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23x01 - Fright Night/Citizen Cheikh

Posted: 07/03/22 06:40
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




♪ ♪

(thunder rumbling)

According to legend,

when the full moon is out,

some people undergo
a mysterious transformation.


You don't expect us
to believe that.

They grow fur and claws
and fangs,

and they stalk the night,
looking for prey.

Aw, come on.

You scoff,
but this is the story

of the time I encountered...

(thunder rumbles)

a lycanbunny

and lived to tell the tale.

(dog howling, D.W. and Bud gasp)


Pal, be quiet.

He's telling a story.

(thunder rumbling, Pal whimpers)

"Fright Night."

♪ ♪

Thank you so much
for babysitting, Bob.


(engine starts, car door shuts)

But I'm almost nine.

Help Uncle Bob with the dishes,

brush your teeth really well,

and don't eat
all the ice cream.

Have a good time
at the conference, sis.

Bye, Mom!

Love you!

So what kind of ice cream
do you have?

♪ ♪

That was so much fun.

I've never made
an ice cream volcano before.

Best-tasting lava
you'll ever slurp.

Hey, check out the moon.

It's almost full.


I've never seen it
so bright.

I have.


A long time ago.

It's really a peculiar story.

What happened?

Your mom and I were just
a little older

than you are now.

Our family had rented a cabin
on a lake in the woods.

We were awake one night,
feeling restless...

maybe because of that moon.

Then we heard
a terrifying sound.


It made us shiver
like an icy winter wind.

Let's go back to bed.

Let's go look outside.

(door opens)

(rustling in bushes)


♪ ♪

Paw prints.

(both gasp)

♪ ♪

The next day we went to get
some ice pops at the store.

We were still haunted
by that eerie howling.

What do you think made
that noise last night?

Some kind of animal.

It left
that giant paw print.

You might have heard
the lycanbunny.

The what?

A lycanbunny is a kind of
wolf-like rabbit creature.

When the moon is full,

some people turn
into lycanbunnies.

Or so they say.

They grow claws and fur
and sharp, pointy fangs.

(both gasp)

That night we stayed up again,

half-fascinated, half-terrified.

Maybe he was making it up
just to scare us.

Sometimes people
just tell stories.

Then we heard something.

(door opening)

(floor boards creaking)

(both screaming)


Your grandpa opened the door

And what?

It was a raccoon.

Aw, just a raccoon?

(raccoon screeching)

But someone-- or something--

had made that raccoon so scared,

he was desperate to get inside.

I can't believe
Mom never told me about this.

So then what happened?

Part Two tomorrow.

Stay tuned, kiddo.

Aw, I have to wait?

♪ ♪

It's called a lycanbunny.

And they actually heard one

And saw its footprints.

Buster, your uncle is
just making up stories.

That's what I thought--

at first.

(basketball bouncing)

But check this out.

I found it in my mom's office.

"The Encyclopedia
of Creatures of the Dark"

by Beatrex Trobb.

There's a whole chapter
on lycanbunnies.

They come out
when the moon is full

and look for prey.


There was a sighting in

in a little French village.

(basketball bouncing)

And in Japan in ,
they almost captured one.

Maybe not everything
in this book is true.

It's an encyclopedia, Arthur.

Trust me, lycanbunnies are real.

Did your uncle actually
see one?

Part Two is tonight.

I'll let you know.

You mother and I wondered,

what happened to this creature
during the day?

Maybe it was an ordinary person,

just waiting for the full moon
to transform.

Didn't sleep too well
with that bright moonlight.

Tossed and turned.

I just wasn't myself...

(both gasping)

Hey, you kids want to buy
some ice-pops or something?

(Bob and Mitzi screaming)

(both panting)

That's him!

He's the lycanbunny.

And tonight
it's a full moon again.

(sign buzzing, both gasping)


the thrilling conclusion.


I have to wait again?

Stay tuned, kiddo.

