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16x03 - All About D.W./Blockheads

Posted: 07/02/22 06:10
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You've got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, DW!



When DW really,
really wants something,

there's no telling what
she'll do to get it.

♪ La la-la, la-la! ♪

I'm going
to Grandma's house

to bring her this
lovely leftover meatloaf.

Oh, look!

Here I am already.

That was quick.

Hiya, Grandma.

My, what big ears you have!

(in gruff voice):
The better to hear
you with, my dear.

And what big eyes you have!

With big glasses
in front of them.

The better to see
you with, my dear.

And what big teeth
you have, too!

The better to eat
you with, my dear!

(chuckling evilly)

(chuckling evilly)


Someone save me!

Someone like a woodsman.

I said, "a woodsman"!

Arthur, that's your cue.

Hi, I'm the woodsman.

What seems to be
the problem?

That's it?

Put some life into it.

And why are you
holding a racket?

You don't play tennis;
you chop down trees.

I'm not going
to use a real axe.

Why didn't you make
a fake one?

You don't want me
to get this part, do you?

(pretending to cry)

Huh? What?

No, I never said...

All I ever wanted is to play
Little Red Riding Hood

in the preschool play,
and you want me to fail?


My own brother.

No, I don't, I just...

Then you will make a fake axe

and we will practice this scene
until we get it right.

Okay, okay.

See what I mean?

Timmy, you'll be playing
the big bad wolf.

Congratulations, Timmy.

I look forward
to working with you.

you'll be playing Grandma.

Be a dear and bring me
a cupcake.

And Little Red Riding Hood
will be Emily.

Thank you, Thank you.

Now if we all work together,

this is going to be
one of the best plays...

Uh, DW, you're not
Red Riding Hood.

I'm not?

No. Emily is.

You're Tree Number .

Tree Number ?

I'm not even Tree Number ?

Amanda is playing Tree Number .



It's a very important
role, DW.

You create the mysterious mood

as Little Red Riding Hood goes
through the dark forest.


Now please sit back down.

I'm Little Red Riding Hood?

I can't believe it!

Neither can I.


Did you hear me?

Grandma asked
if you had any eights.

No, I don't have any eights.

You know what else
I don't have?

The role of Little Red
Riding Hood in the school play.

Playing a tree isn't so bad.

I think it could be kind of fun.


Does this look
like fun to you?

It's so unfair.

I've practiced
for hours and hours.

I've wanted to play this part
since I was three-and-a-half.

Perhaps you could be
Emily's understudy.

What's that?

It's the actor who knows
all the star's lines

and steps in if they get sick
or can't make it.

So I still have a chance?

Well, it's not very likely,

You guys win.

I have to go.

But what are the chances
that Emily will get sick?

You never know.

She looked pretty sweaty
after freeze tag yesterday.

You're right.

Who am I trying to kid?

She's as healthy as a horse.

Maybe there's another reason

she wouldn't be able
to come to school.

What if we built a moat
around Emily's house?

(ladder rattling)

Okay, fill 'er up!


Oh, no!

It's time for the play

and there's a giant moat
filled with alligators

surrounding my house.

Don't worry, Emily.

I'll play Little Red
Riding Hood for...




Wait a minute.

I'm trapped, too!





Too many things
that could go wrong.

And where would we get
the alligators?

What if there was
something else

that Emily wanted to do

that was at the
same time as the play?

That could work!

Prepare to be eaten,

Oh, yeah?

Bring it on, wolf-burger!


Boys, boys, settle down!


Guess what's coming
to Crown City on Friday.




The tap-dancing
kittens on ice?

I've been dying to see that!

I know.

And it's
this Friday afternoon.


But that's when the play is.

Don't worry.

I'll take your part.

You go and have fun.

Actually, I think
I'd rather do the play.


What a dark and spooky forest
this is!

(imitating wind whooshing)

Emily, it's kittens
who tap-dance!

On ice!

DW, you don't
have a line here.

Just blow like the wind is
rustling your leaves, okay?



She didn't want to go
to Catarctica.

She didn't want a pony ride.

She didn't even want
to go to Paris.

You offered her a trip
to Paris?

I didn't say
it was Paris, France.

There's a bakery
called Paris at the mall.

If there's nothing she wants,

maybe there's something
she doesn't want.


(speaking gibberish)


Why are you wearing
that mask?

Actually, I made it for you.

In case you mess up
on your lines.


Well, if you mess up your lines
in front of everyone,

it could be really,
really embarrassing

and you might want to hide.

So... just in case.


I'm on my way
to Grandma's house...

I'm on my way to
Grandma's house because...

Whoosh, whoosh!

Because she's sick and...

Because she's sick

Ms. Morgan, DW keeps repeating
everything I say.


I'm just practicing.

What if Emily gets sick?

She'll need an understudy.



But everyone knows I'd be
a great Red Riding Hood!

You said so yourself.

I know, and it's true.

But it's Emily's turn
right now.

