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15x09 - The Butler Did... What?/The Trouble with Trophies

Posted: 07/01/22 08:11
by bunniefuu
♪ Every day, when you're
walking down the street ♪

♪ Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view ♪


♪ And I say, hey ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we could learn
to work and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪

♪ You got to listen to
your heart, listen to the beat ♪

♪ Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪

♪ Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪

♪ Get together and make things
better by working together ♪

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪


Hey, D.W.!



(loud thud)

(letters shattering)

Have you ever thought
about how much it takes

to make something amazing
like this...

from this tiny seed?

How much time and care
you have to...


Oh, yeah. Sorry.

How much time and care you have
to give to it?

Planting and watering and...


I thought you said you wanted
to direct this scene.

I do.

Then keep the camera on me.

Okay, okay, just let me
finish this one game.


Where was I?

Oh, yeah--

how much time and care
you have to give to it.

Planting and watering and...

I won! I won!



You just knocked
the camera over.

I knew I shouldn't
have let you do this.


It's just I've never won
this game before.

(ice cream truck music playing)

Ice cream!

Sorry about that.

Our director seems to be
a little distracted today.

Let's just start the show.

(lion roaring)

Reporting for duty, sir!

What happened?

At ease, Baxter.

And hand me
that towel.

You said you wanted to see me
"on the double"?

That's right, son.

It's an emergency.

And you're the only one I know
who's up to the task.

Yes, sir!

I mean... I am?

Fritz wants me to take care
of the community garden.

I thought you were
taking care of it.

Yeah, ever since Fritz went
into the retirement home.

I was just helping
to take care of it.

Fritz was still in charge.

So, why can't he continue
to do it?

He broke his ankle,

and there's no one else
who likes to garden,

so now I'll be in charge.



In charge?

Of the whole garden?

Why not?

I've learned lots
about gardening

since I started helping out.

I'll just have a little
more responsibili... ty.

Oh, yeah.



(ice cream truck music playing)

Ice cream!


(eating noisily)

(weed giggling)

Okay, weeds...

here I come.





I'm sorry!

It was just one ice pop.

It was six ice pops!

Okay, okay, six.

But I ate them really fast.

Fritz would've never
let this happen!

Yeah, he was




Fritz, you can't put me
in charge of the garden.

I'll just mess it all up!

No, too frantic.

Fritz, it's a great honor,

and I'm really grateful, but...

Hi, Mr. Sloan.

Morning, Buster.

But I'm just not
responsible enough.

You should get someone who...

(loud buzzing)


(Buster panting)

What are you doing?

Getting rid of these
awful plants.

Awful plants?

But those are zucchini.

It was okay when Fritz was
taking care of this place,

but now it'll just
become an eyesore.

Some folks in the
neighborhood and I

thought it would
look better

if we just paved it over
with concrete.

You want to turn
the garden into that?

I suppose we could paint it
green if you like.

How did you get
him to stop?

I called Fritz and he convinced
Mr. Sloan to give me a chance.

So now you're really in charge?


The garden can stay as long
as I keep it in good shape.


I know.

It'll be a lot of work,
but I have to at least try.

So you'll come to
baseball practice

when you're done, right?


When's he coming?

He knows there's not enough
of us for a game without him.

He said he was coming after
he finished in the garden.

Just like Buster.

So irresponsible.

I give him a week.

Two days.


(clears throat)



I'll be back
in a bit.

I've got some weeding to do.

(camera shutter clicking)

I give him a month.

Yeah, a month,

If he makes it all
the way to summer,

I'll eat my pink
taffeta party dress.

(birds chirping)


Dead leaf!

Oh, honey, that garden is
looking so terrific now.

I'm so proud of you.

Thanks, Mom.

So, tonight, could you just
pull out the clothes

you want to take
on vacation?


What? Vacation?

We're going camping,

Oh, yeah. Right.

What's wrong?

You love camping.

Yeah, but... what about
the garden?

Well, someone can certainly
water it for two weeks,

don't you think?

You want us to water it?

Every single day?

We don't even live there.

I know, but I have no one else
to turn to.


I promise I'll return the favor.

Like by showing up
for a game once in a while?

Yeah, and being responsible
to your friends?

Come on, guys,
give him a break.

Of course we'll do it.


if you promise to come to the
next game after you get back.

Yeah, just don't let us down.

Aw. Thanks, guys!

Well, I'll be.

It was only two weeks!

I did water it.

So did I.

I never renege
on a promise.

Then why are all
the plants dead?

Okay, so, maybe I didn't water
it every single day.

