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S3 - D.W. and the Beastly Birthday

Posted: 07/03/22 06:46
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




"D.W. and the Beastly Birthday."

(kids cheering)

Happy birthday, D.W.!

Happy birthday, D.W.!

Happy birthday, D.W.!

(noisemaker honking)


(inhales deeply)






Hey, this isn't one
of those funny candles

that won't blow out, is it?

I hate those!

You just need to blow harder.

Like this.

(inhales deeply)

(blows raspberry)

So far, this birthday has been
a complete bust.

It started with the weather.

On a girl's fifth birthday,

it should be super sunny
with big puffy clouds.

♪ D.W.! ♪

But it seems Mr. Sun
didn't get the message.

(thunder rumbling)

And he wasn't the only one
not getting messages.

For weeks,
I've been dropping hints

about this toy
I really wanted.


It's Fluff McGuffin
the Magic Puffin!

You know he talks and helps
teach kids the alphabet?



There he is again!

And again!

D.W., you're blocking the TV.

Boy, that puffin
sure is cute.

And educational.

What was I supposed to do?

Shout at the top of my lungs,

"Buy me that puffin
for my birthday"?

Then it wouldn't be a surprise.


Is that it?

(balloon squeaking)

I mean, wow!

What great presents!


And then there's been
this party.

James and Amanda couldn't come
because they were sick,

and Emily just had to wear
a prettier dress.

Oh, Emily!

Don't you look

Is that a new dress?

Yes, Mrs. Read.

Marie-Helene bought it
for me in Paris.

Well, I have a tiara.

It'll match mine.


Mine's bigger.


So far, Bud has won
every single game,

like he usually does.


I win again!

Oh, come on.

Can't you lose just once?

It's my birthday.

I can't help it.

I was just born lucky.


And the Tibbles?

Well, they've just been
the Tibbles.

(piñata squeaking)

But I was sort of hoping they'd
be a little less Tibble-ish.

(piñata squeaking)

It's down,
it's down!

You can stop hitting!




And the cake was supposed to be
chocolate with vanilla icing,

but Dad thought I said vanilla
with chocolate icing.

I'm not hungry.

Things should be perfect
on your birthday!

Well, so far, it has been
the opposite of that.


What are we going
to play next?

Hide and seek!

Hide and seek?

Aw, that's a baby game.

It is not a baby game!

And if it was a baby game,
we're still playing it.

You know why?

Because it's my birthday,

and everyone has to do
what I say.

Are we clear?

Can I be "it"?

I'm a really good finder.

Sure, you can be "it."

But you're not finding me.

, , ...

Uh, what comes after ?



, .

Ready or not, here I come!

So that's been
my fifth birthday so far.

One gigantic flop.

Aw, I'm so sorry.

What about Arthur?

Where is he?

Don't even get me
started on him.

And the best part about this
trip to the planetarium

is that I get to miss
the party.

What party?

Is there a party?

Can I come?

Trust me, you wouldn't want
to go to this one.

Why not?

A party is a party.

This is D.W.'s
fifth birthday party.

You're missing your little
sister's birthday?

I could never do that.

Compsons don't miss birthdays.

That's the motto
on our family crest.

You have a family crest?

Well, no,
but if we did have one,

that's what it would be.

In Latin.

You don't understand.

D.W.'s parties are a complete
nightmare for me.

It's the one day where I have
to do everything she says.

Like last year, she made me get
on my hands and knees

and be a pony.

Faster, unicorny, faster!


Okay, stop by the castle.


What a terrible parking job.

Okay, Emily, it's your turn
to ride him.

(spits out bit)

No way!

I'm done!


Arthur's being mean to me
on my birthday.



No, I'm not!

My back just hurts!

Honey, it's one day.


This is so unfair.


If you give him a little tap
on the tuckus, he goes faster.



That does sound bad.

Still, you're going to do
something for her, right?

Of course.

I got her this card.

D.W. doesn't stand
for "David Winifred," does it?


