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19x04 - Carried Away/Dueling Detectives!

Posted: 07/02/22 19:14
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




ARTHUR (nervously):
This movie isn't scary
at all.

I've never been
less scared in my life.

(banging upstairs)

What was that?

Did you hear something?

I hear a thump, thump, thump!

Oh, wait, that's just my heart.

If you two
can't handle scary movies,

then you shouldn't have...

(rattling upstairs)


It's coming from upstairs!

But the only ones up there
are Kate and Mei Lin.

On the count of three.

One, two, three!

I told you
it was nothing.

Let me guess:
you thought it was aliens.

Well, something knocked
those books off the table.

Come on,
let's go finish the movie.


(door closes)

Okay, you can
come down now.

I say!

What was that
all about?

Oh, you know big kids.

Always letting their
imaginations run away with them.

Now, who's ready for a little
jaunt into outer space?

What did you say
your name was again?

Dr. Yowl.

Canine of the cosmos,
mutt of the Milky Way.

And Pal's cousin.

At your service.

You never told me
you had a cousin.

He's a distant cousin.

I live four billion miles away
on the planet Pluto.

Although our status as a planet
was recently revoked.

Now we're just a dwarf planet.

Oh, the ignominy.

(theatrical crying)

You poor thing.

It's just an act.

Yowl always was a ham.

Oh, speaking of ham,

I have a doozy of one
in the Barcdis.

We're having a party back home,
and you're all invited.

The Barcdis?

It stands for Ballistic
Astro Rocket

for Carrying Dogs In Space.

Isn't she a beauty?

I'd love to go
to a party on Pluto.

It does seem
rather exciting.

I don't know, Kate.

It sounds risky.

What if he doesn't
get us back by supper?

No offense, Yowl, but you're
not the most reliable dog...

Sweet mother of dog!

That is a big ham.

Then it's settled.

All aboard.

Next stop,

I thought you lived on Pluto.

Oh, we just have to make
a few stops along the way.

Mercury is the planet
closest to the Sun,

so it's a bit toasty out there.

I knew this was
a bad idea.

You and Mei Lin
didn't bring any sunblock.

Not to worry.

I have just the thing
to protect you

from all the hostile
environments we'll visit.

Hostile environments?

Turn this ship around right now!

Fortunately for us,

the Plutonians
have invented space snacks.

One little nugget,
and you can safely go anywhere.

And they taste like chicken.


Mmm, not bad.

So crunchy!

Could've used ketchup.

Oh, what an awful place!

I think it's beautiful!

It's like
a giant sandbox.

You could try enjoying
yourself a little.

After all, it's not every day
that you're on Mercury.

I know, but my cousin
is a troublemaker.

He visited one Thanksgiving,
stole the turkey,

and guess who got blamed for it?

Maybe he's changed.

You should at least
give him a chance.



I brought us here
to bake the ham for the party.

In this heat, it should be ready
in a few seconds.

You're right.

Perhaps I have misjudged him.

Should we, um,
test it?

See if it's
fully cooked?

I don't see why not.

Next stop, Venus.

The second planet
from the Sun.

I left a toy on the surface
last time I dropped by.

It won't take but a minute.

A dreadful place.

It's actually
even hotter than Mercury,

and it rains sulfuric acid.

Ah, here it is.

Right where I left it.

I say, why don't we have
a bit of catch?

It's so rare
that us Plutonians

get a human
to throw a ball for us.

All right, Kate,
let's see that arm.

Not bad.

Of course,
the fact that

there's less gravity here
than Earth helps.

Race you, Pal!

All right, Mei Lin.

Now it's your turn.

Leaping labradors!

You should play for the Grebes.

I'll get it.


This is Pluto,
calling Yowl.

How goes your secret mission?

Have you convinced the subject
to leave Earth forever?


Pal was right!

Dr. Yowl is up to something.

Where's that ball?

I want to show Yowl
my fancy paw-work.

I have to talk to you
about him.

I know, I know,

you want me to give him
a second chance.

And I am.

He's actually rather fun.

Okay, play time's over.

There's just one more stop
we have to make.

The fourth planet
from the Sun-- Mars.

There it is.

The Curiosity Rover,

which you earthlings
put up here in .

Why do you want that?

All dogs like
to chase cars,

even the ones on Pluto.

I thought it'd be fun
for the party.

Come on, old sport.

Let's go grab it!

Faster, faster!


Now we're cooking!

Faster, faster!


Driving cars
is even more fun

than chasing them.

Kate, you have to try it.

Yes, you two go for a spin.

I want to show
Mei Lin something.

Pal, you were right.

No, you were right, Kate.

I'm having a ball.

I want to explore
the galaxy forever.

You do?


What's wrong?

I overheard
the Plutonians' plan.

They want to convince you
to leave Earth forever.

I knew we couldn't trust
that conniving cousin of mine.

