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16x05 - Night of the Tibble/Read and Flumbergast

Posted: 07/02/22 06:31
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You've got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, DW!




(wind whooshing)

Everyone knows what it means

when the wind changes


I think it's time
to play inside.

It's when they come,
looking for a new victim.

We don't have much time!

Cheikh, hurry up!

Leave it!

Once they've found someone,
they won't stop

until they've asked
the question--

the question every child fears.


Hi, James.

Want to come
to our sleepover?


You couldn't think of anything?

Not one excuse?

They took me by surprise.

I know, but you didn't
have to say you'd go.

You could have said...


That is what I said.

When they asked me,

I just coughed
until they went away.

That's a great idea!

Why didn't I think of that?

No one's ever been
to a sleepover

at the Tibbles' before.

I wonder what
it would be like.

(thunder, wind whooshing)

(loud thunderclap)

Welcome, James.

Are you ready to have fun?

You won't be needing this.

We have a nice bed
all made up for you.

You'll be sleeping in here.


(door creaks)

(electricity crackling)

All alone?

Our new puppy
will keep you company.

His name is Cuddles.

(Cuddles growling and barking)

(door creaks)


We know how much you like mud
pies, so we made this for you.

And what goes better
with mud pies

than a refreshing glass
of pond scum?

(fly buzzing)





Not hungry?

Well, in that case,

maybe you'd like
to play a little.

Timmy has been working
all night on a new toy.

It's called the Flatter Fling.

See, you just sit in here

and let the fun begin!


(gasping for breath)

You've got to get me
out of this!


So you know
what you're going to say?

I can't go to your sleepover
because I'm busy.

And what are
you busy doing?

It's top secret.

For your own safety,
I can't tell you.


Remember, say what you have
to, then get out of there.

And whatever you do,
don't look them in the eyes.

(takes a deep breath)

James! Don't do it!

Who are you?

Your conscience.

You shouldn't lie.

Lying's bad.

So is getting shot
out of the Flatter Fling.

That's true.

Why don't you just
tell the truth?

You mean, just tell
them I don't want to go

because it'll be
the worst night of my life?

Well, you don't have to put it
like it that.

Why don't you just say
you don't want to go

because you just
aren't in the mood.

That's lying, too.

No, it isn't!

Who are you?

I'm your conscience's

This is getting
too confusing.

Hi, James!

Who were you talking to?


You really have to come up

with a better
response, James.

"Uh" just isn't
working for you.

I know.

I tried to lie,
but I just couldn't.

Well, maybe the sleepover
won't be so bad.


It's just one night, right?

(doorbell rings)

(doorbell rings)


Can I have your finger
paints when your gone?


Tommy and Timmy are here!


What are they doing here?

I don't know.

I didn't ask them over.

Maybe they knew
I was here!

I bet they've come
to get me early.

You've got to hide me.

Hi, guys.

How's it going?

We're pooped!


We've been
staying up late every night

getting ready for
our sleepover with James.

We need to borrow some glue.


Can't tell you.

It's a secret.

Are these James's glasses?


No, no!

Those are Arthur's.

Here, give them to...

Wow! Arthur sure
has a small head.

Hey, look, Tommy!

I'm Arthur!


(imitating Arthur):

DW, I didn't take
your snowball.


Can we borrow some of these
stuffed animals, too?

No, you can't!

That's an antique!

Here's your glue.

Now you have to leave.

I'm very busy.

Hey, you want to come over
to the sleepover, too?

It's going to be fun!


Hey, we forgot
to ask for rope.

Eh, we'll get it
somewhere else.

Can I stay here
for the rest of my life?

You know, now that
I've given it some thought,

maybe this isn't
such a good idea.

Buzz off.

Hi, James.

Ready for the sleepover
tomorrow night?

Well, not exactly.


I think he did it!

Poor James!

Is that him screaming?

I don't think so.

(Tibbles crying)


Guys, take it easy!

No one ever wants
to come for a sleepover.

It's your fault.

You play too rough.

No, you do!

Sleepover ruiner!

Friend destroyer!

Wait. Stop fighting.

We can work this out.

We can?



(DW whistling)

Did you tell them the truth?


How did it go?

Not so well.

Excuse me, but I need
to get some water.

My throat is dry.



James, are you okay?

You've been so quiet today.


I'm fine.

Never better.

Well, we're really impressed

with how you told the Tibbles
the truth

and got out of that sleepover.

I know!

It worked so much
better than "Uh..."

So what are you doing
on Saturday?

Want to come to the zoo?


If I'm around.

If you're around?

What do you mean?

Are you ready, James?

It's time.

See you, guys.


(bird singing)

Did James come with you
to the zoo on Saturday?


Did you hear from him?

Good morning, everyone.

Unfortunately, James won't
be joining us today.

(girls gasp)

(girls gasp)
But we have
a great day planned.

But we have
a great day planned.

Let's start with some

Poor James!

