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19x10 - The Last Day

Posted: 07/02/22 19:19
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




One... two... three...

four... five... six...

what are you doing?

Trying to stretch my jeans.

I haven't worn this pair
since September

and now they're tight.

Wait, there's something
in this pocket.

Maybe that's why they're tight.

Hey, I remember
this cheese sandwich!


Throw it away!

No way!

This cheese sandwich is a relic.

It's from the very first day
of third grade.

I didn't have much
of an appetite at lunch

because I was so worried
about our new teacher.



(bell ringing)


I g-guess we have to go back
to class now...

Isn't it weird how afraid
of Mr. Ratburn we were?

I was much more afraid

that Francine and I wouldn't
be in the same class.


Francine's not on this list!

It must be a mistake!

Mr. Haney, Francine and I
have to be in the same class.

Isn't there something
you can do?

Oh, what a handsome
gold watch!

I bet it'd look
great on you.

How about a new car?

You seem like
a convertible man.

Muffy, we are
in the same class.

My name's right here.



Never mind.


I remember all that
like it was yesterday.

And here it is,
nine months later.

Only five more days

The last day of school.


Do you think this is still good?


So how was your
last day, D.W.?

Fun, but exhausting.

We sang songs, danced,
ate cake...

There was barely time
for a nap.

I'm looking forward
to kindergarten.

I bet it'll be much easier
than preschool.

Oh, I wouldn't be so sure.

Preschool was only a half-day.

is a full six hours.

Six hours?

That's like going
to real school.

It is real school.

You'll be learning
a lot more, too.

Will I have homework?

And tests?

Arthur always gets
that look on his face

when he has a test coming up.

Don't worry,
you'll do just fine.

You're such a big girl now.

My daddy said
the same thing.

"You're a big boy now."

Then he said, "Soon, you'll
be asking to borrow the car."

So I asked to borrow the car,
but he said no.

Kindergarten sounds
like a big deal.

Do you think you're ready?

I'm not sure.

I still have trouble
with my alphabet.

It's that M-N-L-O-P part.

I think it's L-M-N-O-P.


Gets me every time.

What's going to happen

if I don't know it
on the first day?

I don't know.

Maybe we should practice
being big kids.

How do we do that?

I have an older brother
and you have an older sister.

We'll just watch them
and do what they do.

I spoke to Prunella.

For fourth grade,
we'll either have Mrs. Frumpus

or Ms. Grimslid.

Aw, not Ms. Grimslid!

She never laughs.

I've tried everything on her.

All I've ever gotten
was a cough.


Well, maybe we'll get
Mrs. Frumpus.

I heard Mrs. Frumpus
is leaving

and being replaced
by someone new.

Do you know anything about them?

No, just that his name
is Mr. Cramp.

Mr. Cramp?

Oh, great.

I'll either get the teacher
that can't laugh

or the one that gives you
a pain in your side.

Actually, the name has nothing
to do with cramps.

It's from the Anglo-Saxon

which was a nickname
for someone stooped over.

But I never liked the way
"Mike Cramp" sounded.

That's why I go by "MC."

You're a teacher?

I think of myself
as more of a mind-guide.

All the magic takes place

in here.

I just remove
the obstacles.

Goji berry soy-yo
in a gluten-free cone,

my good man.

Coming right up.

I believe that
learning is living

and living is learning.

My teaching isn't just hands-on,

it's hands-up, hands-down,
and hands together.

My students will sweat, shout,

and stretch their brains
to the breaking point.

But they will never be bored.

That's the MC promise.

Thanks for the non-dairy
refreshment, Scoop Samurai.

Long ears, strong heart.

"Long ears,
strong heart."

That's Bionic Bunny's motto!

He knows Bionic Bunny.

We have to get him
for fourth grade,

no matter what.


What's this?

A sack.

I thought you might want
to practice for camp,

since us girls crushed you
in sack-racing last year.

Well, you better...
buy a canoe, because...

Oh, don't worry, Binky.

Francine and I aren't going
to Camp Meadowcroak this year.


Yes, we are!

No, we're not.

Woo-hoo! Boys rule!

Can I still
keep this sack?

But we made a pact
at the end of last summer

that we'd go to camp
again together.

And we will.

Just not Meadowcroak.

Here is where we're going.

Camp Elysium?

"A full-service,
interactive resort

for discriminating children."

