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18x04 - Best Wishes/The Tardy Tumbler

Posted: 07/02/22 19:06
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




George, go!

You're on!




My name is George.

Have you ever thought about...


Buster, how are we
on sound?

We're good!

Sorry about that.

You're doing great.

Just be yourself.

Have you ever thought
about wishes?

Like when you blow out
your birthday candles?

I wish I could open the show!



(all gasp)


Or when you wish
on a sh**ting star...

I wish I could open the show.

Or when you find an eyelash
and blow it off your finger.


I wish I could open...

Okay, George,
you've got ten seconds!


Ten seconds?!


C'mon George,
wrap it up.

Okay, um...

Have you ever thought
that any of those wishes

might actually come true?

And if they did,
would that be a good thing?

Hey, guys.

Hey, George.

Is the sky falling?

We're waiting
for a snowflake.


Because whoever sees
the first snowflake

gets to make a wish.


What will you wish for?

More snow, of course.

There! I see one!

I call it! I call it!

False alarm.

I think it's just
alien dandruff.

More like a piece of lint.

It's all a bunch
of nonsense anyway.

Wishes never come true.

(bell rings)

Yes, they do!

You just need
the right thing to wish on

and a good wisher
to do the wishing.

Right, Francine?

Beats me.

I've been wishing for a pony
since I was four,

but every birthday,
I just get more socks.


A snowflake!

Guys! Guys!

I saw one!

Guys, I saw one!

I made the wish!


(clears throat)

(bell rings)


Mm! Snow!


Nice wishing, George!



Thanks, I guess.

I'm telling you, wishing
is all a load of hooey.

No, it isn't!

He wished for snow
and it snowed!

Yeah, but none of it stuck.

(dog barking)

Besides, wishing for snow
in January

is like wishing
for a pop quiz

in Mr. Ratburn's class--

it's bound to happen
sooner or later.

Yeah, you said it!

Look! Dandelions!

It's a sign!

A sign of what?

A sign that we should put
my wish theory to the test.

Here, George,
take this dandelion.

We'll make a wish,
and on the count of three,

we'll blow the dandelion fluff.

Okay, ready?

One... two... three!

(all blow)

I wish for snow!

I wish for cupcakes!


I'm hungry.


No snow.

Case closed.

Come on, guys,
let's go.


Grand opening!

Rudolph Stumplemeyer's
Cupcake Extravaganza!

Get your complimentary cupcakes!

At first, I thought
he had rigged it somehow.

But there was no way!

How could he have put
the dandelions there?

And he wished
for cupcakes!

Who wishes for cupcakes?

I wish for cupcakes
all the time.

Besides, why was it only
George's wish that came true?

You all blew
on the dandelions.

Buster says it's because

George has...
wish mojo.

"Wish mojo"?

That's ridiculous!

Step aside!

Give the boy room!

Would you wish
on my rabbit's foot?

I need an A in geography!

I want a jet pack!

This way, George.

Have a seat.


Can I get you a pillow?

Want my pudding?


No thanks.

Well, okay.

Atta boy!

So, Jenna's birthday
is this weekend.

Oh, really?

She really wants you
to come to her party.

And she wants you
to make her birthday wish.


I can't do that!

Sure you can.

She wants snow
as much as we do.

And not a few flurries
this time.

A big snow!

School-closing snow!

Wait a minute,

what if that cupcake thing
was just a coincidence?

Oh, ye of little faith...

George, you'll do fine.

You've got wish mojo!


Have another pudding.

Big snow, got it?

(penguins squawking)

Those penguins sound angry.

Oh, they are.

It's been months
without snow.

If kids get upset without snow,
imagine how penguins feel.

Be calm,
angry penguins!

George the Wisher King
will grant your wish!

Lower the royal wishbone!

All ready, sire!



His majesty wins!

Okay, you're up.

I wish for snow!

Where's the snow?

You lied to us!

Get him!!

(angry squawking)

It's been a pleasure
serving you.

I hereby resign.


It's not my fault!

It's not my fault!

It's not my fault!

(doorbell rings)

Happy birthday, Jenna.

Really sorry I can't stay,
but I think I have a cold...

There he is!

The boy of the hour!

I've been keeping your seat
nice and warm.

Try to get them all out
on one blow.

It's more powerful that way.

And remember, no cupcakes!


Well, okay...

(deep inhale)


What are you doing?

You can't give a birthday wish
to someone else!

You can't?


It's terrible luck!

Don't tell me
you've never heard

the ancient rhyme:

"Snuff the candle
on another's cake,

and endless misery
ye shall make!"


Must've missed that one.

Well, there's nothing for me
to wish on now,

so I guess that's that!


There's one more thing
we can try.

But the water's frozen.

We should come back
when it thaws.

