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20x07 - The Hallway Minotaur/Ladonna's Like List

Posted: 07/03/22 06:29
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




Did you hear about Mr. Haney?

While we were away on break,

he moved without even
saying goodbye.

I heard that's because

after being a principal
for so long,

he took a vow of silence.

(phone ringing)


I heard Mr. Haney
couldn't say goodbye

because his new home
is in space.

(unintelligible voice
on phone)

It's for Cosmonaut Haney.

Well, I heard Mr. Haney

couldn't say goodbye
because he got in trouble.

That's the principal
who took my lollipop, officer!

George, how come
you always think

someone's gonna get
in trouble?

'Cause I spend all my time
trying to keep out of trouble.

I never want
to hear the words...

George Lundgren

to the principal's office

"The Hallway Minotaur."

Miss Tingley, I swear,

I had nothing to do
with Mr. Haney's disappearance!

Oh, I know, George.

Mr. Haney left
to fulfill his dream

of helping build a school
in Tanzania.

George, you're here

because you're the only student
in Lakewood

who has never gotten in trouble.

I think you and I
care about something

Mr. Haney never understood.


The rules, George.

The rules.

You know what I see out there,

school rules
being broken.

That's why, as Lakewood's
new temporary principal,

I'm appointing you
hallway monitor.


No running,
No littering.

No being in the halls
after the bell rings

without a pass.

I'm counting on you,

But... no one
listens to me.


Excuse me!


You can't do that!

Okay, Arthur,

last one to music class is
a rotten liverwurst sandwich!

Nice hat, George.

Could this wait?

We're in the middle
of running in the halls.

That's just it.

You can't run in the halls.

I'm the new
hallway monitor.


Good one, George!

See you later!




Binky, could you pick that up
off the floor?


What did you just say to me?

(bell rings)

Maybe I should
start smaller.

Little girl,
the bell rang.

Where's your hall pass?

What did you just say to me?

Oh, not again!


You're supposed to have
the head of a bull

and guard a big maze.

That's a minotaur, Wally.

From Greek mythology.

I'm a hallway monitor.

I gotta guard a hall

from a bunch of elementary
school kids.

That's even worse.

Yeah, and if I don't get them
to listen to me soon,

I bet I'll get in trouble
with Miss Tingley.

Boy, those sound like
pretty bad consequences.


That's just what I need.

Wally, for a dummy,
you're a genius.

Aw, thanks, pal.

You put the words
right in my mouth.

Last one to gym is
day-old school lasagna!

Ready, set...


George, you already played
this gag on us yesterday.

Yeah, that cap is old hat.

It's no gag.

If you two run in this hallway,
you'll suffer the consequences.


What consequences?

I'll give you both a point.


A point?!

Ooh, I'm shaking
in my sneakers!

C'mon, Arthur!

One point each
for Arthur and Buster

for running in the halls.

What just happened?

Another point each
for running in the halls.

(nervous laughter)

Arthur, we have
two points.

Three points
and you get a demerit.

A demerit?

That sounds bad.

After three demerits,
you go on my list.

George, please don't put me
on your list!

Yeah, I'm too young
to be on the list!

We're not running.

I'm crawling.

I did it!

I mean...

Look out, Lakewood.

There's a new Monitor in town.


(clears throat)

(bell ringing)

George Lundgren

to the principal's office

You've been doing well, George.


I even got Binky
to pick up his wrapper.

That's why I think
you're ready

for the Complete
Student Rule Book.

There's a Complete
Student Rule Book?

I wrote it myself
over a holiday weekend.

Mr. Haney said
it was too intense,

but I think you're up to it.

What do you say?

I made Binky Barnes
pick up his trash.

I can do anything.

I finally got an email back
from Mr. Haney.

It turns out the village he's in
has bad reception,

but he'll be
in the city tomorrow.

I can teleconference him in

so he can say goodbye
to the whole school.

What's this for?

Speaking too loudly
in the cafeteria.

It's rule number .

And you've broken rule :

"No taking more than
one fruit per lunch."

I traded my pudding
to Ladonna.

Rule : "No trading."

One point to each of you.

No way!

Rule :
"You shall not spit food."

Two more points.

I didn't mean to!

You did it again-- demerit.

George, I think you're getting
a little carried away.

Actually, you're getting
carried away, Arthur.

You went into the kitchen
through the out door--

Rule .

I went back because
I forgot my change.

And I let you cut in line!

George, this isn't

your jurisdiction.

We're not even in the hallway.

There are no boundaries
for justice.



No talking back
to the hall monitor.

Now you've made
my list, Brain.



You can't do this!


You're out of control!



(bell rings)

One point for George
for losing all his friends.

(loud snorting and panting)




What have I become?