(alarm blaring)


They've left without us!

If Yowl's trying to get me
to move to Pluto,

he's going about it
in a rather odd way.

That's Jupiter,

the fifth and biggest planet
in the solar system.

Then there's Saturn.

Those rings are actually
composed of bits of ice.

Why aren't we stopping?

You said we'd get ice cubes

and then turn around
and pick up Pal and Kate.

Oh, did I?

I'll pick them up later.

Besides, it's really you
who everyone wants to meet.

Okay, we're stuck on Mars
with no way to get off.

What should we do?

How about panic?

Panic sounds good.

We're doomed!


We just have
to use our heads.

He could've at least
left us the ham.

Wait a minute.

What's that
in your hand?


Oh, it's Dr. Yowl's
magic chew toy.

I must have taken it
by accident.

That's what he used
to make the Barcdis appear.

Quick, press some buttons.

Oh, now I've got
doggie pox.

Try another one.


It must be
his back-up Barcdis.

Quick, let's rescue
Mei Lin.

Can we bring
the Rover?

It's so much fun..

Please, please, please?


That's Uranus and Neptune,
gas giants and sister planets.

Speaking of gas,
let's step on it.

We've almost caught up to Yowl.

(dogs barking excitedly)

Pal, Kate!

I was, uh, just about
to go back for you.

Stand back from her,
you ruffian!

Mei Lin.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Your extended family
is really nice.

Welcome to Pluto, Pal.

This is your cousin Sal,
and Cal, and Val.

And of course me,
your Uncle Al.

I'm sorry Dr. Yowl
got carried away,

but there was a simple reason.

Because Pluto is so small,

it has very low gravity,
much lower than Venus's.

And that means...

I can throw a ball
a really, really long way.

(barking excitedly)

We didn't mean any harm.

We just wanted someone
to play fetch with.

But we'll let her go.

Maybe you
don't have to.

But I'll need
your help.

Why not me?

I'll help you.

Ball, ball!

It's mine!

I call it.

Before we say goodbye

to our visiting friends,

let's say thanks
for Kate's idea

to transform the Mars Rover
into a Plutonian ball thrower.

(barking excitedly)

Pal, it's time to go.


But I was having
such a good time.

Maybe you'd like to stay,
after all.

It's okay with me

if that's
what will make you happy.

What a silly movie!

I can't believe you two
were so scared.

(banging upstairs)


It's back.


Everything seems fine.

Come on, Mei Lin.

Let's get out of here.

This place gives me the creeps.

(door closes)

Pluto had everything
you could want, Pal.

Everything except you, Kate.

And now a word from us kids.

Hi, my name is Marley,

and I'm in Miss Kaplan's
third grade class.

Kate and Pal traveled
through the solar system

and learned about the planets.

Today, we're learning
about the planets too.

Can anybody tell me the order
of the planets from the Sun?

Mercury, Venus, Earth...

Mars, Jupiter...

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.


What we are going
to be doing today is

we are going to be creating
a commercial

to try to get someone
to visit your planet.

Miss Kaplan assigned us planets,
and then we did some research.

Did you know that Jupiter could
hold more than , Earths?

It's got moons
and it's got rings too.

It's Saturn.

We talked about the things
you should bring

when you visit our planet.

Mars has some volcanoes,

so maybe we'd need
some hiking boots.

Mercury is closest to the Sun,
so they need sunglasses.

My planet is Jupiter.

I have this in case of a storm.

Then we got ready
to put on our commercials.

Jupiter is the stormiest planet
in the solar system.

Go to Jupiter
if you like storms.

(sings jingle)

Come on down to Venus.

It's very hot,
so bring sunscreen.

♪ Venus, Venus,
so hot it's cool. ♪

I'm Saturn.

Don't bring your jewelry,
because we got rings.

Come to Mars,
it's the next planet from ours.

Call -MARS
to book your vacation.

You'll never want to leave.

What planet
would you like to visit?


And now, back to Arthur.

(with French accent):
In my career as a consulting

I have unraveled
many a tricky knot,

but none so knotty as The Case
of the Disappearing Dummy.

What a dastardly deed!

Your most entertaining puppet,

stolen from under the nose.

(English accent):
Yes, well, uh...

Worry not, Bastings.

I, detective mastermind
Virgule Watteau,

shall not fail you.

Ah, well, you see...

No need to thank me.

As my oldest friend,

I'm happy to help you
discover the culprit.

Already the brain cells,

they are working
at the speed of lightning.

I hired someone else.

Even at this moment,
I am homing in on the answer.

Got another detective
working, actually.

This is obviously
the handiwork of...

What did you say?

Just that I...

Pip pip.

The Gray Dove!

You return
to the scene of your crime.

Actually, Watteau,
I have a confession.

I hired the Gray Dove.

To do what?

To, uh, solve the crime?

Any problem with that?


