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17x06 - Speak Up, Francine!/Waiting for Snow

Posted: 07/02/22 06:48
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You've got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



There are some people who just
love being in the spotlight.

No, let me go!

I won't do it!

They're natural born leaders

who feel just as comfortable
on stage

as they do in their own rooms.

Coming through!

Francine, come back!

You said you wanted
to do this.

I changed my mind!

And there's no one I know

who fits this description
more than...


Speech! Speech!

Speech! Speech!

Uh... uh...


Um, we're experiencing
technical difficulties.

Thank you for your patience.

Start the show!

(birds chirping)

(brook babbling)

Here we go.

The perfect spot for a picnic.

Uh, guys?

You should come
and look at this.


Why are all those fishies dead?

I don't know, but I
just lost my appetite.

I know, that creek
gets worse and worse.

It's mainly due to the way
people care for their lawns.

What do lawns
have to do with it?

Some fertilizers
contain toxic chemicals.

When we use too much

or let the water spill
into the streets,

it ends up in the creek.

So someone's green lawn
can wind up k*lling fish?

That's terrible!

I know.

But it's pretty hard to get
people to change their habits.

(music playing)

My lawn is green,
but I wish it was even greener.

I want it to be so green
that it glows in the dark!


I know!

I'll use some extra
lawn fertilizer.

Hey, that Sneaky Pete is using
extra lawn fertilizer!

There's no way I'm going to let
his grass be greener than mine!

Nice lawn, Mr. Smith.

Looking good, Mr. Jones.

Lawn fertilizer.

It sounds harmless,

but if you use too much
or don't follow the directions,

those chemicals can end up...


And nothing can live
without clean drinking water.

Don't believe me?

Just ask them.

A green lawn is nice,
but it shouldn't cost this much.

It looks so professional!

Since I put it up yesterday
on YouWhoTube,

we have views.

Someone from the Elwood City
parks department called.

They'd like one of you
to give a speech about lawn care

at the Earth Day rally.


That's a pretty big event.

Who should do it?

Oh, I will!

It'll also be
a great opportunity

to promote
Alien Awareness Day.

Guys, I think the choice
is pretty obvious.

We need someone fearless,
someone who commands respect

and is not afraid
to speak her mind.

I accept.

Muffy Crosswire?

Speaking about the environment?


I'll have you know
the Crosswires are very green!

We only use % natural
modified growth hormones

on our lawn.

I vote for Francine.

I second it.

Those events never get
any media coverage anyway.

Well, Francine?

Do you want to do it?

It's a big responsibility.


I guess I've already spoken
to people on the Internet.

How hard can this be?

Very informative report
on Portugal, George.

Next up is Francine,

whose presentation
is about Luxembourg.

Mr. Ratburn,
may I introduce her?

Just a little advance press
for your big speech.

As some of you may know,
Francine will be speaking

at the Earth Day rally next week
to thousands of people!

We all know she's
a great public speaker,

but let's give her a little
extra encouragement and support.


Um, thanks.



Whose motto might be, "We're not
as small as Liechtenstein!"

(nervous laughter)

Oh, I should have said first
that Luxembourg is really small.

And so is Liechtenstein.

That's why it's funny.


Well, the capital city is

which is actually
the same name as the country.

Um... potatoes.

They love potatoes
in Luxembourg.

In fact,
there's this saying I found...

Something with potatoes...


The end!

Okay, your presentation
was a disaster,

but it was just a silly report
on an unremarkable nation.

Yeah, and I still
got nervous.

If I can't even talk
to my class,

how am I going to talk
to a big crowd?

You have lots of time
to practice.

Great! Test it out on me.

(clears throat)

"Ladies and gentlemen,

I know I'm only
a third-grader..."

You're losing me.



I just started.

(fake snoring)

That's it! I quit!


I'm just being
a tough crowd.

Try again.

This time, relax
and be yourself.

But better.

Hey, I overheard you.

If you want,
I can help you.

We had public speaking
at my old school.

I was pretty good at it.

Thanks, Ladonna, but I think
I know a little more

about winning people over
than you.

My dad sells cars.

Why are you giving me
this pen?

That's not just any pen, Muffy.

I've been saving it
for when I find the person

who would do anything
to help their friend,

even if it meant
letting that friend go.

Today, I think I've found
the person

who deserves that pen.

Am I right,
Muffy Alice Crosswire?

Is that person you?


So you'll let me help



Okay, let's start
with breathing.

In from the diaphragm,
out through the mouth.

What just happened?

Hey, there's my pen!

I knew I dropped it



"So in short,
if we take care of our planet,

"it'll keep on
taking care of us.

Thank you."

That was great!

You're going to be
the hit of the rally.

I am?

Of course.

