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19x01 - Brain's Brain/Brain Sees Stars

Posted: 07/02/22 19:11
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




Today's episode
is all about the brain.

Hi, everyone.

Welcome to my show.


Not that Brain.

This brain.

Did you know that our brain is

one of the most complex things
in the entire known universe?

Each brain is made up of lots of
teeny-tiny cells called neurons.

I wonder how many neurons
there are in a human brain.

Over billion.

Can I come out now?

Wow! billion?

One of the most amazing things
about the brain

is how much it can remember.

Hey, speaking of memory,
you owe me cents

for that vanilla yogurt
I bought you yesterday.

It was cents and it was
a blueberry yogurt.

It was cents and I distinctly
remember it was vanilla.


We'll talk about it later.

Did you happen to notice

the strange things that just
appeared in Buster's room?

There were five of them.

How many can you remember?

We'll check back with you
at the end of the show.

I'll tell you
what's strange.

The amount of dirty socks
in here.


(pot lid rattling)



(bubbling continues)

Oh, Brain, you've really outdone
yourself this time.

(laughing evilly)

What are you doing up?

It's past midnight.

It is?

I was so busy preparing
for our spring egg hunt

I lost track of time.

I better get a flashlight.

You can hide the eggs
tomorrow morning.

But the kids are
coming at : !

I need time to find super-
challenging hiding spots.

Tomorrow, Alan.

(birds chirping)


It's the toughest egg hunt
in all of Elwood City.

Once he hid an egg
inside an orange.

And the peel wasn't
even broken.

I only found it
because I got hungry.

Well, this Mr. Brain has
finally met his match.

I'm the best finder
in the whole wide world.

Oh, really.

It's true.

Mom says I have a gift.

I can even find things
before they're lost.

That doesn't make
any sense.

Well, I pinky-bet you...

two paperclips and a marker
that smells like strawberries

that I find more eggs than you.

Well, I'll see
your two paperclips

and a marker that smells
like strawberries

and raise you a giraffe sticker
and a bendy straw.


I can smell
those strawberries now.

The theme of this year's
egg hunt is...

great men and women of science.

Every egg has the name
of a scientist on it.

Whoever finds the most
scientists wins...

a most egg-cellent prize!

(Brain laughing)

Gimme a break.

I woke up late and only had
five minutes for puns.

Okay, ready... set... go!


Sweet sassafras,
it's a unicorn!


(D.W. growls)



Kepler, Niels Bohr
and Marie Curie.

Vicita has three.

Those are rocks, not eggs.


Tommy and Timmy: zero.


I got seven!

I got seven, too!

Well, I guess we have
a tie for the win...

Wait, who got Pierre Paul Broca?

The th century French doctor
instrumental in discovering

that different areas of the
brain have different functions.

Nice try.

So you mean there's
still one more egg out there?

He's probably buried it.

I bet it's under his sweater.

Fork it over!

Hey, cut it out!

It's not in either
of those places.

It's, um, it's...

Now, where did I put Broca?

Was it in that black hole?

No, that's where I put
Stephen Hawking.

For the life of me, I can't
remember where I put Broca.

Mr. Brain, think.

There's a marker that
smells like strawberries

at stake here.

I'll remember.

I just need
a little peace and quiet.

It's in here somewhere, Brain.

You just have to find it.

Broca... Broca...

a pioneer in the study
of the brain.

Hmm, where should I...?




I don't remember there being
any hole here.


Where am I?

(sparks crackling)

"You are here."

Huh, I guess I'm inside
my own head.

And I must be standing
on my brain.

It's gotta be around here

Let's just start digging.

No, stop!

No digging in my brain!

Let go of my pickaxe!

That was pretty
sneaky of you,

hiding the egg
in your own head.

It's not in my head.

It's in the yard somewhere.

(all screaming)

Great! Now we're stuck
inside my brain.

Let's ask that hippo
if she knows where the egg is.


Welcome to Brain's brain.

How may I help you?

I must confess,
I'm a little disappointed.

I thought the inside of
my brain would be bigger.

Oh, it is.

You're just in the tiny area
here called the hippocampus

within the temporal lobe.


The brain is made up
of tons of sections,

which all do separate things
but also work together

to produce movement,
thoughts, feelings...

It's a wonderful place to work.

Although I haven't had
a vacation in nine years.

This is really interesting,
but we're kind of in a rush.

We're in the middle
of an egg hunt and he...

can't remember where
he put the last one.

Well, memory is
a very tricky thing.

We do store a lot
of memories here,

but in order to retrieve
the memories,

you'll have to visit
other parts of the brain.

I better get you a guide.


Report to the hippocampus,

You have a tour waiting.

(bat squeaking)

Hello, I am Pavel,

tour guide bat
from Czech Republic.

What on earth is a Czech bat
doing in my brain?

It just means
you're getting batty.

Okay, now we go.