No, it's "Dora."


Because this says,

"To the world's best
little brother."


I could've sworn that was
a little girl.

They all look like
mutants to me.

Didn't you even
open it up?

I was in a rush.

Well, I hope you at least
got her a good present.


Don't tell me you forgot.

It's okay.

I'll just pick up some chocolate
on the way home.

Okay, class, everyone come in
and take your seats.

D.W. loves chocolate.

It's her favorite thing
in the world.


You wouldn't last too long
in the Compson family.

What kind of animal is that
supposed to be anyway?

Um, maybe an aardvark?

What time is it?


A hair past three freckles.

Why hasn't anybody found me yet?

Do you think they've all
stopped looking?

No, you're just the world's
best hider, that's all.

You could open the present
I got you while you wait.

You got me a present?

Of course.

What are imaginary friends for?

And it's very, very special.

What is it?

A ticket to a beautiful
and mysterious island:


I've never been there,
but I hear it's wonderful.

I won it from Rumpelstiltskin
in Crazy Eights.

Wow, thanks!

How do I get there?

You just scratch off
that grey patch

and say the magic spell.


Hey, do you have a coin?

Let's go!

It's only a ticket for one.

I can't go with you.

And, well,
I should warn you:

the island gives you
whatever you want.

So? What's wrong with that?

I love getting what I want.

Well, sometimes what you want
turns out to be not so great.


It can't be any worse
than today.

All right, in just a minute,

you'll all be taking a trip
through the cosmos.

Mr. Ratburn!

Yes, Buster?

If we have to go
to the bathroom,

how do we stop the rocket?

There is no rocket, Buster.

You're going on a visual
and auditory tour.

It's a like a movie,
but more immersive.

Do we get popcorn?


Now just lean back,
look up at the stars,

and the show will begin shortly.

(cell phone ringing)


Oh, hello, Francis!

Just one minute.

How is Tanzania?


Oh, that's just

Well, we're
at the Planetarium.

It's Science Saturday...

I really should have gotten D.W.
a present.

I was going to do it yesterday,
but I just forgot.

If we go back in time,
I'll remind you.



You know, in a way,
time travel is possible.


Well, if you travel close
to the speed of light,

then time would slow down.

What was just
an hour for you

might have been years
and years on Earth.

See? I told you
you could change history.

Let's go back
and invent donuts.

We'll be millionaires!

I didn't say
anything like that.

(music begins)

I said...

Shh! It's starting!

The universe.

It is all that we know.

And yet, so much of it
is unknown.

Imagine you are traveling
through our solar system,

past Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,

Uranus, and Neptune.

Now you are leaving
the solar system

and entering our vast galaxy,
the Milky Way,

over billion stars.

Okay, there's the spell.

Now all you have to do
is recite it

and your adventure
will begin.

But I can't read.

Hold the ticket up
to your forehead

and close your eyes.

The words will come to you.

Hear what you want to hear.

See what you want to see.

Take me to the land
where imagination runs free.

We are approaching
Sagittarius A,

the supermassive black hole
at the center of our galaxy.

If we could travel inside it,

where would it take us?



Where am I?

A beach?

Big deal!

I've been to the beach before.

Ooh, a sailboat!

Now, that looks like fun.

(bird squawking)






Now we're cooking with gas!





Roller coaster!


That was great!


What's happening?!



Ah! A giant octopodi!



I had a nightmare
about this once!

Put me down!

It's my birthday.

I command you.

Wow, that wasn't so hard.

pick me up again.

Now carry me
over these big waves.

They're fun, but they make me
a little seasick.

To Ukubonga, and step on it!





Arthur, wake up!


Don't tell me
I missed the whole thing.

You missed something,

but I'm not sure
it was the show.

What happened?


This room looks
a little different.


My watch has stopped.

What's going on?

Mr. Ratburn
looks different.

No way!

Settle down, everyone,
settle down.

I have some interesting news
to report.

While you were watching
the show,

a small wormhole opened up
in the space-time continuum.