It's the most
amazing place!

There are French classes,
an indoor swimming pool,

a four-star chef,

but best of all,
there are no mosquitoes.

How is that even possible?

The whole estate is surrounded
by an invisible plastic dome.

It sounds so...


It is.

They also have a whole stable
of thoroughbred horses.

No way!

Check out their website.

You're going to love it.

I just know it.

At Camp Elysium,
the discriminating child

will enjoy
a well-balanced diet...


Thrilling sports...

(polite applause)

The arts...

♪ Harten Sturm
sollst du bestehn... ♪

And access to our stable
of thoroughbred horses,

because every
discriminating child

should know the rudiments
of horse ballet.


We hope you'll consider
Camp Elysium,

a character-building
luxury resort

completely free of mosquitoes.

And it's quite fun!

(dull thud)

"Did you visit the site?

Isn't it unbelievable?"

(typing): "Oh, yes,
it's unbelievable, all right.

Let's talk about it tomorrow."

There's only three days
of school left,

and Ratburn
is giving us a test.


It's so unfair!

I've been watching Arthur

I've never really realized
how strange big kids were.

You're tellin' me.

What are some things
you've learned?

Well, if you want
to act like them...

(upbeat music)

♪ Complain about your homework ♪

♪ And be afraid of tests ♪

♪ When your little sister
wants to play ♪

♪ Tell her that she's a pest ♪

♪ Don't jump around
or make a mess ♪

♪ Or with your dinosaur
have tea ♪

♪ 'Cause if you want
to be a big kid ♪

♪ This is how you have to be ♪

♪ Be grumpy in the mornings ♪

♪ Read books
all through the night ♪

♪ Even when you know
you're wrong ♪

♪ Pretend that you are right ♪

♪ When you're angry,
stomp upstairs ♪

♪ When you're happy,
don't say "Whee!" ♪

♪ 'Cause if you want
to be a big kid ♪

♪ This is how you have to be! ♪

♪ But the most important
thing of all ♪

♪ Is to always play it cool ♪

♪ This is what
we'll have to do ♪

♪ This is how
we'll make it through ♪

♪ When we go
to big kid school! ♪

Let's start practicing.

See ya.


A wise man once said,
"The mind is like a shoe.

"It can take you
to the highest mountain.

"But if your laces aren't tied,

you could trip
and skin your knees."

Who said that?

I did.

Can we be
in your class, MC?

Arthur and I
are great students.

I mean, I only have
a B average,

but look at my shoes.

They're double-knotted.

The universe is in flux,
my friend.

Wherever we end up
is where we're meant to be.

(bell ringing)

Go, my crickets.

The bell tolls for thee.

Long ears, strong heart.

Maybe Ratburn
can put in a good word for us.

We just think
he really gets us.

I'm sure I'd do really well
in his class.

He's so inspiring.

Hmm, yes.

I've heard Mr. Cramp
is very... innovative.

He prefers "MC."

Anyway, it's Principal
Haney's decision, not mine.

But remember, first impressions
aren't everything.

And I have
prepared you both

to do well in whichever
class you end up in.

MC must have some say
over who he gets.

Maybe we can make something
that will impress him.

Muffy, about this
Camp Elysium...

Before you say
another word,

I want to apologize.

You do?

I realized the camp may be
just too fancy for you, so...

So we're going to go
to Camp Meadowcroak?


No, I asked Daddy
if he would help pay for you.

And guess what?

He said yes!

Isn't that wonderful?


I already reserved us
two spots.

Oh, Francine, we're going
to have the best summer ever!

Most of all
because we'll be together.

I can't wait.


You're using
the wrong fork.


You better get that.

Lobsters aren't allowed
outside of the dining room.

Come back!

I don't even
want to eat you!

Where did it go?


Here, lobster,
lobster, lobster!

(loud stomping)


A tree!

Maybe lobsters can't climb.



No, no...!

You couldn't drag me
to that place.

How is the good student
like these mashed potatoes?

I know!

He sticks
to his studies,

like mashed potatoes
to this fork.

Little Big Man,
you're smarter than you know.

But that's not the answer
I was looking for.

Like these potatoes,
the good student

soaks up the gravy of learning
until it is part of him.


Um, MC,
we were just wondering,

does Principal Haney
assign you students?

Do you get to pick?

