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17x10 - Binky's Music Madness/Brain Freeze

Posted: 07/02/22 06:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You've got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(piano notes playing)

Binky Barnes knows music better
than any other kid I know.

He can play classical...

(playing tune on clarinet)

He can play jazz...

(playing jazz tune)

He can even play
a little Klezmer music.

(playing in Klezmer style)

A sheynem dank!

And there's no one
who appreciates music

as much as he does.

He even likes really
challenging music,

like this piece by...

No! Don't play it!

Once they hear it,

they'll never be able to get it
out of their heads!

It grabs on to you
and takes over your brain

until you can hear
nothing else!

I'm warning you, don't listen!

But I thought
you liked it.

Who says I didn't like it?

I think it's great.

You've been warned!

(piano notes playing)

I think you can handle it.

(playing experimental music)

With a name like
"Bang on a Can All-Stars,"

I thought we were going to hear
something dance-able.

Sorry I dragged you along,

Are you kidding me?

I loved it!

You did?


I never knew what was
going to happen next.

Some of it was scary,
some of it was funny...

It was like nothing
I've ever heard.

Now that's exactly what
I like to hear.

And by the way,
you can dance to it.

You just look really
funny doing it.

I've tried.

Oh, no, I just meant that...

It's okay; I know the music
I write isn't for everyone.

Are you the composer?

I thought all that stuff
was made up on the spot.


Everything that goes on up here
winds up in the score.

It looks like chicken scratch!

Very beautiful chicken scratch.

Hey, would you consider
coming to our school?

I'd love for my friends
to hear some of your music.

Oh, yes, I'm sure they'd
appreciate your...

"dazzling array of originality!"

We do have a few weeks
before our next gig...

And I'd love to explore
Elwood City.

It's so uniquely average.

We'd love to.

The Bang-on-a-wha?

Bang on a Can All-Stars!

They're this really cool band.

I met the composer,

and they've agreed to come
to our school next week.

What kind of music is it?

It's très avant-garde, Binky.

It might be too
sophisticated for you.


Too sophisticated for me?

I know music better
than any of you.


I feel like I was just
on another planet.

I wonder if this is
what it's like to be Buster.

(music playing on mp player)

When do they stop tuning their
instruments and play the music?

That is the music!

(music continues)


What on Earth was that?

It's called "Big Beautiful
Dark and Scary."

Pretty wild, right?

Well, it's dark and scary,
but it sure isn't beautiful.

I told you.

You have to have a very
refined ear to enjoy it.

Oh, come on!

You're not telling me you
actually like that music?

Of course!

Okay, well, maybe not yet.

But I'm trying to.

I think it's so...



A tuna and jelly sandwich
is different,

but that doesn't mean
it tastes good.

Here, take it and listen
to some more tracks.

I'm telling you,
it grows on you.

I doubt it.

(music playing on mp player)

(music paused)


That's it!

I got to go wash my ears out
with some real music.

(engine running loudly)

(crows cawing)

(thunder rumbling)

(sawing noises)

Ah! Something's happened
to my ears!

They're fine, Binky.

Are you sure?

Then why am I noticing
all these sounds?

It's like that can-banging
music infected me.

What music?

You're better off
not knowing, Mom.

Believe me.

(loud, echoing drips)


Thanks a lot
for giving me that music.

It changed my brain forever.

That's ridiculous!

Is that the Bang on a Can

Arthur was telling me
all about them.

No, don't do it!

You'll be sorry.

I downloaded some of their music
last night.

You know, I actually am
starting to like it.


I told you, it grows on you.

Yeah, like some creepy
musical mind mold.

Ask him.

He'll understand.


It's like someone has recorded
the way I think.

Can I borrow this?


You've all lost it.

That stuff isn't music.


It's just me, you
and Beethoven.

(metronome ticking)

(playing classical piece)

(banging on window)

Be quiet, tree.

(car alarm beeping)


(muffled car alarm beeping)

Silly Bang on a Van...

Beat on a Cone...

Clang on a Clunk...


Listen to it, Binky...

You must listen...

It will grow on you...

Then you will be
one of us...


Get back!

That's not music!

This is music!

(quacking noises)



They've all been brainwashed.

I've got to prove it.

I know...

(dog barking)

(garbage truck whirring)



(thunder rumbling)

(stomach rumbling)

(dog barking on computer)



You've never heard of them?

They're this great band
I found on the Internet.

They're really classy
and sophisticated.

