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03x02 - Bright Heart's Bad Day / The Magic Lamp

Posted: 07/04/22 07:07
by bunniefuu
I wouldn't miss the Care Bear family

picnic for anything I think it's only

fair to warn you this year I'm gonna win

some of those prizes don't get your

hopes up they don't call me chance

they're for nothing to be a winner you

have to practice and I have no one's

going to win any prizes if we don't pick

them up all of hearts straight ahead

it's goodies sit tight I'll get the


basically it's a little brighter put

those goodies back right now who's going

to make me do yeah yeah I've always

wanted to do that

I'll get you for this chapter

you were wonderful champ huh

it was nothing cheer hey I could have

taken care of beastly myself

sure you could little buddy are you okay

bright heart let's get the prizes loaded

champ I'm going to the Care Bear family

picnic and be a winner well we'd better

get going

champs waiting hurry up you two

we don't want to be late picnic I'll get

even with champ there

now that everyone has arrived I declare

the Care Bear family picnic officially

open all the contestants for the first

race at the starting line this is my

chance to show champ I'm a winner but

bright heart you don't have to prove

you're a winner the first runner to

reach the top


I knew I could be chair right hang on

I'm slipping come on oh whoa hey well

why you're really moving scientifically

speaking I have calculated that I'll be

on the other side before you're halfway


oh right her sed rate for the whirlpool

ah it was nothing sports fans just

helping out my little buddy

poor bright hearts having a really bad

day come on little buddy let's go win

some prizes ah you go and win them champ

that's what you're good at

huh aren't you coming bright heart

thanks sweetheart but I'd like to be


poor bright heart if only I could help

especially these sneakers

bright heart needs your help again no

not like before he was trying to prove

he was a winner like you and well but he

is a winner

he's a smartest guy I know you have to

tell him that champ he doesn't think he

can do anything now well let's go find

him okay any luck nope bright heart must

be around somewhere I think I know where

he is let's go

yeah now I have four Care Bears instead

of one anyone for I can't do anything

without him that's not true basically

it's no you sports fans we're trapped

no too bad today

come on bright heart you can think of a

way out of here

well maybe we could use this log find a

fly help little buddy

muck that off now

bring that little rock over here

now roll it under the log now we all

have to push it's not enough we need

more muscles you can't give up maybe

you'd like to help anything just get me


whatever you say basely alright one two


me breathe free to do all my other bad

guy things to you next time well Beasley

really got himself into a sticky

situation this time and my little buddy

got us out of one see you can do a lot

more than you thought you and chap are

both heroes

morning hugs the morning tucks it will

want to take the bandage off don't worry

it's almost off now we can play with it

forever and ever

aren't you going to set it free I know

little darlings but if you really care

for something there's always a way to

care even more well let me tell you a

story about what happened when someone

cared just a little bit extra oh gosh

this story takes place a long long time

ago in a country far far to the east in

a city called bad game

the head gag was a poor city ruled by an

evil queen

she lived in a huge dark castle her

people were poor because she had taken

everything from them and still she was

not happy she wanted to rule the world

he who is pure of heart can get the

magic lamp so that leaves me yay my

kingdom find one who is pure of heart to

bring me the magic your sweetness

so the captain of the Queen's guards set

off to search the entire city for

someone who is pure

you're quite welcome sports fans my hero

huh it was nothing thanks sports burger

must be the one I'm looking for yak

anyone that nice has to be pure heart

then captain of the Queen's Guard

uniform service well the people sure

need help all right sports fans you're

on I'm up for the game let's do it

captain take the rope maker to the

Dragon's cave timeout he's only a little

dragon small flames great a mini dragon

let's get this game started are you sure

you wouldn't rather right up here sports

fan Oh what's the use

he doesn't scare me

what's the Queen has a magic lamp

all the people in be easier


now help the poor people of Baghdad I

can't leave you tied up like that just

remember I won the lap fair and square

okay the magic lamp is truly yours to


rope maker well I am carrying that extra

little bit and letting me go you have

indeed proven yourself to be pure of

heart for the people

this is not good sportsmanship

I can only grant the wishes of he who is

pure of heart and the only one here who

is pure of heart is the rope maker I'm

merely returning that extra bit of

caring that you showed me and what shall

I do with these two Oh king of bad egg

hmm they wanted to make everyone

miserable so get them to make everyone


and so the people of bad gag prospered

under their new king the rope maker and

his magic lamp finally there was

happiness and laughter throughout the


do you remember how the rope makers

showed the dragon he cared that little

bit extra just how much you really care