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20x01 - Buster's Second Chance/Arthur and the Whole Truth

Posted: 07/03/22 06:25
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




Buster Baxter has always been
my best friend,

starting on that momentous day
when we first met.

Hi, I'm Buster.

My name's Arthur.


Well, see ya.


We knew we were going
to be best friends.

(ducks quacking
"Little Brown Jug")

This is the single
weirdest thing I ever saw.



Yup, Buster Baxter
has always been my best friend.

At least until this week.

"Buster's Second Chance."


In case you didn't hear
the news, class,

the winner of this year's
statewide science competition

is our own Alan Powers.


I stand on the shoulders
of giants.

I don't get
what the problem is.

Brain won that award
by doing a report

about bacteria
in the water fountain, right?


I always said
there was something strange

about that fountain.



Definitely fish,
with just a hint of feet.

So? You were right.

But I didn't get an award!

Buster, everyone knew
the water tasted like feet,

but Brain was the only one
who compared it to actual feet.

He studied it.

Well, there's a reason
I didn't.

Because you never study
anything ever?


Well, yes, but that's not
the real reason.

See, when I was little,

my mom took me to this special
preschool for brainy kids.

They gave me all these tests
to find out how smart I was.

I want you
to take that marble

and decide
where it should go.

What do you think?

Where does
the marble belong?

Where does
the marble go?

Oh, no!

You put the marble
up your nose?

I know, I know.

But the answer was so obvious,

I figured it had to be
a trick question!

Good thing they weren't
using watermelons.


If I didn't try
to outsmart that test,

my whole life
might have been different.

You should never put a marble
up your nose, Buster.

Even the Tibbles know that.

Even Baby Kate knows that,
and she's a baby!

It's right in her name!

If I'd gone to that preschool
for geniuses,

I would have come out
just as smart as the Brain.

If only you could go
back in time.

Yeah, if I'd gone
to that brainy preschool,

I'd probably know
how to do that by now.

Hey, you think
that's possible?

To go back in time?


No offense, Arthur,

but I'm going to get
a second opinion.



Arthur's right.

Well, I'm going to get
a third opinion.

From whom?

From somebody
who's done it!

"Time travel is most
definitely possible,

and I can prove it!"

"But how, Professor Timekeeper?"

"It's simple.

Because of gravitational..."

big word, big word,
big word...

"I can therefore,"
big word, big word,

"back in time!"


Makes total sense to me.

"These time passageways
can appear anywhere!"

If only.


(loud bang)


A passageway!


The point is to have fun.


The marble!

It's happening again!

Now, I want you to decide
where that marble belongs.


Where does the marble go?

Oh, I...

I know!



Here it is!

I love magic!

How did you do that?

Yes, how did you do that?

Um, just, you know,
from a book.

A book?




It worked!

I'm a genius!


That's really great
to hear, Carol.

Sounds like it's gonna be
a feature article.

Oh, hang on.

Where are you going?

To school.

I want to go by Arthur's
on the way and show him this.

He's going to be so amazed!

You can't bike
to school, honey.

It's much too far.

Oh, right.

I go to that other school
in the morning now.

When the bus takes you back

to Lakewood Elementary
in the afternoon,

then you can show everyone
your ribbon.


Talk about your absent-minded

Buster just forgot

he takes advanced placement
classes in the morning.

(kids gasping)

I knew your testing
of the water

would produce impressive
results, Buster Baxter,

but who could have
imagined this?

Hey, it's Arthur.

Arthur, look!

He didn't even wave.

I'm just hazarding
a guess,

but considering
the solar azimuth...

Along with the angle
of incidence...

You're saying...
the sun got in his eyes?


Ah, that makes sense.

Fascinating class!

See you all tomorrow!

Why, look who's here!

Am I late?


Class, in case
you didn't hear the news,

the winner of this year's
statewide science competition

is our own
Buster Baxter.

I, uh, did it
by standing on giant brains.

(students groaning)

Your investigation
and scientific insights

are very inspiring.

Thank you for stopping by.

Oh, that's right.

I'm not in this class!

I skipped third grade.

I'm sure you don't want
to be late for algebra.

Hey, Arthur, look!

Cool, huh?

(bell ringing)

Where do you think
you're going?

Hey, Binky.

I need to find Arthur.

Well, you can't go in.

Tough Customers only.

So go make like an egg
and scram...



There you are!

We're late
for robotics workshop.


Oh, no!

Someone needs
to warn Arthur.

The Sugar Bowl is
for Tough Customers only now!



(chatter stops)


What's up?


Binky, soda me.

Sure thing, Spex.

Whatever you say!

Spex needs this.

Here you go, Spex.

I hope you like it.

What took you so long?

