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17x04 - Opposites Distract/Just the Ticket

Posted: 07/02/22 06:46
by bunniefuu


♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(thunder roaring)


Come on, Arthur.

You said you'd play
Funny Farm with me tonight.

I haven't even started
my homework yet.

Have you ever noticed
how hard it is to get to work

on your homework?

First, you have
to make sure you have

your favorite pencil sharpened

and a couple of back-ups,
just in case.

(Kate crying, Pal barking)

Then you need a ruler,

because you never know
when you'll have to draw

a straight line.

(crying and barking stop)

And then, you have to make sure
you have enough light.


If you aren't going
to play with me,

what choice do I have

but to bake a cake
in my Mary Moo Cow Oven?

Get your own light bulb.

We have plenty of them.

But they're in the basement.

(oven dings)


Ah! Ooh!



Everything is in its place,
and I can finally get to...



(doorbell rings)

Call the fire department!

Santa and his reindeer are stuck
up on the roof.

No, D.W.

Those are workmen fixing
the leak in Arthur's ceiling.

Will they be done by the time
I get home from school?

I have a three-page paper due.

I'm afraid the contractor said
it could take a week, Arthur.

Why don't you study in the den?

I get lots done in there
when I'm working.

I'm sorry, Ed, but you can't
claim Bailey as a dependent.

No, I don't think
you should adopt him.

Okay, let's go over
these numbers again.



Arthur's looking at me!

(teeth chattering)


(cries out)

(school bell ringing)

There you are.

I thought maybe you'd been
abducted by aliens.

I wasn't abducted,
but my bedroom was.

There's a leak in it,
and I had

to write my paper
yesterday in the tree house.

I, uh...

included visual aids.

Why don't you come over
and study in my room

until the leak gets fixed?


That'd be great.

I'd advise against it.

According to
Young Entrepreneurs Magazine,

% of friends who work together
don't stay together.

Remember when you became

allergic to your carpet
and stayed with us for a week?

That wasn't pretty.

That's not going
to happen to us.

Yeah, what kind of friendship
can't survive studying together

in the same room?

We'll have fun and we'll get
twice as much done.

I just finished my math
homework for the entire year.

And I just created
a timeline

of the w*r of .

What's left to do?

Five words...

Dark Bunny video game

This is so not going
to go well.

My doorknob's a little funny.

Just pull up and to the right.

There's a system to it.


Wow, you might
want to get that fixed.

What do you mean?

Uh, nothing.

So, where should I sit?

Arthur, my friend,
sit anywhere you like.

Um, okay.


Hey, study buddy.

Please don't move
any of the clothes.

That pile is for clothes
I've just worn once.

And that pile is for clothes
I've worn twice.

What's that pile?

days straight
and still wearable.


There's a system to it.

(chewing loudly)

Hey, study buddy, maybe we could
take a snack break later.

I'm preparing
for the geography test.

I've got a different vegetable
for every country in the U.N.

I nibble them
into the correct shape.

This onion is Oman.

The pepper is Peru,
and that radish is Romania.

There's a system to it.


% of friends who work
together don't stay together.

(doorbell rings)

Hi, Mrs. Baxter.

I know Buster is still

at his "Alien Invasion
Defense" club,

but would you mind if I waited
for him in his room?

♪ ♪

(doorknob rattling)

Hey, Arthur, did you know
tin foil can block

mind control rays?


What did you do?!

I got here a little early, so I
thought I'd help you organize.

But I am organized.

I have a system.

Well, yes, but I'm giving you
a better system.

Look, I even found
another chair.


Where's my United Nations
of Vegetation?

It was all rotting,
so I made you this instead.

A map?

Who studies for a geography test
with a map?


What happened to the donut
from my Cabinet of Curiosities?

I thought it was Denmark.

This is so not going
to go well.

Thank you for your help.

You're welcome.

I think you're
going to find

we're both much
more productive this way.

Two heads are better
than one.



(exhaling loudly)


(chuckles politely)







Do you have to say that every
time you finish a math problem?

Say what?


I'm not saying that.

Yes, you are.

No, I'm not.


Must be my mistake, old buddy.



Oh, hi, Bitzi.

It's so nice of Buster
to host Arthur

while we're fixing the roof.

Are the boys having
a fun time together?


It's more like
that old TV sitcom...

(The Odd Couple theme playing)

On November th,
Arthur Read was asked to leave

his own bedroom.

That request came
from his mother.

With nowhere else to go,
he appeared at the house

of his friend Buster.

Can two best friends study
in a room together

without driving each other

Oh, dear.

Well, they'll work
it out somehow.

(doorknob rattling)

How long can one person spend
in a bathroom?

How many old toothbrushes
can one kid keep?

I organized them for you.

(wet squish)

Watch out!

You just stepped on Rhubarbados.


I mistook it for garbage.



(exhaling loudly)

(imitates exhaling)

What are you doing?

I can't stand you cleaning
your glasses one more time.

They're clean!

They're clean already!

How would you know?

