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15x10 - Grandpa Dave's Memory Album/Buster's Carpool Catastrophe

Posted: 07/01/22 08:12
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.



(loud thud)

(loud thud)

(letters shattering)


Wouldn't it be great
if you had a butler?

Someone who would bring you
breakfast in bed.


Hold your horses!

Toast, cereal and eggs.

There wasn't any milk, so I put
juice in your cereal.

Are these hard-boiled eggs?

Of course not.

You know I can't cook.

Okay, breakfast is over.

I laid your clothes out for you.

I'm not wearing that!

You have to.

I put all your other clothes
in the laundry.

Hurry up.
You're going to be late.

The car leaves in seconds.

This isn't a car.

What did you expect?

I can't drive.

Boy, are you heavy!

That's it-- no more
eggs for breakfast.

I changed my mind.

I don't want a butler.

You're fired.

What I really want is Bailey.

Hey! What about my
retirement package?

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

It would be oh-so-perfect
if I could have, say...

oh, maybe
a chocolate-orange crepe.

I said,
Oh, what a beautiful morning!


It would be oh-so-perfect
if I could have...

Daddy! Daddy!

Where's Bailey?

What do you mean,
where's Bailey?

He's gone!

He didn't bring me breakfast
and he's not in his room and...

What? You mean he just left?

Well, that is the last time
I trust someone

who's done perfect work
for ten straight years.

So you don't know where he went?

Beats me, Muffin.

But don't you worry,
Daddy will find some way

to make it all better.

How could Bailey do that?

Just leave me
without saying anything.

Maybe he got a better job.

Better job?!

It's not a "job."

Bailey's my friend.

(kids giggle)

He is!

He knows just what I want
whenever I want it.

Do you do the same
for him?

Well, I would.

But he never asks.


You don't understand,

If Bailey were still around,
he'd explain it to you.

But he's not.

Yeah. You're right.

I guess I'm... never
going to see him again.


Have you thought
about hiring

a private detective?

So... this is the
butler's room, eh?

Bailey's room, yes.

He left all his stuff behind.

Very suspicious.

I guess he was in
a hurry to leave.


Do you think he was
running away from me?


Do you think he hates me?

Slow down, little girl.

Let's first examine the clues.



Yes... yes.



"Aha" what?

I think you're going to need

to sit down for this,
Miss Crosswire.

All right.
Picture this.

The butler finishes work
last night

and comes back to his room.


Greetings, sir.

To what do I owe the pleasure
of your company?

Sorry to bother you, sir,
but my work here is done.

Elwood City is now quite
ready for takeover.

Excellent, sir.

Soon all of Earth will be primed
for invasion.

I am elated, sir.

To think Earthlings
have not an inkling

that "butlers" are actually
agents from the Planet Corpulax.

It's most amusing.

(chuckling evilly)

Yes, sir.

Excellent joke, sir.

(chuckles politely)

You flatter me, sir.

Proceed to the next
population center.

It's an open-and-shut case.

You'll be sorry when
the invasion starts!

(door slams)

Oh, Bailey...


It's a receipt.


Is that...?

Why, yes, that's a picture
of me in high school.

How on earth did you get it?

My friend Bailey
had it on his wall.

I thought you might
know where he's gone.

Do you remember him?

Hmm, "Bailey."

Is that his first name
or last name?

Um, I'm not sure.

Which one is he?

I don't know that either.

He's bald now.

All right, well,
what's he like?

Maybe that will help me
place him.

He's a butler.

Yes, but what sort of things
does he like to do?

He likes to...

Wear tuxedos?

Um... and do things for me.


Yeah. That.

High school was
a long time ago.

Unless you can tell me
more about him than that,

there's not much
I can do to help you.

I'll tell you this much.

He probably likes music.

How do you know that?

That's a picture
of the high school band.

"Sam's Instruments."

Looks like he bought
a jazz trumpet.

Is he a musician?

No, he's a butler.

Well, does he have a friend
who's a musician?

I don't know.

What kind of music did he like?

I don't know.

Sorry, ma'am.

Without any information,
I can't really help you.

I'm never going to find
Bailey again!

All those years and
I never even asked

a single question about him.

No wonder he ran away.

I can tell you this:
If he liked the trumpet,

he might be planning
to check out

Bill Abbey's show
this weekend.

Bill Abbey?

One of the greats!

He's playing with his old trio

over at The Bebop Club
this Friday.

Bill Abbey.

Why do I know that name?

"Meet the Bill Abbey Trio"...

"Bill Abbey in a Blue Mood"...

"Bill Abbey with Strings"...

"Boppin' with Bill."

(crowd chatting excitedly)

Hurry, Daddy.

I'm sure Bailey's
here somewhere.

Okay, sweetums,
I'm sure we'll find him.

Bailey, are you here?


Now, listen, young man,
this is my daughter

and there's a man in there
who has caused her

a great deal of distress, so...