Hey, do you have a nail clipper
I can borrow?

A nail clipper?

I forgot to pack one.

Oh, it's okay,
I'll rummage around.

♪ ♪


(shaver buzzing)

(door closes)


Your Uncle Bob is a lycanbunny?

My theory is that he was
scratched by one as a kid,

and now he's become one.

The encyclopedia says
that can happen.

It seems kind of unlikely.


When's the full moon?

What if he turns
into a lycanbunny

while he's at my house?

Well, it says here

there are ways of warding off

Like what?

Whatever it is, we got to do it.

♪ ♪

Mulberry branches?

The book said
no lycanbunny will harm you

if you sleep in a bed made
from the mulberry tree.

Silver will return a lycanbunny
to its normal daytime form.

I'll just take the spoons.

We need the forks and knives
to eat dinner.

And we need garlic.

Lycanbunnies won't go
near garlic.


Now we set our trap.

I coated this cardboard
with slime.

When the lycanbunny comes in,
he'll slip and fall down.

Then we pull this rope,

trapping him
underneath this basket.

And then we rub him
with the silver spoons

to turn him back.


Now let's put out the garlic
and the mulberry wood.

♪ ♪

I hope these branches aren't
too uncomfortable to sleep on.

Better safe than sorry.

Okay, let's go hear the ending
of the story--

before the full moon comes out.


Don't step in the slime.

♪ ♪

Thanks for letting Arthur
sleep over, Uncle Bob.


Now he can hear the end
of the lycanbunny story too.

Did it attack you?

You got to hear the story,

Now, your mom and I were hot
on the creature's trail.

(owl hooting)

We were scared,

but we were determined
to find out the truth.

Was there really such a thing

as a lycanbunny?

Or was it just an old legend?




It was time to discover
the truth.

We'd heard it howl,
we'd seen its footprints.

The moon was shining bright
and full,

just like it is right now.


The moon's full now?


Full moon!
Full moon!

Run away!


slow down, kiddo.

♪ ♪

(Arthur screams)

Let me out!

The lycanbunny's going
to get me!

What's gotten into you guys

You're not a lycanbunny?

Me, a lycanbunny?

What are all these sticks
and vegetables doing here?

Uh, that's mulberry wood
and garlic.

To ward off the, um...

Ah, I see
you've been consulting

"The Encyclopedia
of Creatures of the Dark."

You know about this book?

Know about it?

I wrote it.

Rearrange the letters
of Beatrex Trobb,

and you get...

Robert Baxter.

You're a writer?

I thought you worked
for an engineering company.

I moonlight.

Huh? Moonlight?

It means work a second job.

For my second job,
I write scary stories.

So you made up the lycanbunny?

What about the summer
at the lake, then?

Did you make all that up too?

When you tell stories,

you draw on real life.

That makes a story feel real.

So, yes, your mom and I really
spent a summer by a lake.

I knew it!

(sticks crack, both gasp)

But you also use
your imagination

to make the stories
more exciting.

It's a combination.

So what really happened, then?

Was there a lycanbunny or not?

We have to know the truth!

you have to finish the story.

All right, kiddos.

Here's the truth...

So it was finally time
to find out once and for all

about the lycanbunny...

It turned out,
it wasn't a lycanbunny at all.

It wasn't?

It was a space alien.

A shape-shifting space alien
with giant claws.

The moonlight was really
the lights of its ship,

and the howl was
the sound of its engine.

(both gasp)

Buster, that's not
what your uncle said at all.

You're making stuff up.

Just doing
what Uncle Bob taught me

about telling a good story.

Tell us what really happened.

Part Two tomorrow.

Stay tuned, kiddos!

(thunder rumbling

♪ ♪

And now, a word from us kids.

Uncle Bob made up
his fantastical creature.

We decided that we should make
our own fantastical creatures.

A fuddy-bar-ding-dong dragon.

A bunny bird.