Did any worms get out?

No, but you were all sucked
into the wormhole

and transported
into the future.


How far into the future?

Exactly four years.

Although for you,
only an hour has elapsed.

You're still all
in third grade.

Four years?

No way!

The good news is

I'm giving you all an extra day
for your homework assignments

while you adjust
to your new time.

Enjoy the rest
of the weekend!


I can't believe
four years have gone by.

I know!

It explains why
I'm so hungry.

I see a few taller buildings
and an electric bus.

But actually,
not that much has changed.

What are you
talking about?

Look at the new phone!

He was just like,
"I am
so not into that!"

No way!

He said what?!


Ugh, mine is so
four years ago!

I wonder if my family
will recognize me.

Of course they will!

Remember, you haven't
changed at all.

The question is,
will you recognize them?

Hello? Anybody home?

Arthur's back!


Hey, D.W.!

Your hair's different.

I'm not D.W.!

I'm Kate!



It's because I'm wearing
this silly outfit, isn't it?

I have to wear all
her hand-me-downs!

You're home!


We missed you!

Good to have you back, son!

It's good to be back.

Where's D.W.?

She's out
with her friends.

It's her ninth birthday.


She's older than me?

Well, we're all
older, Arthur.


Hey, boy!

You're all grown up!

Come on!

I want to show you Dora's room
before she gets home.


When she turned six,

she decided she actually
likes the name.

Now she only wants
to be called that.

Dora would never let me go
in here alone,

but it's okay
because I'm with you.

This used to be my room.

Huh, I would have thought
there'd be more stuffed animals.

Well, don't tell her I told you,

but she still sleeps
with Uni sometimes.

And this is where she works.

Here, I'll pretend to be her.

(in deep voice):
"Get outta my room!

I'm doing my homework!"

Dora's always
doing homework.

It's so boring.

But now that you're back,
I'll have someone to play with.



That's the D.W. I remember.

Let's get out of here.

I don't want to get in trouble.

First we're going to play
Confuse the Moose,

then Tower of Tofu, then...

Thanks, Octopodi.

Here, you can have my tiara
for a tip.

(bells tinkling)


Anybody home?

(creatures roaring
and squawking)

Ooh, a little one!

Barely a snack.

And so unappealing!

I found her first,
so I get the first bite.


Who said "bite"?!


Wait! Stop!

I have a ticket!

Let me see that.

It's true!

She has the ticket!

She is the chosen one!

All hail queen...

What's your name?



Welcome to Ukubonga!




Well, that's more like it.

Now that you know who I am,
let's find out who you are.

What are your names?

I'm Bobblebay.

I'm Bobbleboo.

We're the Bobbles.


You two sort of remind me
of some people.

Do you like to shout?

No, I hate shouting.

I like being gentle
and quiet.

I can be quieter than you.

No, you can't.

Oh, yeah?

Watch me!



Told ya.

Who are you?


That's a nice hat.

You didn't win it
off some scrappy little kid

named Bud, did you?


I never win at anything.

This hat is part of my head.

Pull it.








I'm Filomena.


What are you wearing?


I picked them out myself.

Aren't they gorgeous?

Um, no.

It's true.

They're terrible.

You look like a chew toy.


I guess I just have
terrible taste.

All right, the introductions
are over.

What do we do now?

Whatever you want.

You're the queen.

Good point.

Okay, I say we have
a big party

with a feast!

Ooh, yeah!

A feast!

I love feasts!

And music!

Yeah, yeah!

Music! Music!

And dancing!

Dancing! Yay!

Dancing! Hooray!

Feast, music, dancing!

Feast, music, dancing!

Feast, music,


I win!

Let's play again.

We've already played
four times.


We'll play something else.

Boy, you get bored easily.

I know.

Let's play horsey.

Just put this in your mouth
and I'll ride you.

No way!

Did D.W. tell you to...


She discovered it
all on her own.


I mean, Dora.

My long-lost big brother!

