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18x01 - The Friend Who Wasn't There/Surprise!

Posted: 07/02/22 19:03
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You've got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!




My sister D.W. is perfect.

She never does anything wrong.


It wasn't me!

What happened
to the chocolate éclairs?

Pal ate them.



What's so funny?

If George Washington
were like D.W.,

history would have been
a lot different.

I cannot tell a lie.

The tree chopped itself down.

Bad tree, bad!

D.W. never gets blamed
for anything.

Well, except
for this one time...


Arthur did it!


How many more guests?

Well, I think
we can cover that.



What is it, honey?

Bud and me are bored.

I'm a little busy, D.W.

Why don't you guys go
and play a game?



Three, four, five.

Hey, I win!

Let's try again.

Seven, eight, nine.

Well, how about that?

I win again.

Let's play Tower of Cows.


I thought you had it.

You were so close.

Weasel Rally.

The winner!

(siren wailing)

Rock, paper, scissors... sh**t.

Rock, I win!


I win.

Paper, me again.

How about that?

Must be my lucky day.

Feel like I could fall
into a barrel of skunks

and come up smelling
like roses.

I think we should play
Throw the Hat.

How's that go?

Like this!

I win!

That's a new one on me.

Is it my turn now?

I guess.

I'll try to throw it farther.

Here goes.

Woo-ee, look at that!

You did it wrong.

Here, watch.

♪ Swamptown froggies,
sing this song ♪

♪ Croak, croak ♪

♪ Croak... croak... ♪


Look what you made me do!

It's broken.

It doesn't sing right.

Its singer is busted.

I'm awful sorry.

We better tell your Pa.

D.W., you're in trouble.


We shouldn't tell.

I don't want to get
you in trouble.

Maybe he won't
notice it's gone.

Wait here.

I'll be right back.

What are you doing, D.W.?

Getting rid of the evidence.

If Dad doesn't see it, he'll
never know it got broke.


I didn't do it.

I was going to ask
where Bud is.


Bud who?

(phone rings)



DAD (on phone):
Oh, hi.




(distorted music)







What happened in here?

I cleaned up.


I've been thinking

that maybe we should tell
your Pa what happened.

Bud, you need
to go home now.

Oh, all right.

Only, well... you see,
there's just one thing.

My hat.

I think my ma
would skin me alive

if I came home with it lost.

Maybe we could ask your Pa
to reach it down.

Froggy! Where's Froggy?

He's too busy.

I'll get it.

(D.W. grunting)


It's okay.


It's okay, I'm okay!


We need more shoes.

(D.W. grunting)

I got it!


Your pa is not going
to be a fan of me.

That's it!

It's not strong enough.

Let's move it closer.

Come on, come on.

What happened?


Maybe we should
get a ladder, and...

That's it!

I meant we should
ask your pa to help.

He's too busy.

Come on, grab that end

and be quiet.

How soon?

Well, sure, that's possible.


What is it?

Is it your diaper?

No, no, no.

Not you, Mrs. Fallon.

We need something
to hold the door open.

How about this?

It was a gift
from my great-grandfather

to my great-grandmother.

It's been in the family
for over years.

Yeah, that old thing's perfect.





What on earth?

I don't see how we'll
ever get it up.

What is going on here?!

Uh, just a game
of Throw the Hat, sir.

I thought you two were going
to play a quiet game.

I guess I better get home
before I cause more trouble.

I'll get my hat later on.

Now, young lady,
suppose you tell me...

(phone beeping)

Oh no... I'm late!


What on earth happened here?!


(door closes)


What's up, D.W.?

Why don't you stay down here?

There's nothing to see upstairs.

What did you do?

What on earth...?!

D.W., do you have something
you want to tell me?


Not really.


I can't believe one kid could
cause so much destruction.

It wasn't on purpose.

There's something missing.


Nothing's missing.

What could be missing?

Hang on.

Is this Bud's hat?

Uh, uh, yes.

I mean, Bud didn't mean
to do anything bad.


I'm taking off.

I'll get Kate.

I'm definitely calling
his mother about this.

Poor Bud.

He's in trouble now.

He must feel scareder than
a balloon at a porcupine party.

You're my friend, Nadine.

You're supposed
to be on my side.

And quit talking like him.

It's a crying shame.

I can't understand how
that nice little boy

could be so destructive.

