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16x02 - Flippity Francine/Muffy Takes the Wheel

Posted: 07/02/22 06:09
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You've got to listen to your
heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together
and make things better ♪

♪ By working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself,
for that's the place to start ♪

♪ And I say hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful
kind of day ♪


Hey, DW!



Hello, fans.

Muffy Crosswire here, reporting
for the Muffington Post.

Today I'm with Francine Frensky,
a soccer star

who has overcome
incredible odds,

having been born
with duck's feet.

What? That's not true.

Well, I have to spice it up.

Muffy, very few people

have successfully done
the pinwheel kick.

It's incredibly hard.

First, the player has to kick
the ball over her head,

then she turns around
in mid-air...

Okay, you win.

Can you just do it?

My designer sneakers
are getting soggy.

Today, we make history.


You were right!

That's amazing!

It's not how it was supposed
to go.

Number of views:
, , ...


I'm doomed.


Hey, it's Flippity Francine!

You going to do
another flip?

Is that why you're wearing
the big coat?

Nice moves, Flippity.


The one in the video is better,
but that's still pretty funny.


You're hysterical.

Thanks a lot, Muffy.

Francine, wait.


So you can film me
and put it online?

Oh ,are you going to do
something funny?

Because I can go
get my camera...


You've made me the laughingstock
of the entire school!

Not just the school, Francine.

The video is a hit
all over the Internet.


you're hysterical.


Oh, great.

So I'm ruined in school
and Elwood City?


What are you talking about?

You're a star.

Meet me after school
and I'll show you what I mean.

You see?

We have hits.

That's more than Tiny,
the xylophone-playing cat,

and that's a classic.


Muffin, how do
my tail feathers look?

Mr. Crosswire, why are
you dressed like a duck?

We were just sh**ting a
commercial for Crosswire Motors

and I'm the spokes-duck.

"Our prices are so low,
we must be quackers!"


It still makes me laugh.

Well, it should.

After all,

you came up
with it, Muffin.

This was your idea?

Yep, and since I've been doing
these commercials,

business has tripled.

I told you, Daddy:
people love to laugh.

But of course you know
all about that, Francine.

You're an Internet celebrity.

Actually, I was thinking
we should take it down.

But you haven't even seen
the comments people are leaving.

Listen to this one: "My fish,
Finster, recently swam away

"and this video really
brightened my day.

"Thank you, Flippity.

"You should have your own show.

Best, Winnie from Winnipeg."

And there's hundreds of others.

We have to do more videos,

I don't care
how many hits it has.

I don't like having people
laugh at me.

You're hysterical.

You're an Internet celebrity.

You're a star.



You're such a goof.

I can see why everyone
loves your video.


(cheerful sitcom music)

♪ How do you make
a smile a frown? ♪

♪ Who's that girl
who's the goof of the town? ♪

♪ She's gonna turn your world
upside down! ♪

♪ It's Flippity Francine! ♪

Oh, Daddy!

They're stealing %
of our net worth!

Who will save us?


It's Flippity Francine!

♪ She's not just a clown,
she's the talk of the town ♪

♪ She's Flippity Francine,
Flippity Francine! ♪

(phone ringing)


Did you take
the video down yet?



But I promise,
I'll do it in the morning.

Well... don't.

Good night!

Now, who wants to try to solve
this multiplication problem?

Me, me, Mr. Ratburn!


Francine, did you hurt anything?

Just... (coughing)

my dignity.


It's just like the video.

Go, Flippity!

Flippity, Flippity, Flippity!

Oh, please.

You're all too generous.

Whoa, whoa!


She's great!

I'll never get
tired of this.

I'm tired of this.

Me too.

, page views worldwide
can't be wrong.

(whistle blows)

Okay team, gather 'round.

Today we're facing
Mighty Mountain.

We can climb that mountain,
knock it over,

and come down the other side
if we play as a team.

Now go out there
and give it all you've got.

(crowd roaring)

I'm open!

Don't flub it,



(buzzer sounds)

We could've won if you weren't
such an attention hog.

I didn't do it
on purpose.

I just got
distracted and...

Tell it to your
, fans.

It's , fans.

And counting.

Muffy, we've got to stop this.


This may be
your best fall yet.

You're fans are going
to love it.

I don't care!

I don't want
"fans" anymore.

I want this all to stop.


But it wasn't just me
filming out there.

Lots of people were.

Flippity, you're hysterical.


Francine Frensky.

Athlete, popular girl.

Then, an accidental encounter
with a soccer ball,

a video camera and the Internet
would rip all of that away.

Gentlemen, we can remake her...




Totally ridiculous.

Haunted by the memory
of the life she once had,

Francine Frensky now does flips
for small children.


The Flipping Failure.


"Flippity Frank?"

Great, now I even have copycats.

(computer beeping)

Hey, Buster.