In fact, the Elwood City Times
called them, quote,

"really classy
and sophisticated," end quote.

Want to hear them?


(stifling laughter)

(recorded sounds playing
in rhythm)




So, what did you think?

I thought it was
kind of funny.

It was weird,
but I'd like to hear it again.

Well, it's no Bang On A Can

but it's still pretty

I really liked it!


You're all wrong.

It's awful.

And you know how I know?

I made it.

You made that, Binky?


I just threw some sounds
together on my computer.

All it took me was three days.

And three nights.

I'm exhausted.

Sounds like it was
a lot of work.

You have no idea!

I had to get the barks
just right,

and the stomach gurgles
were flat,

and I wanted the toilet flushes
to sound like woodwinds.

Binky, it's really good.

I agree.

I thought you might want
to add in a little clarinet.

It would blend in nicely
with the toilet flushing.

You're here!

This is the band I've been
telling you all about.

Your principal, Mr. Haney,
said we could practice here.

I've been thinking:

if you change your name
to the Bang on a Car All-Stars,

I could guarantee you

That was really good,
by the way.

Have you composed
other stuff?

I didn't compose anything.

I just put a lot
of different sounds together.

I call that composing.

You should keep it up.

You've got talent.


Julia, let's add
some instruments

to Binky's soundscape.

That's a great idea.

That is, if it's okay with you.

You bet it's okay!

Hey guys, let's get set up

and jam with this
composer here.

I guess I really am a composer.

(playing along
with Binky's recording)

That was wild!

What if we switched
chords now?

Or we could try it
in a minor key.


I guess the music
finally grew on him.

(music continues)

(playing swooping notes)

(playing together)

(instruments stop playing,
Binky's recordings continue)

And now...

(making loud squeaks,
pops and squawks)

If you're like me...

(singing gibberish)


You just love sounds,
and you love making sounds.

Today, we're
at the Brookline Music School.

My name is Mark Stewart.


And I play in a group called
Bang on a Can All-Stars.

Mark was showing us
made-up instruments.

I think they're sticky
so they make a squeaky rhythm.

He had tubes and pipes
and slide flutes.

(flutes playing)

We put a stethoscope in our ears

so we can listen to one of his
very quiet instruments.

(quiet music)

(music amplified in stethoscope)


(music amplified in stethoscope)

He made up one instrument
called a chaladoo.

(low notes playing)

They're not traditional

They just do different things.

We're going to build
a big, long chaladoo.

We are going to have
a long horn.

(low note playing)

(pitch dropping
as holes are covered)




(high-pitched notes)

They sounded like music.

(music slows down)

And now...

Hey, check it out!

Another ice cream shop opened up
down the block.

"Yumbobo: the new way
to say delicious."

What language is that?

No language that I know of.

It's probably just a made-up
word to catch your attention.

Ooh, they have something
called a Gelatinator.

"Our patented ice cream

guarantees that every scoop
is super cold!"

All ice cream is cold.

That's why it's called
ice cream.


Oh, they have
"edible waffle holders"!

That sounds delicious!

It is, but here
we call it a cone.

Guys, I can't believe
you're falling

for all these cheap
marketing gimmicks.

We're not falling
for anything.

It's just nice to see
some creative advertising.

Yeah, give us
some credit, Brain.

We're your most loyal customers.

(door opens)

Hey, there's a giant blue
penguin outside Yumbobo

giving away free samples!

No way!

I've got to see this!

I give away free samples
all the time.

(kids cheering)

(circus music playing)

(goofy laugh)

A tail?

Not only are you blue,

you're also anatomically

(goofy laugh)

Welcome, nd customer!


I'm Mustardseed,
your Yumbobo guide!

Are you familiar
with our ordering process?

Um, no, this is my first time.


Could I have a scoop
of vanilla in a...

Oh, sorry.

We don't have vanilla,

but we do have
Tahitian Trance.


Okay, I'll take one of those.

One Tahitian Trance,
Mr. Elderberry.

(machine whirring)

This is vanilla.

Um, no, it's Tahitian Trance.

See, it says so right here.

You can call it
whatever you like.

It's still vanilla.


Can you give our nd customer
his Yumbobo Club Card

and escort him
to the register?

(goofy laugh)

It's vanilla!

I can prove it!

Another satisfied customer.


(liquids bubbling)


I knew it!

Ergo, there is virtually
no difference

between their Tahitian Trance
and my vanilla ice cream,

except the former costs
% more.

I also took samples
of other flavours.