Lakewood, you've all been
so well-behaved,

we have a surprise:

a televised goodbye
from Mr. Haney in Africa.

Please proceed
to the auditorium

in an orderly fashion.

Hey, guys.

Sorry if I went
a little over...

I didn't litter, I swear!

Hi, Brain.

You afraid of me too?

No, because I'm walking
very slowly.

And everyone's going
to suffer because of it.


Because if I don't get
the HDMI cable for the TV

in the next two minutes,
we'll all miss Mr. Haney's call.

But the computer room
is all the way

on the other side
of the school.

Shouldn't you move
more quickly?

No way am I getting
another demerit.

Come on, Brain!



I've got college applications
to think about.

That's it.

This has got to stop.


Did I just see
a student running?




You did it!


(kids cheering)

I'm sorry, Miss Tingley,
but I wanted to make sure

everyone got to say goodbye
to Mr. Haney.

Yes, well, that's nice,

but the rules are still
the rules, and... and...

(kids laughing)


Listen, why don't we go
say goodbye to Mr. Haney

and talk about this later?

To think Mr. Haney is helping
build a school in Africa.

If it wasn't for George,

none of us would have
been able to see him.


Thank you, George.

I especially liked
when Mr. Haney said

he was glad he didn't get
so caught up in enforcing rules

that he missed out
on what was important in life.

Does that mean

I'm not in trouble anymore?

I suppose.

Why don't we do away
with the position

of hallway monitor?

And maybe I'll even retire
my old rule book.

Who cares if a few rules
get broken now and then?

Not us!

And now a word from us kids!

George had the job
of hallway monitor.

We have jobs too.

Can I have my calendar helper

please come on up?

Today, my job is
the calendar helper.

I like this job because
you get to go on the Smartboard.

Today's date is May .

It is important because
you wouldn't know what day it is

if there wasn't
any calendar helper.

I am the weather reporter.

It's cloudy.

The temperature is
degrees Fahrenheit.

I tell the weather to the class.

Thano, what was our
temperature today?

degrees Fahrenheit.

It's important.

Today, I am
the pencil sharpener.

If the pencils aren't sharp,
we can't do our work.

We need to draw and write.

This is perfect
and this is sharp.

Jobs can be important

because there's only one teacher
and, like, kids.

I'm doing the job
of the gardener,

and what I do is
I water all the plants,

and you have to be able
to notice things.

I noticed that Rosalind's
cucumber is growing.

We are lunch helpers,

and we take out the lunch cart
from the coat room.

We need to eat
because it helps our body grow.

It looks like she's writing.

I hope she'll call me
to do a messenger job.

Kershaw, come here, please.

Today, my job is
being a messenger.

Kershaw, can you please
go next door

and deliver this note
to Miss Berube?

It's important
for communication.

Thank you very much.

It takes a lot of responsibility
to do the job.

Not only does the teacher
appreciate it,

but you appreciate
that you can help.

And now back to Arthur!

Do you ever wonder if people
are thinking about you?

Like right now,

I wonder if Francine
is thinking about me.

That Arthur.

What a great friend.

If only everyone were like him.

Hey, what were you
just thinking?


I was just wondering

if we were having
meatloaf for lunch.


Or maybe it's chili?

What about Buster?

I bet he's thinking
about me.

Arthur's the best.

Such a great guy.

Hey, Arthur, guess what?


It's meatloaf day!

My school lunch almanac
never lies.

Oh well.

Maybe we think too much

about what people think
about us anyway.

Hey, I was just
thinking about you!

You were?


I was thinking,
"What does Arthur think of me?

"Am I good friend?

Do I talk too much
and don't listen enough?"

Do you think that's true?

You can be honest.

I think we're having
meatloaf for lunch.

Bye, DW!

Bye, Arthur!

Lucky they're our

neighbors, huh?


It's nice living in a place
where everyone likes me.

Well, not everyone.

What do you mean,
"not everyone"?

Nobody's liked
by everyone.

Not even me.

And I'm adorable.

Well, everyone in my class
likes me.

I'll prove it to you.

This is Ladonna Compson's
"Like List."

What's a like list?

Whenever someone on the list
does something

that proves they like me,
I'll check off their names.

Is my name on there?

You're family.

You have to like me.

That's true.

Even though your feet stink.

Do not!

You'll see.

This list will be all checks
in no time.

Is that Loki Benediktssen
and the Teenage Aesir?

I love that book!

Me too!

This is my second time
reading it.

What did you think
of the sequel?

There's a sequel?


And it's even better
than this one.

I'll lend it to you.

(bell ringing)

Fern Walters... check!


We'll be doing
group presentations

about the life cycle
of butterflies.

Everyone please find
a partner.

Hey, do you...

Hey, Ladonna!



