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16x10 - So Funny I Forgot to Laugh/The Best Day Ever

Posted: 07/02/22 06:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You've got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, DW!



Dear Diary.

Last week I received
the most amazing package.

It traveled halfway
around the world,

all the way
from Dharamsala, India.

The package was sent to me
by my pen pal, Tenzin Wangdu.

He's Tibetan, and even though
I've never met him,

I think he's really cool!

Inside was a sweater made
by his mom of real yak wool.

Yaks are a kind of shaggy cow

that only lives
in the Himalayas.

It was so soft!

I put it on right away.

It was a little big,
but I didn't care.

It was instantly
my favorite sweater.

It felt magical,

like I could almost
feel the snow

from the Himalayas around me.

But a lot can change
in a week.

Now when I look
at that sweater,

I don't think of Tenzin
or the Himalayas

or the yak
that the wool came from.

I only think about
how mean people can be.


Man, is it cold
out there!

I know.

My ears are still frozen.


What you need is a pair
of genuine yak wool earmuffs.

Where would I get those?

From a Tibetan pen pal,

if you're lucky enough
to have one.

My friend Tenzin
just sent me this.

It's the warmest thing
I've ever worn.

It's so soft, too.

Wow, what is that
you're wearing?

My new sweater.

And it's made from a yak.

You mean yaks.

They must have used
a couple of them.

It's pretty big on you.

My mom says it'll shrink
when we wash it.

Hey, you know what?

It kind of makes you look
like a big sheepdog.


That's true!

But you still need a tail.

All right,
so I look like a sheepdog.

But at least I'm a warm
and cozy sheepdog.



Hey, you left
your backpack behind.

Bad dog!


Good one!

Hey, over here!

Come here, girl,
over here!

Who's a good sheep doggie?

You're a good sheep doggie!

Yes, you are.


Okay, okay,
you can stop now.

This dog might just get angry
and bite you.

Oh, you wouldn't do that.

Sheep dogs have
a very gentle nature.

I thought I would
never say this,

but I actually think
you look très chic.




I saw Capri di Vapida
wearing something just like that

at a fashion show.

Are you sure it was
a fashion show

and not a dog show?


Okay, okay, I'll stop.

I don't know why,
it just cracks me up.

Here, why don't
you have my...





"Happy Sheepdog
Appreciation Day"?


Did you do this?

Um, well...

It was just a joke.

Well, I don't think it's funny.


That's great!

Look, everyone, it's a picture
of Fern as a goat.

No, it isn't.

It's Sue Ellen
as a sheepdog.


That doesn't look
a thing like Sue Ellen.

Or a dog.

You didn't even
give it a tail.

And that, in short,
is how iron ore is smelted.

(bell ringing)

Arthur, would you
stay behind, please?

A bully?


I didn't bully Sue Ellen.

I was surprised too, Arthur.

It doesn't seem like you.

But when you continue
to tease someone,

even after they've
asked you to stop,

that's bullying.

But it was just a joke.

Maybe to you.

But imagine if someone made you
feel bad for what you wore.

We have no tolerance
for that kind of behavior here.

You must treat everyone
with respect.



I promise not
to do it again.

I'm glad to hear that.

Arthur, we're not
quite finished yet.

I have to write Sue Ellen
a letter

apologizing for what I did
by tomorrow.

And we have that history test.

I'll probably fail!

Well, don't take it out
on the crackers.

It's not their fault.

I think she should be the one
apologizing to me.

How do you figure that?

She didn't have to go
to Mr. Ratburn.

She could have
just told me to stop.

She did tell you to stop.

I was there.

Okay, but I didn't think
she meant it.

Come on, she was being
over-sensitive, right?

I don't know.

Sue Ellen's never seemed
over-sensitive to me.

I'm the over-sensitive one.

No, you're not.

You're just the weird one.


You take that back!

Okay, okay, I'm sorry.


Saying you're sorry
isn't that hard.

You'll be finished
with that letter in no time.

"Dear Sue Ellen,
I'm sorry I upset you.

"I didn't mean to.

"It was really just a joke.