You're the biggest slob
I've ever seen!

Well, you're the biggest
neat freak I've ever seen!

I was just trying
to help you!

Help me?

I've been wearing the same
underwear for two weeks,

because I can't find
where you put anything.

Maybe we should stop
studying together.

Maybe I'll just leave.

But this is your room!

Stop telling me
what to do!

I warned you.

You have to be really mature
to live and work together.

That's what Francine
and I learned

when I had to stay with her.

Had to?

You mean you got to stay
with me.

Okay, but how did you get Muffy
to stop cleaning your room?

You were lucky to have me.

You were lucky we didn't
throw you out, Miss Fancypants.

Well, you didn't
seem to mind...

(door closes)

Anybody up for a delicious snack
of spaghetti marshmallow balls?

Oh, hello, Mrs. Baxter.

I'm afraid Buster and I
aren't friends anymore.

I knew you'd come to me...


So what's Arthur doing?

Bossing you around?

Hogging the remote?

Not letting you
braid his hair?

Um, no.

It's more that he keeps
cleaning his glasses

in this really nasally way.

Like this...

(imitates exhaling)

Know what to do?

Hide his glasses in your room.

But he's in my room.

Then you've got a problem.

You're right.

Hey, maybe I could
study here with you?


Buster is
looking at me!

Sometimes working together
makes people's habits

seem worse than they are.

But if Buster
wasn't who he was,

we'd never have spaghetti
marshmallow balls.

They are surprisingly good.


You'll find a way
to work it out.

Oops, I almost stepped
on the Nether-yams.

I'm, uh, sorry I cleaned my
glasses too loudly around you.

Sorry I threw a vegetable
country at you.

You know,

your dirty clothes system
is kind of ingenious;

it saves on water.

And you might have
an okay idea there

with that whole map thing.

Where is my map?

It's not
on the wall anymore.

The desk was rocking,
so I folded it up

and put it under
one of the legs.


Do you know how hard
I worked on that?

Do you know how hard
I worked on Spain-ich?

That's it, I'm out of here!

Good riddance!



Let us out!

(doorknob rattling)

Oh, my!

I can't seem to open the door.

Stay calm.

I'll call for help right away.

I, um... I found this
board game Monster Surgery

in my closet after you...
organized it.

Do you want to play?

You better watch out, Buster!

I've got you by the ears!

I'm ripping out

all five of your livers!

(evil laughter)

Oh, hi, Mom.

What's up?

So can you believe
how much homework

Mr. Ratburn gave us tonight?


Why don't you come over...

after you've finished it.

(both laughing)




And now...

Today we are
at Beaver Summer Programs.

It's a summer camp,
and we're making smoothies.

You're going to work
with your partner,

but you're each going
to create your own smoothie.

We have Alex and Jack.

They're doing things

My name is Sophie,
and I'm one of the tasters.

I think they both
have their own styles,

and they're going
their own ways.

So it's kind of like a
vegetable juice... chocolate.

I'd say you did really well
for a beginner.

I shall taste Alex.


I don't really like it too much.

I think it's really,
really good.

I think if Buster and Arthur
made smoothies,

they'll be even better friends
because now they know

what they like and what
they don't like.

Strawberries, coconut, water,
a little bit of ginger.

Ooh, I think that's
going to be good.

Orange juice, cinnamon.

I saw a banana,
which is excellent.

And some Greek yogurt.

Very good.

Tangy, sweet.

Mild, very mild.

Not bad.

How about experimenting
with celery?

I did like totally
different things,

like celery and kale.

I wanted to be
kind of different.

And my friend Tia,
on the other hand,

she did, like, strawberries,

lemon juice,
orange juice, milk.

Wow, I taste the kale!

It's like dinner and dessert
all together in one liquid meal.


And it's going to be
interesting to see Tia's.

Because she was
a little more cautious.

Wow, that's good.

But it's very much
a dessert smoothie.

I love it.

Two different kids,
two different tastes.

It makes sense because
we're all different.

None of us are exactly alike
like snowflakes.

Yummy in my tummy.

And now...

(phone ringing)

Do you ever feel

like you're the only one in the
world who never wins anything?

I'm going to the park now, Mom!


But come home by lunchtime.

And can you get the phone?


But then one day,
just when you feel

like you'll never win anything
in your entire life, you do?


MAN (on phone):

This is QRAD,
Rad-Rockin-Radio and you...

My parents say we can't take
sales calls.

QRAD database to receive
this awesome prize.

You've just won eight
front-row tickets

to next weekend's
Static Airwaves concert

sponsored by QRAD.

Wait, did you say I just won?

Well, be grateful
for your bad luck.

Because the only thing worse

than never winning anything...

is winning.


That can't be true.

You actually won eight front-row
tickets for Static Airwaves?

That's like... a miracle.

What are you
going to do with them?

Well, there are eight tickets...

and eight of us.

(all thanking Arthur)

Hey, you want to come home and
wait for the tickets with me?

QRAD Radio said
that they're going

to deliver them
this afternoon.