Had to take
the long way round.

Some brainy kid's
been waving at me all day.


Gives me the creeps,
I tell ya.

Don't forget
it's Saturday!

You have to finish
your computer coding project.

I just need to see Arthur first.

Arthur isn't home.

He's with his
dopey friends.

But I'm his dopey friend!


I am!

Oh, the irony.

Have you seen Arthur?

I haven't
seen him, but...


Would you sign
my autograph book?


I got it first!


"Love Ducks"?

This is for babies!


But you love
the Love Ducks, Arthur.

They're so bizarre.

True that.

I mean, only if
you're not cool.

And if you're really
such a big brain,

you won't tell
the other Tough Customers

you saw me with that.


You mean you're
a Tough Customer?

Since when?

Since forever.

Hurry up, Buster.

You don't want to be late
for your new preschool.

Hey, what do you think
you're doing in my sandbox?

It's not your sandbox.

Oh yeah?


Hey, I like
your style!

You mean we were never friends?


Friends with someone
who likes Love Ducks?

Come on!

I mean, maybe if I had a friend
who liked checkers

and Love Ducks
and other uncool stuff,

my whole life
could've been different.

But it isn't.

"Love Ducks."


This place is
gettin' uncool.

Arthur needs me!




No ribbon.

No newspaper.

What's the square root of ?

I don't know.

I don't know!

I'm back!


Of course I know
who you are, Buster.

And you aren't cool!


Want to play checkers later?

I have a better idea.

You know how my locker
sort of smells like a goat?

I think
we should study it.



But first we need to make
a scientific comparison.

Wanna go to the zoo?


Let's go smell
some goats!



Some days I'm glad
I'm not a genius.

And now a word from us kids!

I'm Megan, and this is
my first grade class.

My teacher is Miss Smith.

What was that word
that we talked about?


We are playing
an imagination game.

I'll come around
with two different buckets.

In our game, we're making
a question, like,

"What would Buster's life
be like if he was a genius?"

What would blank be like

if blank?

We are picking the cards
to fill in the blanks.

What would...

My home.

My breakfast.

Be like if...

I lived in Antarctica.

I lived under the sea.

And then we're using
our imaginations

to answer the question.

What would my bike
or scooter be like

if I lived in a treehouse?

I would have a ramp
for my scooter

so I could go fast

and get to my treehouse
so I can play in it.

What would my school be like
if I lived in the desert?

So I would have to walk
all the way to Arizona

to get to school.


What would my bike
or scooter be like

if it was designed by Buster?

It would have a lot of food.

Bread, blueberries, peppers,
hamburgers, and that's it.

What would my day be like
if I lived in the jungle?

It would be loud
and I would get a headache.

(imitating monkey)


What would my day be like
if I lived in Jupiter?

Aliens would be coming
to our house,

and that's just weird.

Use your...


And now back to Arthur!

(piano playing)

(plays wrong note)


That was pretty good!

Keep practicing

and I'm sure you'll have it down
in time for the recital.

No, I won't.

I actually think
I'm getting worse.

Mom and Dad are always
really supportive,

but sometimes I wish
they'd just tell me the truth.

I'll tell you the truth!

Those pajamas need a wash.

I can smell them from here.


No flossing?

You'll have dentures
in high school!

Did you know
you talk in your sleep?

I can hear it
through the wall.

Blah, blah, blah,
Mr. Ratburn, blah, blah, blah!

Okay, I get it!

Now go to bed!


Maybe I was wrong.

Sometimes the truth
can be a real pain.


You also snore
like a lawn mower.



It's a prehistoric family.


There's the cave mama,
the cave baby,

and that's the cave daddy.

He's hunting.

Is he hunting
a giant dust bunny?


No, that's
a woolly mammoth.

Oh, I see it now.

What do you think?

It's pretty cool.

Hey, check out
what I made.

the saber-toothed cat!


Wow, that's really good.

And the best part is
I made him out of marzipan!

He's edible!

As soon as I get you back
from Mr. Ratburn,

you're going
into Buster's belly.

Do you think mine
is terrible?

Maybe I should
work on it more.

It's fine!

I think it's very creative.

(phone beeps)

Okay, let's go watch
"Bionic Bunny."

A C-plus?!

You should be happy.

That looks like
D.W. made it.


My saber-tooth cat
got an A-minus!

Can I see it?


Too late.

I probably should've done
more work on it,

but Buster said
it looked okay.

Well, of course Buster
said that.

What do you mean?

He never disagrees with you.

You're his best friend.

Buster disagrees with me.

Oh yeah?

Can you name one time?

Well, not
at the moment, but...

I'm not criticizing him;
it's a fact.

He always tells you
just what you want to hear.

You're out!

