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17x02 - Adventures in Budylon/Ladonna Compson: Party Animal

Posted: 07/02/22 06:45
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You've got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



Hello, TV audience.

Here are some things you will
need to watch today's show...


But you already have
one of those

because you're watching me
right now.

What about a computer?

They could be watching us
on a computer.

Okay, fine, or a computer.

Or a phone.

When we drove up from Louisiana,
I watched a whole movie

about octopuses
on my daddy's phone.

Would you let me finish?!

Where was I?

You were about to say
you'll need someplace to sit.


And something to munch on.



That's boring.

How about crawfish poppers?


And you left off
a toy dinosaur

who's also your
imaginary friend.


And most important of all,
your four-houses-down neighbor.


Bud Compson, even something
as simple as watching TV

is an adventure with you.

You got that right.

Pass the poppers.

And then I thought

we could put Annie
on the side of the mountain,

like she's halfway up.


I think she might have had
some pack animals with her,

like mules.


She did it!

He did it!

I told you not to play
around our diorama.

Now look what you did!

You caved in part
of Nevado Huascarán!


It's a mountain in Peru.

We're doing a project
on a famous mountain climber,

Annie Smith Peck.

She was one of the first women
to ever climb the Matterhorn.

And the first person to climb
this mountain.

They even named one of the peaks
after her: Cumbre Aña Peck.


I want something named after me!

You have to be a famous explorer
or discover something new.

I've got an idea.

Why don't you two explore...
the yard!

Thanks, but I've explored
the yard a million times.

You say you've explored it,
but I look out there and I see

dense jungles, jagged peaks,

barren stretches
of moonlike wastelands.


I just see grass
that needs mowing.

Well, you need to use
a little imagination,

but it's all out there.

She's just trying
to get rid of us.

But let's check
it out anyway.


Even I feel like exploring
the yard now.

You don't sell
the steak, Arthur.

You sell the sizzle.

You're right.

This lawn really does
need mowing.

There it is!

The mountain without a name,

that no one
has ever climbed before!

Race you!



I hereby proclaim this...

Mount Bud!

No way!

I got here first.

It's Mount DW.


I saw you coming up
because I was already here.

It's Mount Bud!

Mount DW!

Mount Bud!

Keep it down!

We're trying to work!

Yeah, if you aren't quiet,

we'll make you stay out in that
deep, dark jungle all night.

That's a great idea!

Yeah, we'll camp out here
all night!



I think I may have sold
too much sizzle.

I can't believe
our parents agreed

to let them spend
the whole night out here.

I can't believe we have
to supervise them.

We'll take turns.

It won't be so bad.

Hold on!

You can't put
the tent there.

That's the desert.

It's got to be
in the jungle, over here.

I thought that was
the waterfall.

No, no, the waterfall
is over there,

past the ancient
burial ground.


Who said there was
an ancient burial ground?

There are no ghosts
in this exploration!

You can take
the first shift.

I thought you wanted
to have an adventure.



Juice boxes.

A rope for mountain climbing.

An umbrella for walking
in the rainforest.

And an inflatable bed.

How about you?



Sleeping bag.

Playing cards.


And a safari light.

Good thinking.

Let's do some more exploring
before we turn in.

It must be from
some ancient civilization!

Maybe aliens made it.

It's so strange and creepy.

You know, just because
you're in the jungle

doesn't mean
I can't hear you.

The way the wind is moaning,

I could swear that statue
was talking.


Here it is.

The very edge of...

What are we calling
this place?



But I get the mountain.

Just beyond that gorge
is boring old civilization.

Today we vow to live
forever in Budylon

and never cross over again.

At least not until morning.


Where are you going?

I need a bathroom break.

Be right back.

That boy is just not
explorer material.

I wouldn't worry about Bud.

I've been camping with him
plenty of times.

He's pretty resourceful.

The show where real people

risk life and limb to fly kites

in the most remote places
on the globe.


Who watches these things?

Yeah. Right.

I'm going over to Buster's
to see if he has

some horse figurines
for the diorama.

Can you watch them and then
I'll take the next two shifts?



Port Welshpool, Australia.

One of the windiest places
on the planet.

But for professional
kite-flyer Tex Buttery,

it's a dream come true.

Let's save these for later.

Ladonna said you'd been
camping before.

Where do you store the food?

In the fridge.

What fridge?

The one in the RV.

Does it look like we're
in an RV?


I'll put them outside.

it's probably colder out there.


Definitely colder.


Night is falling.

Our food supply is running low.

We will have to survive
by our wits.

Or rather... my wits.

My partner seems to be
low on wits today.

Want to play Crazy Nines?

It's called Crazy Eights.

I like Crazy Nines better.

It's crazier.

(something rustling outside)


What's that?

