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19x07 - Carl's Concerto/Too Much of a Good Thing

Posted: 07/02/22 19:17
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




Carl is a great kid,
but he's very particular.

If things aren't a certain way,
he can get really upset.

Like with food...

I can't eat this.

Why not?

I thought you liked chicken.

The peas are touching
the potatoes.

Peas are green,
potatoes are white.

That's better.

Or putting toys away...

No, no!

That box is only
for square pieces!

Oops, sorry, I forgot.

And he likes to have
a very structured routine.

I knew I shouldn't
have touched it, but I did,

and the whole toothpick Ferris
wheel came crashing down.


Hey, where are you going?

It's : .

Extreme Kite Flying
with Tex Buttery

is on in eight minutes.

Carl has autism,

and I really don't mind
following his rules.

But I think bringing him here
might have been a terrible idea.

(doorbell rings)

Hey, George,

come on in.

You didn't spin the goose!

You just moved it!

Well, that's how
I spin things!

Well, you're
a terrible spinner!

Thanks for lending me
the math assignment.

I'll bring it
right down.

It's not "Donna Winiferd,"
it's Dora Winifred.

And I told you never
to call me that!

Well, I did call you that.

And I'm not taking it back


What's all the ruckus?

Sweet Johnny cakes!

It's a miniature giraffe
with four bow ties!

That's just Wally,
George's dummy.

I prefer the term
"ventriloquist's puppet."

Wait, you're making him talk?

But you hardly moved your mouth.

Thank goodness!

Nothing interesting
comes out of his mouth.

That's amazing!

Hey, you should perform
at our school's BAYFAF day.


I'm not sure what it stands for,

but it's going to be
a lot of fun.

That's a great idea.

You'd be much better than that
sneezing clown we had last year.

Please, please, please!


We'll do it!



You never take me

Here you go.

George, that was
really nice of you

to agree to perform
at D.W.'s school for BAYFAF.

Oh, well, it's just
a little show.

I thought it would be fun.

Um, it's not so little.

BAYFAF stands for "Bring All
Your Friends And Family."

It does?

Yeah, my whole family
is going,

and Molly will be there,

and I think Ladonna
even invited Mr. Ratburn.

Okay, class.

Open your books
to chapter ten.

I can't wait to see what you do!

I had no idea this was going
to be such a big deal.

Whatever we do
has to be really good.

How about Hamlet?

You can't go wrong
with Shakespeare.

It has to be something
little kids would like.

I was thinking of Goldilocks
and the Three Bears.

Oh, goody!

I've always wanted
to be a blond.

Can we make it
a musical?

No, we can't make it
a musical.

Where am I going to find
someone who...

(accordion playing)

Be not afeard!

The woods are full of noises,
sounds and sweet airs.

Hello, George.

Would you like to join
our picnic?

Hey, Carl.

Since when do you play
the accordion?

Since I got it
for my sixth birthday

two years ago
from my Uncle Cal.

I know songs.

You're really good!

Yes, I know.

Oh, sorry.

It's okay.

I'm no longer afraid
of puppets.

My therapist uses them
to coach me on my social skills.

How... are you today,

Um, good.

Actually, that's not true.

I'm doing this puppet show,

but it's a bigger audience
than I thought, and...

Hey, you wouldn't want
to play for it, would you?

I really want there
to be music in it.


You don't have to
if you don't want to.

I know.

That's... that's great!

This is going to make it
so much better.

Thanks, Carl.

Okay, you guys
are the three bears.

Binky, you're Papa Bear.

Let's hear you roar.



Rattles, show me Mama Bear.

(roaring softly)


And Buster?

(roaring strongly)

A little more baby-like.

(roaring in baby voice)


Okay, when the show opens,

Wallilocks will be skipping
through the woods.

Carl, could you play
some happy, skippy music?

(playing a tune)

La, la, la, la!

Here I am,
skipping through the woods.

Hello, birch.

Hello, elm.

Hello, poison oak.

Keep your distance.

(accordion music stops)

The music stopped.

Should I keep skipping,
or take five?

Um, Carl?

Why did you stop?

I don't like this room.

It's very messy.

It is?

I think we should
rehearse outside.


But we can't...

It is pretty stuffy in here.

And it's a gorgeous day out.

I could use a little Vitamin D.


Okay, let's take it
from where we left off.

Wallilocks is skipping
through the woods, while...

(watch beeping)


What are you doing?

Putting my accordion away.

I know, but why?

We have to rehearse now.

It's : ,
so it's time for lunch.

Well, can we have lunch
a little later?

It's : .

It's time for lunch.

Okay, everyone,
let's break for lunch.


Someone's been sleeping
in my bed,

and they're still there.


It's a long-necked alien
from the planet Gamma-Magga!

Easy on the ad-libs.

Okay, Carl, that's your cue.

(accordion plays same phrase
three times)

That's great,

but I think we only need you
to play it once.