"I thought you could
take a joke,

"but I guess I was wrong.

I've been teased before
about wearing glasses..."

"...but I never felt I had
to tell the teacher about it

"and get someone else
in trouble.

Maybe you're just

It goes on like that
for the whole page.

He isn't sorry at all.

If I hurt
someone's feelings,

I write from the
bottom of my heart

and include a gift certificate
to Crosswire Motors.

What are you going to do?

I don't know.

Well, until he gives you
a real apology,

I'm not speaking to him.

Me too!

Hey, guys.

How about
that history test?

Pretty hard, right?

What's going on?

We're not speaking to you.

That's what's going on.


You just ruined it.

I did?


Why aren't you
speaking to me?

I'd tell you,
but I'm not speaking.

You just did it again!


Come on, Francine,
let's sit at a table

that doesn't have
any bullies at it.

I'm not a bully!

What did I do wrong?

"Your letter to Sue Ellen."

What about it?

It was terrible!

That's why I'm not
speaking to you.

Which I'm clearly
not very good at.


Sue Ellen, wait up!

Look, I'm really
sorry, okay?

I never meant
to hurt your feelings.

Can we please just
forget it and be friends?

Do you still think
I overreacted?

Um, well...



Tune in next week when
Bionic Bunny faces Shrubman!

(TV shuts off)

(phone ringing)


Hey, Buster,
what are you doing?


Buster, I know you're there.

You just said hello.

You've reached
the Baxter residence.

Leave your message
at the beep.

Bye, Arthur.

Oh, I mean...

Oh, forget it!

This is so unfair.


(computer beeping)

Now when I look
at that sweater,

I don't think of Tenzin
or the Himalayas

or the yak that
the wool came from.

I only think about
how mean people can be.


I have to talk to you
about something.

Oh, there you are.

I tried to call you
this morning.

I'm really sorry
I sent you that picture.

I felt bad
as soon as I hit send,

but I was just upset

You thought
I overreacted.

I know, you've told me.


You going to eat
those beans?

Well, I hope you're
satisfied, Arthur Read!

Look, I said
I was really sorry

for sending Sue Ellen
that e-mail, but she didn't...

What e-mail?

The one I...

Isn't that what you came
to yell at me about?

No, we came to yell at you

for making Sue Ellen
ask to switch classes.


Because of me?

Of course!

She doesn't want to be
in a class with a bully.

I have to talk to her.

Where is she?

She was in the hall
a few minutes ago.

But haven't you done
enough damage already?

Sue Ellen?

Sue Ellen, wait!

She can't be changing classes
because of me.

Hey, you left
your backpack behind.

Bad dog.

Who's a good sheep doggie?

You're a good sheep doggie!

Yes, you are!

Are you sure it was
a fashion show

and not a dog show?

It was just a joke.


I'm not going to say
anything mean, I swear.

Just... please listen
to what I have to say?


You didn't overreact.

I have been a bully.

I just didn't realize
how hurt you were.

But now I do.

Please don't switch classes.

You're one
of my best friends.

And if you stay
in our class,

I promise to never
treat you like that again.

And I promise to wear this every
day for the rest of the year.



But I think I'll take
my sweater back.

It really is the warmest
thing I've ever worn.

And soft, right?

Although it does kind of make
you look like a big mouse.


And now...

My name is Brenda.

This is my second-grade class.

Today, we're working
on puppet shows.

These puppets are made
out of paint, felt...

Styrofoam ball and, um...

Our puppet shows are about

stepping up to a bully
who's being mean.

Our puppet show is called
Wonderful Language.





Como ye!

Como ye!

Hey, that's cool, we speak
four different languages.

Guys, your languages
are boring.

That's not nice.

What's so interesting
about how you talk?

It's interesting because

there are so many different
languages in the world.

Yeah, I guess you're right.


If everybody were the same,

it wouldn't be as much fun
as having different people.

It's not good to be a bully
and just make fun of somebody

because they're not like you.

The title of our puppet show is
Not Bullying Anyone.

Can I play tag with you?

No, you'll never catch me
with such ugly sneakers.

That's just mean!