Thanks, Prunella.

She says the wish
should come true

as long as the coin
stays on the ice.

All right, George.

It's time.

Make snow.







Nice work, George.

Yeah, great throw!

Now all we have to do
is wait.


(alarm beeping)



(kids laughing)



There he is!

Hey, George!

You did it!

You made snow!

School-closing snow!

I knew you could do it!


I didn't do it!

That's what I like
about you, George.

You're so modest!

No, I mean it!

I didn't wish for snow.

I... I got all flustered
when the coin

was going to roll off,
and, well, I forgot to.

Then how do you explain

all this?

Um, because it's winter?

Who cares
why it snowed?

I'm just glad it did!

Snowball fight!

It's okay.

We've been putting
a lot of pressure on you.

From now on, you can wish
for whatever you want.

So long as it's
what I want, too.


You really didn't
wish for snow?


So what did you
wish for?

A great rest of the year.


Well, you know what?

I bet you it comes true.

Snowball fight!

Oh, yeah?

Two can play at that game!



And now...

Hi, my name is Elena.

Welcome to Arlington Center
for the Arts summer camp.

Today is hot.


Whoo! It's hot in here!

And we're trying to cool down.

Arthur and his friends are
wishing for snow, and so are we.

The Arlington Center for the
Arts hereby declares a snow day!

(everyone cheers)

With the materials you can find,
we will transform this room

into a winter wonderland.

We're making winter in July.

We're making snow angels
by tracing each other

and then decorating them.

I'm feeling cooler already.

(inhaling deeply)

We're making it colder.


I am making a snowman
out of balloons.


That worked.

This is Shiny the Snowman.

We're making snow globes, where
you put some glitter in a jar

and then we're going to put
some water in it,

and then we're going
to seal it with a lid.

We're making a winter wonderland
in a jar.

And we're making
paper snowflakes.

You cut out pieces of the paper

and when you unfold it,
it looks like a snowflake.

Pretty cool, huh?

It's getting colder in here.


We didn't need luck or wishes
to make it snow,

just a little creativity.

Ah, it's snowing!

We made it snow in July.

Snowball fight!


And now...

COACH (with Russian accent):
Good afternoon, little ladies
of Elwood.

I am Boris Belinsky.

But you can call me "Bellow."

I have coached nine girls
to Olympic gold medals.

You may clap now.

Isn't this exciting?

The Bellow, coaching
a gymnastics team in our town!

I've never heard of him,

but if you're excited,
I'm excited.


Flattery will not get
you on this team.

What will?

Strength, flexibility,

and, above all, heart.

I want tigers, not mice!

Who is first?

Now, remember why you're here.

When Bellow gives me the signal,
you whisper "go."

Got it.

Are you sure it's a good idea

not to tell the coach
you're blind?

I've been taking gymnastics
classes since I was little.

I'm going to make this team
because I'm good,

not because someone
feels sorry for me.


You next.

Uh, me?

I'm not trying out.

You are in gym
during my practice?


Then you are trying out.


Well... I do practice yoga.


I will now announce
the lucky girls I have chosen.

Katie, Carol...

Sue Ellen...

And... Marina.


And one more.

Yoga girl.


I can't believe I made the team!

Imagine how I feel.

The only flip I've ever done

is when I slipped
on my crystal ball.

Well, Bellow's the best,
and he said you're a natural.

Since my mom and I drive
right past your house,

we can pick you up for
practice before school.


I'm sorry, I thought
you said before school.

I did.

We practice every morning
at : sharp.

There's a : in the morning?

(car horn honks)

That's my ride.


It's Bellow's

For inspiration.

See you at : a.m.!

"The Tiger of the Tundra."

Life was not easy for a little
gymnast in my country.

I walked many kilometers
to the gym,

through snowdrifts
so high I could not see.

But the dream of Olympic gold
lit my way.



Chapter two:
The Push-up Is Your Pal.

Every morning I started
with push-ups.

Chapter :
Leotards Are for Lions.

History is being
made tonight

at the Olympics,
ladies and gentlemen,

where superstar gymnast
Prunella "The Natural" Deegan

is wowing the crowd.

I've never seen anything
like it!

Believe it or not,

Prunella is attempting all
four events at the same time!

Can you believe she just started
doing gymnastics last week?!

(crowd cheering)

(whistle blows)

Ooh, that's gotta hurt!

"The Natural" is disqualified
for going over time...

Over time... over time...

(car horn honking)

No! I overslept!

I'm sorry, Marina.

I'll be on time tomorrow.

I promise.

It's okay.

Anyone can make a mistake.



I'm sure no one will
even notice we're late.

(whistle blows)

You're late, little mice.

I'm sorry, sir,
it won't happen again.

Let me ask you girls a question.