Yeah, I had a conflict

last week so I asked Muffy
and she said she'd water it

for me Tuesday.

Yeah, so I asked Arthur
to do it and he said okay.

I thought that was Wednesday.

No, you called and asked me to
do it on Wednesday, remember?

I thought you went
to Animal World

with your cousins
on Wednesday.

Well, yeah, but I thought
if we missed one day of watering

it wouldn't be
that big a deal.


Did any of you water it, ever?

Buster, have you done
your homework yet?

Well, you know the rules
about video games.

Homework first.

I don't understand.

You were so good about
doing your homework

when you were taking care
of the garden, but now...

What's the point?

The point?

I'm irresponsible.

No, you're not.

Look what you did
for that garden.

Yeah. And look at it now.

That wasn't
your fault.

Yes, it was.

Fritz put me in charge
of the garden

and my friends didn't water it,

so I'm the one
who's irresponsible.

I always have been
and I always will be.

Whoo, I won.

(loud buzzing)

That must be Mr. Sloan
mowing it all down now.


I can't take it

Stop! Don't touch those plants!

Please! Give me another chance!

I promise, I'll...

Mr. Read?

Hey, Buster!


You guys!

What are
you doing?

We're just taking out
the dead stuff

so we can start replanting.

We realized if
you could change

and become responsible for
something, then we should, too.

Private Baxter:

Just writing a note to find out
how the garden's doing.

I've been out of town
with my family this month,

but figured you were
responsible enough

to keep that garden
in shape without me.

Was I right?

Yep, you were right, Fritz.

You were right.

(clears throat)


One Berryopolis

with coconut snow.

Mmm, thanks.

Buster, are you sad?

Me? No.

Why do you look so shocked?

I'm not shocked.

Why would you think that?

You know, it's okay

to be sad, Buster.

I'm not sad.

Hey, Binky,

how's it...

Did you get a haircut?


Well, there's something
different about you.

You look strangely mature.


(slurping and gobbling)

Have you ever noticed

how something different
in the way someone looks

can change how you think
about them?

Binky, you're going to have
to clean that up.

Someone could slip on it.

I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning!

Just don't stomp on me.

Stomp on you?

I wouldn't hurt a fly.

How about five dollars?

Would that cheer you up?

I told you,
I'm not sad.

Sometimes people are just
so hung up on appearances.

Just tell me
what it is, Buster.

Muffy is listening.


(Pal barks)

(Arthur yawns)

Okay, Pal, I'm getting up.

(Pal whimpers)


That's weird.

Where did my glasses go?

Since when do you eat

Dad's Puffy Oatey Fiber Flakes
With Extra Fiber?


That explains why
they taste like sawdust.

You look different.

Did your head get smaller?

I can't find my glasses.


Arthur lost his glasses.

I didn't lose them.

I just can't find them.

I'm sure they'll turn up.


We'll organize a search
party after breakfast.

(pig squeals)

Nope. Wrong glasses.

. , . , and .

Is this really necessary?

If the child talks, my
measurements will be off.

I need absolute silence.

Just let Helmut take
his measurements, dear.


Your head is the same size
as an immature honeydew melon.

These are the correct glasses
for your face.

The lenses are so small!

I can barely see a thing.


But you look fabulous.

I wish they just had
my old glasses.

Sometimes it's good
to try something new.

I think those look very, uh...

Is this the right price?

They're made of Helmutite,
an alloy of my own creation.

They can withstand the weight
of a pygmy hippo.

What about those?

Well? Do you like them?

Um... I think so.

They're subtle, unassuming,

yet they reveal
great inner strength.

Artaud, those glasses
are you.

My name's Arthur.

I'll throw in this musical case.

(disco music plays)


You look like a toaster.

I think he looks
very intellectual.

What does
that mean?

It means
I look smart.

Okay, you're a smart toaster.

Kate likes them.

Don't you, Kate?

(Kate crying)

I hope this isn't the reaction
I get at school.

(kids laughing)

Arthur Read,
school is not a joke!

Now take those glasses off
this instant!


I can't!

They're stuck!

If you insist
on clowning around,

I'll just have to put you
in a more suitable class.

(circus music playing)

Since Artaud
is our newest clown,

he has to get Fifi to jump
through the hoop.

My name is Arthur,

and I'm not a clown.



(alarm clock beeping)

(Arthur gasps)

Another populous country
in Asia is Korea.

Arthur, would you point
out Seoul on the map?

Is it here?

No, that's somewhere
in orbit.