Just someone trying
to scare us.

Nice try, Arthur,
but we're not...

(both screaming)

Where's your sister?!


I need more string!

Come on, Tex!

You can do it!

I don't know.

Where's your brother?

I really like the look
of the Clydesdale

but the Shetland pony
seems more donkey-ish.

Wait, do you have
any llamas?

Do you think it's gone?

I don't know.

Why don't you check?

You check!

You're the camper.



He's gone.

And so are the sandwiches.

This is harder than
I thought it would be.

I'm hungry.

We could go get some more.

You mean... and leave Budylon?

All we have to do is cross that
bridge and we'll have it all:

hot food, a soft bed...

Tin foil...



Tin foil's great.

It's shiny, crinkly and
keeps the cookies warm.


I guess this adventure's over.


We still have some food:
my raisins.

And if that raccoon
comes back, why I'll...

I'll flash my
safari light at him.

Come on.

We can't leave yet.

What would Annie Smith Peck do?

You're right, Bud.

We said we'd spend the night
out here and that's exactly

what we're going to do.

Besides, what else
could go wrong

that hasn't
already happened?

(clap of thunder)



Good thing we have this tent
to keep us dry.


If you touch a tent
in the rain, it leaks!


I do know something
about camping.

What do we do now?

We'll catch colds!


Don't panic.

I got an idea.

Hand me that rope.

And that umbrella.

Check it out.

I think this llama
will be perfect.

How are DW and Bud?

I don't know.

I thought you were
watching them.


Oh, no!

I say we do the rest
of our shifts all together.


There's nothing like waking up
in Budylon as the sun rises

over beautiful Mount DW!

You know what we should
explore next?

Your kitchen!

Yeah, maybe we'll discover
some waffles.

Or pancakes!


Your brother kept kicking me.

Well, your sister snores
like a lawn mower.

Next time you suggest
those two explore something...

I'll make it inside...

and near a bed.

And now...

This is Beaver Summer Programs,
and it's a summer camp.

We are all going to go outside
and we are going to try to see

how many different things
we can find at Beaver.

There is a lot of nature here.

All the different
kind of leaves

and all the different
kind of trees.

I think bark is a good way
to tell the difference

between trees.

Like this bark is very smooth,
and the color is white.

This bark is much thicker
and has a lot more texture.

And the color is like
very dark brown.

DW and Bud didn't think
there was anything special

about their backyard.

But you can find a lot
by just looking in nature.

On the tree we found some moss.

The moss is growing on the tree.

And it's a plant growing on
a plant.

These leaves tell me
that they're

from two different trees.

They have these, like, spikes
right here.

The spikes here are bigger,
this one's smaller.

I found this piece of bark, and
I'm going to try to figure out

which tree this bark was from.

Down low, here,
it looks similar.

Imagine if this bark, Ethan,
was really wet.

Do you think it could
match this?


Do you think it could even have
come from maybe right there?


It's the exact same shape.

I found this little roly-poly

He looks kind of soft.

And his fur is brown and black.

Look what I found.


What is that?

I found this big slug.

He's very big.

To me, it looks like a snail
without a shell.

You can find a lot by
just looking in nature.

And now...

Today's show is all about
having fun

and how sometimes when you're
trying to have fun...


Bailey's taking me to the mall
to buy Halloween costumes

before anyone else.

You can be a clown.

Come on!

Uh, okay,
just let me finish...


The Grebes are in the playoffs
and I've got two tickets.


Popcorn's on me.

I just got to...


I thought you were going
to teach me how to juggle.


No time like the present.

What are you doing?

You don't know
how to juggle.



Watch it!

Why'd you have to go
and point that out?

I was hungry.

Like I was saying...

sometimes when you're trying
to have fun, you bite off

more than you can chew.


We've got fall in Louisiana,
but it's nothing like this.

It's my favorite
time of year.

I like to save a few
really beautiful leaves

for my scrapbook.

That's a great idea.

Mind if I copy it?

Be my guest.

Hey, you know
what's really fun?

The Saturday Autumn
Craft Class!

You get to make
gourd people.

Want to come?

Gourd people?



It's alive!

Count me in.

Hi, Ladonna!

Do you have
any plans tomorrow?

Well, I...


You're coming
apple picking with us.

It's the most fun
fall thing to do.

That, and the Harvest
Hay Ride on Sunday.

You'll do both, right?


Last year we picked
four baskets.

This year, I'm hoping to
increase our yield by %.

No sweat.

I'll warm up
my picking arms.

Do you like puppies?

Um, well, yeah.

Who doesn't?

Then it's your lucky day.

You get to volunteer

for the Rake 'n' Bake
Fundraiser tomorrow.

We raise money for
the animal shelter.


Oh, wait, I'm going
apple picking with...