Who is not
that big anymore.

Hi, shorty!


Cut it out.

You haven't
changed a bit.

You have.

Not really.

It's still
the same old me.

And I still want
my snowball back!

D.W., I told you once
and for all, I never...


I'm kidding.

I haven't thought about
that old thing in years.

Come on,
let's get a snack.

I'm starving.

Don't tell her that
I went into her room.

I heard that!

You'll pay later, Katie-bug!

So, um, how's school?

We're not in the same class,
are we?

I skipped a year,
so I'm a fourth grader.

But I had Mr. Ratburn
last year.

He gave so much homework.

I know, right?

I finally get why
you were always so crabby.

Was I always crabby?

No, I just mean,
you know, busy.

I'm sure
I didn't help either.

I bet I was even worse
than Kate.

You weren't so bad.

Oh, I almost forgot!

Happy birthday!

I was going to get you
a present, but...

Are you kidding?

Having you back is
the best present ever.

Hey, want to see
my favorite show?

Mary Moo Cow?

Don't be silly.

That's a baby show!

Although they did put a lot
of adult references in there.

No, this is my
favorite show.

Cyborg Cindy.

She's a teenage girl
who's part robot,

but no one knows
except her best friend.

It's a spin-off
from Bionic Bunny.

Want to watch?

Sure! Definitely!

Pretty cool, right?


This is really fun!

Welcome home.





♪ Make a silly face
with an upturned nose ♪

♪ Take a spin around
and then touch your toes ♪

♪ Everybody's doing
what you want them to ♪

♪ Now you're doing
the Big Beasty Boogaloo ♪


♪ Raise your pointy claws
high in the air ♪

♪ Roar like a lion
and stomp like a bear ♪

♪ Everyone is doing
what you want them to ♪

♪ Now you're doing
the Big Beasty Boogaloo ♪


♪ The boogaloo is something
that you can't contain ♪

♪ It makes you run around
like a runaway train ♪

♪ When the boogaloo takes you,
it just won't let go ♪

♪ Until you're jiggin' with the
rhythm of the boogaloo flow ♪

♪ Wag your little tail
like a happy dog ♪

♪ Stick out your tongue
like a hungry frog ♪

♪ Everyone is doing
what you want them to ♪

♪ Now you're doing
the Big Beasty Boogaloo ♪

Now in Ukubongan!

♪ Maka-laka-picky-ponga
doo-bah-yay ♪

♪ Ooka-taka-ticky-tocky
rah-rah-bay ♪

♪ Shicka-shocka-mookoo-maka
bingy-boo ♪

♪ Now you're doing
the Big Beasty Boogaloo! ♪

Can we stop doing
the Big Beasty Boogaloo?

Not until I tell you to!

♪ Boogaloo, Boogaloo ♪

♪ Boogaloo, Boogaloo! ♪


Now that's what I call a party!




Nice try.




I told you I was
a great finder.

Well, you haven't found
everyone yet.

Where's D.W.?

Listen up, I'm appointing
you all deputy-seekers.

I want every inch
of this house checked

and double-checked.

Now spread out!


Now, where would I be
if I were D.W.?



I lose again!

That makes wins for Queen
D.W. and zero wins for Muk.

Another round?

I'm feeling
unlucky again.


That's enough Ukubonga marbles
for a while.

You guys can take a break.

What should we do now?

Ideas, please.

I could make you
an anything-pie?

It'll taste like
anything you want.

Not hungry.

I could make you a ball gown
from the feathers

of the rare and beautiful
Knuck-knuck bird.

This robe is fine.

Plus, that doesn't sound

very nice
for the Knuck-knuck bird.


We could play
capture the flag.

Oh wait,

we don't have
enough monsters.


Muk! Shh!

Don't tell her!

Don't tell me what?

There's one more monster
on the island.

The Ruthra.

But you don't want

to play with him.

He's very disobedient.

And big and mean.

And disobedient.

I said that already.

I said it better.


I'd like to meet this Ruthra.