It's out of tune.

That's okay.

It still works.

(notes off tune)

It doesn't sound good.

I have to replace
one of the reeds.

They're at home.


No, you can't leave now.

Do you have
an accordion reed here?

No, but...

Then I have to go home.


Oh, what a beautiful day to be
skipping through the woods!

I'm so happy.

(Carl playing dark,
ominous tune)

I said "happy,"
not filled with doom.

(continues playing
dark tune)

It's supposed to be
a fairy tale,

not a scary tale.

Even though this is free,
I demand my money back!

(continues playing)

(crowd jeering)

It's not my fault.

I tried to tell Carl
what to play,

but he wouldn't listen.

George, as a member
of the Puppeteer's Guild,

I hereby revoke your
Dummy Operator's License.

I'm afraid I have to confiscate
Wally as well.


No! Never!


Well, if you won't leave,
then I'll have to...


invite you
to live with us.


And Wallilocks
moved in with the bears

and lived rent-free
forever and ever!

The end.

Carl, that's your cue
to play the final tune.

I know.

Well, can we hear it?

The show is tomorrow.

I don't feel like playing it
right now.

But I've been practicing it.

It'll be good.

See you tomorrow.

Binky, I'm worried
about Carl.


He's a really good

I know, but what if it's
too noisy in the room,

or he just doesn't
feel like playing?

Could you bring
your clarinet tomorrow?

You want me to replace him?

Who will play Papa Bear?

I will!

I can use both hands.

To be honest, I don't find
Mama Bear that challenging.

She's very passive.

Okay, it's your show.

But you better tell him.


What are you
waiting for?

The phone can't
call itself.

I know, I know.

I'm just... thinking
about what I'll say.

(phone ringing)

Good evening.

Gould residence.




That went well.


Hello, George.

I meant to call you
last night,

but I was kind of busy...

What did you want
to talk to me about?

Oh, I just wanted to say that
you don't have to play today.

I mean,
if you don't want to.

There will be
a lot of kids in there,

and you might get nervous.

I don't feel nervous.

I've practiced a lot.

Yeah, I know,
it's just that...

It's just that what?


Forget it.

Aw, man!

Hey, boys and girls!

It's me, Wallilocks!

Get a load of these
golden curls.


...moved in with the bears

and lived rent-free
forever and ever.

(playing upbeat tune)

(applause and cheers)

You were really great, Carl!

I know.

(watch beeping)

It's time for a snack.

See you later.

And now a word from us kids.

(plucking notes)

Hi, I'm Selena,

and I'm in the El Sistema
music program in Somerville.

We take music lessons every day
after school.

(music continues)

This is Miss Klein,
and she's our music teacher.

You did it!

You got it!

Carl and George were rehearsing
for their puppet show,

and we're rehearsing
for our concert.

(practicing notes)

Rehearsing is when you practice
something over and over again

and you learn it.


(all playing tune)

Rehearsing is good
because when you start the song,

you don't know it yet,
and it sounds awful.

(kids all playing
different notes)

Well, I think it's been awhile.

We're gonna help you guys
learn this part,

and the way we're gonna do that
is by having a buddy.

We have to work together
as a team.


(plays D note)

D, A, A, A, D, A...

We practiced and practiced
until we got it.

One, two, ready and...

(kids playing same notes)

Much better-- nice job, guys.

When we were finished

we were ready for our concert.

(everyone playing together)

(audience cheering)

The more you practice,
the better you play.

(playing tune)

And now back to Arthur!

(barking happily)

Pal loves playing "stick."

I think it's his favorite thing
in the world.

But what if he did it
every single day?


How about D.W.?

She loves watching
Mary Moo Cow.

But would she still love it
if she watched it all day long?

hours straight.

That must be a new record.

Should I turn it off now?


Is that a yes or a no?


Um, hello?


And what about Mr. Ratburn?

He loves giving quizzes,

but I bet he wouldn't
if he did it all the time.

(doorbell rings)


What's the capital
of Papua New Guinea?

Um... Papua?


Port Moresby!

You get an F.

(sighs happily)

What a glorious day.

Okay, maybe that was
a bad example.

But I do wonder,

if you have too much
of a good thing...


...does it make it
a bad thing?


(birds chirping)


Rise and shine!

What are you doing here?

Your mom let me in.

Come on,
we have to get going.

I laid your clothes out
for you.

Today, I thought
you'd wear a white shirt,

a yellow V-neck sweater,
and blue jeans.

Is that good?

Yeah, I guess.

Where are we going?

Arthur, it's April nd.


April nd
is when the Kit scouts

start selling cookies.

I've saved up
enough money

for the family-sized box
of Tuvalunas!

Are those
the coconut ones?

They're not
just coconut.

They're coconut-laced
cashew clusters

dipped in Oaxacan chocolate

and drizzled
with artisanal caramel.

It's poetry in baking.


Okay, I guess
I'll get some too.