That's so unfair!

I was safe!


You could've read
the whole Henry Skreever series

before that kid caught the ball!

Told ya.

Told me what?

Strike one!

You were out
by a mile.

Buster just doesn't
want you to feel bad.

Strike two!

Well, I agree
with Buster.

I wasn't out.

Think what you want.

I'm just being honest
with you.

Strike three!

Making us play
against robots is unfair!

I'm sure that pitcher
has a bionic arm.

Did you really think
I was safe?


Hey, at least
you hit the ball.

I didn't even see it.

It really is terrible.

Why didn't Buster tell me?




Me make spear!

Is good?

Is best spear ever!

No move.

Me paint you.



Go hunt!






Spear terrible!

Why you no tell me?

You look so happy!

Me no want you
feel like doofus!

(rocks crumbling)


Hey Dad, do you know
where we put that shirt

Uncle Fred gave me?

The one he brought back
from Las Vegas?

Probably in the attic.

What do you want
with that?

I need it
for an experiment.

Hey, nice coat!

Are we playing spy?

No, I was little chilly.

But it's warmed up now.


Oh, what do you think
of my new shirt?

Sweet Jackson Pollock!

Check, please!

Ah! My eyes!


Pretty cool, huh?

Um, well, it...


...kinda matches
your sundae?

A-ha! You're lying!

No one likes this shirt!

Except Uncle Fred,
and he's colorblind.

Okay, you're right,
it's horrible!

Now please,
for the love of humanity,

hide that thing!

Francine was right.

You don't tell me the truth.

You just say what you think
I want to hear.

That's not true!

It's not lying.

I just want to be agreeable.


I don't know.

I guess I just
hate fighting.

Buster, saying how
you really feel isn't fighting.

You can tell me anything.

You're my best friend.

You're right.

From now on, I'll say
what I really think.



I'm glad that's over with.

Let's go back to my house
and play Curse of the Moomies.

I just downloaded
a new level!


Actually, I don't really
like that game.


But we've played it,
like, a million times!

And it's always
the same.

You zap the zombie bats,

then the zombie snakes,
then the zombie cows.

After a while,
it's like doing homework.

But it's a new level!

There are zombie hippos!


You wanted me to be honest.

I do, I do.

Okay, so what do you
want to do?

Take a shower.

I feel like I have to wash
the image of that shirt

off my eyeballs.

I'll call you later.

(playing piano)

(doorbell rings)

Hey, here's that Scare Your
Pants Off book you lent me.

Oh yeah,
"The Gourmet Ghost."

I really liked it
until the end.

Are you kidding?

The end was the best part!

But the chef
wasn't even a ghost.

Just an angry dishwasher.

Yeah, an angry dishwasher
who put spider eggs in the soup!

I'm never eating
gazpacho again!

I thought it was

I thought
it was great.



Well, I did read it
kind of quickly.

Maybe it was better
than I thought.

You don't have to say that.

We just disagree.


Hey, want to go
for a ride?

I have to practice
for the recital.

Oh, okay.

Well, knock 'em dead.

You, too.

I mean,

have a wonderful ride!

(playing "The Entertainer"
on piano)

(music stops)


Great job!

If you played baseball
as good as you do piano,

we might actually win
some games.

Thanks, Francine.

Hey, that was amazing!

You're not just
saying that, are you?

Of course not!

I was so nervous.

I can't believe I got through it
without making a single mistake.



You're not saying something.

Well, you did make
one or two mistakes.

No, I didn't!

Just at the beginning!

But it was still amazing!

You're only saying that

because you're still angry
from our fight!


We didn't have
a fight.

We just disagreed
about that book.

You know,
there is a difference

between being honest
and being mean.

But that's not fair!

You said...


Did I make a few mistakes?

I didn't hear any.

The whole thing
was wonderful.

Except for the beginning.


No, it's okay.

I want to know.

What was wrong
with the beginning?

I've had to listen to you
play that thing a million times,

and the beginning
is supposed to go:


You played:


You're right.

I did mess that up.

Could we make a stop
before going home?

Oh, and you were slouching,

and your bow tie was crooked,
and your ears are too big...

(doorbell rings)

I was just about to call you.

Before you say anything,

I want you to know that
I was completely wrong.

You were perfect.

You didn't make any..

Your fingers are crossed,
aren't they?


I can't win!

It's okay.

In fact, I came to apologize.

I asked you to be honest with me
and you were.

It's not your fault that
I didn't like the answer.

So we're friends again?


Oh, wait.

I forgot to give you something
at the recital.

I had all this marzipan
left over,

so I made you
an edible piano.

Wow, thanks.

Try it.

It's delicious.


What do you think?

Trust me,
you don't want to know.

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.