Imagine if you had
gotten something

that Emily really wanted, but
Emily didn't let you enjoy it.

Would that be fair?


I guess I have been
kind of mean.

It's not her fault
she got the lead.

I'll apologize to her
first thing tomorrow morning.

I have an announcement,
boys and girls.

Emily has lost her voice.

(everyone gasps)

She didn't lose it.

You stole it, didn't you?

No, I didn't! I swear!

Emily has a sore
throat, Timmy.

She'll come in for the play
if she feels well enough.

But she can't play
Red Riding Hood.

Well, DW, I guess this means

you get to play Little
Red Riding Hood after all.

Let's start rehearsing.


(owl hooting)

It's so dark here.

I hope I'm going the right way.

Don't mess up...


What was that?!

Hi, DW.

Oh! Emily!

You scared me.

Actually, you're still
kind of scaring me.

What's with the ears?


They're just so
I'll hear your lines better.

You're going to be such
a good Red Riding Hood.

Go on.

They're waiting for you.

(door thuds close)

Say something!


Come on, already!

How embarrassing!


I... I can't remember
my first line!

Psst! Look in the basket!



My, Grandma, what big...
ears, ears!

First eyes, then ears, then...

No, wait, that's wrong!

Good luck.

(Emily and Amanda imitating
wind sounds)

Hi. I'm Little Red Winifred.

Oh, my.

Look at this forest.

It's so... so...


Dark and spikey.


Hello, Grandma.

I'm on my way
to Wolf's house.

No, I mean...


(everyone gasps)

We're experiencing
technical difficulties.

Please be patient.

Is it over?

(with scratchy voice):
No. But I'll help you.

Come on, just say
what I tell you.

Once upon a time,

there was a girl named
Little Red Riding Hood.

Once upon a time,

there was a girl named
Little Red Riding Hood.

And she went to
Grandmother's house.


And she went
to her grandmother's house

to give her some
fresh-baked muffins.



And so Little Red Riding Hood

lived happily ever after
with her grandma

and the magical dancing tree!

You were great!


But next time, I'm sticking
with Tree Number .

It's a much better part.


And now...

This is Mrs. Theolien's

second-grade class.

Today we are going to start
working on our play.

Once upon a time
in a school in Somerville,

there were two friends.

And two friends want
to build a snow fort.

All right, so we have divided

everyone into different groups.

One, actors; two, writers;
three, set designers;

four, costume designers.

When you put them all together
it makes a show.

Why don't you go
and sit over there?

And I'll start building
the snow fort.

I'm working in writing.

We're working on the script.

The script is the things that
the actors are going to say.

Are there any new characters?

Yes, we're going to add
a snowplow guy.

I need to know, because
we need to build a costume.

I want to have a beard
on my chin.

Yes, you can.

A costume is what you wear
in a play.

I am the snowplow man.

While they were
building the fort,

they saw Henry,
the snowplow guy.

If he didn't have a beard,
he would look like a little kid

that was just driving
a snowplow,

and that would
be a little weird.

Do you guys
want some more snow?


And I'm working
on the setting group.

We're supposed to decorate
the stage.

Everybody's talking together
and helping each other out.

They're putting together boxes

so it sort of looks
like ice blocks.

That doesn't look
like a snow fort.

That looks like a big blob
of marshmallow.


This group is the actors
and actresses.

They're going to be using
all this stuff

that the other people made
to put the whole play together.

Every job is important
on the play.

That's why we need all the jobs
to make it a good play.

I still want to help you
build a snow fort.

I'm sorry I didn't let you
help me before.

The end.


And now...


Welcome to my dream house.

Thanks, Wilson.

Isn't it cool?

I have a robotic butler.

I sleep in a hammock...

And there's an indoor pool
in the shape of a dog bone.

That was Pal's idea.

I also have
the latest technology.

(screen beeping)

Oh, someone's calling me.


Hi, Arthur. How's Earth?


I was just showing them
my dream house.

You think he has
a great dream house?

Come see mine!

You better hold on
to something.

I have to take you through
an intergalactic wormhole.

(whizzing and whirring)

Hi, welcome to Alpha Formaggi,
a galaxy far, far away.

Here's my dream house.

Pretty amazing, isn't it?

I think you have to tell them

how it's different
from your normal house.

Oh, yeah.

It's all made of cheese!

This sofa?


(with mouth full):
This lamp?


While Buster eats his house,
here's a story about someone

who actually built
their dream house

or... at least she tried to.

Mmm, mozzarella!

How did we get stuck
with the blocks?

I had my eye on the castle.

But Amanda got to it first.

Look at this.

It's just a piece of wood.

What can I do with this?

Beats me.

We could make a...

barn, I guess.

A barn?

Uh, all right.

I just hope
snack time comes soon.

Any more arches?

Saw some in the blue crate.

DW, ready to go?

Huh? Mom?

What are you doing here?

It's : .

Time to go home.


You girls have been
hard at work.

It was going to be a barn.