Francine Frensky... check.

Wanna be partners?


Oh, that smells

My mom made Thai curry
last night.

Want some?

Careful, though.

It's really spicy.

This stomach is made of steel.

Here, have one of my
home-grown tomatoes.

I like you, Buster Baxter.

You're an adventurous eater.


I like you, too.




More water!






Being this likable
is exhausting!

Check off any names today?

I got 'em all!

Told you everybody likes me.

No check mark there.

Oh, George!

Guess I forgot about him.

But George likes everybody.

Are you sure?


He'll be checked off
before lunch tomorrow.

Hey, George!

(music playing
in headphones)



Oh! Hi, Buster.

I had a dream last night
about a mutant butterfly,

and it gave me some ideas
for our project.

Let's plan it out at lunch,


George, over here!

I saved you a seat!

Buster and I are going to work
on our project while we eat.

But, um, thanks!

Okay, no problem.

Maybe later?


Hey, what if we make

a monarch butterfly model
in wood shop?


Mr. Ratburn'll love it!


Didn't mean
to startle you.

Wanna go to the movies?

Um... now?


Vampire Kittens
vs. Werewolf Puppies in D!

My treat!

that's really nice,

but I kinda have
a lot of homework.

Oh, okay.

Some other time.

Sure-- some other time!

George Lundgren,
you will like me!

You get that last name
checked off?

I don't wanna talk
about it.

That sounds like a "no."

It doesn't make
any sense.

Why wouldn't George
like me?

It could be
because you're bossy.

Or because you
talk to much.

Or because of your
stinky feet.

Nobody asked you.

You just did a second ago.

Maybe you and George just
don't have anything in common?

What does he like?

I don't really know.

Wait! There is one thing
I know he likes.

How about we add a jet pack
so it's a bionic butterfly?

That'd be cool,

but I think we'd better stick
to the picture.

You know,
because... science.

Wanna see
what I made?

Hi, George!


Cool dummy!


I just love dummies!

And ventilocism!

You mean ventriloquism?

Yeah, that too!




I don't understand.

I think she said,

"I'm a panda stuck
in an elevator."

No, that was,

"My name's Wallinda
and I'm an alligator."

Hey, maybe you could
give me some lessons.

I dunno.

I'm not that good.

Are you kidding?

You're the best!

Isn't George the greatest
puppeteer ever?


I... I have to go
to the bathroom.


I need your help.

Let me guess:
is it for George?


Okay, maybe.

Why does it even matter?

Lots of people like you.

Who cares if everyone does?

I care.


Because I just do, okay?

Now, come on.

You're going to help me
with my dance routine.


Ladonna never even
noticed me before,

and now it's like she wants
to be my best friend.

I dunno, George.

She's just friendly
to everybody.

Where'd she go, anyway?

She went for a drink of water
ten minutes ago.

I'm starting to wonder
if she's ever coming back.

George Lundgren,
today's your lucky day!

Oh, no!

I, Ladonna Compson,
have written this poem

and choreographed
this dance for you!

Oh George, I really like you,
I think you are so great.

So here's a little poem
to help us celebrate.

Celebrate what?

Your family is from Norway,
I think that's pretty cool.

It always makes me smile

when I see you
'round our school.

George, I think you're super,

and I hope you think
I'm fun.

This poem is from your pal,
Ladonna Compson!

Ms. Compson,
may I remind you that

this is biology class,
not poetry?

Please take a seat.

Is it your birthday?


Then why...?

I don't know!

Not cool, Ladonna.

George hates being
the center of attention.

Yeah, why would you
do that to him?

Now I'm going
in the wrong direction.

Is this why you've been paying
so much attention to me?

Because you're trying to check
my name off your like list?



Here's a check by my name!

In fact, have two!


Now you can go back
to ignoring me

like you usually do.


I'm... I'm really sorry!

How's it going
with the list?

I'm done with it.

I have to see George.


But I thought
you were done

trying to get people
to like you.

That's not what
I'm going to do.

(doorbell rings)

Oh, no.

You don't have a mariachi band
with you, do you?

No, I just came to apologize.

I think if I'd been treated
the way I've been treating you,

well, I wouldn't like me either.

Anyway, I'm really sorry.

That's it.



Um... thanks.

Sure, no problem.

Are you still angry
with me?

Because I actually do
want you to like me.

Even without
that silly list.

I do like you,

especially when you're not
reading a poem you wrote for me.

Yeah, that was kind of

So how'd you get the tail
to move on Wallinda?

I tied a little string to it

and moved it
with my other hand.

Ooh, nice touch.

I could help teach you
how to talk

without moving your lips,
if you want.

I could sure use it.

I sounded like I was
speaking underwater

with a mouth
full of marbles,

cross my heart!

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.