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20x04 - Bud's Knotty Problem/That's MY Grandma!

Posted: 07/03/22 06:27
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




Folks are always trying to do
impossible things.

It's in our nature.

Remember when we climbed
that mountain?

We made it!


I had those all sorted!

Or how 'bout that time
we swam with sharks?

Faster, Bud!

They're gaining on us!



Watch it!

Nothing is impossible for us!


Not even fighting the world's
smelliest monster.

Back from whence you came,

"Bud's Knotty Problem."


I call the funnies!

Not if I
get there first!

I'm older!

I'm cuter!

I'm nicer!

I'm funnier!

You can't even read!

So? I like the pictures!

I'll let go

if you can guess the number
I'm thinking of right now.


Nope! It was five.


I wanted to make copies of them
with my Daffy Dough.

Here, take the ads.

They're just as colorful.


Now that's a pair of boots!

A kid could have
some serious fun in those.

(people screaming)

They would stomp so loud,

the whole town would know
you were coming.

And they'd be great
for splashing in puddles!

Bud Compson!

And stuff could fall
on your feet

and it wouldn't hurt
one itty bit.

Even a meteorite!


Well, you'd have to learn
how to tie your shoes first.

Those boots have laces.

Oh, yeah.

Why, oh why, couldn't they
be slip-ons?!

Truly, I am vexed.

Bud, you have to learn
to tie your laces someday.

I've tried!

It just doesn't work.

These fingers are
allergic to knots.

You have to keep trying,
Butter Bean.

If you can show me
you can tie your laces,

I'll get you those boots.

You are going to be mine, boots.

I swear it.

You don't know
how to tie your shoes?


But if I learn,
I can get these boots.

Those are boots?

It looks more like a Monet.

Well, the picture was better
before I slept on it.

Pass the biscuits,

How can you not know
how to tie your shoes?

You're four years old.

I've been tying my shoes
for months now.

Then how come those

don't have laces?

It's a fashion statement.

But I have lace-up sneaks
at home.

I have something
that might help.

"Martin the Mime
Ties His Shoes."

(accordion music playing)

What is he doing?

Tying his shoes.



But he's in socks.

They're imaginary shoes.

So why can't he imagine
they're already tied?

Because then there would be
no point to the video.

But tying imaginary shoes
is easy.

I do that all the time.

What's he doing now?

He's in a box.


Because he's a mime!

There's an imaginary door

right there
to your left, Martin.

No, no, no, the other left!

Oh, forget it.

If that's how you learn
how to tie your laces,

I'm in big trouble.

Oh, don't pay
any attention

to that mime.

I can teach you.



All we need is
a pair of shoes.

These should do the trick.

They're too big.

So what?

They have laces.

That's all that matters.

You don't have them in black,
do you?

I hate brown.


Okay, okay.

First, you make
two bunny ears.

Then one bunny
goes around the tree,

into the hole,
and comes back out again.

Then pull tight.


Now you try.

Okay, make the two ears.


Wait, what's that?

His tail.

He doesn't have a tail!

All bunnies have a tail.

Well, not this one.

Start again.

Poor little feller.

Okay, you've got the ears.

Now he goes around the tree

and into the hole, and...


He can't come out
the same hole!

Wait, now
you've lost him.

Where's your bunny, Bud?

I don't know!

Maybe he went
to go find his tail.


I'm stuck.


This is going to be harder
than I thought.

Okay, let's try again.

I think I'm done.


You're not giving up,
are you?

Let's face it, there's lots
of things I'm good at--

animal noises,
knock-knock jokes,

staring contests--

but tying shoes
just isn't one of them.

Thanks for trying.

I think you're
forgetting something.

Oh, yeah.

Too bad.

The brown was really
growing on me.

Guess you and me
are stuck together.

Was there ever anything
you just couldn't do, Rapty?

Oh, sure!

Loads of things!

Like what?

Well, um... roaring!

Oh, wait, I'm great at that.

Scaring people?

No, I'm pretty good at that,

I knew it.

You're good
at everything.

Wait, I got it.

I can't clap, remember?

Oh yeah, right.

Going to plays must be
very embarrassing for you.

I prefer movies.

If I can't do a baby thing
like tie my shoes,

what else won't I be able to do?

I heard that Bud
can't play badminton.

Well, that's nothing!


I heard he doesn't even know
how to write a check.

That's terrible!

How will he ever
buy a car?

What does he need a car for?

He won't be able to drive it.


I will too drive a car!

And I'm also gonna tie my shoes.