(piggy bank rattling)

Or not.

Don't sweat it.

You can have some of mine.


I'll be lucky
if I can get one.

What do you mean by that?

Every year, you buy a box

and gobble up the whole thing
in minutes.

Then you feel sick.

I don't do that.

Yes, you do.

I think I have a photo


Here we go.

This is you when you just got
the cookies last year.

And here's you
minutes later.

Oh, yeah.

Well, this time, things
are going to be different.

Your largest box
of Tuvalunas, please!


How will things
be different?

Here, have one.

I'm going to exercise
will power.

But you don't have
any will power.

What are you
talking about?

I've got tons
of will power.

I just...

forget to use it.

Buster, you've just eaten three
cookies in under seconds

while talking
about will power.


You're right.

Take these away.

From now on, only let me
have one per day.


If I take them, you'll
pester me every five minutes.

I won't!

I swear!

Yes, you will.

And then I'll just
wind up giving in.

Well, there must be someone
who can hold onto them for me.


I think I've thought
of the perfect person.

Can I have one more?


So let me get this straight.

You want me to hold on
to these cookies

and only give you one a day

no matter how much
you beg and plead?

That's right.

Will you be doing a lot
of begging and pleading?


Well, that does make it
more interesting.

He'll also give you
a cut of the cookies.

I will?

Buster, this is
for your own good.


You can have...


How's ten?

No way!

Ten, or no deal.



I'll just take
one more before...


The deal starts now.

You get your next cookie

After school.

At the Tower of Pain.


The formula for the area
of a circle is pi R squared.

So if we know that
the radius is six inches

and pi equals . ,

then all we have to do
is multiply six times...

Hi, Buster!

Hi, Tuvaluna.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

When are you coming
to see me?

Not for another...

five hours!

Five hours?

I can't wait that long!

I have to see you now!

Well, Buster?

What's the answer?

(in a daze):

No, "cookie" is incorrect.

The answer is
. inches squared.

Let's try to focus, shall we?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Can I help you?

I have to see Binky.

He's got my Tuvalunas.

And you are...?

Who am I?!

You know who I am,


Buster Baxter.

You're not on the list.

Wait here.


Okay, Binky will see you.

Oh, hey, Buster.

What's up?

You know what's up.

I want my Tuvaluna.

Oh, that.


New rule:

you have to eat it here.

Okay, okay!

Just give me my cookie!


Sweet relief!

Come on, come on,
eat up.

I haven't got all day.

A pleasure doing business
with you.

See you tomorrow.

(bell rings)

Buster, Buster...

Could you spell that, please?



Could I have some
of that milk, please?



All gone.

cashew clusters...




I'll buy them from you!

It's empty.


You're trying to taunt me,
aren't you?

You're a cruel moose,
George Lundgren.

No, I just really love
the design.

I'm going to use it as wallpaper
for Wally's house.

Although I only really have
enough for his bedroom.

Oh, sorry.

I thought Binky might have
put you up to it.

You could have my box,
but Binky has it.


I gave it to him so I could
enjoy my Tuvalunas for longer.

But now I'm not really
enjoying them at all.

It's complicated.

Why don't you just
take them back?

I mean, they're yours, right?

You're right!

They are mine.

But Binky won't just
hand them over.



if I give you the box,

will you help me rescue
my Tuvalunas?



(camera shutter clicks)

(bell rings)

Our timing will have
to be perfect.

You'll have two,
maybe three minutes tops.

What about Molly
and Binky?

What if they see me?

I'll take care of them.

You just focus
on switching those boxes.



(bell ringing)

Hey, everyone!

The ice cream truck is here.

Ice cream!

Ice cream!

Didn't you hear
the bell?

The ice cream truck
is here.

I'm lactose intolerant.


They also have sorbet.

What flavors?

Every flavor.

Do they have peach?

Yes, peach.

They have peach.

I bet it isn't fresh.

It's not peach season.

Although they may be
importing them from Ecuador.

The Ecuadorian peach
is pretty succulent.

Eh, I guess
it's worth a shot.

My cookie, please.

Oh, no!

I dropped my Tuvaluna!

Can I please have another one?

No way.

Well, at least help me
look for it.

Oh, never mind.

I see it.



My Tuvalunas!

Such a beautiful box!

Every year, you buy a box

and gobble up the whole thing
in minutes.

Then you feel sick.

You have no will power.

Arthur, would you
please go away?

I tried.

What are you waiting for?

Eat up.


How did you...?

George let me in
on his way out.

That was a pretty sneaky plan
you two cooked up.

I'm impressed.

I can't eat these.

They've got nuts in them.

I was going to give them to you
at the end of our deal,

sort of like a prize
for having self-control.

But there's no point now.

Well, enjoy.


You're just...
giving them to me?

No strings attached?


I ate a few and they were great,
but I don't want any more.

And thanks for helping me.

Actually, could I
just take one more?


Welcome to your new home.


To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.