Arthur, why aren't you
wearing your glasses?


I, uh, guess I forgot.


It's okay,
you can all laugh.

I know they look ridiculous.

I don't think
they look ridiculous.

They're very chic.

Distinguished, even.

Yeah, well, I think they make
you look like a... a...

Aw, I can't come up
with anything.

And then the squid

wrapped its tentacles
around the ship and...

Is there something out there?

No, just
an interesting... squirrel.


Well, anyway,
the only one who survived

was this cabin boy who...

Are you listening to me?

I'm telling you
about an episode

of Amazing Aquatic

(clears his throat)

I am, I am!

Hey, Arthur.

Just wanted to say,
I really like your glasses.

Oh. Thanks.

It sure beats
bumping into things.


You know, I never realized
how funny you are.

Can I join you?

Um, sure.

We weren't doing anything.

Arthur, I need
your advice.

Daddy's taking me
to the opera tonight.

Which one do you think
I should wear?

Why are you asking him?

Because Arthur obviously has
a very keen sense of fashion.

Just look at those glasses!

So? Retro chic
or sleek and sassy?

Um, well,

I always say,
"What's old is new."

You're so right.

The stripes are
much better.

You don't say that.

I just said it.

Great choice, Muffy.

You can go,

"You go, girl!"

There's no "can"
in it.

Hop in.

I'll drive you home.

(engine starts up)

Hey, Brain,

what's the "scoop"?


The scoop is
I'm getting creamed.

I'm down by two pieces
and he has my queen pinned.

Any advice?

Well, I always say,
"The best defense
is good offense."

When have you ever
said that before?


You may have a point.


Forced mate in .



I didn't even know
you played chess.

He doesn't.

He plays checkers, and
I win half the time.

Help yourself
to a Brainfrost.


What about me?

Don't I get a Brainfrost?


I can only give out
one free one a day.

(growls to himself)

(rings doorbell)

Arthur's with
a patient right now.

Come back later.

A patient?

Sometimes I just feel
like people think I'm weird.

Well, George, I always say,
"It takes one to know one."

You mean, if they think
I'm weird,

then it's because they're weird?


I'm afraid our time is up.

You're in good hands.

He's an amazing therapist.

You're not a therapist!

You're just a kid
with fancy glasses.

Can we talk about this later?

I have to go to Sue Ellen's
and give her a drawing lesson.

But she's a much
better artist than you.

Well, I always say, "Teaching is
a great way to learn."

You have never said that
in your entire life.

(disco music playing)

Hey, Ramon, love the shirt!

Lookin' sharp, Grandma Tibble.

Mr. Manino, keep it real!

What, these?

Yeah, they're new.

But I always say, "It's not what
you wear, it's how you wear it."

Heh-heh. Yeah!


(loud crack)


Yo, whassup?

Jenna, you working hard
or hardly working?

Binkster, ready
for that quiz?

G-Man, need to talk?

'Cause the doctor is
in, buddy.

What happened
to your glasses?

Oh. I, uh, dropped them.

But that's all right,
'cause I always say...

"If you can't
beat 'em, join 'em!"

Buster, why are you
wearing those?

These are my new glasses.

Guess you're not the only
kid with a new look.

Well, it's a terrible look.

You should take
them off right now.

I don't know.

I think they're
kind of original.

But... they're not
even glasses.

They're ski goggles.

At least they're in one piece.

I think someone's
a little jealous,

'cause they're no longer the
only player in the frame-game.

But watch out!

(metallic thud)

Are you okay?

(both gasp)

Now they both
look ridiculous.

Oh, by the way,

the black-and-white dress
was a disaster.

(bicycle bell rings)

I promise never to let
a pair of glasses

change my personality.

Oh, and never to start
a sentence

"Well, I always say..." again.

I promise never
to wear ski goggles.

Unless I'm skiing.

What should we do now?

Now you have to
help me get home.

I can't see a thing.

And now...

The idea for Pal came

when we wanted to get
a pet at our house,

and I invented a pet
that Arthur could have.

I start with this oval shape,
and then I give him eyes

and a little triangle
for his nose,

and Pal's a pretty happy dog,
so we'll make him smiling.

Then we'll add his ears.

Now we'll give him his collar,
and he's off for an adventure.

♪ It's a simple message,
and it comes from the heart ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ For that's the place
to start ♪

♪ Place to start ♪

♪ And I say, hey ♪



♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪

♪ If we can learn to work
and play ♪

♪ And get along
with each other ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪


♪ What a wonderful kind
of day ♪