Yes, I know, we could've won
the game if it wasn't for me.

Oh, I wasn't calling about that.

I had an idea.

Have you thought about
using a trampoline?

It could spice up your act.

No thanks.

I just want to be
plain old Francine again.

I'd give anything for that.

Yeah, I know how you feel.

You do?

Remember when I saved
that cat from a tree?

I was a celebrity for...
well, at least a week.

I hated it.

Everyone thought I was
really stuck up.

How'd you get people
to like you again?

Hmm, I don't remember.

Hold on.

Oh, I saved my friends
from a runaway piano.

Do you see any runaway pianos?

Uh, no.

Aw, too bad.

The only way I know of not
being famous for one thing

is to be famous
for something else.

Hopefully, something
you're proud of.

Buster, that's it!

You're a genius!

That's what I keep saying.

BUSTER: Francine, the game
doesn't start for an hour.

How long have
you been here?

I've been putting in
some extra practice.

Practicing your flips?

Maybe you should just be
the team mascot.

I'm open!


(whistle blows)

Yes, we won!

You were right,

That pinwheel kick
would've been a great video

for the Muffington Post.

I can't believe
I didn't film it.

I can't believe
the : news did.

My mom got the footage.

She tapes all our games.

Can we watch it again?

Okay, just one more time.

But we have to back it up
to my favorite part.

Wing it on over
to Crosswire Motors!

Our prices are so low,
we must be quackers!

Quack, quack!

And now...

My name's Sierra, and this is
my first-grade class.

And we're taking
some pictures.

All right, Isabella, so you want
to tilt it so you see his face.

The artist takes the picture
and the subject sits in a chair.

The artists were trying

to make us smile.

Then our teacher, Mrs. White,
printed out the pictures,

and now we're decorating
around it.

Incoming feather.

I'll get the ocean pieces
glued on.

It's really good.

Muffy made a video of Francine.

Francine didn't like
the video of her,

so we are trying
to do something

that will make
our subjects happy.

I put the things
that Alexa likes.

I like ocean animals.

GIRL: That is a moose with a
beard, because he loves mooses.

We're trying to make
as much as the pictures can tell

about the people on the picture.

This is a portrait of Dylan,

and it looks like he likes red
and he likes kings.

The artists need
to learn about subjects

because we are putting them
on the picture.

I'm guessing that's a bunny?


I learned that he likes bunnies
and that he likes hot dogs.

This is a portrait of Benjamin.

I think he likes snakes.

My subject,
he likes penguins

so he's designing penguins
however he likes.

A lot of penguins.

We worked as a team.

This is a picture of Emily.

I was trying to do the things
that Emily likes.

Do you like it?

And now...

(beeping noises)

Aw, I missed again!

Mom always says
there's no shame

in asking for help
when you need it.


You have to flap slower.

Don't press so many times.

Here, I'll show you.

I said "help,"
not take over.

Is that Cranky Bees?

Everyone plays it at the office.

Here, let me show you
how to pop the balloons.


What level is this?

I've never seen wasps before.

Here, let me
help you, dear.

These games can be
very frustrating.

Take that, you mangy drones.

Oh yeah, perfect landing.

Now it gets interesting...

But sometimes instead of helping
you figure something out,

people end up doing it for you.

That's right, Mr. Zeppelin.

This game is for the birds.

Let's go outside.

(engine revving)

Tell me this, class.

When is a block of wood
an experiment in engineering?

Ooh, ooh!

When a mad scientist makes
a flying robot out of it?


I'm referring to
the first annual

Lakewood Derby.

Each of you will shape
a block of wood into a race car

of your own design.

Whoa, awesome!

Your parents will need
to help you with the tools,

but most of the work
should be your own.

Then we'll race the cars

to see which has the best
aerodynamic design.

I can see it now: Buster Baxter,
fastest car on the track.

No way.

You're going to be
eating my dust.

Sorry, but you're all
going to lose.

My dad owns Crosswire Motors.

Cars are in my blood.

Daddy, could you help me
with my homework?


But if it's math, English,
history or science,

you might want to ask
your mother.

I think it's something you know
a thing or two about.

We get to design
our very own cars.

And then we get to race them
in a derby.

I remember doing a project just
like this when I was your age.


The kitchen table
took a few lumps,

but I won the blue ribbon.

After that, it was nothing
but cars for me.

So, you'll help me
with the project?

You bet I will.

(making engine noises)

Okay, here's my idea.

I call it the "Crossvette."

I gave it a pointy shape

because I thought that would
make it go faster.

Oh, and it also has velvet
massaging seats, a sunroof

and eight vanilla latte

Not bad at all.

But maybe we should get some
more ideas in the hopper

before we settle on a design.

These, my dear, are some
of the finest cars ever made.

This is Royceley Mark VI.

And this one is
the ' Exton Benton.