Bring him to me.

We can't.

Didn't you hear the part
about him being big, mean

and disobedient?

The Ruthra bows down
to no one.

Well, I'm the queen
of this island

and everyone has
to bow down to me.

No exceptions!


Yes, my queen!

Yes, my queen!


Now if this Ruthra won't come
when he's called,

we'll just go get him
and drag him back here.

Prepare the expedition!




How long have you
been staring at me?

I don't know,
I can't tell time.

Boy, you sure sleep a lot.

I've been up for hours.

So, what are we going to play?

I don't know.


I haven't even
had breakfast yet.

(oven dings)

Already thought of that.

Here you go.


What's that?

A muffin with fruit

and bits of egg smushed into it.

It's a complete breakfast.

Down the hatch.

Um, I think I'll just
have cereal.

(Buster laughing)

Is Buster here?

You mean that dopey kid
with long ears?


But you said you'd
play with me today.

I will. Later.

The best part
about the future

is so many of my
predictions have come true.

Like these bacon-'n'-egg
breakfast dumplings.

I thought of that years ago.

(D.W. laughing)

How come you never told me

Buster was a genius?

Um, because he isn't?

Arthur, have
a breakfast dumpling.

Remember when I tried
to invent one?


I remember why I stopped you.

Hey, want to go bowling today?



That's so retro.

Want to come, Dora?


I'm going to the
Hover Park with Bud.

Hover Park?

What's that?

Can we come?

Buster, it's probably
some little kid thing.

Little kid thing?

I don't think so.

It's easy!

Keep your arms tucked in
and lean in the direction

you want to go.



D.W., are you okay?


(gasping, exclaiming)

(machine whirring)






(whooping, exclaiming)

This is awesome!

Watch out!




I'm flying!

This is great!




(machine stops whirring)

That was amazing!

Let's do it again.

I'd love to, but I have
a ton of homework.

Oh, come on, can't it wait,

I meant, Dora.

Just one more time.


Sorry, Arthur.

Here, you can use

my hover pass.

You and Buster
have a good time.

You guys are
leaving, too?

Bud's taking me to meet
some of his other friends.

Just promise me you won't
tell any goofy stories

about me as a kid.

Like the time you got your head
stuck in a traffic cone?


Oh, don't worry,
Butter Brains.

Your secrets are
safe with me.

Let's start it up again.

It's great that
she gave us her pass.


You know, I never
realized it,

but your sister's
really fun.

Why did we never hang out
years ago?

Because she was so...

You remember what she was like.

Actually, I don't.

I just remember you always
trying to get away from her.

(machine beeps, starts whirring)

Blast off!

(birds chirping)

(Ruthra roaring)

I've spotted him!

Help me, Botanic Bogey!

Save me from
the squid monster!


He doesn't look so mean.

But he is big.

Okay, I'm going to go
talk to him.

Get Plan B ready,
just in case.

(laughing, growling)



Who are you?

D.W. Read,
queen of this island.

(loud stomping)

Says who?

Says me!

And this ticket.


You have the ticket.

Haven't seen one of these
in a while.

Okay, you're the queen,
big deal.

So what?

So... you have
to bow down to me.




Oh, come on.

Just one little bow?

Then we'll go to the beach,
have a feast, play some games.

Between you and me...

I'm getting a little bored
of the others.

Knit one, purl two.

Ooh, nice mud pie,

Have some.

They do seem a little boring.

But Ruthra bows to no one!


Have it your way.

Plan B, everyone!

Plan B!



(loud thud)

You are going
to bow down to me,

and then we are going
to have fun,

whether you like it or not.


I think that was the most
fun I've ever had.

I know!

Let's go to the hover park
every weekend.

See you in
school tomorrow.


(D.W. and Vicita laughing)


I thought you had
a ton of homework.

I do. Why?

I saw you over at the Molinas.

Oh, I was just
helping Vicita with something.

Hey, Cyborg Cyndi's on now.

