish
won't pose much of a problem.

How about someone bigger?


Where are you.

How did you get into Sunny's room?

Is this her dress?

Cubby what are you doing here

Sunny, tell me something.

Are you against a pet?

Hey Rogue, catch me.

So who's doing
run into the kitchen.

Atlantic Ocean. Wolf.

Nothing, Grammy.
This is Plutishka. He's mine.

It doesn't matter. He will have to leave.

Of course it won't hurt anyone
feed him before leaving.

Here. Broccoli cupcakes
stayed after dinner.

He has good taste.

You and Graffy are probably right.

He says I'm not enough
adult to support

This is true?

This cute little wolf?

As for me,

Rogue is now part of the family.


What are you doing, Graffy?

Someone has to clean
him at least sometimes.

Help won't hurt me.


Hey, Rogue, jump over the bush.

Come on, slut.
Through the bushes.


I'll save you Cubby.

Get away, monster.

Don't, Graffy. He is my friend.


So you are still
left that wolf cub.

It's completely manual.

This is too much.

It's my fault, Graffy.
I helped him.

I don't see anything wrong with
that the boy has a pet.

The bastard is so cute.

This is a wild animal.

Keep it dishonest
towards him and towards us.

Either he leaves or I do.

If he leaves, I will leave too.

I'm afraid we have to face the facts.

Cubby escaped.

Are you sure you're not going, Graffy?

He will return home
when it's cold and hungry.

Besides, you don't know
where to looking for

Of course we do. On Lookout Hill
where we found the puppy.

On Lookout Hill?

Tammy. It's Big Po Mountain.

If you want something to be
done right...

Like this.

No, come on.

You have to look evil if you want
scare off hunters and others.

I will ask this guy
spanking for life

Listen, bastard. Graffi was right.

You will never learn
take care of yourself.

I will teach you, but you must listen

For me to jump

Cubby is just a great boy.

I'll have to apologize to him.

Cubby, help.

Help. Get me out of here.

Wow. talking bear

Better let me go
I have powerful friends

- In the royal court.
- Shut up, talkative bear

For you -
Mr. Chatty Bear, dumbass.

You bring me fortune.

Every traveling circus on earth
wants to buy you from me.

Let's go, Clown. Graffy is in trouble.

Crap, help.

Graffy, take it.

What a luck. Two chatty bears
for the price of one.

We're Gummi Bears, idiot.

Help! Little bastard, help!

Now I have seen everything.

A wolf who thinks he is Gummi.

Behind me.

Back off, you crazy wolf.

Enough, slut. Let's go.

Stay where you are.

You are under arrest.

Fools, they leave.

- You
have you seen them?
- Whom?

Gummy Bear.

Do you want us to believe it?

This is true. one brown

and one pink.

You know boy

don't think that crazy actions
help you turn around.

Cubby, maybe I was wrong.

- This wolf--
- Rogue.

Rogue is a great animal

Looks like I owe him my life.

- You can leave him.
- Thank you, Graffy, but it's too late.

Stay here boy

Here is your place.

You acted like a grown-up, Cubby.

I'm very proud of you

I should have gotten a goldfish.


Graffy, could you

get out of the way?

- We need more oil.
- Who asked you?

Where is my bread?

There, there.

- And there.
- What did you do?

It is called
"light" bread.

- Put him down.
- I'll do it.

I dropped it.

Take it, you stupid old ogre.

Move, Cubby. We will never finish
while they are all here

Leave it to me.

Since you men know so much
about baking bread

get started.

Sunny and I don't care
gotta get in the tunnels.

But I hate doing it

Me too, Sunny

but the right thing to do
only women can.

We, men, can not only do better,

but even faster.

- Cheap talk.
- Yes?

We'll show them guys.
Alignment to the middle.

It's necessary?

But Graffy...
- Every race works.

- Where are you going?
- Check the northern border.

I also want to.

No. Wildlife -
no place for a princess.

How long would you last
wrapped in a shawl

- I don't freeze.
- I'm freezing.