Sorry, no one
under admitted.

Rules are rules.

Yes, yes, that's all
very well and good, but...


"This weekend only--

Bill Abbey's first public
appearance in ten years."

Daddy, Daddy!

I think I've
found Bailey!

Not now, sweetums,
I'm trying to help you.

If we (clears his throat)
overlook these "rules,"

you could be driving
an almost-new,

three-door Emu tomorrow!

(jazz begins playing)

(in a loud whisper):
Bailey! Psst!

Bailey, is that you?

It's me, Muffy!


Bailey, it's me, Muffy!

I'm so sorry if I ever treated
you badly.

I'm sorry I never asked anything
about you.

I'm not saying you have to come
back or anything.

I just want you to know that I
really, really liked you

and I really hope
you're happy and...

I'm sorry, little girl,
did you want something?

Oh. Sorry.

I thought you were someone else.

I tell you, sweetums,
any butler that would run out

on a sweet little girl like you
is not worth the effort.

There's plenty of other butlers
out there

who'd be pleased as punch
to wait on you hand and foot.

In fact, I'm going to call
the agency right now

and have them send over
some applicants

(sighs deeply)

(sighs deeply)
first thing in the morning.

first thing in the morning.

Come Friday, you won't even
remember Bailey existed.

Daddy, that's okay.

I don't want another butler.


Good evening, Miss Muffy.

Have you seen an old picture
I used to have

on the wall
over... (grunts) there?

Don't worry, Miss Muffy.

I'll come over and tuck
you in in just a minute.


You stay right here.

I'll go get the picture for you.


Wait a minute.

I'm supposed to be
angry with you.

Now see here.

What kind
of a butler are you,

running out on my little girl
like that?!

I beg your pardon, sir,
but I was on vacation!


Yes, sir.

You agreed to my taking a week
off only last month.

Oh. That's right.

I did.


I-I'm so busy, you know,
I must have, uh... forgot.

Well, keep up the good work!

So you don't hate me?

Hate you?

Whatever made you think that,
Miss Muffy?

Oh, nothing.

Just stay right there.

So how long have you liked jazz?

Oh, since I was your age and
I played in the school band.

I've even decided
to start playing again.

The trumpet?

Why, yes.

How did you know?

Just a lucky guess.

Would you play
something for me?

I'm not very good.

Somehow I doubt that.

The Bailey I know
is good at everything.

(playing ragged tones
on trumpet)


Who doesn't love getting
a trophy?

Wouldn't it be great if you
could win one every day?



You've won The Wakey-Wakey,

the daily award
given for waking up.

Uh... thanks.


You've won a Toothy!

The lifetime achievement award
for outstanding dental hygiene.


I'd like to thank
my dentist, and...


A Granny!

For best song composed
in a bathroom,

overheard by your grandmother.

But... but I didn't
compose a song.


That scream was very melodic.

Here's your
Top Hat Trophy!

For having a head of suitable
circumference for hat wearing.


The Nosebel Award for breathing.

A Linty for gathering dust.

The Congressional
Medal of Mammals!

The Marc Brown Certificate
of Existence!

(Pal barks)

"The Arthur"!finally...

For just being you.


Every year I like to give out
an award to that one student

who has demonstrated
the most improvement.

This year's "Thinky"
goes to... George!

What? Me?


Nice one, George!


Congratulations, George!

Although, to be honest,

I thought you
should have won, Fern.

Really? Why?

Because you've improved
so much this year.

Your skin is better,
your posture is better.

You almost look pretty.

Thanks, Muffy.

I don't really care
about winning trophies.


Of course you do.

Everyone does.

Not me.

I mean, don't get me wrong,

it's nice to know
that people appreciate you.

But it's just a piece of metal.

No, it isn't.

It's a piece of metal
covered with gold.

I have trophies.


Where do you keep them all?

The Trophy Room.

Maybe I should make
a trophy room, too.

Why don't you start
with a trophy shelf.

Well, I don't have
any trophies.

You can use one of my shelves
if you run out of space, George.

See ya!

Poor Fern.

She's so sad.


She didn't seem sad to me.

That's because she's hiding it.

Look at her,

trying to hold
her head up high,

despite her
terrible posture.

It's enough to break your heart.

We've got to help her.

Meet me at my place
after school.

And then Fern said...

I... I don't have any trophies!

Why don't you just put
your trophies in my room.

I'm worthless.

And then she said...

See ya!

And then ran out of the room.

So I called out...

Fern! I can help you!

You're not alone!

Poor Fern!

She didn't say, "I'm worthless."

Maybe not in words, George.

But trust me, it was there.

"Best Hairstyle
for a Preschooler"?

This is a joke, right?

It is not!

I won it at
the Golf Club Beauty Pageant.

Mitsy Wedgewood was devastated.

Anyway, this isn't about me.

It's about my helping Fern.

We have to think of something
to give her.