How many times do you think

my greatest champion,
Nadia Comeinimgladtomeetcha,

came late to practice?

Um... ?

Zero times!

You both now have one strike.

Three strikes, you're out.

(blows whistle)

Okay, everyone, back to work.

If gymnastics were easy,
they'd call it football.



Not a morning person.

...eight, nine, ten.

I can't look.




he gave you the signal
two minutes ago!

I know, I know.

(bell rings)

(sighs with relief)

Time to go!

Marina, are you okay?

Yep! Great.

Gotta practice.


What happened today
at the uneven bars?

Are they too hard for you?

I can do anything
other people can do.

Sometimes I just have to work
a little bit harder.

Now if you'll excuse me...

Ooh, I like what
you did with your room!

Nice trapeze bar.

My mom hung it for me.

To help me with the, um...

The uneven bars?

You can tell me.

I'm... afraid of them.

I can't see the bar
above my head,

and I get scared
that when I jump up,

there'll be nothing
to grab on to.

(phone ringing)

Hold that thought.

Prunella? Muffy.

Tonight, my house.

Henry Skreever and the Giblets
of Jeopardy-- in Gastro-Vision!

No way!

That sounds amazing.

What's Gastro-Vision?

Only the most exciting
development in cinema

since the invention
of the movie screen.

Tell me more!

Every time a character

eats something
in the movie,

you eat it in real life.

Even magical smelly beans?

I am so there!

See you tonight.

(phone beeps off)

Sorry, you were saying...?

(door slams)


Hold onto your bibs, kids!

The Muffy Megaplex
proudly presents

the film and food extravaganza
of your life,

Henry Skreever
in Gastro-Vision!


AZALEA PARSLEY (in movie):
Breakfast is in your bedroom

beneath the sink,
Henry-- gruel.

PERSEPHONE (in movie):
For luck in tomorrow's

Tri-Gizzard Tournament,
Henry... Karma Cake.


(grunting with exertion)


That's not multifruit potion,
it's pixie puke!


(straw gurgling)

Thanks, Muffy.

That was fun and filling.

You're leaving?

But I've got Henry Skreever
and the Gremlin's Gallstone.

Let's make it a double feature.

Gremlin's Gallstone...

I can't pass that up.

(car horn honking)

Not again!

It was a Henry Skreever
double feature.

What could I do?

Make a commitment to this.

You're late, and you're
barely trying in practice.

Well, excuse me for having
a life, Miss Perfect.

You know,
gymnastics isn't everything.

It is to me.

Then maybe you need
to get out more!

Maybe you need to get out...
of this car.

I will!

After it stops moving.

(whistle blows)

Strike two!


Yoga girl, no resting
in gymnastics!

Is there sleeping?

Because I'm bushed.

You know what, yoga girl?

You have the talent,

but do you have the fire
in the belly for this sport?

Well, I did eat a lot of
really gross stuff last night.

No, I mean maybe you don't have
passion for gymnastics

like your blind friend.

How do you know she's blind?

Bellow knows all, sees all.

And her mother called me.

That girl is the
bravest tiger in this gym.

I don't know if I don't care
enough about gymnastics

or if I'm just lazy.

Tough question.

But I tell you this--

when you find what
you really care about,

be like the tiger.

Don't let anything
keep you from it.

Marina, you can have
my headband.

I won't be needing
it anymore.

I hope it takes you all
the way to the Olympics.

Finally, a night free
of responsibility!

What are we doing, girls?

Sorry, it has to be
an early night for me.

Big soccer game against
Mighty Mountain tomorrow.

And I have a big badminton
match against Bailey.

(crowd cheering)

I can't believe
I'm the tenth girl

Bellow has coached

to an Olympic gold medal!

It's like he always says:

You're either a tiger,

or a little mouse!

(crowd laughs)


(car horn honking)


Great, now I wake up on time!

(cars honking)


(lots of cars honking)


What happened?

Can you believe it?

Car trouble!

Strike three.

When you find what
you really care about,

be like the tiger.

Don't let anything
keep you from it.

Mrs. Datillo, I can get her
there on time.

I promise.

I'm ready! Let's go!

This way.

I know a shortcut.

Good morning, Mr. Read!

Flowers smell nice,
Mrs. Tibble!

Marina, jump!

Marina, jump up
and grab my hand.

I'll swing you over.

I... I can't.

I know you can do it, Marina.


I promise
I'll be there.

Bellow has never been late!

Some poor lady
had car trouble and...


You have crushed
your fear.

Well, I had a little help
from Prunella.

I found something
I cared about.

Yoga girl, I have
two questions for you.

You ever think
of becoming coach?

Olympic coach!

I like the sound of that.

What was your other question?

Why are you in my class
wearing pajamas?


To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,

You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books too

at your local library.