Oh, fritter!

Checking the carpet
for fleas?

I'm teaching myself
how to tie my shoes,

but the bunnies
won't cooperate.

I'll help you.

Let's go outside.

The grass is a lot softer
than that floor.

Forget about the rabbits.

There are no rabbits.

First, make an X.

X marks the spot.

Like on a treasure map?


Only this time,
the treasure is those new boots.

Then you make a loop like this

and wrap the other lace

around it, see?




Sweet petunia!


I did it.

I think I really did it!

I tied my shoes!


Yeah, you tied 'em, all right.

To each other.

You need a break?




I wonder how many times
I'll fall today?

Well, your daily average
has been about .

Maybe today?





I did it!

I don't believe it!

I really did it!


Keep trying!

I gotta go.

Mom, I did it!

Well, what do
you think, Bud?

Walk around a bit.


What's the matter?

They're so heavy.

It's kind of like
I'm walking in mud.

You'll get used to that.

And my calves are so itchy.

You don't want them,
do you?


But there is something
I do want.


Pretty snazzy, right, Rapty?

I'll say!

What do you think of mine?

I love 'em!

(relieved sigh)

That's better.

Did you miss me, boys?

Why'd you change your shoes?

These are still
my favorites.

But don't get
too comfortable.

Someday, I'm going
to replace you.

With roller skates!

And now a word from us kids!

Bud learned to tie his shoes
with help from his friend D.W.

Today, you are going

to teach something
that you know how to do.

I'm gonna teach
how to do a cartwheel.

To be a good teacher,
you have to speak very clearly.

You're gonna want to put
your hands on the ground

and then put one foot over

and then try to do
the other one.

Great job, Layla!

Today, I'm gonna teach you guys
how to make paper fans.

First, fold the bottom
of your paper.

Then, fold the paper backwards.

I think Samira's
a good fan teacher.

So I'm gonna teach you
how to draw cats.

First, you should make the head:

a circle and two triangles

Then, you should make two eyes.

That's good.

I'm gonna teach
how to walk on your hands.

I'm gonna have you guys
do something simple,

which is called a donkey kick.


Good job!

Now Alyssa.

Great job!

I'm encouraging them so they can
get energy and do much better.

Once you feel that you'll be
able to stay up longer,

you can start slowly
moving your hands.

Yeah, just like that!


Today, I'm teaching these kids
three rules in hockey.

This next play is called

It was a good idea to teach that

since I'm very experienced
with hockey.

And I'm using a projector
to show the kids on the rug.

When a player on one team
puts his hockey stick

in a position where
it forces another player

on a different team
to trip over it,

play will be stopped
and tripping will be called.

So remember, tripping gets you
a trip to the penalty box!

And now, back to Arthur!

Arthur, Buster's here!

Everyone has something
super special

they don't want to share.

Like my special edition
Bionic Bunny comic book.




Hey, what's up?

Even Mr. Ratburn has something
he won't share with anyone.

Or Buster,
who's taken the concept

of foods from around the world
to a whole new level.

Although who'd want to eat
that stuff anyway?

And D.W.'s special thing
isn't a thing at all.

No, don't tell them!

They can't even know!

Mine, mine, mine!

"That's My Grandma!"

Feast your eyes on this:

my kale cauliflower tart.

Who wants
the first piece?

Oh, sorry, too many
kale chips last night.

I've hit my kale quota.


(phone rings)

I'll get it!



Hi, it's Emily.

Guess what I have to do

go with Marie Helen to get
her driver's license renewed.

Oh, no! That's the most
boring thing ever.

I went with my mom once.

Sheer t*rture.

I know!

I wish I could get out of it.


Don't worry, I have an idea.

It's all fixed.

Grandma Thora said
she'd babysit,

and she's super fun.

(upbeat jazz playing)

You saved me, Noodles!

You're the best dog ever.




Wow, thanks, D.W.!

She sounds amazing!

You were so right.

We've been playing
Fairy Princess

for hours and hours.

We even watched
"Pokie the Panda" twice!

You did?

I haven't seen that yet!

Why'd you call?

I forgot to tell you:

don't eat anything
Grandma Thora calls a "tart."

Pizza's here, Emily.

Thank you, Mrs. Read!

Gotta go!


Pokie the Panda?

That sure was nice of you
to share Grandma Thora.

She's treating your friend
better than she treats you.

It's no big deal.

I'm sure we'll do
all those things

next time Grandma babysits me.

Look, Mom!