Thanks for helping me and
for standing up to the bully.

I guess I was not being
such a good friend.

I'm sorry.


We should give compliments

instead of being
a bully to them.

Our play is called
Colors of the World.

I like that shade of your skin.

It looks nice.

Thank you!

I like it too.

Mine is a pretty
light brown.

I don't like
my shade of peach.

It's okay, we're all different
in different ways.


Our script is about puppets that
are different shapes and sizes.

Different Shapes and Sizes.

Hey, look, we're all
different shapes and sizes!

Yeah, but you're so small,
you're like the size of an ant.

No, he's lucky, he can fit
into small places that I can't.

I guess that's pretty cool.

I'm sorry, let's be friends.


And now...

This will do the trick.


You're going to put mayonnaise
on my head?


It's what your grandma
used on me when I was a kid.


That was when I had head lice.

Not a good day.

You ever notice how it's easier
to remember bad days

than good days?

Here are my top five
worst days ever.

Number five.

The day I was fired by my piano
teacher for not practicing.

Did you practice?

But I did practice!

Kind of.

A little.

Oh, not really.

Good-bye, Arthur.

You're fired.


Number four.

The time I ripped my pants
in school

and everyone saw my underwear.

(kids laughing)

Okay, we don't have to see
any more of that one.

Number three.

The time Buster left
for his trip around the world.

He was gone for a whole year.

I bet I'll never find
another tree house

that can fly to outer space
and go back in time

and become invisible
like that one.

It'll still be here
when you get back.



Good-bye, Arthur!

Number Two is actually a whole
lot of days put together.


You took my snowball!

I know you did!

Where'd you hide it,
Snowball Thief?

I want a confession.




But the number one all-time
worst day ever was when...

(baby crying)




That's not supposed
to be on there!


Isn't wittle Arthur cute?

I think I may have just found
a new worst day.

(birds squawking)

(contented sigh)

I think this might be
one of the best days ever.

I'll say!

(contented sigh)

It is pretty great.

Although it might not make
my list.

We'll have to wait and see.

You have a list?


It's my list of top ten
best days ever.

Don't you have one?


I don't have a list,

but I do have
a best day ever.

Let me guess: when you joined
the Tough Customers.

Of course not!

It was after we got
my baby sister from China.

(baby crying)

She cried a lot.

But there was one thing
that could get her to stop:

The Monkey Face.

It never failed.

(baby crying)


See, Monkey.

Like this!


I could have even had
my own show.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Binky, The Human Pacifier!


(crying stops)

It was like a super power,
and only I had it.

And then she met Arthur.

All of a sudden,
the face didn't work anymore,

and only he could get her
to stop crying.

It was like he had
stolen my powers.

Arthur, how could you?


That's ridiculous!

I didn't steal anything.

I'm not finished yet.

Then one night, we were
in a Chinese restaurant.

(door opens)

Uh-oh, the Reads are here.


Oh no, she's awake.

Don't cry, please.

I can't take it.

When Arthur's around,

it's like I'm invisible.

You'd probably rather have him
for a brother.

Hey, what did you do that for?


(blows a raspberry)

(blows a raspberry)


Hey, Mei Lin, do it again!

(blows a raspberry)

(blows a raspberry)


I taught her
how to do that.

So even though I couldn't always
get her to stop crying,

I realized I could
teach her things.

It was the first time I really
felt like a big brother.

Joining the Tough Customers
was my second best day ever.

What about you, Arthur?


Well, um, it would have to be...

Hmm, I'm not sure.

I have to think about it.

You go.


It actually started out as one
of the worst days of my life.

It was when Fern invited me
to read at that poetry reading.

I was so nervous!

But as long as I had Wally
with me, I felt okay.

Next will be a poem called
"The Bowl of Fruit,"

read by George.

Then the unthinkable happened.



I didn't know what to do!

There was no way
to fix him in time.

It's all the comedy, kid.

It takes a toll.

Just leave me here
in the woodworking section.

But I can't read my poem

in front of those kids
without you!

You're going to have to.

Look at me!


Could I have a little
furniture polish, please?

Thanks, kid.