Want to watch it together?

Sorry, gotta hit
the books.

Professor Entropy,

it's time for you
to be schooled!

You, school me?

I taught you everything
you know!


(loud action sound effects)


Hey! Need something?

Want some help
with your homework?

Help with my homework?

I'm a grade ahead of you,

Oh, right.

Could you turn
the TV down?


See what I mean?

Homework, homework,

It's all she ever
talks about.

Hey, want to watch
Dr. Quackers
with me?

What's that?

He's a duck, and a doctor.

He sings songs about numbers,
and colors and being nice.

Um... maybe later.

Oh, come on, please!

He teaches you a new dance
every show.

You're just like Dora.

No one ever wants

to spend any time
with me.

Why won't you
pay attention to me?

I'm busy.

No, you're not.

You're just standing there.

I'm busy ignoring you.

Look, I had Bobblebay
make you an anything-cake.

It can taste like
anything you want.


What are you tasting?

Not telling.

Hey, you dropped a piece.


Right there.

Ha ha!
Made you bow.


Just for that, you have
to listen to more music.

Knuck-knuck bird!

♪ Let's all count to one,
let's all count to one ♪

♪ Ready set... ♪


♪ Counting up to one ♪

(Ruthra howling)

♪ Let's all count to one,
let's all count to one... ♪

I told you,
that Ruthra is no good!

What kind of monster
doesn't bow to his queen?

We should throw him
in the volcano.

Yeah, yeah!

Great idea!

Throw him in the volcano.

In the volcano!


No one is going to lay
a finger on him.

Ruthra may be mean, grumpy
and a stick in the mud,

but he's interesting.

But he doesn't
worship you.

I know.

That's what makes him

You four are just
a bunch of yes-monsters.

Yes, my queen.

Yes, my queen.


They're hopeless.

(scepter clanging)

♪ Let's all count to one,
let's all count to one ♪


♪ Ready, set, one ♪

♪ Counting up to one ♪

Okay, you can stop now.

Be gone!

Oh, that's better!

But whatever you want me to do,
I'm not doing it.

Fine, I don't care.

I just wanted to get away
from them for a while.

Always getting your way
can be pretty exhausting.

I know.

You do?

Once, I was the king
of Ukubonga...

It was my fifth birthday and
everything was going wrong.

At one point,
I ran away from my own party

and hid from everyone else.

That's when I was given
the ticket.

At first I loved the island.

Finally, I was getting
everything I wanted.

It was the best party ever.

Then one day,
I realized I was bored.

Life was just too easy.

So I quit being the king
and left.

I went to the middle of the
island, where I lived alone.

I grew bigger and meaner.

And lonelier.

But why didn't you just leave
Ukubonga and go back home?

You can't leave.

The island won't let you.

Once you're here,

you're here forever.


I am not staying here!

I'm going home.

And I'm going
to take you with me.

Here's what
we're going to do...

(indistinct whispering)

(Tibbles laughing)


Do it again!


Hey, Dora,
can I come in?


What are you doing?

Just talking
with the Tibbles.

They're doing
a semester in space.

Hey, guys, say hi to Arthur.


Welcome back!

Wanna see me eat peas?


That was mine!


It was from my package!


Give it!

Let go!

The reception is
a little spotty.

What's up?

Um, well, I just wanted to...

Apologize for what?

For not being
the best older brother.

I ignored you a lot.

I didn't want to spend time
with you,

just because
you were younger

and, well,
now I wish I had.

It's okay.

I would have been
the exact same way.

Don't worry about it.


Wow, thanks... Dora.

So, want to hang out
after school tomorrow?

Hey, Dora!

Are you there?

Tommy's about to eat soup!

Just a minute, Timmy.

Um, tomorrow's not so good.

But later.

Definitely later.

I'd ask you

if you'd like to have tea
with me,

but I already know
what the answer would be.

Hey, is that
Fluff McGuffin?

Yes. As if you cared.

That's what Dora really
wanted for her birthday.