Please keep hands at sides

while moving
through the blood vessels.

(kids scream)

We are now in brain stem,

very important part of brain
which controls body functions,

like heartbeat and breathing

and movements in eyes and face.

So what would happen
if I press these?


Hey, cut it out!

Quit making my face move!

Okay, now we go to frontal lobe,
very advanced part of brain.

This is part of brain where
thinking is happening

and decisions are made.

I'm getting a message
from the pleasure center.

Brain wants to go downstairs
and eat a cookie.

Issuing command...


I just got a signal

that Brain thinks maybe he
should wait 'til after dinner.

But he also wants that cookie.

I'm issuing the command...

No, don't!

It's just empty calories!

Let go!

He needs that cookie now!

Look at them.

They're like the Tibbles.

Stop fighting and look
for the egg.

Can we go straight
to the place for memories?

I gotta get home soon.

Take that! Ooh!

He wins.

Give Brain the cookie.

Now we're back in temporal lobe,

but different area
from hippocampus.

This area of brain has
many long-term memories.

I remember that.

That was when I hit
the winning run

against Mighty Mountain
last year.

Oh, yeah.

And that was from my
superstitious phase.

Let's move on.


When did that happen?

Hey, I think I found

The eggs! Quick!

Paint the next panel.

We have to see
where he put them.

I'll help.

No, this is memory from today.

The paint is still wet.

It is very dangerous
to tamper with it!


You're going to damage

Um, we were just looking
for the bathroom.


I'm sorry,
but I still don't remember

where I put Pierre Paul Broca.

All I remember is this crazy
dream with a Czech bat and...

Wait a minute!

My brain was trying to tell me,
"Check the bat house"!

That's amazing!


So it's still a tie.

You two can share the prize.

It's a two-volume set

of Sir Isaac Newton's
Arithmetic Universalis.

It's a great read.

Huh, now where did I put it?

Hey, welcome back.

Did you remember
the five strange objects?

They were...

A flying banana.

A sombrero.

A chicken.

A rake.

And an umbrella.

How many did
you get right?

Aren't brains amazing?

Both kinds.

And now a word from us kids.

My name is Jelani

and I'm in Miss Huttle's
second grade class.

Who's ready
for a brain challenge?

Today we're giving
our brains a workout.

We're doing brain teasers
and physical challenges.

The first thing we did
was called movement memory.

We had to memorize
a bunch of exercise moves.

One, two, three, four, five...

Next we built a cup tower.

Building a cup tower
is a brain workout

because you need to plan it out
and concentrate.


Different parts of your brain
are good at different things.


Hey, everybody,
now close your eyes.

We are playing a memory game.

Look closely at all the things
and try to remember them.

Can you see what's missing?

Paper clip! Paper clip!

Look it.

I said it.

It's the paper clip.

So our next challenge is to
arrange ourself by birthday

without talking.

We had to go
from youngest to oldest.

It's hard to communicate
without talking.

I think we got it.






Try to make
your own brain workout.


And now, back to Arthur.

Three, two, one, zero...

Ignition, lift-off!

Do you know what I love
about astrophysics,

the study of how planets
and stuff move through space?

Hey, what's this button for?

You can predict
exactly what they'll do.

Earth and Mars
circle the Sun

in predictable patterns
called orbits,

so even though they're traveling
at about , miles an hour

and are millions of miles apart,
our rocket won't get lost.


Come back, peas!

All we have to do is aim
for where Mars will be

when we get there...

eight months from now!

Eight months?!

What are we going to do on
this tiny ship for eight months?


(engine roaring)

You see?

It's eight months later
and we're right on target.

And... checkmate!

That's , games
to , .

You cheated.

You moved your king
while I was out space-walking.

Oh, yeah?

When I get
this seat belt off,

I'm gonna space-walk
all over you!

Don't you love
how you can rely on science?


If only people were
the same way...!

And that was Bach's Violin
Concerto # in A-minor.

For all you amateur astronomers
out there,

you can watch the Carlsaganids
meteor shower tonight

at approximately : p.m.

This time, nothing will stop me.

Don't forget, Alan.

I need your help tonight
with that big ice cream order

for Crosswire Motors.

Way ahead of you, Mom!

Tonight's the big meteor shower

so I asked Arthur
if he'd sub for me.

The Curse won't get me
this time!

That's fine, dear.

"The Curse"?!

What curse?

Every time I try to see
a meteor shower,

something happens and I miss it.

I missed the Perseids...

(doorbell rings)

(door opens)

Alan, look who showed up
for a surprise visit...



I missed the Draconids...

Thanks for helping me clean up.

Now go see your meteor shower.

Everything here is
under control.


And I missed the Quadrantids.

This is kind of embarrassing,

but would you know
how to change a tire?


Wow, you really are cursed!

Want my lucky corn muffin?

(muffin thuds on table)

Thanks, but I'm prepared
this year.