It's a coupon for Wally's
House of Schnitzel.

Why don't you
and Dad go?

You deserve some alone time.

That's what Hoprah says on TV.

We do love Wally's.

Hm, maybe Saturday night.

Of course, we'll need a sitter.

(doorbell rings)


You're not Grandma Thora.

Didn't I tell you?

Grandma Thora
couldn't make it tonight.

She's babysitting Vicita.


Grandma Thora
isn't coming!



...playing and eating
and having fun!

You can't just spy
on people.

I'm not spying.

I'm just checking to see
if Grandma Thora's all right.


I'll just have more fun
with my babysitter.

Sorry, in the middle
of something.


(music playing on headphones)

(phone camera clicking)

We had so much fun!

She played dominoes
and dress-up,

and then she read me
"Los Tres Cerditos."

What's that?

"Three Little Pigs"
in Spanish.

Grandma Thora knows Spanish?

She's babysitting Bud
on Saturday.

Everybody wants her to babysit.


Hold for Grandma.

I'll have to reschedule
your : .

How does next month sound?

(phone ringing)

Grandma Thora's
Babysitting Service:

Best Babysitter Ever.

I want to talk to Grandma.

And you are?


How do you spell that?

It's a D and a W!

Just tell her

her granddaughter's
on the phone.

I need her
to babysit me.

I'm sorry, she's not taking on
any new clients.


You're my absolutely

most favorite babysitter ever,
Mrs. Read.

Mrs. Read?

Oh, just call me
Grandma Thora.


But that's my grandma!


This has to stop.

What should I do?



Lucky for Grandma, she's never
had to babysit those two.


You're right.

No one would ever want
to babysit again after that.

It's easy.

All you have to do is ask
my grandma to babysit you.

Why'd we want
to do that?

Because it's fun.

She'll let you jump
on the furniture

and make a huge mess.

We already do that.


Okay, we'll do it.

For a price.


Okay, fine.

What do you want?



You can't have Uni!

Then no deal.



Give her!

I am!



We can use it
for target practice!



I'm impressed.

You love Uni.


Sacrifices must be made.



Tommy, you win!

That's wins for you
and wins for Timmy.

The Tough Guy Obstacle Course
is the most fun we've ever had!


Can you babysit us


Admit it.

Maybe you're just
a teeny bit jealous.

Who, me?

I'm not jealous.

I just don't like
sharing my grandma

with everyone else,
that's all.

Why would you think
I'm jealous?

(alarm rings)

Oh, sorry!

I have to go.

Grandma Thora's babysitting me.


That does it!

Desperate times call
for desperate measures.

She just pretends
to be nice

the first time she babysits
to fool you.


Yeah, then her true nature
comes out the second time.

It does?

She makes you watch boring TV
for hours.

Like what?

Like "Know Your Appliances
with Handy Hal."


Then she makes you go to bed
before dark.

No way!

But the worst is

her spider collection!

She keeps it in her big bag.

Spider collection?

But she's coming
to babysit me tonight!

For the second time!

Well, not all the spiders
are poisonous.

Just most.


(doorbell rings)

Hello again, Emily.

I've brought something special
just for you.




Oh, dear.

Mom, we gotta go!

I know.

Here comes Thora now.

Grandma's babysitting me?


It worked!


Well, well!

Someone's happy
to see me.

What do we do first?

Can we watch a movie?

Ooh, ooh, let's watch
Icicle Princess.

We'll see.

There might be something
even better on.

On today's show,
winterizing your swamp cooler.

Handy Hal?

Everybody knows
I just love this show.

Can't we play
Tower of Cows instead?

Why, sure.

Oh, wait,
look at the time.

Better go wash up
for bed.


But it's not even dark yet!

Well, maybe we do have time
for a little treat first.



Get them, Grandma!

What's wrong, D.W.?

I just brought

my spider collection
so I wouldn't disappoint you,

since you told everybody

about it.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to.

It's just... now we don't have
anything special anymore.


Why do you think that?

Because you babysit everyone.

You read Spanish to Vicita

and played Fairy Princess
with Emily.

True, but none of them
are my granddaughter,

which makes you pretty special.

It does?

Of course it does!

And I never, ever play this
with anybody else.


You brought Uni back!

Apparently, somebody
who loves their grandma a lot

traded it to the Tibbles.

Luckily, they aren't
very good at marbles.

(timer dings)

Hey, it's ready!

And look!

We get to share my kale
cauliflower tart together.

I never thought I'd say this,

but it's the best tart
I ever had.


To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.