"Exocolato Intrigue"?


"Wimbledon Wonder"?



Yumbobo isn't a new word
for delicious.

It's a new word
for rip-off.

Those mountebanks
are hoodwinking us

with flimflammery!


Still, you've gotta
love that Puk-Puk.

Did you see his
itty-bitty tail?

Buster, this is serious.

If our shop doesn't get
more customers,

we could go out of business.


I've got it!


Why don't you make
a machine

that keeps your ice cream
super cold

and dress up
in a penguin suit.


I'm not going to stoop
to their silly gimmicks.

But I guess I could add in
a few incentives.

Like a free sundae for your last
remaining customer?


Something much, much better.

"Get to know your ice cream.

Free chemical analysis
with every purchase."


Interested in
the special offer?

Come on in!

Then, with the aid
of locust bean gum,

the milk fats combine
with glucose solids.

And that, in short,

is why our ice cream
is so delicious.

I think it tasted better when
I didn't know so much about it.

Brain, you've got it all wrong.

You're not selling ice cream.

I'm not?

No, you're selling
an experience.

You've got to tell people
a story with your product.

We bought ingredients,
we made ice cream,

now we're selling it.

It's not that exciting.

That's where we can help.

It's my new ad company.

"Crosswire Creative Solutions"?

Stop by our offices tomorrow

and we'll walk you through
some campaign ideas.

The year is .

Every morning,
Great Granddaddy Brain

drives the milk wagon
to the ice cream shop.

Then Grandmammy Brain
adds her secret spices

to the ice cream.

And finally,
sweet Billy Joe Brain,

your grandfather,
tastes the ice cream.

If it's not perfect,
they will start all over again.

But this time it is perfect.

This time, it tastes like home.

Stop! I've heard enough!

We've only had the ice cream
shop for four years.

And my grandfather's name
was Alan.

But the name Alan
didn't test well.

I don't care.

I'm not going to lie
about my family's history.

You haven't even seen
our theme-park idea yet.

(door closes)

(goofy laugh)

What are we going
to do now?

Don't worry, Alan.

We'll get by.

I was offered
a new job today.

Doing what?

Um, I'd rather not
talk about it.

(bell ringing)

Welcome, th customer!



I only heard two exclamation
points after that "yay."

Next time, I better hear
at least four,

or you'll be cleaning
Puk-Puk's cage.

(goofy laugh)

Are we clear, Buttercup?

(change jingling)


Get your samples here!

Try out our all-natural,
homemade ice cream.

What's with the get-up?

I'm trying to attract
some new customers.

The only thing you're going
to attract are flies.

You smell like a wet dog.


Want a free sample?

I call it Plantain Passion.

Mmm, I call it banana.

Not bad, though.


Hey, one per customer!

Oh, hi.

I'm Ursus Maritimus,

your friendly neighbourhood
polar bear.

(goofy laugh)

I'm all out of free samples, but
if you want to come inside...

(bee buzzing)

Ah! Get out of there!



Mommy, Mommy, it's a crazy
talking polar bear!

Help! It's in my foot!


Hey, great polar bear suit.

But you shouldn't lie
on the sidewalk in it.

They cost a fortune to clean.

I hope I can get a refund.

I spent my entire allowance
on this costume.

I thought you said
you'd never stoop

to Yumbobo's silly gimmicks.

I know, but I had
to try something.

My mom says competition is good,

but I don't think she knows
what we're up against.

Well, you still have
this customer.

Thanks, Buster.

And your customer
would like some ice cream.

Oh, just help yourself.

Hey, have you tried
juggling your ice cream?


That'd be entertaining.

Or not.

Don't worry.

I'm still covered
by the five-second rule.

(gobbling loudly)



(relieved sigh)

That's the best thing
I've ever tasted!


What flavours did you mix?

Um, I think it was
pistachio and... coffee?


I've just created coffachio!

Nutty, mellow,
but with a sardonic kick.

It is good!

Buster, you've just given me
a great idea.

I know.

Let's start juggling!

No, no, we don't need to juggle.

In fact, we don't need
to do anything.

Once you've paid for your cup,

you can mix
any ice cream you want

and create your own flavour.

Write down what you put in,
give it a name

and we'll put it up here
so other kids can try it, too.

I highly recommend
the coffachio.

(door opens)

Hi, welcome to our
ice cream shop.

Want to make your own flavour
with our new Blending Lab?


Two, please.


I knew you'd be here
sooner or later.