I've spent weeks mapping out

to everything
that could go wrong.

I did all my homework
ahead of time.

I finished up all my chores
for the school band

and the computer club.

And I got Arthur to agree

to help out in my mom's
ice cream shop...

out of the kindness
of his heart.

This time, my plans
are foolproof.

(Arthur coughing)

Is it me or is it
really hot in here?



You're sick.

Don't worry, Brain.


I can definitely still sub
for you to...


The Curse!
The Curse!

Your sub is gonna need a sub.


Where can I find someone
who loves ice cream enough

to spend a whole evening
in my mom's shop?

I'm available.

Where can I find
someone responsible

who loves ice...

Aw, come on, Brain!

I already have a list
of innovations in my head.

What do you think your mom would
say to a hot fudge sloppy Joe?

I'd say that I'm probably
gonna regret this.

But you're hired.

And don't worry.

It's not like I'm gonna catch

what Arthur has.

Oh, beans!

(bell rings)

Alan, about the paper
you handed in early...

Is there something wrong
with it?

Oh, no, it's excellent!

I was wondering
if you'd read it aloud

at the open house for
incoming students tonight.

Tonight?! But tonight is...

I really think it will inspire
the next generation.

I really appreciate
that, but...

Fern's the real author
in our class.

I'll bet she's written
something even better.

Could you let her read at
tonight's open house instead?

The open house
for incoming students?


But I'm only on
my sixth draft.

Well, I'd have to see her paper.

We'll get it
to you soon.

But I have a process.

Writing is like
preparing a stew.

You have to stir the ingredients

and let them marinate
in the juices.

What's more important, Fern?

Cooking a meal or inspiring
the next generation?

What if I take a look at it
before you hand it in?

Every writer needs
a good editor.


It's a deal.

I saw it all, you genius.

Brain, I think you're finally
going to beat...

Oh, hey-- coach just posted
the new schedule

and guess whose turn it is

to clean the equipment
after soccer practice.

The Curse!
The Curse!

Heads up!

I know it's just practice,
but could you focus?

I am focusing.

What's another word
for "cat-like"?

I've got it!


Can't you help out
on the field?

Can't you take over washing the
equipment for me after practice?

(out of breath):
Told you...

Muffy's dad...

hosting a drive-in movie.

Promised Muffy
I'd help sell treats.


(blows whistle)

And... time.

Great practice, everyone!

Practice is over already?

I'm only on page two.


Hmm, I'm quite impressed.

Okay, Fern, you're on.

Alan, you can go.

Thanks, Fern.

I don't know where I'd be

without your lyrical style.


What do you mean, lyrical?

Just that it's very, um,

You're saying I use
too many adjectives, aren't you?

I knew it!

I'm starting over.

What?! No! It's perfect!


"And so, the first astronauts
on the moon learned that craters

"are formed by the impact
of meteorites,

"stones drawn to us by gravity
from the far reaches of space...

and our imagination."


So, what's
a meteorite again?


Buster, perfect timing!

I'll run in and get my gear

and you can put on an apron
and help my mom.

Hey... (coughing)

Is it hot out here,
or is it just me?

I don't know why
you're still here, Brain.


I'm fine.

I have this... covered.

Covered in germs!

It's the Curse!

It's not a curse, Alan.

You're just delayed

because you're being
so nice and helpful.

Now run.

I can handle the rest myself.

You want me to put
these strawberries

in the freezer, Mrs. P?



Would you help me
cross the street?

(crossing light beeping)

Really, it's fine.

You don't have to tip me.

Oh, I insist.

(coins jingling)


The best time to see most meteor
showers is late at night,

when it's dark.

But the Carlsaganids happen
early in the evening,

and this year, there's only
a thin crescent moon.

So we'll get a great view
much earlier.

: p.m.

I can't believe
I made it!

I'm away from the city lights
for better viewing,

with my camera,
green tea and...

What in the name of Copernicus?!

(lots of people chatting)

Hey, Brain, welcome to Muffy's
dad's drive-in movie.

I told you I'd get better soon.

Me too!

I'm... (coughing)

the picture of health.

How come you're not watching
the meteor shower?

It's too bright.

Want some ice cream?

How 'bout some...
(coughing) popcorn?

No! That's it!

I give up!

The only I thing I can
count on in this world

is that I'm cursed
to never, ever see

a meteor shower in person!

Welcome to Crosswire Motors'
temporary drive-in theater.

Enjoy the film
Douglas the Talking Dune Buggy.


Boy, Brain looks so sad.

He tried
so hard,

but the Curse got him.

I wish there was something
we could do.

Maybe there is.


(crowd grumbling)

Hey, where'd the movie go?!

Uh, technical difficulties,

But in the meantime, look up!

(crowd "oohs" and "ahhs")

The Carlsaganids.


See, Brain?

There is something else
you can count on.


To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.