Back when she was
still a kid.

I kind of miss her.

Two lumps.

No cream.

(crickets chirping)



Quickly! To the boat!

But won't they see
that you've gone?

I created a diversion.



What have I done?!

My queen!


Bobblebay, Bobbleboo,


Come quick!

(all growl)



They're getting away!

Stop them!




They're going to break the boat!

Not if I can help it!





I won't leave you behind!

(loud thud)


Go back while you still can!

Oh, Ruthra!

(Ruthra roaring in the distance)

And then the Lady said
to Mr. Worthing,

"To lose one
teddy bear is very sad.


"But to lose both

is simply careless."

What on earth do you think
that means, Mr. McGuffin?

(Ruthra's roars echoing)

Arthur, wake up!


You slept through
the whole thing.

What time is it?

Did we go through
a wormhole?

A worm hole?

I don't think I'd fit
in a worm hole.

Maybe a rabbit hole.

Hey, Muffy, can I see
the date on your phone?



It's the present!


What other time
would it be?

You're coming to
my party, right?

What party?

I emailed you
about it.

Everyone's invited
to my house as a reward

for doing something
science-y on the weekend.

There'll be pizza,

I can't.

It's D.W.'s birthday.


Didn't she just have one,
like, a year ago?

Remember to buy
her a present!


Wait, wait!

I have to get something!


We're closed.

Come back tomorrow.

Tomorrow is too late!

It's my sister's birthday

and I really have
to get her a present.

What about chocolate?





How was the vacation?

Well, you know
what they say:

the best part about going
on a trip is coming home.

Did Bud find me?

Not yet.


But it's probably
been hours and hours!

Like I said, you're
a really good hider.

I'm not that good.

I bet they all just
stopped looking.

Maybe you should just call it
quits and join the others.

I want to be found.

If they care enough,
they'll find me.


Where is she?

Maybe we should stop.

Hide-n-seek is giving me
a tummy ache.

You know, sometimes
the best way

to find something is
to just stop looking.


I'm here!

I made it!


Where's D.W.?

We're looking for her.


You look like you're
just laying around.

We were playing hide-n-seek
and Bud couldn't find her,

so we're hoping she'll just...

turn up.



You smell.

It comes with the job, sir.



You found me!

This is where I used to hide
when I was a kid.

I haven't been in here in ages.

Come on in.


How's the party?

Okay, I guess.

It's better now.

Oh, I got you a present.


It's Fluff McGuffin
the Magic Puffin!

How did you know?

You've only been
talking about it nonstop

for the last three weeks.

Where's my card?



That's a little boy

on the cover.

I know, I know,

I was in a rush.

Too much of a rush
to remember you were buying

a card for your
little sister?!

I made a mistake, okay?

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

At least they're
cute little llamas.


I thought they were

No, no, they're
definitely llamas.

Happy birthday, D.W.

One more thing:

I know I don't
say it a lot

but, well...
I like you.

And not just 'cause
you're my sister.

I like you, too.

Even if you are a terrible
birthday card picker.


Want to come out now?

Let's stay here
just a tiny bit longer.

Could you move over?

I don't have enough room.

There's plenty of room!

You should eat less.


Want to learn
the Beastie Boogaloo Song?

Um... do I have to?


It's my birthday!

Fine, fine,
whatever you want, Dora.

What did you call me?!

Sorry, sorry, okay,
teach me the song.

We'll do it in
Ukubongan first.


No way!

I'm not saying...

Arthur, it's my birthday!

(Arthur sighing)


♪ Maka-laka-picky-
ponga-doo-bah-yay ♪

♪ Ooka-taka-tiki-taka-rara-bay ♪

♪ Shicka-shocka-mookoo-
maka-bingy-boo ♪

♪ Now you're doing
the Big Beastie Boogaloo ♪

Can we stop doing
the Big Beastie Boogaloo?

Not until I tell you to.

♪ Boogaloo, boogaloo,
boogaloo, boogaloo ♪


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