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18x05 - Fountain Abbey/Arthur Calls It

Posted: 07/02/22 19:06
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




I can't believe it!

After all these years, it turns
out I really am a princess.

Ugh, you're doing it
all wrong!

Sorry, your highness.

Anyway, you don't know for sure
that you're a princess yet.

No, but I will in
just a few hours.

To me!

The new Princess
of Fountain Abbey.

(glasses clinking)


(gramophone playing)

Ah, I so love to waltz.


You're stepping on
my foot, you clod.

(snaps fingers)

Where's my maid?



There you are.

My toe hurts.

Fetch me a bandage.

And a cup of tea.

Next I want a bath, and
a fire, and heated towels,

and a foot massage and my hair
brushed times...

I think I'm going to make
a wonderful princess,

don't you, Francine?


What are you being
made queen of?

Is it bad hats?

I could see you being
queen of that.

This isn't a hat, it's a tiara.

That's what princesses wear.

Muffy thinks she's going to find
out she's a princess today.

I've always been curious
about my family history,

so Daddy hired a company
to do some research.

Look what they found!

It's my great-great-grandmother
who lived at Fountain Abbey,

a magnificent castle in England.

Isn't my great-great-
grandmamma beautiful?

She's obviously a princess.

So, I must be one, too.

Hmm, where have I seen
this before?

The company is delivering
their final report today.

Tea and finger sandwiches
will be served

and you're all invited.

Even the little scamp.



(blowing loud kisses)


"Barnes Family History."

So that's where I saw it before!

How about some
peanut butter next time?

Enough with the cucumber.

Here it is!

I just want you all to know
that I'll still be your friend,

even after I'm a princess.

Oh, brother,
just open it already.


It's Mary Alice's diary.

"The Private Diary

of Mary Alice Miller,
Fountain Abbey, Housemaid."


There must be
some mistake.

"November th:
Dusted Lord Bantam's study.

"Broke a vase.

"November th:
Dusted the sewing room.

"Broke a window.

"December th:
Dusted stables.

Broke a..."

No, it can't be!




Are you okay?

I thought I was a princess.


But all I am is the great-
great-granddaughter of a maid!


Uh, well, Binky's here.

He says he has something
to show you.

I came right over.

You are not going
to believe this.

I don't get it.

How come you have a picture
of Fountain Abbey?

Because that's my ancestor.

Lord Bantom, the owner
of Fountain Abbey.


Wait, so your great-great-
grandmother was his maid?

Isn't that cool?

No, it's not cool.

It's a disaster!

What's the big deal?

Okay, so you're not
an aristocrat.

Neither are we.

Well, actually,
I'm related to a lord, so...


Why don't we at least
read the diary?

It's probably really

I'll start.

"May th, .

"The day began like any other...

...with Mr. Clarkson
as demanding as ever."

That's right, Mary Alice.

Use long, broad strokes.

The Countess cannot abide
wrinkles in the newspaper.

(bell ringing)

Mary Alice, didn't
you hear the bell?

His Lordship requires you.

Is it some holiday
I'm not aware of?

(bell ringing)


Sorry, Mr. Clarkson.

That one thinks she's better
than the rest of us.

Now, now, Miss O'Breean.

I will not have
gossiping among the staff.




You rang, my lordship?


Oh, sorry.

It was an accident.

I was simply looking
forlornly out the window.


Carry on.

(glass breaking)



Do you have any idea how hard it
is being a lord, Mary Alice?

You mean eating gourmet dinners,
attending fancy balls

and taking trips
to exotic lands?

No, my lord, I can't imagine.


I know it sounds rather grand,
but it's frightfully dull.

Well, I do understand
about boredom, sir.

I hate being a maid.

But you're so good at it.



I've only been
in this room for a minute

and already I've destroyed
three priceless objects.

You are terrible.

It's almost impressive.

Make that four.

I say, would you like
to see me juggle?

Ever since I was a little boy,
I've always wanted

to join the circus.

I've been practicing.


Not bad, eh?

Forgive me, my lord,
but that isn't juggling.

That's just tossing a pin up
in the air and catching it.

You need more than one object
for it to be juggling.


I never knew.

It did seem rather easy.

I'm so glad we had this chat.

Well, I think I'll continue
looking forlornly

out the window until lunch.


Good day, Mary Alice.



That's quite enough.

If I had wanted
to wear the soup,

I would have summoned
my dressmaker.

Sorry, ma'am.

Have you given any thought
to our financial situation?

Need I remind you,

we are quite broke.

If I may be

so bold, ma'am.

You may not.

Mother, I'd
like to hear

what Mary Alice has to say.

I don't see why.

She can't even serve soup.


Very well, you may proceed.

Why don't you
sell off the land

behind the church?

It's not being farmed,
and it's a seller's market.



Do you have any ideas, Binkford?

I was thinking we could sell off
the land behind the church.

It's a seller's market,
you know.


Another month has passed

and Fountain Abbey continues
to lose money.