Half crocodile and half dragon.

A peag is a mix
of a dog and a peacock.

First we drew a picture

of what we wanted
our animal to look like.

Then we picked out materials
from the recycling.

And then we were actually,
like, making it D.

We painted it the colors
that we wanted to.

And we have stories
about our creatures too.

My creature's name is Savrio.

It's a combination
of different animals.

It can swim as fast
as a cheetah can run.

It is the last of its kind.

We should protect it,
because it's magical.

My fantastical creature is
called a unidragon.

She lives on a planet
called Pixie,

and she has a sister named

And she can magically fly
through the air.

It's a spider and a bat

It lives on Pluto.

And this is a funny thing.

It lives in the water.

My creature is named the Dogon.

It's half dog, half dragon.

The Dogon can pick people up
on its back and carry them.

Kind of a fantastical
transportation creature.

It's called a narspurt.

It can breathe out fire,

and it can hold its breath
underwater for a long time.

Hi, Wally.

Hi, Luna.


Bow, bow, bow.

I really like doing things
from my imagination,

because there's no rules.

And now, back to "Arthur"!


I've never been on this level

Hmm, wonder what's
in this urn.

No way!

golden scarabs!


Don't you just love surprises?

Surprises are the best.

Well... most of the time.


I have how many cavities?

Aw, man.

If all goes according to plan,

this should be the best-tasting
lemonade ever.

(fizzing, exploding)

Or not.

That's why they're surprises,

'cause you never see them

They just pop out of the blue...





I was just letting you know
dinner is ready.



Not the kind of surprise
I wanted.

I did it.

I opened the tomb
to King Moosiris.



"Citizen Cheikh."


♪ ♪

What you got?

Cheese sticks, apple,
box of raisins.


Sweet pickles,
sour pickles,

in-between pickles.

Hey, Cheikh.

Want to trade something

for one of those crispy,
delicious pies

from Senegal?

You mean fatayas?

Yeah, yeah, that.

(mouth full):

My mom only packed me one today.

Doesn't she usually
give you three?

Yeah, but she and my dad have
been busy studying

for some big test,
and she forgot.

I get it.

Once when Arthur was studying
for a test,

he put his sneakers
in the refrigerator.


When will somebody invent
a juice box

that doesn't squirt?

And then,
the Leaping Lion leaps!


And pins Dinoman!

Leaping Lion is the champ!


How many times
can he be champ?

A million-billion,
if he wanted to.

The Leaping Lion is the
best wrestler in all of Senegal.

Maybe all of Africa.


You sound like Binky.

He loves wrestling.

Can we play
your djembe drums?


(playing djembe)

Sorry, you two.

Can you please play
a little more quietly?

We're trying to study.

Okay, Yaay.


That's what I call my mom,

Okay, ready?

We'll play as quietly
as we can.

(both tapping softly)

It's not as fun when
you can't even hear them.

I know.

I hope this test
is over soon.



we have a wonderful surprise.

Your father and I passed
our citizenship test

and interview.

It's been a long process.

But now we're all going to be
American citizens.

We are?

Yes; we'll be sworn in

at the naturalization
ceremony soon.

We will?

Congratulations, Cheikh.

That's great news.

It is?

Ice cream sundaes all around.

♪ ♪

American citizen?

What does that mean?

Do I have to give up
all my things from Senegal?

Beats me.

What about my djembe drums?

Will I have to give up

I hope not.

I love those drums.

What about fatayas?

They go so well with my pickles.

I love fatayas
even more than your drums.

Maybe there's a special rule
that lets you keep those?

Are you American citizens?

Of course.

I think so.

we're American citizens.

But I didn't any test.

Did you?

And are you sure you passed?

If you're born
in the United States,

you're automatically
an American citizen.

You don't have to pass a test.

What do you get
if you're an American citizen?

You get to vote when you're .


("Hail to the Chief" playing)


D.W. for president!

I like that.