All you have to do

is listen to me.

First thing, I want
that speech memorized.

You should be able
to give it in your sleep.

Let's hear it again.


"Ladies and gentlemen,
I know I'm just..."

Up at me!

You're talking to people,
not paper.

"Ladies and gentlemen..."


This isn't a funeral.

"Ladies and gentlemen..."

"It was filled
with dead fish.

So my friends and I decided
to do something about it."


"And those fertilizers

can contain nitrates
and phosphates!"

Did you say "ice skates

and moss plates"?

"Nitrates and phosphates!"







No, that was real.

No, that was real.


"And if we take care
of our planet,

"it'll keep on
taking care of us.

Thank you."

I think you're ready.

There's just one little thing
left to do.

Give it in front of an audience.


Prepare to engage
Responsible Lawn Care Speech.

Oh, Captain!

The anxiety capacitators
have been overloaded.

We've lost control
of all voice functions.

Put us on autopilot.

I can't!

The courage boosters
aren't responding!

Come on, Francine.

Keep it together.

You can do this.


It was short,
but very powerful.

I can't do it.

Sure you can.

It's just one little speech.

Yeah, one little speech

in front of a huge crowd
of strangers!

And the worst part is

this is an issue
I really care about.

If only someone else
could do it.


Ladies and gentlemen,

this speech is
by Francine Frensky,

a tireless crusader
for the environment

and my friend.

(clears throat)

"I know I'm only
a third grader,

"but I know a lot
about the environment

because I play in it every..."


So as I was saying...

Fascinating thing,

You see,
if you use too much,

uh, nitrous-phishface...

It's okay.

I got it.

If you get nervous,

just say the speech
to me.


I've discovered two things
in the past week:

that our creek is polluted

and that I'm a terrible
public speaker.

(audience laughing)

I play outside every day--
yes, even when it's raining--

and this all started
when I was having a picnic

with my friends
by this creek...

So in short,
this is the only home we have.

Let's take care of this yard

as well as we take care
of our own yards.

Thank you.


You were amazing!

That was even better
than the speech you wrote.

It was?

I don't even remember
what I said.

Don't worry,
I filmed it all

and I've already uploaded it
onto YouWhoTube.

You'll probably be flooded
with invitations to speak.


No more public speaking!

But you're so good at it.

And now...

Our animals live in the tundra.

Your groups are going to give
an oral presentation.

We are in third grade,

and our teacher is Ms. Thompson.

Your groups are going to be
organized by habitat.

All of our animals live
in the rain forest.

A habitat is a place
where an animal lives.

A parrot gathers seeds,
nuts and fruit.

And today, we are going to
present those research projects.

Welcome to the desert.

Have you ever felt nervous
about presenting information?

It makes me nervous
when I have to get up

and everybody's looking at me

and they're expecting me
to say something.

Francine gets
a little bit nervous

about giving her presentation.

If I was Francine,
I would do it and try my best,

and if I make a mistake,
I'll just forget about it.

Here are some tips
for public speaking:

stand up straight,

don't be fidgety,

and always remember to smile.

Try not to do this:

Um, um, like, um...

What are some of the things
you do to help yourselves out

when you feel nervous?

Take a deep breath.

You just pretend that everyone
is invisible.

Our animals live in the ocean.

Dolphins are completely
adapted to water.

They may seem like giant fish,
but they're not.

Dolphins are mammals.

They breathe like we do.

Imagine being a sea otter
swimming in the beautiful sea,

floating on the top
of the water.

I have faith in myself
that I can do it,

and I encourage myself.

I like giving
an oral presentation

because I'm teaching kids

that they might not know.

You're showing your personality.

And I think that's just fun!


And now...

Blizzards are fun!



After a blizzard is fun.

Apparently during a blizzard
it's not fun,

because it's all blizzardy.

But after a blizzard,

there's enough snow to build
not just a snow fort,

but an entire snow town--

with snow buildings
and snow cars and snow buses.


Never mind, scratch that.

But after a big blizzard,
there's enough snow

to build the tallest snowman
in the world!


Never mind.

Scratch that, too.

I don't really know what happens
after a blizzard,

because I've never been in one.

But in summary,
blizzards are awesome!


I'm so glad it's finally warm
enough to ride our bikes again.

Me too!

Let's go!



That didn't last long.


When is this old snow
going to melt?

It's disgusting.

(someone squealing)

What's that sound?

It's a pterodactyl!


Have you heard the news?

It's so exciting!

You built a robotic Buster
to do all my chores?

No, the weatherman says

there's going to be
a huge blizzard tomorrow!

I'm finally going to get to see
my first really big snow,

and I'm going to the store
to buy skis and a toboggan

and a snow shovel.



Stop making that sound!





Happy birds?