(distorted frog toy music

What was that?

I didn't hear a frog.

Or anything like that.

It came from down here.

(distorted music playing)



(phone ringing)

Bud's mother.


Hi, Cisley, I'm glad you called.

I want to speak
to you about Bud.



Hang on, Cisley.

What's the matter, honey?

It just happened.

I didn't mean for him to be a
balloon at a porcupine party.

Honey, slow down.

Tell me what's the matter.

What happened?

It was me.

I did it.

I k*lled Daddy's frog.

It surely is a piece of luck
your pa didn't mind

about that old frog.

Yeah, but they're still making
me stay home all week

and I'm not allowed
to have anyone come over.

Well, at least you
told the truth.

I think that's awful
brave of you.

I'm sorry I said
it was your fault.

That's no nevermind.

And hey, we can still
play this way, right?


Rock, paper, scissors... sh**t!

What did you get?


I got paper.

I win again!

Man, oh, man!

This is surely your lucky day.

And now...

Hi, my name is Jeraliz and
this is my second-grade class.

Today we're learning
about chain reactions.

The domino effect.

Oh, I did it again.

A chain reaction
is when one thing

causes another thing to happen.

It makes something else happen.

And then another thing happen.

We're going to start this
chain reaction with air.

Oh, that was so close!

That was an accident.

D.W. accidentally broke a frog.

And one thing led to another.

She made a chain reaction.

Just like D.W., we're making
our own chain reaction.

We're making a blueprint.

First we made designs.

Make the two marbles
fall into the bucket.

This one will move the ball
and this will move.

And that's the crazy invention.

And then we tested our idea.

Sometimes things didn't
go the way we planned.

That was cool!

It wasn't working.

So we had to change our design.

Ready, guys?





Oh, no.

It went backwards instead
of forward.

But we didn't give up.

Until we made a chain reaction.

I'm too excited already.

(bell dings)

(everyone cheering)

It worked.

Here we go.


And now...

Hockey stick.

Behind the door.

D.W. has come up with some
pretty looney schemes

in her life.

Like when she tried to raise
money for a new doll

by selling tissues.

Tissues here!

Do your nose a favor.

Only five cents.


This one's half-price.


Or the time she tried
to get Mom and Dad

to take her to France
by pretending to be French.

Ooh, zee meatloaf!

Eet eez so tender!

Eet reminds me of Paree
and my brozer, Fairy Jacker.

And then there
was the time she...

Excuse me, I have
to borrow your bedsheet.

What for?

Sorry, sir, I can't tell you.

It might compromise
the mission.

But since she's met Bud,

her schemes have gotten
twice as looney.

Okay, Captain Bud,
the sailboat's all ready.

Now what?

Wait for rain,
then sail to Jamaica.

I heard it's as high
as a skyscraper

and it goes so fast
your cheeks get floppy

and you can't chew gum
for a week.

The Buzzard is
not that high.

It's just a new
ride for kids.

Yeah, kids...
in astronaut school.


Well I've trained to go on the
Hurl-a-Whirl, so I'm prepared.

I don't know what
a hurlywhirl is

but some silly ride
isn't going to scare me.

Don't say you
weren't warned.

Here's tickets
for each of you.

What'll it be first?

The Buzzard!

Now Bud, no backing out.



My middle name is Tucker,
but it should have been Danger.

Here, put out your hand.


I hereby declare
a most solemn pact

that we shall go on
the Buzzard no matter what.

Witness, please.

Duly noted.

You're weird, Bud Compson.

(kids screaming)


The entrance is over here.

(phone rings)

Hi, Ed.

How's the party going?

The cocktail weenies
don't taste right

because you have
to heat them in the oven.

I'm guessing your oven is
in the kitchen.

Hold on.

I'm just going to sit on
that bench and take this call.

I'll meet you as soon
as the ride is over.

Where's Bailey?

A croquet injury?

No backing out, right?

Couldn't even if we wanted to.

A pact's a pact.


The line hasn't moved
in minutes.

Maybe hours.

What's going on?

Are people cutting in?

No cutting!

I'm calling
the ride police!

I don't
believe it.

We're next.

I thought this moment
would never come.

Not so fast.

Step under Bongo.


Sorry, Bongo says
you're too short.

No, I'm not!

My hair's just flat today.