So give me a warm hug

Hope we don't run into trolls


I'll never forget,
like me and the king

fought with bare hands
with a thousand trolls.

Yes, it was.

It took whole minutes.

A thousand trolls?

The boar was as big as my horse
I'm lucky to be back alive.

Where does he say it happened

At the northern border.

Just not this.
Father and Kevin went there.

Gotta warn them

When they left, the traveler told
about a huge boar in the forest.

Don't be stupid, dear.

Graffiti underground, in the tunnels.

No. I'm talking about wild boar.

Which can destroy the cart.

My father forbade me to follow them,
and you can't tell them.

Don't be so sure, dear.

Look at them. skating,
while we are working.

Women .

I remember the battle in the green giant,

in which there was m growth.

And he was still a boy.

I had to beat his father

in which the height was meters.

Thirty meters?

Stop. I warn you.

The wild boar roams these forests.

We are with His Majesty
hunted boars,

when they were as tall as him.

But this boar is huge,

more horse,
able to destroy the cart.

Of course you are exaggerating.

Do not be offended, old woman,

but I think we men can handle it
with your wild boar.


Shouldn't we turn back home?
Your Highness?

Boy, once I find the beast

I will come to Dunwin on it.

What do we do now

We just have to find a boar
before he finds them.

- And then what?
- We'll come up with something.

Did you really hunt boars
at my age, sir?

Oh sure.
We'll teach you too, Kevin.

Can not wait,
when this boar appears.

They are very dangerous, Kevin.
Even small ones.

But you are a great warrior
your majesty.

I will study with you.

It's a boar, son. Hide behind us.

Watch carefully
for our technology.

Move, boy

- Have you found the boar yet?
- Yes. And he found men.

They're heading over here.

- What should we do
- Here.

Gummy berry juice, of course.

You hit him really well.

We made it

Piglets are counted in the fall.

Run Calla. The action is over

Run to the big oak tree, Calla.

Come on Sunny
let's jump this boar.

- Do you see him?
- Not yet.

Why don't we take the fight
how about your stories?

'Cause it's only stories

This beast is real
and deadly.

Then we probably
did the right thing, right?

I know it's hard to believe, Kevin,
but it is so.

Oh no.

Help. Save.

- The old woman.
She must be in danger.

Hang in there Grammy.

Go away, undercooked chop.

She must be in the tree.

Hold on, old woman.


- I'm running, old woman.
- Hide

I have an idea.

Right on target

Here it is. Don't be afraid, I'll be back

- Are you okay, sir?
- Yes.

Tuxford, remember our escape
from Lord Chester's camp?

Of course, your highness.

- What did you think?
- No time, just listen.

I need this shawl
Can you get it, Kevin?

- Mo
you can rely on me.
- brave guy

- What is he doing?
- Be careful, Kevin.

Here, your majesty.

He is going to ride

Hold on sir.

Oh no.

Your Highness.

Excellent dressage, Gregor.

Just like the old days, Tuxford.

It was amazing.

What will be the story.

Truth. But trust me
much easier to tell a story,

how to live it

It's safe here now.
You can go down.

- She is there?
- Look, a note.

"Thank you for the rescue, gentlemen.

But next time
heed the warning."

There's something about it

Gentlemen, I guess
it's time for us to go home.

Here, Grammy.
This will help you relax.

Thanks Sunny.

I think we deserve a break today.

Look at this.

The women chill

while the men do all the work.

Stop it, Graffy.

One boar is enough.

And then I grabbed his majesty

a deadly, bloodthirsty beast

fell off the cliff into the river.


Excellent story, Sir Tuxford.

But why didn't you make a boar
as tall as an elephant?

No, this time, it's true.

Just two tusks? Do you really
there are at least three dangerous animals.

No. Listen.

Do not worry. next time in
there will be four of them in the story.

Wait. He doesn't lie.

Don't bother boy

They will never believe us.
- But we have proof.

Very beautiful shawl
Where did you get it?

The wise old woman who--

Wait. Looks like it's your--

But how--?
Calla, are you out?

Father, please.

You have been influenced
all these exaggerations.