Oh, yeah?!


Oh, dear.

Fern, there you are.

You'll never guess
what happened.

Someone stole Wally.


I left him right here,
but now he's gone.

Look, they left the case open.

What happened?

Checked lost and found?

I searched everywhere.

It's no use.

What's going on here?

I'll have to ask you
to stay back, ma'am.

This is a crime scene.


Crime scene?


Where were you?

I was looking all over for you.

I had a dentist appointment.

Well, when I couldn't find you,
Binky offered to help.

Happened to be in the area
and responded to the call.

He got a junior detective kit
for Christmas.

Copy that, we've got a
in progress,

will update you
as the situation unfolds.

Did you just talk
into a fake walkie-talkie?


I know.

It's a "crime scene."


Please, sir.

I'll handle this.

I hope you're not leaving.

We have a crime to solve.


Listen, the big PTA variety show
is in two hours.

If we don't find Wally,

that show is going to be
minus one dummy.

I'll fill you in.

The vic is
an eight-year-old male moose

by the name
of George Lundgren.

I know who George is.

The story I got is this.

All week,
the teacher, Ms. Fink,

had everyone leave their
show props in the music room.

She didn't want anyone leaving
anything they needed at home.

After school today,
George found his case open.

His dummy had vanished.

(clarinet playing)



El gone-o!

In other words, stolen.

I got that.

Luckily, I happened to have
my new detective kit on hand.

Here's the way
I figure it.

Someone else in the show
must have been afraid

George was going to be
better than them.

So last night, they snuck in
and stole the giraffe.

The question is, who?

That's a very good question.

It is?

Let me think about it.

You do that.

Meanwhile, I'll ID the perp
using good old shoe leather.

A perp is a...

I know what a perp is.



There was something strange

about the sudden appearance
of this new investigator.

A most interesting case,
I have to say.

It was most wise of you
to have retained my services,

Mr. Bastings.

You know who did it?

I can tell you that whoever
stole your diminutive friend

must have gained access
to your roof.

From there, it was
a simple matter to lower down,

enter through the window,

lightfoot it across the rug,

and purloin your puppet.

I say, that's most clever!

(feeble clapping)


I have but one question.

How would you know that
the culprit came via the roof

unless you were on the roof?



Watteau, you're right.

It was the Gray Dove.

He did it.


(pencil scratching paper)

Who are we spying on?

You got a bead
on a perp?

No, probably just
a wild goose chase.

Wild goose?

You mean one got into the room?

It sounds crazy,

but maybe you're
onto something.

Well, there's always
a bunch of them near city hall.

Good thinking.

I'll go check.

I know you suspect me,
but I didn't do it.



I did take Wally
out of his case,

but I didn't steal him.

What are you
talking about?

When was this?

after practice.

Hey, look!

What a relief!

That box is a real
pain in the neck.


Someone's coming.

It was inside when Mr. Morris
locked the door.

Then Binky must have
come back later.


Oh, nothing.

Thanks for your help.

Wally must be in his house.



for something?

Oh. No.

I mean, yes.

I mean...

By the way,
I know who stole Wally.


So do I.


What are you doing?

Making sure
you don't run away.


Why should I run away?

Because you did it.

I figured it out

when you sent me to look
for that wild goose.

I should have known
it was nothing but a trick.

Why on earth
would I want to take Wally?

Uh... give me a sec.

I know.

So you could solve the crime
and take all the credit.

Attention hog.

That's ridiculous.

Could you get us
out of these now?

All right, but...

Uh, hang on...

There may be another mystery.

One about a missing key.


It's gotta be
around here someplace.

Or the school.

Or the town.


Well, maybe you
should have thought of that

before you sent me
over here.

That wasn't very nice,
you know.

Well, it wasn't nice of you
and George to leave me out.

He couldn't find you.

He didn't mean
to hurt your feelings.

He was just worried.

You're right.



Just wish my detective kit
had fingerprint powder.

Then I'd know who took Wally
from that dummy case.

Oh, that was Francine.

She was playing with it
last night.

When she heard Mr. Morris
coming, she must have...

Left it on the table.

So that means...

It wasn't...



George claimed Wally
was in his case every night.

Go left.

Other left, other left.

But last night, Francine
left him out of the case.


Everyone knew Wally
was part of the show.

Everyone except one person.

A person with keys.


You mean that giraffe?

That was part
of the show?


You know what happened to it?

Sure do.

I just figured it was one
of the kindergarteners' toys.


Good work, partner.

Sorry about calling you a thief
and everything.

Yeah, me too.

I can't wait
till we solve our next crime.

Thanks for finding me.

If I had to hear that
"Itsy Spider" song again,

I was gonna
lose my marbles.

George, you're on!

That's our show.

Say goodbye, Wally.

Goodbye, Wally.



We have to find that key now!

Roger that, partner.

(Fern sighs)

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
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