Talk about style.


But I think this might be
the perfect car for you.

The ' muscle car.

Powerful, confident--

it's got "Derby Winner"
written all over it.

Well, if you think it'll win...


I like it.

But it might be hard to draw.

Could you help me?

With pleasure.

Let's see, we'll need
some graph paper,

technical pens,

a ruler, a compass,

a protractor, t-squares,

I knew Buster would come up
with something crazy.

Ooh, I like it.

But can you actually
build that?

We have to build these?


Let's see yours, Muffy.



It's called the Crossvette.

How did you draw this?

With a pen.

And ink.


my dad might've
helped me a little.

But it's still my idea.

And it's still going to win.

See, you shape
the wood like that.

Now you have a go, sweetheart.

Just be careful.

You want it rounded,
no sharp angles.

Oh, not quite so deep
in the center...

Watch that corner...

Am I doing it all wrong?

No, no, it just takes
a little practice.

Here, let me show you again.

There are more grades
of sandpaper after this.

This baby's gonna be
smooth as silk.


My hand's getting tired.

I'll take over.

What should I do?

Why don't you watch
my technique for a bit.

You can give me a break later.

You know, this is the exact
same technique you'll use

when you apply a high-end
polymer buff coating

to your first real car.

All done.

Oh, okay.

So what's next?

If we want this car to win,

the weight has to be
just right.

See, now it's too light.

Now it's too heavy.

Now it's too light.

Would it be okay if I went
to check my email?

Sure thing.

Too heavy...

Too light...


Too light...

Check it out.

I like it.

It's so you.

It's not finished yet.

How's the Crossvette coming?


We're almost done.

Not that I've done very much.

A-ha, I knew it.

You're getting your dad to do
the whole project for you.

I could tell
by the drawing.

That's not true.

He's just...

Actually, it is true.

But I don't want him
to do it for me.

I want it to be my car.

So? Just tell him.

It's your assignment.

You're right.

I will.

Thank you, Francine.

Oh, by the way,
that flat windshield

will produce drag
and slow you down.

You'll never win.

I'll just say,

"Daddy, you've done a great job
on this project,

but we have to let you go."

Oh, no, too harsh...

Muffin, come here!

You gotta see this!


I built this course to see what
sort of times you were getting.

This baby's getting
faster and faster.


Half a second off.



you don't want my help anymore?

It's just that Mr. Ratburn said

we have to do
most of the work ourselves,

and I kinda want to.

Okay, I understand.

Hi, I'm interested
in buying a car.



Just take any one you want.

Take 'em all.

I'm not interested
in selling cars anymore.

I'm not even interested
in driving them.

(bell ringing)

Hey kid, wanna trade?

(bell ringing)


What do you think?

What do you think?


it's great, Daddy.

I've got some other
homework to do.

Well, it's done.

Want to come see it?

Can I see it in the morning?


I'm sleepy.

I added those cup holders
you wanted.

Couldn't find any velvet
for the seats, though.

That's okay.

I'm sure it looks amazing.

Thanks for all your help, Daddy.

I should thank you.

It was the most fun
I'd had in years.

Oh, I left the paint out.

I thought we could
put another coat on

right before the race tomorrow.

I'll do it first thing
in the morning.


Goodnight, Princess.

Yep, it's perfect.




(hammers banging)

Oh, hi, Daddy,
I was just, uh...

You made another car?

But this one has been tested
for speed and durability.

It's a guaranteed winner.

I know.

But it's your car,
not mine.

Well, Muffin,
that's not exactly true.

All I did was carve it
and sand it

and paint it...


I guess you're right.

I did sorta elbow my way in.

But what do you think
of this one?

Look, I even added
the Crosswire Motors logo.

It's terrific.

I'm really proud
of you, Muffin.

All right, class.

Are you ready to race?


That doesn't look anything
like the drawing.

I made a few minor

We'll race three at a time,

and then race the winners
against each other

until we have a champion.

Round one will be Barnes,
Baxter, Crosswire.

Ready, set, go!


Muffy is the winner
of round one.

Next up...

We are now ready
for our grand finale.

Our three finalists are

Lundgren, Frensky,
and Crosswire.

Good luck, Francine.

You too.



Attaboy, George!

Congratulations, George.

You are the first
Lakewood Derby Champion.

(horn blowing)

Nice job.

I guess you Crosswires really
do have cars in your blood.

And it was neck and neck,

but then George won
by this teeny-weeny bit.

But I still got
a second place ribbon.

I bet if we had used your car,
we would've won.

Guess I'll just have to enter it
in my own race someday.

In the meantime, why don't we go
for a spin in a real car?


(rock music playing)

(engine roaring)

♪ ♪

To watch more Arthur

and play games with all
the Elwood City friends,


You can find Arthur books,
and lots of other books, too,

at your local library.