(clock ticking)

(doorbell rings)

Open it already!

Come on, come on!

Here, give it to me!


Math has never been
my best subject,

but that doesn't look
like eight tickets to me.

QRAD says the DJ
got the number wrong,

but the concert is sold out
and I should count myself lucky

to even get
two tickets, so...

So who are you going
to take?



(chuckles nervously)

Well, now that's, um...

Let's see, I...

You know what, guys?

We should leave Arthur alone
and not pressure him.

It's not that
big a deal, really.

It's just a concert.

(all agreeing)

Let's leave Arthur alone.

Thanks, buddy.

No sweat.

I knew they'd all go nuts
when you said

who you were really taking.

Front row seats!

I can't wait.

(phone rings)

Arthur, can you get that?



How did you get home so fast?

I know you're probably
taking Buster,

but I just want to say
I was the first one in school

(call waiting beeping)
to like Static Airwaves.

You remember that day
in kindergarten

when I played
their first single

for Show 'n' Tell?

Muffy, too?

Francine, can we maybe talk
about this later?


Okay, fine.

Don't be mad.

It's just that...
(phone clicks)

(phone ringing)


Yeah, Mom, I'm getting it!

(phone clicks)


(phone ringing)


(phone ringing)

Mom, please can we
not answer

the phone for a while?

BUSTER (on answering machine):
Hey, Arthur, it's Buster.

Just wanted to make sure you
got that last message.

Okay... yeah.

(phone ringing)
Could you pass the peas?

What, honey?

The peas!

SUE ELLEN (on machine):
Hey, Arthur, Sue Ellen here.

Listen, about those
last messages,

I had another thought...

Okay, Mom,
I'm leaving now for...

(phone beeping)

For where, honey, the park?

Hey, guys.

Tickets... tickets...

No, the library.

(door opens and closes)

I wonder where Arthur is.

(cell phone ringing)

(indistinct phone chatter)

Good work, Bailey.

Oh, dear me.

I just forgot.

I have an appointment
at the salon.

Well, have
a great practice.

Oh, hi, Arthur.

What are you doing here?

Uh... wrong book.


Hey, as long as you're here,
I don't know...

Oh, hi, Arthur.

I'm just doing some
research on Africa.

(Sue Ellen and Muffy
continue chattering)

Oh, sure, yeah.


KIDS (whispering):
Arthur... Arthur...

Arthur... Arthur... Arthur...

(cries out)


Are you okay?

Let me help you.

No, please don't.


Just take the second ticket.

Take it.


You're inviting me?


You know, I knew I shouldn't go
in there and chase you around.

Just wait patiently
and you shall receive,

the Binky Barnes motto.

What's wrong?

The tickets.

I lost them.


Buster, you search fiction,
Muffy, non-fiction,

Sue Ellen, reading room,
Brain, men's room,

George, wake up.

I can't believe I lost them.

Wait a minute.


I lost them.


I lost them!

(phone beeping)

Messages deleted.

"...and whichever of you finds
the tickets is welcome

"to keep them with
my best wishes.

Your friend, Arthur."

And send to everybody and...




Hi, Arthur.

Yeah, hi.


What's everybody's

Don't get mad at me.

I tried to defend you.

But it's hard
to defend a liar.

A liar?

You "lost the tickets"?

Come on.

Hey, George.

Thanks for sitting
with me.

It's okay.

We all tell white lies

I didn't lie.

But we looked all over
the whole library

and couldn't find the tickets.

Okay, look,
you don't believe me?

Check my pockets.



Frisk him.

He's clean.

Wait a minute.

You want to go through
my books now?

Unless you have something
to hide.

No, I don't.

Now when you guys see
that I don't have the tickets,

I hope you'll...


So that's where I put 'em.

(laughs nervously)

Hey, D.W.

You want my
concert tickets?

And have everyone hate me?

No, thank you.

If there's a lesson here,
I'm missing it.

"Please take free tickets."

Wow, I feel like I have
this huge weight off my back.

(cries out)


Stay there.





(cries out)

How did...

This is impossible.

Muffy's butler
dropped them off.

Muffy's butler?

Yeah, he said that...

(doorbell rings)

No, don't.

I left them on a tree stump.

I swear.

Arthur, we know.

Bailey called me.

Then Muffy called us, and...

Wait, back up.

Bailey called you?

The important thing
is we've all been talking

and we realized
we've been unfair.

You won those tickets,
we didn't.

And the very first thing you did
was invite all of us,

and yet we never even
thanked you.

We think you should just go by
yourself and enjoy the concert.


I don't want
to go alone.

What fun is winning something

if a friend can't
enjoy it with you?

Won't one of you
come with me?

I can't believe it takes
a four-year-old girl

to suggest picking straws.

(rock music playing,
crowd shouting)

Wow, look at...

A big wall?

We can't see a thing.

Well, like I always said:
I never really win anything.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Static Airwaves!


All right!

(rock music playing)

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,


You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too

at your local library.