This monkey clown is a liar.

Bongo doesn't lie, gumdrop.

Now grow an inch or scram.


It's so unfair!

Why couldn't I be born with
a big head like Arthur's?

I don't trust that Bongo.

I bet he raised his hand.

D.W., Bud!

Want to go
on Bumpy Boots with us?

Bumpy Boots?


I haven't liked that
since I was three years

and months old.

That ride looks
like it's for babies.



We're going on the Buzzard.

They said we couldn't,
but that's not stopping us.

It isn't?

(buzzard screeches)

I wouldn't go on that thing
if you paid me.

Well, have fun, I guess.

But you heard
the ticket guy.

We're too short.


We just have
to make ourselves taller.

Now, you're going to want
to turn the temperature up.

That's the dial with all
the numbers on it...

Daddy, we're hungry!

We need money for food,
lots of food!

Hold on a second, Ed.

Here, go get yourselves

But stay where I
can see you, okay?

Two more with nothing
on them, please.

And how much
for your scrunchies?

You really think
this will work?

Are you kidding?

It's foolproof.

Hey, will you
look at that?

We grew!

Must have been
all that milk we drank.

Ah, yes,
the old waffle-shoes.

Listen, hushpuppies,

Bongo and I have seen
every trick in the book,

so you and your

can beat it, see?


Now, open the oven door and tell
me how the weenies look.

I'm glad they look

but what color are they?

Pull harder!

I'm pulling as hard as I can.

Well, am I taller yet?

How should I know?

I don't know how to measure.

We should just use these

for the bumper cars.

You can't give up now.

We're so close.

We're not close.

We're a million
light-years away.

Okay, so maybe my plans
haven't worked out perfectly.

They haven't worked at all.

But we made a pact.

And a pact is a solemn vow
that must not be broken.

Isn't that right, Rapty?

Yup, it says right here
in the Big Book of Kids' Laws

that a pact sealed with The
Slimy Hand must never be broken.

Thank you.

if you're bringing

your imaginary friend
into this,

I'm calling mine.

But it says in subsection B

that if the pact is
impossible to fulfill,

then the parties are free.

True, but both parties must
agree to end the pact.

Pinocchio has a fascinating
commentary on this.

I read Pinocchio's
commentary, but...

Whoa... whoa...

Hey, watch where
you're spinning!


I was just on the Buzzard and
there's this part at the end

like a corkscrew,
and then...


You got to go on the Buzzard?

How'd you get past
that monkey?

Um, I don't know.

I guess
I was just tall enough.


Got to go.

But James is three
weeks younger than me!

There is no justice
in this world.

Kind of makes you want to beat
the system, doesn't it?


But this time,
we're using my plan.

We've been going
about this all wrong.

Instead of trying to make
ourselves taller,

we should make Bongo shorter.

First we distract
the ticket guy.

I'll tell him jokes
that are so hilarious,

he'll be crying too hard
to see what's going on.

Meanwhile, you knock down
that wooden clown

and break his feet off.

Then all we have to do
is stand him back up,

step under him and voila.

We'll be tall enough.

It's show time!

You again?!

Where's Tweedle-Dum?

Never heard of him.

Hey, why do polar bears
wear fur coats?

You try wearing a Hawaiian
shirt at the North Pole.


This is for giving me
the stink-eye.

Go down, monkey, go down!

And then the seal says,
"Thanks, but I already ate--

an ice-burger!"

Oh, come on, that was funny.

About as funny as
a hat full of fire ants.

Listen, Snowshoe...

Break time.

It's no use.

Bongo won't budge.

He's some kind of super

And we spent all our tickets
except for these two.


You're mine now!



Where... where's the exit?

Someone take my barf bags.

(tongue flapping)

(kids screaming)

A pact is a pact, right?

Maybe just this once,
we could break the...


I hereby declare
this pact broken.

(both sigh)

(bar clanks into place)

We want to get off!

And you put a bowl
of mustard on the side?

Congratulations, Ed.

You've just made
cocktail weenies.


(kids screaming)

I'm so glad I'm not
on that thing.

Me too.

And it was nice of them
to give us our tickets back.

What do you want to go on?

It may not be that exciting,
but it sure is relaxing.

Hang on!

We're heading for that clog!

(Mr. Haney chuckling)

It never gets dull!

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,


You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too

at your local library.