If only they'd
let me run things.

I have so many ideas.


Oh, I am sorry.

I was practicing my new act.

Look, now I can
juggle three items.

Do you think that's good
enough for the circus?


Perhaps we could make your
act a tad more dramatic.

(horse whinnies)



Binkford Bantam,
the Juggling Lord.

Look at her,

gallivanting about
with the lord.

I'll teach her
to mind her station.

This spot would be perfect.

Making pretty
pictures, are we?

Relax, dearie, I just came to
give you a birthday present.


They're beautiful!

But it isn't my birthday.

Isn't it?

Oh, well, it will be someday.


I'll skip the soup, thank you.

I've just had a bath.


Those earrings!

Aren't they charmante?


They also happen to be mine!

Destroying hundreds of priceless
antiquities is one thing.

Stealing my earrings
is quite another.

But I'm innocent.

O'Breean gave them to me
as a birthday present.

I did no such thing.

It isn't even your birthday.


Binkford, you must fire her!

Very well.

But before I go,
I'd like you to have these.

They're plans for a circus you
could build on the land.

With just a small admission fee,

I'm convinced you
could make millions.


Perhaps there is a place for you
at Fountain Abbey after all--

as its business manager.


After all the trouble I went
through to frame her,

you're giving her a promotion?

I mean...

Congratulations, Mary Alice.

Couldn't happen
to a nicer maid.

"And so, today,
August st, ,

"I ended my life as a maid
and began my new life

as the estate's manager."

What an amazing story.

So what happened to Mary Alice

after she took over
running Fountain Abbey?


I don't know.

It doesn't say.

Hmm, nothing here
about Mary Alice.

It's much better
to be related to a maid

who fought her way up
from nothing.

It's the Muffy way.

I found something
in this old newspaper!

"August st, .

"Say good-bye, England,
to Mary Alice Miller,

who sails for America today."

Good-bye England, good-bye!

How clever of you
to sell Fountain Abbey

to that newspaper mogul.

We made oodles of money!

I know, I'm amazing.

O'Breean, where's my tea?

I can't wait for
my next adventure.

I think I'll travel
around America by car.

I so adore those machines.

Good-bye, Fountain Abbey.

Until we meet again.

And now...

Hi, my name is Josué.

Welcome to my first-grade class.

Our teacher is Miss Miranda.

What else would be
your legacy?

What else would you
pass on?

A legacy is something
that you pass on.

This is my legacy book.

This is my family and this
is my little sister Sofia.

I'm going to give her this book

so she can learn
all about our family.

Muffy wanted to learn
all about her ancestors.

Muffy's great-great-
grandmother was Mary Alice.

She was a maid.

My great-great-grandmother's
name was Rosa.

This is my great-grandmother.

Here name is Guilhermina.

I never met her,
but I love her very much.

This is my
great-great-grandmother Vovó.

She was very kind.

I want to be just like Vovó.

I think I look like her.

Me and Marcos have the same

Her name is Maria.

She loved to cook.

Your legacy is something

people remember you by.

Do you have the same name
as your grandpa

and you want to pass your
name on to your children?

My grandfather's name is Olavo.

O-L-A-V-O, Olavo.

And my name is, too.

This is my family recipe.

My mom makes it for me.

It's one of my favorites.

My great-grandmother
gave me a necklace.

Now I'm going to pass
it on to my daughter.

What is something special about
you that someone can remember?

My legacy's going to be

that I'm a helpful person.

My legacy is being
a good friend.

I want people to remember
that I was nice.

It is important to be proud
of your family.

I love my family.

I'm proud of where we come from.

What will your legacy be?

And now...

Ready to check out

the new bookstore
that just opened?


I know the way, Mom.

Go right at
the stoplight, then...

Relax, Sweetie.

I just got this
new GPS navigator.

It'll tell us how to get there.

Sometimes you just have
to trust your instincts,

even when someone tells
you you're wrong.

Turn left onto Elm Street.


That doesn't sound right.

Well, maybe it knows
a quicker way.

Turn right onto Bates Lane.

But it's just a dirt road.

Back up and turn right.

Like I told you.

Um, okay.

Left now.

Right now.

Continue straight
onto River Road.

River Road?

There is no...

I said, continue straight.

Didn't you hear me?

Hold on, boys.


You have reached
your destination.

How about we have
a picnic instead?

(crow cawing)

(crow pecking on roof)

Play ball!

GEORGE (over loudspeaker):
Well, this has certainly been
a nail-biter.

I have hooves, George,
but I've been biting them

through all seven innings.

The Grebelings are down by one

and unless Buster Baxter
can get on base,

this game is over for them.

Strike one!

Mr. Ratburn, are you
sure that was a...

Strike two!


I wasn't even looking.

Buster, pay attention.

You've got to hit this
or we'll lose!

But no pressure.

(cell phone ringing)

Time out.


Oh, hello, Mother.


My Ben Kern's History of
Puppetry DVDs have arrived?

I'll be right there.