All right, I'll put you down
for an apple pie.

I got to bake a pie?

Well, I can't do everything.

I've got my hands full
organizing this event.

See you at the
Tibbles' house at : .

Don't be late.

Okay, I get up at : ,
make the pie crust

but don't bake it yet,
go to apple picking, then...


First comes the craft class,
then the apple picking.

Boy, third grade homework
sure sounds hard.

It's not homework.

I'm trying to plan out
my day tomorrow.

You're doing all that?

Well, that's too much.

Rapty and I will make the pie
for you.

You don't know
how to make a pie.

Neither do you,

but that doesn't seem
to be stopping you.


Bud, I got to finish
this schedule.

My friends have been nice enough
to invite me to all these things

and I'm not going
to disappoint them.

Now go to bed.

She's never going to do it all.

(alarm beeping)


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Ladonna Compson!


What is going on here?!

Just... makin' a pie.

(alarm beeping)

I'll clean all this up,

but right now you've got
to take me to craft class.

That's amazing!


I call her Lady Campbell.

What are you
calling... that?

Um... Frank.

But it's not finished yet.

I'm going to give him another
eye and put him in a cow...

(watch alarm beeping)

Ugh! I got to go!

But there's still
a half an hour left.

I know, I know,
but I got to pick apples

and the orchard's all the way
on the other side of town.

What about Frank?

Uh... I guess
I'll finish him at home.

Or make him into a side dish.

I can't decide.


See ya!

Thanks, Mom.

Don't worry, I'll be back
by : .

See ya!

Higher, Bailey.

There's a whole bunch
at the top.

Hey, Muffy!

Sorry I'm late.

We got a little lost.

Here, I brought you something.

What is it?

A gourd person.

His name's Frank.

What am I supposed to do
with it?

Um, why don't you
give it to your mom?

Moms love that
sort of thing.

Oh, thanks!

I'm starving.

So, where do I start?


Okay, I think this tree's

Isn't this fun?

(watch alarm beeping)

(gasps) I got to go.


But we're still about...

% short of our goal.

I know.

But I promised Binky I'd
bake the Tibbles at : .

I mean, I bake a pie and
take it... oh, never mind.

I should've planned better.

I'm sorry, Muffy.


But you're going to miss
the best part.

We make candy apples and
sell them at the hayride.

I was going to cut you in
on the profits.


Well, save me an apple.

Oh, one more thing.

I kind of need a ride home.

Can Bailey take me?


(alarm beeping)


And I even have time
to wash up.


Bud Compson!

I didn't do it!

It's Rapty's fault!

He's a pie-na-vore

What am I going
to do now?

Binky was counting on me.

Call it apple crumble.

It's going to taste
the same.

(bicycle bell ringing)

I'm here, Binky!

And I brought my famous
Compson Apple Crumble.





Not bad.

But you were supposed to bring
the pie to the Sugar Bowl.

That's where the raffle is.

Didn't you read the brochure?

And, it's : .

I am marking you as late,
young lady.


Pardon me!

Coming through!

You come back here!




Hey, nice pile.


You look pretty beat.

Want some help?

No, no, it's fine.

I'll do a couple more piles,
then I'll call it a day.


Well, I'll be over
at the cider table

if you want some help.

(Tibbles laughing)



Where is she?

This is so rude!

You think this is bad?

I invited her to craft class
and she left in the middle.

Well, she threw a pie at me!

Although it was delicious.

That's it!

I'm tired of waiting for her.

Bailey, you may proceed.


Wait for me!

I'm sorry!

I woke up late!

I got here as soon
as I could but...!

(animals clucking and mooing
in the background)

(wind rustling)



You never finished me!







You already missed
the hay ride.

I went, though.

It was pretty fun.

Why didn't you wake me?!

Because Mom said you needed
to rest after yesterday.

Was everybody mad at me?

I don't know.

Why don't you ask Arthur?

He was there.

And he's on the porch now.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

I overslept and...

What are you sorry for?

Because I missed
the hayride.

And I didn't stay
for craft class,

and I didn't pick enough apples
and I ruined the pie

and I made you rake my leaves.

Isn't everybody angry at me?

No, I just came by to see
if you wanted to go on a walk.

Don't worry about it.

I bite off more than
I can chew all the time.

Everyone does.

I know.

I just...

I guess I just want
everyone to like me.

They do.

That's why everyone invited you
to their favorite fall activity.

But most of all,
they just want you to enjoy

your first fall up here.

(watch alarm beeping)

What do you have
to go to now?

I haven't the faintest idea.

But whatever it is,
I'm not going.

Hey, can I have that leaf?

That's a great one.

I'm starting a scrapbook and
everything's going to be in it.

I mean everything.

Like this moment right now.