I miss him already.

(sobbing softly)

I know.

He was so...


Come on, let's give
these to his mom

and tell her how much
he meant to us.

(doorbell rings)




You're alive!

Um, well, yeah.

Why wouldn't I be?

But... your sleepover
at the Tibbles'.

How did you survive?

Well, it wasn't at all
like I expected.

Their grandma had cooked
all this great stuff.

(clattering, someone snoring)

But Tommy and Timmy
were so tired

from staying up all night
to get ready for the sleepover

that they went to sleep
as soon as I got there.

So it was just me
and Grandma.

And, well, their Grandma
is a really good cook,

but I ate way too much.

(stomach bubbling)

I've had a tummy-ache
for the last two days.

Oh, are those for me?


Everyone knows what it means

when the wind changes

(wind whooshing)

Cheikh, hurry up!

It's when they come to ask
their question--

the question every child looks
forward to...

Yeah, sure you can!


Hey, Cheikh, so you want
to come to our sleepover?

Okay, we might have
an opening for you.

What are you planning
on bringing?

And now...

My name is Olivia, and this is
my third-grade class.

Today we are talking about
things that make us nervous.


When I'm scared,

I feel
like I have butterflies.

It's like having these
in your stomach.

James was scared about going
on a sleepover, and I was, too.

I was afraid of going
on a sleepover at an aquarium.

I slept next to a t*nk
that had turtles in it.

I was afraid that all the water
would spill on me.

I got over it by pretending
I was at my house.

If you're nervous,

just think of a happy place,

think of a happy place,
think of a happy place.

I was nervous when I was
going to go skiing,

because I thought
I was going to fall,

but it was fun falling.

I was afraid about getting
my pet guinea pig Lucky.

I had never had a pet before,

so I didn't know how it was
going to feel.

I learned that it was really
fun, and you should try it.

This is what I was
nervous about.

On my first soccer game.

Because I didn't think
I would know anybody.

Once I got to soccer,
I felt happy,

because I knew more people.

And I was scared of going
on a roller coaster.

I was afraid of a ride, because
it felt like you were flying.

And I was nervous about
going on a big water slide,

but it was fun.

Because sometimes
being scared can be fun.

I was afraid of playing
ice hockey,

because I had never played

When I started playing,
it turned out to be very fun.

I was nervous about swimming.

My advice would be to take
swimming lessons.

I used to be afraid
of going to camp.

After a few times of going,
it turned out to be fun.

When you go to a new place,
you want to have fun

and you want to make friends.

Whatever you're doing,
you should just keep going at it

until you've conquered
your fear.

It means that you're not
really afraid of it anymore.

And after your fear is gone,
just have fun.

And now...

It's so roomy.

You can control the temperature
on each drawer,

and best of all...

Instant ice!


I think this is the best
refrigerator we've ever had.

Forget the refrigerator.

Check out this.

It's a box.

Big deal.


That's the difference between
you and me, Arthur.

You see a box;

I see an elevator.

(elevator bell rings)

Or it could be
a mobile home for birds.

(birds cawing)

Or it could be a motorboat.

Or a submarine.

Or a hotel for lobsters.

Or a unicorn temple!


You know what, DW?

You know what, DW?

You're right,
it isn't just a box.

It's a big mess
waiting to happen.

Or library of fake books,
or a tap studio...




A little to the left.

Now to the right.

Stop! Perfect.

My very own office.

I can't wait
to get to work.

What kind of work do you do?

Arthur, I'm too busy to explain
everything to you now.

If you want to know more,
make an appointment.

Okay, Nadine, we've got a lot
to get done, so let's get to it.

I need ten copies of this.

Staple them and file them.


(phone ringing)

Could you answer
that, please?

Good morning,
DW's office.

It's the Tooth Fairy.

Tell her nothing's wiggly.

Call back
in a few months.

Sorry, Patricia,
no teeth right now,

but we appreciate
your business.


I guess it's time
to write the checks.

Check, check, check, check.

And here's a check for you.

Can I have a raise?

You just got here!

And I've been working non-stop.

Fine, fine.

Here's a raise.

Thank you.

I love my job.

Well, we love having you.

What now?

Juice break?


DW, you've got company.

Do you have
an appointment?


I just came by
to borrow some finger paint.

Let me check
with my partner.




Sorry, we're all out.

Who's your partner?


She's what you call
a silent partner.

Anyway, welcome to Read and...


Funny, I never knew
that was her last name.

Is there anything else
we can do for you?

You can get my cupcake back from
that snack-robber Tommy Tibble.

Remember the other day
when it was Emily's birthday?

I was excited
because no one had taken

the one with red icing,
and I love red icing,

even though it tastes
just like any other icing.

And then Timmy asked me
to hold his juice

and I put my cupcake down.

When I went to pick it up
again, it was gone.

And Tommy had red icing
on his mouth.

It may have been the worst day
of my entire life.

Don't worry, Bud.