Don't watch them without me.

I'm sorry, but I
have an emergency.

Are there any volunteers
for the position of umpire?

Well, this is a first.

The captains of both
teams are trying

to decide
on a substitute umpire.

I'd volunteer but I have
a conflict of interest.

I'm related to the bat.

Looks like they've come
to a decision.

It's you.

What, me, why?

We both agreed that you
were the fairest person

we could think of.

Play ball!

Wow! Look at it go!

Run, Buster, run!

You're out!

It's not my fault.

He was out.

He was safe.

Weren't you, Buster?

My toe was on home plate
way before he tagged me.

I could have read a book
in that time.

I could have written one.

I could have published it
and sold the movie rights.

Well, I called it like I saw it.

Anyway, we lost and there's
nothing I can do about it now.

Yes, there is.

You can pay us for our
pain and suffering.

What? No.

You can admit
that you were wrong.

I Was Safe.

That's what I'd call the book.

I can't admit I was wrong
because I wasn't.

And that's final.

How about just plain Safe?

It's better for sequels.

Safe , Safe ...

Ooh, I like it.

Hey, Binky, I'm doing a quick
poll for the Frensky Star.

You got a minute?

% of kids polled
thought Buster was safe.

Now will you admit you're wrong?

But they weren't there.

I was, and I know what I saw.

Here, it's a present.

Why'd you get me
a present?

I realized it's not your fault
you called Buster out.

It really was what you saw.

So I ran to the drugstore

and I got you
some stronger glasses.

Those were the thickest
lenses they had.

My glasses are just fine.

Why can't you just
admit you were wrong?


These desserts are huge.

(horn honks)

Oh, dear!

I just dropped my new, unopened
Dark Bunny Action Figure

with a detachable jetpack
and Kung-Fu grip.

Will you get it for me?


That's okay, you can have it.

I'm sure he'll be safe with

I'm not changing my call
for some silly toy.

But Francine's
driving me crazy.

Isn't there the slightest
possibility you were wrong?

I guess, but...

So what's it going to take
to change "I might be wrong"

into "I was"?

Maybe Mr. Imitation Gold Watch
can help us out?

But it tells the time
in Antarctica.

And it floats!

Maybe I was wrong.

Everybody seems to think so.


Yes, interesting.

But I saw the catcher
tag Buster.

I can't just say that I didn't.


Hmm, go on.

Stop talking like that.

And where'd you get
that fake beard?

I found it in the garage.

I like it.

It keeps my chin warm.

I don't know.

I want Francine
to quit pestering me.

Maybe I should just say
what she wants me to say.

Well, whatever you do,
you should get off the couch.

Mary Moo Cow is coming on
and you're in my spot.

Why don't you call Buster?


That's all the time
we have today.

Here's your bill.


You Must Remember This:
A guide to perfect recall.

Huh, it's worth a shot.

(phone ringing)

Hey, Arthur.

Whatcha doing?

Wanna come over?

I can't right now.

I'm just about
to go to sleep.

But it's only : .

I know, but I'm working
on my book.

You know, the one
about how I was safe.


Well, I bought this CD
that uses guided meditation

to help you remember stuff.

You mean you think
you might have been out?

Oh no, I was definitely safe.

But if I can recall
every little detail,

it'll make the book
more exciting.


Well, good luck.

Imagine you are resting
on a cloud...


You're that bird
from the picnic.

Wait, where am I?



Play ball!

You're out!


(doorbell rings)

I have proof
that Buster was safe.

What proof?

Muffy remembered
that she recorded the end

of the game on her phone.

Oh, well, I guess I was wrong.

You win. Happy now?


I, um, haven't actually
watched the footage yet.

We were waiting for you.

But I know what
it's going to show.

Of course, we don't have
to watch it

if you'll just admit...

Let's go.

Okay, everyone have popcorn?

(Muffy clears
her throat)

There are so many people
without whom this video

wouldn't have been possible...

Just start it already.

Shouldn't we wait for Buster?

We'll replay it
when he gets here.

Although some people might
not want to see it again.



This game is taking forever!

We must be in the millionth
inning or something.

Boy, do I need a manicure.

I'll just fast-forward it
a little.


You don't have to watch it.

Arthur was right.


Sweet Sycamore!

The bunny's coming clean.

Are you sure?


After I listened to that CD,
I remembered a lot more.

And I'm pretty sure I was out.

See, I told you.

But you're not positive,
are you?

Well, no.

But I've decided that
if Arthur says I was out,

then that's
good enough for me.

I don't need proof.

Even instant replays
can be unreliable.

I'll stick with
the umpire's call.

Me too.

If I agree, can we never talk
about this ever again?

He was outta there.

But I know he was safe.

And we were so close to winning.


Even if I saw it differently,

you were the umpire
and your word is final.


See you later!


I knew you'd be back.


(Muffy gasps)

I don't believe it!

He hit it!

Wow, look at it go!

Yay, Crosswire Motors!

You're out!



To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too

at your local library.