All I know is that I want
students like these potatoes:

firm but pliable,

and eager to absorb
the sauce of knowledge.


He's so cool!

I can't believe

he ate with us.

I think I know
how we can impress him.

Meet me at my house
after school.

MC wants students who are really
excited about learning,

so here's what we'll do.

We'll make a poster

showing everything we learned
this past year.

But I don't think
I know that much.

Buster, you've learned tons
of stuff in third grade.

Just check out our workbooks.

This is from October.

Remember we learned
all about the Maya in Mexico?

Oh, yeah.

They built that pyramid,
Chichen Itza.

Then in February,

we learned that plants
convert sunlight into energy.

That's called

Wow, I can't believe
you remembered that.

Me neither.

And here,
we'll put the formula

for finding the area
of a circle,

which is pi...



We're running
out of paper.

Should we get
another sheet?

What are they doing?

It must be homework.

Come on, that gives me an idea.

I had no idea
I knew so much!

How can this head
hold all that information?

Well, Mr. Ratburn
did work us pretty hard.

Excellent work, Bud!

plus does equal .

You get
an A-plus-plus-plus.


You can have
an A-plus-plus-plus too.

That's a very good map
of the world.

What are you two doing?

What does it look like?



What are you laughing at?

You two don't have to do

That's for big kids.

We are big kids.

We're going to kindergarten
next year.

And I know my ABCs,
even the N-M-L-O-P part.

It's L-M-N-O-P.


Every time!

I'm never going to get it.

Bud, remember.

Act cool.

Come on, Bud.

Let's go study.

I can't believe that
kindergarten teacher

is going to give us a test
on our first day.

And we haven't even
met her yet.

She's so mean.

And remember this?

This is when we beat
that other camp at tug-o-w*r.


How could I forget?

I had dirt under my nails
for a week.

Okay, but you have to admit,
it was pretty fun.

Oh, look!

Here's that camp counselor
we had, Becky!

Wasn't she the best?

She had that
hippy-chic look down pat.

But why are you showing me
all these photos

of Camp Meadowcroak?

I want you to remember
what a good time we had there.

I know, but we're going to have
a great time at Camp Elysium.

Look, I already ordered
these matching sun visors

with the camp crest on them.

They'll be perfect
for when we golf,

or play bocce.

No, thank you.

Is it not your color?

But you don't really have
a color.

I don't want it
because I'm not going.

Why not?

I don't want to.

I don't care how fancy it is,
that camp just isn't for me.

But... we made a pact.

We said we were going
to spend the summer together

no matter what.

Well, maybe we have
to break the pact.

We don't have to do
everything together, right?

You're just being stubborn!

You could at least try it.

It's for a whole month.

If I don't like it,
I'll be stuck there for...

I'd like you to leave now.

Don't be mad at me.

We just like
different things.

Okay, I get it.

We have nothing in common.

Stop rubbing it in.


Settle down, everyone.

I have an announcement
to make.

He's going to tell us what
teacher we're going to get!

I know it!

Please, please,
let it be MC!

Tomorrow is
the last day of school,

and it can be
quite distracting,

so I'd like to take
the opportunity

to tell you this now.

You've been one of the finest
third grade classes

I have ever had,

and it has been a pleasure
teaching every one of you.

If I have been, at times,
strict and demanding,

it is because extraordinary
minds deserve to be challenged.

You have met those challenges

with great enthusiasm
and perseverance

and in doing so have helped me
become a better teacher.

Thank you.

Now, please open your
history books to page .

And just like
these potatoes,

you too will absorb
the gravy of learning.


He's using the exact
same potato speech

on Sue Ellen and Fern.

Doesn't he have
any new material?

You know what?

I think I'm going to miss
Mr. Ratburn.

Me too.

He gave such hard
extra credit assignments.

I'm going to miss him
even more than you guys.

I've had him
two years in a row.

I never realized
how much I'd learned

until we started
making that poster.

What poster?

It was something
Buster and I were doing

to try and impress MC.

But I don't really feel like
impressing him anymore.

Instead of wasting all that time
making the poster,

we could have been doing
something for Mr. Ratburn.

Wait a minute!

Maybe it wasn't
such a waste after all.

Meet me after school
at the tree house.

I have to spread the word.

(piano playing)

Arthur, did you take out
the trash?

I just have to finish something
for school.