I may not be able to get
you that cupcake back,

but I'll at least
get you an apology.

Come with me.

You owe Bud one cupcake.

With red icing.

No way!

I didn't take his cupcake.

He probably fed it
to his silly dinosaur.

Anyway, what do you care?

She cares 'cause
she's my lawyer.

I am?

I mean, I am!

And I demand justice.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm Tommy's lawyer.

And I say, prove it.

I will.

I can't wait.

What's a lawyer?

I'm not sure.

I saw it on TV,

back when we had TV.

Ladonna will tell us.

And Habeas-- he's the lead dog
of the law firm--

says, "Then how do you explain
this yellow feather, Fat Cat?"

It's called
Habeas Canine: Legal Beagle

and it's a great series.

There's a new case in each one
and Habeas always wins.

Except for book ten,
but that's a two-parter.

You want to borrow book one,
Habeas v. Fat Cat?

Um, I can't read.

We just want to know
what lawyers do.

Well, it depends
on what kind of a lawyer it is.

The Legal Beagles defend clients
in a court in front of a jury

and a judge.

Winning the case means
that one side convinces a jury

that what they said happened
actually happened.

Then the judge decides
on the punishment,

if there is one.

Sounds easy enough.

Let's take those Tibbles
to court.


We'll get two cupcakes back--

one for me and one for you.

And Nadine.

Don't forget
the silent partner.

Oh, yeah.



But it's for a good cause.

Justice must be served.

Fine, but why do my friends
and I have to serve it

in our backyard
on a Saturday?

Because you and your friends are
so smart, and fair, and wise.

Still no.

If you could've seen
Bud today...

He was a wreck.

He's new here,
hardly knows a soul,

and then...
this happens.

It's not right,

What if it had happened to you?

You'd feel so... so alone!


Okay, okay.

We'll be your judge and jury.

But only for two hours.

And there better be lunch.

How was I?


You had me crying, too.

(loud, squeaky nose blowing)

Miss Flumberghast, I think we've
got this case in the bag.

You are hereby summoned
to appear before

the Honorable Judge
Buster Baxter

in Arthur's yard
this coming Saturday

to defend yourself in the case
of Compson v. Tibble.

Lunch will be served.

Relax, Tommy,
there's no proof.

Just do exactly what I say.

We're going to mop the floor
with those two.

First off, I'd like to say
that you're all guilty.

Buster, we haven't
even started yet.

Oh, okay.


Today, I will prove to you

that this poor little boy
had his cupcake stolen

by Tommy Tibble.

It was mean, and greedy,
and justice must be served.

And I will show you that Tommy
did not steal that cupcake.

In fact, he doesn't
like cupcakes.

He doesn't even know
what a cupcake is.

It's a muffin, right?

He doesn't know...


Order! Order!

Don't worry, I've got
a star witness

who knows for a fact
that he's lying.

Then I saw him lick
the icing from his mouth.

It may have been the worst day
of my entire life.

(loud, honking nose blowing)

Who are you really,
Bud Compson?


What is "Bud" short for?

Um, I'm not sure.

Ladies and gentlemen, he doesn't
even know who he is.

Yes, I do--
I'm me!

How many cupcakes
were on that tray

and what time exactly do you
claim yours was stolen?


I don't remember.

I'm done with
this witness.

I'd like to call on
Nadine Flumberghast.

I object!
She's imaginary!

But she heard directly
from Uncle Wormy,

Tommy's imaginary friend,

that he confessed
to taking the cupcake.

Young lady, the only imaginary
friends allowed in this court

are my imaginary friends.

You're welcome, Xenon.

We will now take a long break
for lunch.

What now?

I don't know.

She was my star witness.

Let me think.

There's one more thing we can
try, but it's a long shot.

Well, Mr. Compson?

Where's your lawyer?

We don't have all day.

She had to run an errand
with her daddy, Your Honor.

But I'd like to call
Tommy Tibble to the stand.

Well, what do
you want to know?

Oh, just... this!

Admit it!



I ate...


Hey, everyone!

Who wants dessert?

Here you go,
cupcakes for everyone.

One for you,
and you...

And y...

Oh, wait, that's right,
you don't like cupcakes.

Well, I'll just set it
right down here anyway.

Is that a bald eagle?

Huh? Seriously? Where?

Sorry, my mistake,
it was just a cloud.

Now let's get back to the trial.

So, Tommy, you say you don't
like cupcakes, is that right?


I can't hear you.

Could you please speak up?


The court commands you
not to mumble.

Sweet petunia!

I did it!

I ate it!

I ate Bud's, too!

It's the red icing!

I can't resist it!

I don't know why!


Thank you, DW.

Those cupcakes you
brought out were delicious.

But justice tastes
even sweeter.

Well, there goes
our office.


Shut down because
of recycling day.

Will you miss it?

Are you kidding?

It was so stressful!

I'm happy to wait another
years before I go back to one.

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,


You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.