Then it got bigger.

So now it's a palace.

Or a castle.

We're calling it a palastle.

I'm really impressed.

Me too.

And I always thought DW and
Emily found the blocks boring.

It's pretty great, isn't it?


Too bad we have to go.


Could you leave it up
till tomorrow, Ms. Morgan?

It's not finished yet.

Well, okay, dear.

I think it needs a tower.

I think it needs
two towers.

(crickets chirping)


(DW gasps)

It's beautiful!

Unicorn stables!

A Mary Moo Cow
miniature golf course!

And a museum of all the dopey
things Arthur has ever done.

This house has everything.

Not yet.

We still have to build
the petting zoo,

the carousel
and the bouncy room.

Let's get to work.


Morning, Mom.

Here's a banana, some juice,
and I packed you a yogurt.

Come on, you can eat in the car.

I need to get to school.

And that finishes
the guest room.

And the guest room
for imaginary friends.

(blocks clattering)

(both gasp)


What are you doing?

I was just helping you
fix these walls.

(blocks clattering)


Now this one's "fixed," too.


You two are not allowed
to touch this Palastle!

Why not?

You don't own these blocks.

They're for everyone.

Because... because...

Because we'll give you
our snacks if you stay away.

We'll be back tomorrow.

And there better be
some raisins.

(both sigh)


Since it's such
a beautiful day,

I thought we'd have
some class time outside.

(students cheer)

But it's going to rain.

I can feel it in my elbow.

Look! There's a dark cloud!

No, silly.

That's just a smudge
on the glass.

Okay, everyone.

Find your partner.




Ms. Morgan?

I have to go to the bathroom.

Right now.

So do I!

Okay, go ahead.

Monday, Tuesday...

Don't worry, they teach
you all that stuff again

in Kindergarten.

This is my last block.

How many do you have left?


And I haven't finished
the Penguin Ballroom.

And what about
the Puppy Spa?

Or Snow White's bathroom?

What happens if she wakes up?

Emily, it's okay.

We need to think.

Aren't there some more blocks

in that closet
outside the classroom?

I think so.

But they're for
the three-year-olds.

They'll never miss
a block or two.

Here's what we do.



Emily, what happened?

A block fell on my toe.

I think it's sprained.

It doesn't seem
to be bruised.

Maybe it's bruised
on the inside.

Does it have
to be ampertated?


It feels better now.

You cured me!

Thanks, Ms. Morgan.

This is really
beautiful, girls.

Yeah, but wait
till it's done.

We're putting a hotel there.

For the beavers.

They're building a dam
over here, and...

Actually, a few
of the other kids have said

they want to play
with the blocks, too,

so maybe it's time
to take it down.

But it's not finished.

I know!

The other kids can help us.

That's what Tommy
and Timmy are doing.

Yeah, they're
security guards.

Oh my, that's amazing!

Oh, if only I'd
brought my camera!

Okay, one more day.

That's it.


I need to see some ID.


I just came
from over there.

Look, I have more blocks.

Sorry, ma'am,

but we have
to guard the palastle.

DW and Emily said so.

I'm Emily!

Can you prove it?

Would you guys
knock it off?

Here, take your raisins.

The towers are wobbling because
they've gotten too tall,

and there's no way we're going
to finish Beaver Dam by : .


I told you,

don't use
those bricks.

They're not sturdy
and they look ugly!

(blocks crashing)

James! Be careful!

You've just put us
an hour behind schedule.

Come on, kids.

Line up for recess.

(students cheering)

(students cheering)


You come back here
and fix this wall!

How can we get any work done

when they keep
sending us out to play?

The mermaids need
their pool here.

That's final!

That's where
the unicorn stable is.

Anyway, mermaids
are imaginary.


Tag, you're it!


Do we look like
we have time for tag?

Oh, my arms hurt.

Me too.

I probably shouldn't
have fired everyone.

We could use the extra help.

Snack time!

(students cheer)

Think we have time
for a quick yogurt?

You go.

I have to finish this.

I am kind of tired.

Not me.

I'm ready to get...


back to...



DW, there's a cave-in
over by the indoor pool!

I can't fix it now.

The Tibbles knocked over
the arch on the North Gate!


Stop! We worked so hard!



Wake up, DW.

Nap time is over.



Back to work.

Oh, you made it!

Boys and girls, if you'll please
go over to the blue carpet,

we have a very special guest.

This is Captain Kamble, and he
has brought a friend with him.

Morning, kids!

Say hello to Ringo.

He's a real live koala.

Ooh! Wow!

It's a koala.

Right here in class.

What do we do?

We must be strong.

Who wants to pet him?

Me! Me! Me!

I think...

I think I'm starting to cave.


We only have an hour left!

We're this close
to finishing!


(kids gasp)





Can we pet him?


Can we? Can we?

Of course you can.




And then afterwards, you can
clean up those blocks.

♪ ♪

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,


You can find Arthur books
and lots of other books, too

at your local library.