Good night, world.

Farewell, adieu, sayonara...

I had worked so hard
on that poem,

but now I just didn't have
the courage to read it.

Then you showed up,

We'd all like to get to know
him-- uh, you-- better,

but how can we if you... he...
Wally is always in the way?

But what if you all
forget about me

when I put him--
I mean me-- away?

I don't know, Arthur.

Just try it, George.

What's the worst
that could happen?

So I took your advice.

"An orange, an apple,
and a banana.

"This bowl of fruit
doesn't come from a can-a.

"It's real, it's fresh,
it's good to eat.

The stuff from the can
is much too sweet."

Thank you.



I did it.

I really did it!


From that moment on,
I knew I didn't need Wally.

You guys liked me
for just being me.

So why do you still
carry him around?

Because I'm so much fun!

Hey, why do bees hum?

Because they don't know
the words!

Get it?

How about this one?

Why'd the king go
to his dentist?

To get his teeth crowned!

Oh, I got a million of 'em!

Hey, know what happened
when the dresser...

What is my best day?

Maybe it was that time I pulled
the sword out of the stone

at the medieval fair.


But later Mr. Ratburn gave us

a quiz on medieval history
and I only got a B-.

Hmm, this is harder
than I thought it would be.


Didn't you hear us calling you?

Wally has, um,
taken a break.


It's your turn.

What's your best day ever?

Oh, that's easy.

It's, um...


You go.


Throat's itchy.


Mine was when
you found my diary.


That's your best day ever?


That diary is really
important to me.

I've written about
almost everything

that's happened to me
since I came to Elwood City.

Hey, have any of you
seen Sue Ellen?

I think I found her diary.

You didn't write about that time
I almost ate a bug, did you?

Or when I couldn't stop rhyming?

Or when I kept getting
a bloody nose?

You'll never know.

Because Arthur
never even opened the diary.

I bet he took a little peek.

I didn't, I swear.

I just thought it was private.

Here you go, Sue Ellen.

It's still private.

From then on, I knew I had
friends I could really trust.

But I promise you'll all
find out what I wrote

when I publish my memoirs.


Okay, no more stalling.

Spit it out.

What's your best day ever?

Well, I've been thinking
really hard about it,

and the truth is,

I just don't...


Hold that thought!

I just remembered
a brand new one--

one that tops all the others.

What is it?

This is going
to be good.

Well, I was in my bed one night,
and I couldn't get to sleep.

I was counting puffins

because sheep never work for me
for some reason.




When all of a sudden,

this strange light appeared
in my window.

It was a giant, glowing
donut-shaped object,

right there outside my bedroom!

I was afraid, but I felt
it was calling to me,

so I ran downstairs.

Then I realized it wasn't
just shaped like a donut,

it was a donut!

And then the Strawberry People
came out.

They were a highly developed
fruit-based life form

who needed a new king,
and they had chosen me--

me-- to rule over the planet
Fructopia forever and all time!

Buster, are you sure
this wasn't a dream?


Those don't count?

Well, then I guess
I only have one best day.

What is it?

When you and I played checkers.

That's it?


You know, after I came back
from my trip around the world.


Oh, yeah!

I really missed you.

And I also won.

Well, you're the last one,

Let's hear it.

I don't have one.


You don't have
a best day?

No way!

I've had a lot
of really good days,

but there just isn't one
that stands out from the rest.

I mean, is it so important
to have a best one?


You'll probably have one

Want to join
the Tough Customers?

It's very exciting.

No, thanks.

Hey, you know what's strange?

Arthur was in
all of our best days.

That's true.

In fact, without him none
of them would have happened.

So even if you don't have
your own best day,

you have a piece
of all of ours.

Hmm, that is pretty cool.

You know what?

I think I just found
my best day: today!

Just hanging out with you guys.

It's perfect.

(thunder rumbling)

Aw, man!

Anybody bring an umbrella?

Come on, Wally, back in the bag.

Sorry, Arthur.

I guess this kind of ruins
your best day.

(thunder rumbling)

Nah, it's still great.


Who wants to come
to my house?

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,


You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.