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03x01 - The Wrath of Shreeky

Posted: 07/03/22 17:25
by bunniefuu
up in the sky

the troubles gone who's gonna be there


five four three two one

planting trees on this day is a

tradition that goes way back in

care-bear history and when we're

finished the forest of feelings will

look even better that's right brave art

we'll put the pink trees here and the

blue ones there and

oh my caring call people that means

someone on earth needs help

braid our Trek ooh ready for duty now

bright heart you volunteered to

supervise the planning treat heart can

go I can oh don't worry I'll do a good

job I promise

sorry good luck treat heart and remember

be careful I will goodbye

come on spot you'll never grow if you

don't eat something

I know if talking to plants is supposed

to help them grow then singing should

make them really sprout you corrode the

plant up spot grow the plant up Oh grow

the plant up you in the mouth


oh and believe me yeah I know what being

stomped into mulch feels like you're

coming you bellowed it boss I just

received a letter from my nice sweet

shrieky yeah has she been eaten by a

hippopotamus did it carried off by a


they stomped into moe no you fool

she's coming to visit us Oh

yeah but I mean good news there because

bad is good to us

so nice to hear your voice again yeah

but but no heart every time she shrieks

you turn into some weird creature


now go and welcome our guests beastly


it's silly yeah nice don't try to follow

me okay

bang toothpick get my bags No

no heart shrieky you're looking nastier

than ever yeah who will you be staying

alone who could stand this place we're

gonna date without catching a cold

there's no swimming pool no television

we still look at you

anything you want alert you but no word

then pick up everything and follow me oh

I can't wait to make trouble for those

get coming I will take yeah yeah that's

my girl I almost pity those wretched

Care Bears

ah what's wrong

quick get off a fortnight's me it's

nothing to be afraid of it's just a

little old lady bug I'm treat heart pig

I'll bet you're from the city Ann yeah

and staying at my grandparents for the

summer and I hate here but why because

it's no fun it's full of mud and spiders

and bugs but nature is full of all sorts

of fun things come on I'll show you you

clear your last bag well it took you

long enough

yeah I hope you'll be very comfy in my

room oh and I hope she doesn't stay long

oh you do huh start did you say

something time to look into my magic

mirror and see what those furballs are

up to I'll turn their precious forest

into a nightmare with my magic mirror

down here having fun Sora

I mean well yes sweetheart

I'm having fun feelings can wait

Bradley have a little problem with those

two yeah what are you going to do turn

the ridge or aging


for nothing

oh are you a pan I've never been this

dirty in my whole life I'm sorry but why

I've never had so much fun before either

you haven't never what's next well we

could plant some trees in the forest of

feelings I'd love to but where is the

forest feeling in a very special place

I'll take you there in this oh come on

man well what is it a cloud car ready

let's go

you're going the wrong way

oh my poor furry little ears Oh next

time I take shrieky somewhere I'll have

to remember to leave her at home hmm

Mitzi I know it must have something here

to help spud grow bigger yeah genius

Jews and not so genius Jews beauty green

maybe honey super strength syrup super

grow solution shrink spray yeah wait

that's it

super grow solution oh if this doesn't

make spud grow nothing will where is

that hairball when you need him yeah

it's dirty spotty monster

my shrink solution beastly

how many times have I told him hmm

huh deal with you later oh please deal

with me now no hurt you've got a plan

even you couldn't mess up well we did it

thanks for all your help and I really

learned to care about nature

thanks to you treat heart

it's mr. beastly who's that with him

oh boy it's working even better than it

did on spot this is terrible

it was chewy

he's just as bad as your uncle no heart

you're awful gross Bray's turn your

beautiful forest into a nightmare she

can't get away with this

can she don't forget me

oh yes there is

there is sure you know a shrink solution


does giant trees will ruin your whole

forest I have to get that shrink

solution from no hard-and-fast I could

use some help he can count on me I

thought so let's go oh but it'll have to

do next off no hearts Castle I hope

Oh where can I hide no that child has so

much energy

yeah good thing you switch to plastic

beakers Thanks

you're welcome no art revolution must be

around here somewhere welcome oh yeah

here you go welcome

oh you sleepy gasps laughing gasps oh I

don't need that one it's no use treat

her we'll never find the shrink solution

that's right mr. Weasley because only I

know where to look you little snoopers

ah and where would you look guide look

no you don't you can't trick me into

telling you it's in the middle of the

top shelf next to the dum-dum pills

I'm too smart to fall for that one be

real is no heart shrink solution what

how did you figure that out well you are

not getting away from me

how do we get out of here treat heart

just watch tire sorry that's the best I

can do

see there we are




they did it and a treat

but we'll get them next time well that

takes care of those too thanks to treat

heart and hand but where are they we're

up here huh well your forest looks

better than ever

it's amazing what you can do you care

about something right treat her oh right

huh right in hmm oh I'm pooped