Can I do it in a minute?

Don't worry, Mom.

I can take care of it.

(continues playing)



Growing older stinks!




I don't think I'm ready
for kindergarten.

So I don't have to do anything
special for kindergarten?

Nope, not a thing.

Just be yourself.

Well, that's a relief.

Being older doesn't seem
like that much fun anyway.

Well, it has its perks.

Thanks, Mom.

I think I need
to make a call.

And I don't have to act cool
or practice my alphabet?



If I had to try to do that
L-M-N-O-P part one more time...

Bud, you did it!

You just got it right!


I'm a genius!

(doorbell rings)

Before you say anything,
I just want you to know

that I'm not doing this
for you-- I'm doing this for us.

Doing what?

Going to Camp Meadowcroak.

I'll just buy
a whole crate of bug repellent

and granola bars,

because the food is
completely inedible, and...

I don't want you to go.


Then why did you show me
all those photos of last...?

What I mean is,

I know how much you want to go
to this Camp Asylum.

It's pronounced "Elysium,"
and it means "paradise."


I want you to go
and have a great time.

Just because we're going
to different camps

doesn't mean we aren't
still best friends.

But we're going to have
all these separate adventures.


I've thought of that!

Come with me.


It's a blog I made called

"The Separate Adventures
of Inseparable Friends."

We can write about what
happens to us, post photos,

and here's the best part:

only you and I
have the password.

What's the password?

"Alice," of course.

Our middle name.

You better write
every day.

And bad Internet service
is no excuse.

I'll bring it by hand
if I have to.

It's wonderful!

You... you made this for me?

Well... yes.

And that's not all.

We made you something else, too.


(playing upbeat tune)

♪ Dear Mr. Ratburn,
we made this song for you ♪

♪ You've showed us that
with hard work ♪

♪ There's nothing we can't do ♪

♪ From knowing long division
to who won Waterloo ♪

♪ Dear Mr. Ratburn,
we owe it all to you ♪

♪ Dear Mr. Ratburn,
my story's plain to see ♪

♪ My mind was filled with junk,
half-truths and fallacies ♪

♪ But after your instruction,
I think more critically ♪

♪ Now when I meet an alien,
I'll speak intelligently ♪

♪ Dear Mr. Ratburn,
we made this song for you ♪

♪ Everything you've taught us
will stick to us like glue ♪

♪ And from your fine example,
we'll know just what to do ♪

♪ Dear Mr. Ratburn,
we owe it all to you. ♪

Oh, dear.

I seem to have something
in my eye.

That was most impressive.

A bit pitchy in spots,
but overall...

(door opens)

Oh, am I interrupting?

A thousand pardons, Nigel.

Just wanted to check out
my future dojo.

Is fourth grade
going to be in this room?

No, Mr. Cramp
has actually decided

he'd prefer to teach
third grade.

Their minds are so
much more potato-like.

Like the rest of you, I'll be
moving on to fourth grade.


That means I passed!

I never thought
I'd say this,

but I really hope
I get Mr. Ratburn.

And now a word from us kids!

Hi, my name is Jossira,

and I'm in Mrs. O'Connell's
second grade class.

Arthur and Buster wanted a cool
new teacher for fourth grade.

Today, we're imagining what our
perfect teacher would be like.

I'd like to know, what would
your imaginary teacher be like?

What kind of qualities
would they have?

Extra-special powers?

My teacher's name is
Miss Silly Violin Player.

She teaches music.

She plays the violin
with her hair,

and she can sing opera.



My teacher's name
is Mr. Dolphin.

He is a rowing teacher.

He teaches us about the sea.

He's always inside of a boat,

even when he's eating breakfast
and when he gets married.


This is Mrs. Tumbleweed.

She would teach everyone
all about the desert

and all about science.

When the wind blows,
it blows her all around.

This is Sir Dino Pirate,

and he's really good at history
because he's from the past.

My teacher's name is
Mr. Porcupine.

He can teach us
all about biology.

I think Mr. Porcupine is cool,

but I don't want to give him
a high-five.


Then we made some costumes

and dressed up Mrs. O'Connell
as our dream teachers.

Even though Miss O'Connell's
not a dinosaur or a porcupine

or a crazy musician,
she's still an awesome teacher.

Hooray for Mrs. O'Connell!


And now back to Arthur!

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.