I guess the snow stopped.

But there's a little
new snow left!

Enough to make a snowball
to splat you with.


Greetings, Bud.

Whatcha doin'?

Even better.

Oh, nothing much.

Just, uh...

Splatting you
with a snowball.



You've got to pack
the snow tight,

and round the snowball off
with each new layer.



Will you teach me your ways?

Yes, young one.

But you must promise me
one thing:

don't get too attached
to your snowball

and end up saving it
in your freezer.


Save it?

In a freezer?

No way!

Who would do that?


Sorry, O Wise One.

I won't save it.

I'm going to splat someone
with it.

But not you anymore.

Snow on tree branches is
the best kind for snowballs.

Let's continue your training
in the park.

Hi, Ladonna!

Isn't it a beautiful day?

Don't rub it in.

The weatherman said
the big storm went around us.

But it snowed a little.

Yeah, we can still make
a snowman.


Is it supposed
to snow again soon?

The weatherman said

this was probably the last snow
of the season.

"Warm sunny days ahead!"


That's awful.

Just awful.

We have to cheer her up,


We can't make it snow.

No, we can't.

But there might be someone
who can.

The rocket will achieve
an altitude above dew point,

then release the H O
in its fuselage as a mist,

which will come back to earth
as a fine ice-based precipitate.

Uh-huh, right, totally.

I don't get it.

Rocket go "boom,"
make snow.

Ah, got it!

I knew you could do it, Brain.

All right, everyone,
stand back.

Let's light this candle.

Three, two, one, blast off!

Dew point threshold crossed.

H O emission...


Parachute opening.

And we are go for snow

in five, four,
three, two, one...

It's snowing!

You did it!


Now, to create a blizzard,

I need to make
, more rockets,

which will take
until July .


Of next year.


Time for Plan B.

I really hoped it wouldn't
come to this.

So Arthur, you have
a business proposition?


Yes, please!

I'll save some
for later, too.

Uh, as you know, Muffy,
Ladonna just moved here,

so she hasn't played
in a lot of snow,

and it's getting sunny again.

So we were hoping maybe
you could somehow

make it snow?

Rich people can do that,

Actually, yes.

I know a place that sells
snow machines.

But they cost $ .


Cash or check?


Like this?

Good, very good.

But remember,
snowballs don't last forever.

Especially if you have
a brother,

because he might take it

and lie about it
for the rest of his life.


I mean, uh, carry on.

I'm running out
of ideas, Buster.

That's better than me.

I've never had any.


Remember the
straight-to-video hit movie

Bionic Bunny Versus
the Snowmen From Mars?

Of course!

Who could forget
the classic line,

"Take me to your freezer."

Do you know what
the special effects team used

for snow in that movie?

Soap suds!

So they blindfolded me
and spun me around

and I walked right out
the front door.

But I still pinned the tail
on the donkey,

because our neighbours had
a real donkey.

Thankfully it wasn't a pin,
it was...


Why is the park covered
in soap suds?

It's not soap, it's snow!

Come play in it.

It's big snow fun time!



This is rare,
extra slippery snow.

That's because it's soap.

Look, you can build a snowman!

You mean a sudsman.

Snowball fight!

Snowball... fight.


Snow does not smell
lemony fresh.

Y'all aren't fooling anyone.

This is soap.

Sorry, Ladonna.

We were just trying
to cheer you up.

Are you angry?

No, you're sweet for trying
to cheer me up.

But I sure do wish it would
snow again for real.

I know what'll
cheer you up--

a pocket shrimp.


Um, I'm good.

Thanks for trying to make me
feel better, guys.

But I guess I'm not going to see
a lot of snow after all.

Huh! More for me.

Nice work, Bud.

What do you think?

I think it's the most beautiful
thing I've ever seen.


Perfect timing.

There's your sister.

Splat her!

You mean with Bally?

You named it?

I can't throw Bally.

He's perfect.

Aren't you, Bally?

Yes, you are,
my big Bally-Wally.

I'm going to save you
in my freezer forever.



(blows a raspberry)




Mom, she's making
the sound again!

(Ladonna squealing)

Look at me, I'm skiing!



Are you all right, Ladonna?

I'm great!

I skied!


I was really sorry to hear
that Bally puddled, Bud.


I'm just taking it
one day at a time.

I know what will
cheer you up.


Nothing can replace Bally.

It's not to keep.

It's to throw.

Go ahead.

It'll make you feel better.

Splat away.

Hey, that did help!

Good, you're healing.

That's a little
too much healing.

Snowball fight!



Look at me!

I'm sledding!




Guys, did you hear?

They closed school.

It's a snow day!


Hey, you sound like me.

You can get tired of snow,

but you never get tired
of snow days.

(everyone squealing)