You also get to eat
stars-and-stripes stew.

What's that?

You've never had
stars-and-stripes stew?

Ha! My mom and I eat it
every fourth of July.

Doesn't everyone?

What's in it?

Tomatoes, mashed potatoes,
and blueberries.

To me,

it's what America tastes like.


Hey, don't knock it
till you try it.


♪ ♪


(doorbell rings)

Did you bring
the mashed potatoes?


What is it?

Stars-and-stripes stew.

Buster said
it's what America tastes like.

Have you tried it?

Not yet.

Bud, you go first.

Why me?

Because they're
your mashed potatoes.

Well, they're your tomatoes
and blueberries.

Let's just try it
all at the same time.

♪ ♪

Hmm, America tastes sweet...

and gloopy.

It's actually better
than I thought.



I'll take fatayas
over that any day.

I don't really
like it either.

Yeah, the second bite
wasn't as good.

Do you think
if we don't like it,

we're bad at citizens?


♪ ♪

Hey, Cheikh,

Arthur said you're becoming
a U.S. citizen.

Yes, pretty soon.

Welcome to
the Uncle Slam Fan Club.

He's the best wrestler
in the whole universe.

Um, well...

You can have this.

It's too small on me.

Uh, thanks, Binky.

♪ ♪

Uncle Slam, all the way,

But what about
the Leaping Lion?

Maybe you can root for
two wrestlers at the same time.

Not really.

I guess I'll have to switch
to Uncle Slam.

Do all American citizens have
to root for Uncle Slam?

I don't even like

♪ ♪

Tomorrow's the big day.

We're going to the
naturalization ceremony

to be sworn in.

So that's it,

I'll be an American citizen.


Isn't it wonderful?

Night, Cheikh.

Love you.

Night, Yaay.

I mean, Mom.

children gasping)

Cheikh, aren't those fatayas?


(all clicking tongues)


Your dashiki is showing.

Oh, no!

(clicking tongues)


Is that...
the Leaping Lion?


I thought you were joining
my fan club!


I was going to.

I promise.


Cheikh thinks Uncle Slam
isn't worthy.

You are.

Don't cry.



♪ ♪

I'm really sorry,
Leaping Lion.

I have to replace you.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Are you sure
that's the one you want?


Hey, Cheikh,

there's some new Leaping Lion
action figures

over here.


♪ ♪

Why do I have to be
an American citizen?


I'm not old enough to vote,

I don't like stars-and-stripes

and I'm not a fan of Uncle Slam.

What's stars-and-stripes

Trust me,
you don't want to know.

Why do you think you have
to like those things?

Because I'm going to be
an American citizen.

So I have to give up
my favorite things from Senegal

and just like American things.

No, you don't.


America is made up
of all different cultures.

It's like these
Autobionica Toys.


See, they're all
completely unique cars.

But you can fit them together...

They're still different, right?

But they also make
one cool robot.

You father and I want
to become citizens

because it will give us--
and you-- more opportunities.

But we still love being
from Senegal.

You'll still make fatayas?

And I can still call you Yaay?

Of course, my love.

Can I have this instead?

♪ ♪

Raise your right hand
and repeat after me.

...that I will support
and defend

the Constitution...

and laws of the United States
of America.

to our newest citizens.


♪ ♪

(applause continues)

♪ ♪

I thought we were going home,

We have a surprise for you.

♪ ♪

Congratulations, Cheikh!

Woohoo! Yay!

Fatayas for everyone.

(kids cheering)

And a little music too.

My drums!


(kids laughing, cheering,
drum playing)

Want a fataya, Bud?

No thanks.

I have a tummy ache

from eating stars-and-stripes
stew all week.


Guess I'm just not
a good American citizen.

Sure you are.

Being an American

means we're free not to like
whatever we want.


You couldn't have told us that

♪ ♪

To watch more "Arthur"

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find "Arthur" books

and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.

♪ ♪