How about a baked ham?

That would cheer me up.

I was thinking of a trophy--

something big and
beautiful and gold.

We could paint the ham.

It doesn't really matter
what the trophy looks like.

It's what it's for
that's important.

George is right.

It has to be for something
that's special about Fern.

She has really nice socks.

It was the toughest case

Chief Inspector Annabelle
Fauteuil had ever had.

The Sapphire of Maharajapur
had been stolen.

The only evidence Fauteuil
had found was a white glove

with a "D" on it--
the calling card

of that master jewel thief,
The Grey Dove!

The guard had sworn that no one
had entered or left the room

since the museum had closed.

If ye be lyin', I'll chib
yer napper, ya scooby numpty!

And the windows showed
no sign of foul play.

So how had the Grey Dove
made off with the sapphire?

Concentrate, Fauteuil!


(horn tooting)

"Fern, for having
the most colorful,

"fashion-forward footwear,
we hereby present you with...

The Socky!"


Why are you giving me this?

You said you didn't
have any trophies.

So now you have one.

Don't you feel better?

I donated the sock.

That's, um, sweet of you, guys.

But really, I don't
need a trophy.

Of course you don't.

But admit it, you want one.

No, I don't.

Anyway, awards should be
for things you do.

Like your Thinky, George,
which you really earned.

My mom buys my socks.

Why don't you give it to her?

Excuse me.

She really
doesn't seem sad to me.

Annoyed, maybe.

She's just a good actress.

I feel your pain, Fern!

Hey, I have
nice socks, too.

My first Socky!

How about this one?

"What does the 'e.e.'
in e.e. cummings stand for?"

That's perfect.

Only Fern would know that.

She's coming!

Hey, guys!

So this is the new game
you were telling me about?


It's called "Poet Tree."

Get it?

I knew you'd want to play.

You take turns answering
poetry questions.

First poet to the top wins.

Want to be Emily Dickinson?

Can I be T.S. Eliot?

Oh, I invited Binky.

He loves poetry,
too, remember?

Um... okay.

If Eliot's taken, I'll settle
for Yeats or Pound.

But I'd prefer to be
a modernist.

"What does the 'e.e.'
in e.e. cummings stand for?"

Is it... Ernest Estlin?

It's Edward Estlin.


I win!

This was supposed
to be for you.


I knew you were up to something.

How many times do I have
to tell you?

I don't want
your silly trophies.

Okay, now, that was
definitely anger.

Oh, what's the matter
with her, anyway?

What's the matter with you?

Why do you care if she gets
a trophy or not?

I just want her to admit
that she wants one, that's all.


So I guess this trophy's
all for me.

"For excellence
in Poet Tree!"


All of my words are
coming out rhyming.

After spending an hour
on this PoetTree climbing.


Chief Inspector Fauteuil
had been over every centimeter

of the room.

But she was still no closer
to solving the mystery.

A guarded room with only one way
in and one way out.

How is it possible?

Lutfisk, mum?


Mon ami, this time the great
detective Annabelle Fauteuil

is truly, how you say, blocked.

And so is the writer.

(doorbell rings)

Not again.

Okay, Muffy, you win.

I accept the silly trophy.

Happy now?


And you know what?

You really deserve this one.

"To the Meanest Friend Ever."


I'm not mean.

She's the one who keeps
pestering me.

Quit staring at me.

That's it!

"Suddenly, everything became
clear to Inspector Fauteuil."

(knock at door)

Hey, Muffy, Bailey said
you were in here.

What is this room?

The Trophy Room.

Or as you would
probably call it,

the meaningless-hunks-of-metal

I never said trophies were
meaningless hunks of metal.

Maybe not.

But that's what you think.

Anyway, you're kind of right.

Some of these are silly.

Like this one:
"World's Best Daughter."

It doesn't really mean anything.

That's not true.

It means something to you.

That's what's important.

There might not be such a thing
as the "World's Best Daughter."

But... I bet you
deserved this anyway.


It's a copy of the story
I've been working on.

You'll like the dedication.

"To my dear friend Muffy,
who is always inspiring.

(Even when she doesn't
realize it.)"

Hah! It's so true.

The director of the museum
was frantic.

She pestered me endlessly.

That sapphire is
our star attraction.

Ticket sales
will be down by %!

I'll have to take a pay cut.

Fear not, Madame Director.

Your precious jewel, it is safe.

In fact, it has never
left this room.



Fauteuil explained how The Grey
Dove had stolen the sapphire

just before the museum
had closed

and then hid
in the sarcophagus.

His plan was to emerge later
when the museum was open

and escape.

Great work, Fauteuil!

For recovering the sapphire,

the Museum
presents you with this.

No, no, Madame.

For Fauteuil, solving the crime
is the trophy.

Not me--

I'll take it!

You must admit it was an
exceptionally wicked plan.

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪
♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪
♪ Place to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪

♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪
